Swara shocks to listen her that how could any girl say this thing so easily.
Shanaya comes to her and sits with her:" We could tell you lie but we didn't because it's important to know this
fact dear! But the concourse is that he's all yours and it was all his past"
Sanskar looks her with heated eyes, her attire and her beauty are making him crazy but he controls himself and
Swara looks her with hatred and says in harsh voice:" I'm not concern with him either he makes relationship with
anyone or not... I just hate him and this is only conclusion for me"
Shanaya stares her but says nothing.
After dinner she gives her medicines and says in calm voice:" You're right on your place Swara! But will be soon
you would realize that how precious and pure person you've!"
"I don't need him, you can keep him" she says in harsh voice.
Shanaya stands up from her place:" You take rest here and Sanskar would pick you at the end of party"
She nods but couldn't control her tongue to say:" Go and spend quality time with my husband"
Shanaya sighs and leaves while she is thinking about the strange feelings for him as well as their illegitimate
relationship and the worst party.
She falls asleep, she didn't realise and after some time, Someone wakes her up. She opens her eyes, it was Laksh.
Laksh:" Party is over now, lets go Bhabhi..."
She nods and silently sits on front seat of car of Sanskar.
He commonly closes the window but she opens it and let the wind to play with long hairs.
The night, sweet breeze and long drive are freshen up her mood until they reached home.
After reaching the home, Sanskar changes her clothes and she is removing her jewellery when he comes out from
dressing room.
That time her dupata is on her chest and her hairs are scattered on her waist, her mesmerizing beauty is attracting
She looks him and says nothing, he looks her and the heat of his eyes are increasing in every moment.
She puzzled from his deep gaze and starts her activity again.
He comes to her, holds her wrist and stands up. He's looking into her eyes and she downs her eyelashes to feel his
gaze in them. He tugs her lock and holds her in his arms.
Swara reminisces their first night and steps back, while Sanskar tighten his grip:" Don't test my patience Swara..."
He slowly puts his lips on her and she can easily feels harshness in his touch.
After few minutes, he slowly leaves her and says:" Your cloth is becoming barrier between us, go and get change...
I wanna feel you completely" his voice is soft but intense.
Swara tensely nods and goes dressing room for changing. When she comes out from room, he was waiting for her.
As she enters in room, he offs the light and holds her. She is fearing in her heart but doesn't show it.
This time she doesn't show any restrictions to him, just stays silent and emotionless. She lets him do whatever he
wanna do with her.
Sanskar holds her and kisses on her every inch of body, his love is intense, deep, passionate but harsh and painful.
Specially for Swara because no one ever beat her and his love is just disgusting for her.
When the first ray of sun comes in the room, he leaves her and falls in sleep and she looks him with hatred that
how could he sleep so easily to vanished her sleep. But before falling in sleep, he hugs her and says:" Don't leave
the hug, until I'll awake" Every inch of her body is paining but she doesn't cry just stay emotionless until sleep
overcomes her.
She doesn't know how much time passed but she was in deep sleep when she heard the voice of knocking. Before
she goes to open the door, Sanskar awakes and holds the intercom:" Lavanya! Whoever at door, tell him or her
don't disturb us until we would come out"
Lavanya says something and he keeps intercom. Sanskar sees her awakening and hugs her again tight.
Swara looks time and thinks that why didn't he leave yet?
"it's your office time Sanskar.."
"aren't you enjoying company of your husband Swara?"
Swara nods in no and prays that now he moves to office.
He smiles:" I don't care, you're enjoying or not but I'm enjoying." He removes her hair from her face and whispers
in her ears:" You're so beautiful Swara" his voice is soft and mesmerizing but this spell isn't effecting on her
because she's the victim of his harshness.
He again holds her and she curses that person who knocked the door to make him awake.
He's conquering her and she's cursing him in his heart and the food which he eats.
After few hours, the intercom rings and he jerks to listen the ring.
He calmly attends it and listens something and disconnects.
:"you're lucky Swara! Your sis come to save you, go downstairs, she's waiting for you and closes the door before
going" he hides his face in the pillow and orders her.
When he doesn't feel that she leaves, he looks to her and asks:" What happened now?"
Swara says in low voice:" I can't move Sanskar.."
Sanskar doesn't understand what's she said :" Huh?"
Swara:" I can't move Sanskar" this time she screams.
Sanskar jumps from his place to listen it.
Shanaya comes to her and sits with her:" We could tell you lie but we didn't because it's important to know this
fact dear! But the concourse is that he's all yours and it was all his past"
Sanskar looks her with heated eyes, her attire and her beauty are making him crazy but he controls himself and
Swara looks her with hatred and says in harsh voice:" I'm not concern with him either he makes relationship with
anyone or not... I just hate him and this is only conclusion for me"
Shanaya stares her but says nothing.
After dinner she gives her medicines and says in calm voice:" You're right on your place Swara! But will be soon
you would realize that how precious and pure person you've!"
"I don't need him, you can keep him" she says in harsh voice.
Shanaya stands up from her place:" You take rest here and Sanskar would pick you at the end of party"
She nods but couldn't control her tongue to say:" Go and spend quality time with my husband"
Shanaya sighs and leaves while she is thinking about the strange feelings for him as well as their illegitimate
relationship and the worst party.
She falls asleep, she didn't realise and after some time, Someone wakes her up. She opens her eyes, it was Laksh.
Laksh:" Party is over now, lets go Bhabhi..."
She nods and silently sits on front seat of car of Sanskar.
He commonly closes the window but she opens it and let the wind to play with long hairs.
The night, sweet breeze and long drive are freshen up her mood until they reached home.
After reaching the home, Sanskar changes her clothes and she is removing her jewellery when he comes out from
dressing room.
That time her dupata is on her chest and her hairs are scattered on her waist, her mesmerizing beauty is attracting
She looks him and says nothing, he looks her and the heat of his eyes are increasing in every moment.
She puzzled from his deep gaze and starts her activity again.
He comes to her, holds her wrist and stands up. He's looking into her eyes and she downs her eyelashes to feel his
gaze in them. He tugs her lock and holds her in his arms.
Swara reminisces their first night and steps back, while Sanskar tighten his grip:" Don't test my patience Swara..."
He slowly puts his lips on her and she can easily feels harshness in his touch.
After few minutes, he slowly leaves her and says:" Your cloth is becoming barrier between us, go and get change...
I wanna feel you completely" his voice is soft but intense.
Swara tensely nods and goes dressing room for changing. When she comes out from room, he was waiting for her.
As she enters in room, he offs the light and holds her. She is fearing in her heart but doesn't show it.
This time she doesn't show any restrictions to him, just stays silent and emotionless. She lets him do whatever he
wanna do with her.
Sanskar holds her and kisses on her every inch of body, his love is intense, deep, passionate but harsh and painful.
Specially for Swara because no one ever beat her and his love is just disgusting for her.
When the first ray of sun comes in the room, he leaves her and falls in sleep and she looks him with hatred that
how could he sleep so easily to vanished her sleep. But before falling in sleep, he hugs her and says:" Don't leave
the hug, until I'll awake" Every inch of her body is paining but she doesn't cry just stay emotionless until sleep
overcomes her.
She doesn't know how much time passed but she was in deep sleep when she heard the voice of knocking. Before
she goes to open the door, Sanskar awakes and holds the intercom:" Lavanya! Whoever at door, tell him or her
don't disturb us until we would come out"
Lavanya says something and he keeps intercom. Sanskar sees her awakening and hugs her again tight.
Swara looks time and thinks that why didn't he leave yet?
"it's your office time Sanskar.."
"aren't you enjoying company of your husband Swara?"
Swara nods in no and prays that now he moves to office.
He smiles:" I don't care, you're enjoying or not but I'm enjoying." He removes her hair from her face and whispers
in her ears:" You're so beautiful Swara" his voice is soft and mesmerizing but this spell isn't effecting on her
because she's the victim of his harshness.
He again holds her and she curses that person who knocked the door to make him awake.
He's conquering her and she's cursing him in his heart and the food which he eats.
After few hours, the intercom rings and he jerks to listen the ring.
He calmly attends it and listens something and disconnects.
:"you're lucky Swara! Your sis come to save you, go downstairs, she's waiting for you and closes the door before
going" he hides his face in the pillow and orders her.
When he doesn't feel that she leaves, he looks to her and asks:" What happened now?"
Swara says in low voice:" I can't move Sanskar.."
Sanskar doesn't understand what's she said :" Huh?"
Swara:" I can't move Sanskar" this time she screams.
Sanskar jumps from his place to listen it.
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