Saturday, 6 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love ep38

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 06, 2016 with 27 comments

Shanaya, Ragini and Laksh go to walk, both are remaining near the bonfire.Swara sees his gaze which is touching her face slowly, suddenly he feels suffocation and puts out packet of cigarette. She shocked to see cigarette on his hand, he stands up and goes a bit far from her. Her mouth opens because of his action and she follow him.
Swara slowly snatches cigarette from him, he looks her but says nothing.
Swara:" Doctor forbid you for smoking"
He slowly takes out the cigarette from her hand and takes out his lighter:" I need it" his tone is bit harsh and rude. She first time listen his this tone, whatever he said to her and done with her, he never used this type of tone. His tone was always soft and firm sometimes cold also but never harsh and rude. Sanskar looks her from face to toe and first time, he notices his wife properly after his marriage. Swara puzzles to feel his gaze, there is much darkness and small flames are remained in the wood. Sanskar comes to her and she steps back but there is a tree behind her. Sanskar keeps his hands on tree and makes cage of his arm around her, Swara looks down because of his heated gaze is melting her slowly slowly.
Although moon on its early date but the small rays of moonlight is reflecting his face while Swara is in shade side.
Sanskar:" What's your problem Swara?"
Swara is shock to listen that words and lifts her face:" What.. Do you mean Sanskar?"
Sanskar presses his arm and says in harsh voice:" Why are you behaving so sweetly? What did Shanaya told you?"
Swara:" Shanaya told me nothing..."
Sanskar looks her suspiciously and asks:" Sure? Because if I'll know that you're telling me lie, then you don't know me that who am I?"
Swara feels bit fear but she remembers Shanaya's words.

Before going back from her school, Shanaya asked from her something.

Shanaya:" Swara do you love him?"

Swara nodded slowly, Shanaya felt much happy to see her reply and hugged her.

Shanaya:" Listen to me carefully Swara, never ever tell him that I told you about his past, otherwise maybe he'll never accept your love"

Swara confused to listen her:" But why Shanaya? What's the connection of his past and my love?"

Shanaya sighed and held her hand:" Maybe it's his psychology or whatever but as I know him, if you'll tell him that you know his past then, he'll weigh your love in the form of sympathy and he hates sympathy. You don't know, he's philosopher type thing, he weighs everything, observes carefully and trust on his wits only... You cried in front of him, he'll never believe you until he understands this thing by his wit that you accepted him the way he's... Now understand?"

Swara said in confuse state:" Little bit... You talk complicated things and he's complicated itself, I don't know what would happen this average mind girl between you both complicated person"

Then she decided to not to makes him notice that she knows his past but he has great wit which can observe changing in her attitude.

Swara nods her face and says:" You can ask from Shanaya too"

Sanskar nods and leaves her while Swara wishes that he shouldn't leave her.

Sanskar lights his cigarette, but Swara slowly takes out cigarette from his hand.

He needs cigarette so much because this silence, darkness and black art of night are making him crazy and increasing his need while he can neither sleep nor fulfill his need.

So because of her act, he jerks but he reminisces his promise and calms down himself. He turns towards her and says in heavy voice:" I've inhaler Swara! You don't need to worry about anything"

Swara wishes that she could become his inhaler.

Sanskar looks her in same statue posture and taunts on her:" Well! I think if you would be widow, then you'll be happiest girl in this world"

Swara looks him with pain that how could he said this words so easily.

A tear breaks the cage of her eyelashes and she says nothing just crushes burning cigarette in her fist.

Sanskar notices this and takes her hand immediately:" Are you mad? Is anyone hurt himself just like you did?"

Sanskar slowly opens her fist and finds black burn mark on it.

She's crying but this is not because of pain of burning, it is pain of his words.

Sanskar curse himself that after making promise to keep her happy, he makes her cry on first step of his promise.

He just forgets his need and cigarettes, he just looks his burn palm and scolds her:" You're just..." Suddenly he stops himself and stands her up:" There is no any first aid box, come on... We're going to doctor" he stands up, softly holds her wrist and slowly drags her but she stops him:" I don't need it Sanskar"

Sanskar notices mixture of tears in her voice and sighs. He sits again and looks her first time with concern:" Look

Swara! I know burning is such painful wound, you don't need to be careless about it"

Swara:" I'm ok Sanskar!"

" you're not Swara!"  Sanskar says in firm voice.

He slowly drags her towards car, Swara is just starring him during their small journey. He buys first aid box from

medical store and puts burning tube paste on her palm.

Swara:" It's paining"

Sanskar does his work of holding her hand and putting paste on it:" Hmm I know"

Swara lifts her eyes to him and asks in curious way:" How do you know?"

Sanskar finishes and says:" Because you're human being and it's normal that human feels pain of burning"

Swara thinks:" What about inside burning Sanskar?" But she says nothing.

Sanskar starts the car and she wishes that they'll not reach their destination but this journey would be going on till

her eyes get tired of watching him..

He feels her gaze and turns to her, she immediately offs her eyes on him and starts looking outside.

Weather of Mysore was cold but she's really burning from inside.

Swara reminds something and turns to him:" Sanskar!"

Sanskar is still looking ahead:" Hmm.."

Swara:" You found the first aid box but you couldn't find sleeping pills yesterday"

Sanskar looks her and gasps:" There's many reasons of it, first my dose of sleeping pills bit high, it's not easily

available here and without Dr recommendation, no one buy this pills, and second I was not in my mind.."

Swara confuses to listen it:" In my mind...??"

Sanskar stops the car, they reached their destination but no one is stepping out from car.

Sanskar opens his seat belt and completely turns to her.

"actually Swara, this mind" he touches her vein of brain "is much complicated than any computer, it preplanned,

determined and if any program get corrupted, it'll numb for sometime, my mind is much complicated... You know

what why? Because I feed it so much, from sweet to bitter experiences... Well!  If I'll say in simple words then it'll

be like that once I planned something and it'll not happened properly, I become mad.. I can't bear my minor

defeats even, this is it"

Sanskar ups his hands and steps out from car while she's starring him with wonder "what a man he's!"


When they reached, Laksh and Shanaya are hanging out together while Ragini isn't there.

Laksh:" Oh you both come?"

Shanaya:" Are you ok now Swara?"

Swara jerks her shoulder and says:" Absolutely.. It was minor wound, don't know why Sanskar dragged me from


They sit with them and Sanskar turns to her:" If you feel sleepy, you can go to inside the tent"

Laksh:" Yes Bhabhi! Your sister already fell asleep, you can join us, we brothers won't sleep"

Swara:" And what about Shanaya?"

Shanaya:" Don't worry about me, this is not our first bonfire, we arranged this type of things many time"

Her eyes widened to listen it:" What would you in this type of things?"

Sanskar:" Hanging out all night... Now you can go" last part of his sentence is in imperative form which shows


Swara understands that he doesn't want her here but she wants to be there, she looks Shanaya for help, she


Shanaya:" Let Swara join us Sanskar! Now this is part of our team"

Sanskar looks Shanaya and says strictly:" She would not become part of my any team Shanaya!" He turns to Swara

"now go and get sleep, I told you I don't used to say any word again"

Swara understands his firm voice, she makes face and sees the Shanaya who's also helpless when he used this type

of tone.

She's about to get up but Laksh interrupts:" Bhabhi! Stay here, Bhai will not say anything to you"

Sanskar:" Lucky you're.."

Laksh removes the bottles from ahead of them and says:" We will not drink... Ok? Then you shouldn't any issue, if

Bhabhi stay there"

Sanskar can't say no to this person, so he gasps and allow her to stay there.

Swara looks Laksh with gratefulness, Laksh consoles her from eyes.

Shanaya:" If we'll not drink, then what would we do?"

Swara:" What do you do commonly on bonfire"

Laksh:" Only drinking and sometimes, when I bring my girlfriend then..."

Suddenly he stops and realizes that what he gonna about to say.

Shanaya:" What do you do commonly when you make plan to wake up all night"

Swara hesitates to listen her question:" Actually we never do this type of things, we were not allowed to stay out

of home all night, I commonly went parties but not those which going on in all night"

After completion of her words, Shanaya and Sanskar look each others significantly.

Laksh:" Whooo... Take a breath.. Laksh is here and you don't to be worried, we can chat all night, because we three

know each others very well, actually more than very well, then its time you should know us in the same manner,

specially Bhai"

Sanskar eyes him:" Lucky.."

Laksh stops him:" Bhai! You always told us, we should be fair in everything then why are you hiding yourself with

your wife?"

Sanskar raises his hands, Laksh turns to Swara:" Now tell us about you?"

Swara puzzles:" About me what?"

Laksh:" I mean to say, how much do you love our Bhai?"

Swara blushes clearly and three of them noticed this thing and take it in their own way of thinking.
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  1. hey saba me angel....its awesome as usual....i have a request plz introduce a character of meera as a i guess she also plays an important role in ur ff....and make sansakr realise love of swara and plz ad some raglak scenes too....thnx

  2. wow di its superb. when will you uplode next part di?

  3. wow its so awesome sanskaar also noticed that swara is blushing wow so amazing plz nxt part soon

  4. Its really fantastic. Nice to see sanskar's concern for swara. Now shanaya and laksh also helps swara to get her love its awesome.. plz make more convo between swasan

  5. hey this is lucky! its amazing!! you rocks as always :-)

  6. Hey saba di...zoya here,ur ff is really amazing,plzz update next part soon

  7. Hi Saba, I really feel bad for Swara. After last episode I thought now it will be better swasan but no. I don't know why bad happens to good people. She has so much love for him but she is not getting anything apart from hate. I was really depressed when he told that she will be happy if she becomes widow. Being married I also felt that pain. At last thanks to Lucky for asking the question. I really hope Swara will open heart as much as possible. - Dhara

  8. i am silent reader of ur fantasy there are no words to pries u saba already all are used the words....what iam feeling .

  9. Hey saba really nice episode.from last 20 episodes I was not commenting coz I was busy but I read evry part n its awesome dear..I wanted to ask how , any episodes are remaining. I know its an odd question. Actually my finals are coming so I will be busy I will be glad if u tell me if the plot is decided n if u dont hav any intention to end this ff plz do tell me I will be the happiest person. N will u poat it on telly updates also??

  10. Saba waiting for the next upload eagerly plz upload it whenever you are free

  11. Plz update nxt episode dii

  12. Plzz saba di update next part

  13. Saba waiting for the next part update plz

  14. Plz... upload next one soon pa

  15. Saba plz update next part plz plz plz

  16. I remember the Saba who was so eager to write ff of I'm yours that in one day she posted 6,7 ff but now u gain popularity sorry to say but got proud now a days only ur getting busy ur not on ur words u might have not started writing other ff cause ur not completing one Also people are hear eager waiting for ur ff but I think u have no value of us sorry to say all this but ur testing every time our bearing ability do reply me. _dhara

  17. we beg u saba plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz upload next part..........i m dying........angel

  18. Plzz saba di update next part........zoya

  19. She is not proud yaar may be she's busy or she is attending her exams so she is not able to upload she surely has a value for us

  20. Ya she might be busy somewhere,she surely has a value for us.we should not say like this to her

  21. Dear Anonymous plz don't spoil my name ~Dhara. She must be busy that's why she is not updating. Don't get angry on her she will update when she will complete. Don't be so impatience.


  23. I know yaar u r not accountable to us and you are free to write whenever u wish. its totally upto you. but please just tell us that when will u update?
