Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Perplexing Situations) Episode 17 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 25, 2016 with 10 comments
Sanskar's POV:
One month of my dwelling in swara's house was completed today. Due to her resilient attention & upkeep, I was completely recovered from my injury. My life changed that day when I moved beyond just wishing for things & I started earning them. That was the deadly night I learned that we didn't get what we wished for, we got what we worked for. And she worked a lot for me. Now it was my turn to give her a token of surprise gift.

Just then she came to my room to enquiry about my outgoing. She was going to meet her near & dear ones. I felt bad as due to me only she had neglected her prime relationships. She offered me to drop near the bank & I accepted.

Earlier I thought her as courageous girl but today she proved her cunningness to me. Skillfully she was able to grasp the key of the car from my hand. Though out the journey to bank, I felt pity on my condition as today I was behaving like a teenage lover.

Over the top I was spending humanly life with her, just like my mom had once wished for my future life. Once my mom had said," The lifetime of a human being is measured by decades unlike the lifetime of the sun, which is a hundred million times longer. Compared to star, we are like mayflies, fleeting ephemeral creatures who live out their lives in the course of a single day.." Genuine enough! & today I was following the same principle. I was enjoying my each day with her like the last day of my life.

As soon as we reached near the bank, she had met her friends. It hurt me like all my energies were draining when she told that I was just a mere friend of her & nothing more than that. Like seriously! Did she mean that? I was only a mere friend. I didn't mean anything to her more than that friendship. It meant I was equivalent with all her friends & I didn't obtain a special position in her heart.

My heart was breaking like pieces of thrown pebbles found in trash position near the river bank. Without making any eye contact with her, I went inside the bank. I didn't want to confront her with my teary eyes. However suddenly I cursed myself for my selfishness.

It was good that I didn't matter to her more than a friend. So, I could leave her soon as I was completely fine now. It would be for her good only if she allowed me to go as darkness could never harm her in future. I tried to smile for her secure life but unfortunately I couldn't smile properly. Somewhere deep inside my heart, a secret suffering of leaving her was killing me into pieces.

I had many fake passports and IDs of my name in the bank & for a slayer, it wasn't a big thing to do. I transferred all the amounts to my authentic original ID & closed all the fake IDs. Those IDs which were known to captain, I didn't even touch them. For the dark world, their best slayer has already died. And also I didn't want a penny amount from my insane & illegal killing assignments.

I wanted to earn money with dignity & fidelity just like my mom wanted. After all the works were done in the bank, I sat on the bench kept inside the hall of the bank & thought what gift I should purchase for her.

She was a billionaire girl & nothing was out of her reach. And selection of gift wasn't a cup of tea for me. I never gifted anything to anybody. This was my first attempt & that to for the girl, whom I loved a lot. No.. No.. Who was my world to me. After so much imagining, I concluded to give her a photo frame, with attached photo of mine; so that after my leaving from her place, she could at least treasure my memory.

I thought, this would be the best gift to maintain our connection till eternity. I came out of the bank & purchased the gift & now I was proceeding towards home. Yes home!! Life took me to many unexpected places but love brought me to home. It was that place where our story had begun.

I called swara to tell her about my completion of work & my going to home but she wasn't picking up the call. Might be she was busy with her family, I thought & hired a taxi to go to my living place.

Swara's POV:
What an unexpected meet! I wanted to meet her. But obviously not in this state. She was lying in the middle of the road with pool of bloodstains in an unconscious state. I couldn't let her die & I had my own causes for that.

I wanted to ask her about my fault for leaving me in an infant stage. Why did I feel dejected in my childhood? Had she even thought about me ever in her life? What if my foster mom, Annapurna Suryavansi hadn't adopted me; then might be now my position would be no less than a beggar in the street.

I shouted with all my strength,"Shomi..... You can't die like this. You have to get back your life to payback me.." I was a furious & daredevil swara suryavansi now. My good side was gone to hell & evil side was overshadowing it.

I gained much public attention due to my improper behaviour. I tried to pacify my tone & asked the crowd to help this lady to regain her life & because of their support, now I was moving to the hospital along with her. She was lying inside the backseat of my car.

As soon as I reached to the hospital, I found laksh was standing near the door & waiting for my arrival. When he saw my bloodstained clothes, in a worried voice, he asked,"Are you alright, swara? Have you faced an accident?" In a crimson face with burning incarnation, I yelled,"I am fine laksh. I want this lady to regain her consciousness."

By saying so, I opened the back side door of my car & took shomi out of it. As soon as laksh saw her face, in a surprising tone he asked,"She!!!.... (Pause) where have you got her?" I shouted,"Laksh! Don't waste your timing in asking mere questions. While I am coming to the hospital, I have found her lying in the road in this state. Perhaps she has faced an accident. Now please save her.." He nodded & ordered the ward boy to shift her to the operation theater.

Laksh contacted other doctors & he along with other doctors went inside the operation theater to perform her surgery. I was waiting outside it. Lots of unanswered questions were popping up inside my mind. I couldn't sit properly on one seat and roamed near the operation theater.

Two hours passed like this with so much uncertainty. Just then red light of the operation theater was switched off & laksh came outside. I hurriedly rushed towards him & asked,"What is the progress, laksh?" He indicated a sign of relief & said,"Ya! Operation is successful but there is one problem. However it is a mere problem & has sorted out already."

I asked shockingly,"What is the matter laksh? Is she safe and out of danger?" Pacifying me laksh replied,"Calm down swara! She is safe. It is just that she is having a very rare blood group. And in our blood bank, only one bottle blood of that group is available. But she actually needs minimum 3 bottles of blood as she has lost ample quantity of blood. But nothing to worry! As we have already ordered another bottles of bloods from our main blood bank & luckily this blood group bottle is available in the central blood bank. We have already given her one bottle of blood & another two bottles we will give to her once it will reach to the hospital."

Cutting his words, I replied in an urgency tone,"No need to wait for the arrival of the blood bottles. You can take my blood.." Laksh asked in a stunning tone,"Do you know the patient's blood group?" I nodded negatively & quickly laksh asked,"Then how can you give her blood? As I have already told you about her rare blood group. Still if you want to donate blood, then come with me; I have to check your blood group, swara!"

This time in rage I said,"No need of that laksh! I know my blood group will surly match. So, you can directly take my blood." Again in a surprising tone, he asked,"How can you give such guaranty, swara? Do you know the patient?" Suddenly words came out of my mouth as,"Yes laksh! I know her. She is my mother."

As expected, laksh is undoubtedly shocked with my outbursting of truth but as it was hospital, he calmly convinced me,"Swara! I can't take your blood without checking. If you want to donate blood then I have to examine your blood group otherwise I may face problems during transfusion. Hope you will understand."

Without further arguments, I agreed with laksh as he had to follow the medical instructions and as a medical student, it was my duty to cooperate with him.

Credit to:Kashis