Thursday, 12 May 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (A Choice) Episode 8 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 12, 2016 with 14 comments
Laksh's POV:
After ages, I heard swara's voice. She seemed worried. She wanted my help to save a patient. Sanskar had always told me about her courage. Today I had also admitted the fact of her being a courageous girl!! Otherwise who wanted to treat a patient where police angle was involved by threatening their career. But ya! She was different. Otherwise it wasn't easy to blossom the nascent odour of humanity from an invincible slayer. Initially I hesitated to treat the patient but I agreed due to our sake of friendship. But more I was agreed for Sanskar. As she wasn't a mere friend of mine rather a life of Sanskar, who had always stood by me in my thicks & thins. How could I deny his love then?? I got the address where I had to make all the necessary arrangements. I dialed sanskar's number to tell him about this incident but every time it was indicating an error signal of out of reach.

Might be sanskar had gone for solving any assignment, so the phone wasn't reachable, I thought. I concentrated on swara's work, as I could even tell this to sanskar after completion of the work. I made all the arrangements & now was travelling towards the address sent by swara. As soon as I reached there, I perceived a bird's eye view to the surroundings. This place was a bit away from the main dwellings. The calmness & serenity of this place could make anybody nostalgic. When I was exploring the beauty of this place, my phone buzzed. I thought that it must be swara but when I saw the caller ID, I came to know that the call was from a member of our gang from our dark world.

I picked up the call & what message he conveyed to me, had changed the situation upside down. I just scolded him for his lie. But again & again he was emphasizing the same talks. Before I could rebuke him, he yelled,"Laksh, it's up to you to believe me or not! But the fact can't be changed. Captain has already written Sanskar's name in his death book due to his betrayal.." I just couldn't control my rage & shouted,"Do you know about whom you are talking? He is the best slayer & respects captain. The question of betrayal must be an accusation only. Do you have any proofs to justify this fact?" He nodded negatively of having any proofs but convinced me about the authentication of this news. I couldn't take these nonsense talks anymore & disconnected the call.

Though I knew that this news couldn't be true but still I couldn't ignore this news. What if he was telling the truth but how could it be possible? My mind was jammed with many evil thoughts. I tried to contact Sanskar again & again. But everytime his call was out of reach. With each passing second, my mind was agitated. I was just going to start my car in search of sanskar, just then Swara's car reached there. After hearing about Sanskar's incident, for sometimes I was totally forgotten about swara & my purpose of coming here.

Now I was in perplexity. What should I do now? Would I go in search of Sanskar or else would I help swara to treat an unknown patient? As a friend, I should leave this place immediately for the search of Sanskar but as a doctor, my primary duty was to cure a person. This was a very critical situation for me. I had to make a choice. But this choice wasn't going to be easy one. We, human beings were free to make whatever choices we wanted, but we weren't free from the consequences of the choices. Which ever option I might choose, but still I would remain at the receiving end.

Breaking my thoughts, swara shouted,"Laksh! Please help me to take him out of the car."
I was so confused at that time that my mind had stopped from functioning & I just acted like a robot of swara's commands. As soon as I reached in front of swara's car, I saw that swara was struggling to take out that patient. I just asked her to let me do this work. She gave me free access to take out the patient. I bent my head & entered to the backside of the car. I froze at that moment when I saw the face of the patient. With intense anguish, I called," Saaannskar...." I was motionless. Just then I heard swara's voice. She was saying,"What are you doing inside the car, laksh? Take him out. We need to treat him urgently." Her words made me to come into the present situation. Thankfully she hadn't heard my calling of sanskar's name as she was standing some distances away from the car. I calmed down myself. I tried to remain placid & peaceful. So that swara couldn't detect my connection with him. Without wasting anytime, I took out sanskar & went inside her house.

Swara's POV:
As soon as I reached near my secret place, Laksh had already arrived there. He seemed absentminded. But I didn't concentrate much upon laksh as my prime focus was to save sanskar now. With in 1 hour all the arrangements were done. ECG machine, oxygen mask, life support system along with all the necessary equipments were organised perfectly in my room. What money couldn't do! For the first time in my life, I was happy for my richness. At least this money was useful to save somebody's life. Somebody ... Oops!! But why was I feeling something more for him?? I didn't know exactly what he meant for me but yes! His safety could blossom happiness in my face. Might be because if I would have been successful to save him then I would be got rid of the burden of his earlier favour to save my life as well.

Meanwhile Laksh put his hand on my shoulder & said,"swara! Let's begin the surgery.." My heart and brain were running fast as I wasn't a doctor & even I wasn't a mere intern as well. Still I was going to perform my first surgery under the guidance of laksh. Laksh was my only hope for this situation. With a painful tone, I asked," Laksh, can we perform this surgery positively?" Laksh in a very flat but determined tone replied,"Swara! We are definitely going to save him.. I won't let anything happen to him. He will be fine..." For some seconds, I looked at laksh in a surprising sight as he was the person who was earlier apprehensive about sanskar's condition & tried to avoid it in the name of police case but now I could feel the change in his body language. Might be the profession of being a doctor changed his sentiments, I thought.

My hands were trembling and shivering like hell when I was trying to remove the bullets. But to my surprise, laksh's hands were also shaking. He was a doctor & must had already performed many surgeries. Still his hands were trembling!! But my thoughts were diverted when Laksh was successful in removing the bullets from his body. After a long struggle of 3 hours, finally all the bullets were taken out & luckily the blood flow was stopped. Laksh had made the bandages perfectly in the fractured parts. But still sanskar wasn't out of danger as his heartbeats weren't normal. Laksh had kept sanskar under observation for 24 hours.

We came out of that room & I made coffee for us. While offering coffee to laksh, he said,"Swara! We need X-ray machine to examine the intensity of fractures of his bones.. I will arrange that as well." In a shocking tone, I said,"Laksh! Don't you want to shift him to the hospital as earlier you have emphasized on this only." Laksh just took the cup of coffee from my hand & while showing his back to me, he said," Swara! While operating him, I have seen guns in his pocket. Indeed this is a police case and if police will be involved then this patient can't be treated early. After all, saving a life is our first priority. So, after knowing the intensity of this case, I have agreed to your decision."

Unable to control my overflowing emotions, I hugged laksh & said,"Thanks for everything. You have threatened your career for me.." At once laksh murmured something which I couldn't hear. Changing the topic, laksh asked,"Do you know him, swara?" Now my mind was blogged. Honestly I didn't know its answer. Did I know sanskar? Apart from being my abductor, what had I known about him, I thought. Still why did I feel helpless in front of sanskar today? Why did I desperately want to save him? Laksh's single question created another set of innumerable question banks in front of me.

Breaking my thoughts, laksh said,"Swara! Have I asked anything wrong? If you don't feel like telling then it's OK for me." However laksh had tried to save sanskar's life. So, he had the right to know about the patient, I thought. I lowered my gaze & said,"He is sanskar, my abductor.." In a surprised tone, laksh asked,"swara! When have you kidnapped? And now you are dying to save your kidnapper... Why swara??" Without making any eye contact with him, I said,"I have kidnapped from your birthday party and ya! Once he has saved my life. So, it's just a payback & please don't ask me further questions, laksh."

Fortunately laksh agreed & didn't ask me any more questions on this topic. But he said,"swara! Now you take rest. I am here with sanskar.." Firstly I denied to laksh but after his so much persuasion, I agreed to him as indeed I needed rest. Till now I hadn't even changed my bloodstain clothes. So, I left sanskar with laksh & went to another room to take a short nap.

I took out my tracksuit from the shelves & just then my eyes fell upon sanskar's jacket. That jacket always gave me strength & courage to fight with difficult situations. I changed my cloths & grabbed that jacket & placed it close to my heart & thought,"I won't let anything happen to you, sanskar. You have taught me to lead my life in a positive way. I refrained from taking alcohol due to you. It's my second life which is gifted by you only. Now it's my responsibility to cure you & to take you out from that darkness...."

Credit to:Kashis