Wednesday, 10 February 2016

True Love - 1st episode

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 13 comments

1st episode

This love story start from one institute; Early morning Azlan khan as routine awoke their in bed and ready to go for a new classes, He reached at new institute and went to clerk office to know about his new classes. Clerk gave address to class and Azlan followed the address and reached his new class first he knock the classroom door and say Salam to all and enter to sit the chair.
One of the teacher gave instruction to all new batch students with introduction. Azlan khan is little bit shai person he silently listen to the introduction of student with their aims, know turn of Azlan khan he standup respectfully and introduced by self-Mr. Azlan khan and am a bachelor and my aim is businessman & etc. etc. Still he continue the introduction suddenly classroom door is open & one girl entered and say salaam then sit in the free chair beside the girls portion. Azlan complete his introduction then last turn who enter the classroom which one is fariya she stand and introduced herself name is fariya she’s also bachelor and her aim is writer etc. etc., All students are new and watch each other faces. Azlan khan think in his heart K this class is bour he bhug his classes then he hear the break bell after listening bell all students faces were glowing and teacher said ok student we will meet after the half hour break.
As told you this institute is new for all no one know about the canteen (Cafeteria); then Azlan khan saw the most people are going to be in north side then he also decide ok go there side. On half way he saw yes there is one big cafeteria and he feel hungry he entered the cafe he saw the counter is full with student and crowd give me first give me (Mujhe dydo phele mujhe dydo)    he stand half mint there. And decide no need for buy anything because if he bought something he late for his classes then he decide ok now visit the institute what’s new here he visit the library mosque park hostel and other places after that his legs was hurt then he went his classroom again & he saw the all student are there and also teacher then he feel shai k why he come late and show his bad expression in class. Ok then teacher again starts their lecture. And Azlan khan mind and eyes walking in his classroom he saw the students face one by one and think who is my best friends and watched the girls which one is hot as usually boy’s thinking. After that class is off and teacher  was given time to student  for chit chat each other and know about the student each other first girls are start with girls as usually chaper chaper and boys are also starting with boy’s and usual show there muscle means I have car i have this this and this. After that class is over and boy’s exit there rooms and goes back homes.
Next day again one by one enter class with glown faces and clothes with confidence and start lecture  as routine and take interest to study. Days were going like this after few days azlan khan and some other boy’s make one group sit together and chit chat.
Girls also make there groups and same chit chat.  TO BE CONTINUE IN NEXT EPISODE.

I'm hope ep9

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 3 comments

Recap:" Umeed asked Faraz to make pair with her and he agreed"
Umeed:" Oh! Thank you Faraz! I need to participate with the camp, you don't know what you did for me"
Faraz starred her smile with all his concern and smiled her back:" You don't need to say thanks because I can do anything for your one smile" Umeed downed her eyes to listen it and said:" Faraz! Remember your promise please, our pair is only for this camp, always remember that and don't remind any memory of our past" her tone was bit rude, Faraz got his limit and purposelessly crossed his fingers into his hairs.
"I know my limit Umeed very well!" This time his tone was much serious.
Umeed:" Good for you"
"hmm..." He was about to turn when Umeed called him:" Faraz!" He turned and she said again:" We've to go for registering our name there and make plan for our stall"
Faraz silently nodded and signed her to lead him. They started to walking towards camp.
The bright sun was showering hs rays on them and the rays were encircling around her body.
In those days, she was so much busy with Faraz, office responsibility and this extra activity tired her so much.
She spent most of her time with Faraz but except necessary work, he didn't do any extra conversation with her and she was satisfied to be with him.
Daddy agreed for the engagement of Romana and those days, she was shopping for her engagement. Mummy also ordered special dress for Umeed also because it was assumption that they got her alliance on that party too.
But because of her tough schedule, she didn't have any time to see shopping, although daddy specially sent her with Arman to get her dress and tell her mother that either she liked this or not.
It was simple parrot green frock with printed pink flowers embroidery. She liked the dress for party because mummy ordered it according to her taste.
She took dress from boutique and went to their festival directly. It was final day of their festival, they were arranged stall of handy craft items. Faraz knew many women who did handmade work and they've no any way to sell their items. Because of his mother, social work and father's election, he knew so much and she found him so much matured more than her thought.
They were completed their work, now many of the students went towards the concert where the well known singer was showing his talent.
Faraz:" I love this singer!" They can hear the music from distance too.
"I know" Umeed said unintentionally to collect the remaining stuff.
They were purchasing remaining stuff to sponsor the camp as well as helping those women. So Umeed collected all stuff in one shopping bag.
Faraz looked her with amazed that it meant , she remembered everything but she was only pretending.
Umeed lifted her face to him:" Yes! I remember, you were crazy for this singer"
Faraz smiled brightly to listen it because now still there was hope to renew their friendship but for him, it was more than friendship.
"hey Faraz! You're here" one girl came to their counter, Umeed and Faraz looked to her.
She was a smart girl in jeans and black flowy top.
Faraz smiled to see her and did handshake with her. Umeed looked them with offence because she didn't like the closeness of that type between boys and girls. But there were also manu girls, who openly and easily did this.
Faraz:" Laila! What are you doing here?"
Laila:" I came here for concert, I guessed that I'll find you here because your favourite singer is here but I didn't expect you to working here"
Faraz turned to Umeed:" She's my friend Laila.." Umeed greeted her. He turned to Laila:" She's Umeed"
He only introduced her by her name, Umeed felt awkward what to say next but she could clearly seen that Laila's face color changed to listen her name.
Laila:" Oh finally! You got her"
Faraz looked Umeed with fear and signed her through his eyes to shut her mouth but she didn't do that.
Laila came to her and hugged her:" I'm happy that finally, he got his childhood friend and love..." Her words were shocking for Umeed but main thing was that  her tone was mixture of sarcasm with happiness.
Umeed didn't know that either she was really happy to see that or only pretending to be happy.
Umeed:" Sorry...?"
Faraz again came to her and held her hand to took a side.
He said something to Laila but Umeed was still working because that time she was only wanted to finish her work as soon as possible.
Both came to her and Laila said:" Sorry Umeed... I took you wrong, it was his another friend which I got you"
Umeed took a glance of her and closed the boxes to put them in cart.
She upped her face and looked into her eyes to say slowly:" Faraz had only childhood friend and it was me and if you search on facebook, you would know that in Pakistan, only I bore the name of Umeed"
She said and carried the cart without asking the help to Faraz.
It was bit heavy and Faraz excused his friend to come to her for helping.
Umeed:" Go and give time to your friend"
Faraz silently took the handle of cart from her pulled it to towards their car.
She said nothing and the small distance was passed silently.
Faraz arranged the stuff in her car a d turned to her:" Calculation is still remained"
Umeed murmured with absent mind:" Yes! Calculation is still remained"
Faraz gasped:" If you don't mind then may I drop you, we can do calculation also"
Umeed nodded in no:" I've s function at my home, so I've not much time for it"
Faraz opened the door of her car for her:" Then?"
Umeed set and looked him:" Then... On the day of meeting, I came two hours later for calculation"
Faraz nodded:" As you wish"
Umeed closed the door of car and leaved while Faraz starred her car until it vanished from his sight.
Mummy gave her responsibility to go with Romana to parlour and come with her.
Romana was  wearing pink and golden suit and after makeup she looked extremely beautiful that Umeed also mesmerized to see her beauty and hugged her unintentionally:" When did you grow up Romana? That now today you're gonna engage with someone"
Romana smiled and slowly dragged her:" Please Umeed api! You'll spoil my makeup"
Umeed smiled to listen her and slowly pat on her head:" Now stand up! We've to go hotel, otherwise we'll late"
She supported her and they went to function.
She was busy in arrangement and daddy were introducing her to his business partners and friends. She already knew many of them.
When daddy and mummy cut the cake and she took a piece of cake and went to one corner, when someone came to her.
It was beautiful lady, wearing golden saree and tying her hairs beautifully.
"are you Umeed?" Lady said and Umeed could say that she did never hear this type of melodious voice in her life.
Umeed nodded slowly, she hugged her:" Nice to meet you, I saw you today and I decided you and I really impressed to you, from your potential and your passion..."
Umeed smiled slowly, this type of words are common for her but this time she puzzled to listen it because she knew the purpose of this party.
She talked with her and leaved for a moment, mom was came to her and pointing out on many boys, whose parents were want to come for her proposal.
She listener her carelessly because she didn't want all this. She looked her mummy and hoped that maybe she pointed out on her sister that she wanted Umeed for her son (Shayan). But she knew that it's completely impossible because mummy's relatives were not like her because of her real parents.
She gasped and suddenly mummy saw the would be groom of Romana and leaved, she had no interest to see the person of Romana. She thought that she saw Shayan here but she took it as her allusion. But a hope raised in her heart that might be  he has arrived in Pakistan and came here to attend her cousin engagement party or her aunt's anniversary.
She attended her guests when she saw Faraz, unintentionally she uttered a word:"you're here" she was amazed to see him there.
Faraz smiled to see her as he was already known that she would be there.
"yes! My mom and dad are invited here"
Umeed:" You never go in parties, where your mom and dad invited"
Faraz smiled bit with victory:" You still remember"
Umeed looked to mom who was receiving gifts from guests.
She nodded in no and about to leave but that lady called her who met her before.
"Umeed! Sit with us for sometime" she said.
Umeed looked Faraz and felt uncomfortable because the fear of her childhood was not leaved her yet. She unintentionally afraid from that her daddy  would see them together and again take their relationship in wrong direction.
Faraz turned to that lady:" You enjoy with your host, just excuse me" he felt her condition and leaved that table.
Lady turned to her:" Is Faraz your childhood friend right?"
Umeed didn't understand what to answer but that lady again said:" I saw your pictures with him and when I saw you in this function, I recognized you and because of your name, I became assured about it"
Umeed gasped that there's no use to saying wrong but she was confused that how did she know this?
Umeed:" Sorry I don't recognize you"
That lady:" I'm Mrs of Haroon Agha, the business tycoon and chairman of chamber of commerce, recently he involved in election.."
Umeed nodded, she commonly met this type of people and she was used to meeting with them from childhood.
Lady continued:" But I'm also mother of Faraz"
Her eyes widened to listen it but she became normal after a minute.
She felt something fishy to talk with that woman or mother of Faraz.
Mummy called her because they were about to start ritual of Romana and as a sister,she should be there.
She went to there and happily met with guests and turned to in laws of Romana. It was her mummy's sister.
Umeed thought:" Maybe she took Romana for her younger son because he's the age of Romana..."
She thought and made sit Romana with her groom and shocked to see Shayan on the  chair of her fiance.

swasan a path hate to love ep7

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 3 comments

Sanskar was at his cabin, after that last incident, he stopped following her and took every information about her to know about her weakness and this was her family and he made plan to take benefit from her weakness because it's the best work he knows very well to do and he did this thing perfectly.
He called his secretary to send his manager Suree to his cabin.
Suree came  inside his cabin and he signed him to sit.
Suree:" You called me sir!"
Sanskar gave him a file:" This is gdggn of approval of your loan for your marriage"
Suree became happy to listen it:" Thank you sir! Thank you so much"
Sanskar raised his hand:" No need to say thanks because I've a work for you"
Suree:" Ok sir!"
Sanskar:" In wedding, commonly females to do so much shopping of dresses"
Suree:" Yes sir!"
Sanskar:" Now you would go to one particular shop which address my secretary give you and give the owner of shop a big order of saree, big mean which profit can  change their life and which lose can give them big shock... Are you understanding what I'm saying to you"
Suree:" Yes sir!"
Sanskar:" Good! I would pay the bill of your order, you can leave there"
He leaved and Sanskar smiled with proud with all his evilness.
Sanskar was at home at dining table when Shanaya came his home.
Sanskar looked him:" Welcome sweetie! Your timing is perfect!"
Shanaya set with him and looked Lavanya who was serving Sanskar.
Shanaya turned to her:" Lavanya! Would you please leave us" Lavanya nodded with obedience and leaved.
Shanaya started to serve him his dinner and took out for her also.
Shanaya took a first bite:" Finally! You're gonna marry someone... Well! By the way what date do you decide for this purpose?"
Sanskar:" Actually I don't yet decided any particular date for it, because I want to make her down first when that arrogant beg me to marry her"
Shanaya laughs to listen it:" You're such a devil Sanskar! I can see her future and also I'm worried, how would she handle you?"
Sanskar:" I'll make her handle me, don't worry Sanskar has always solution of every problem"
Shanaya:" I know Mr. perfect, but I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about her"
Sanskar laughed to listen it:" Yes you should be!"
Shanaya raised her hands:" Oh! Finally! I'm getting rid of you"
Sanskar:" Would you miss me?"
Shanaya:" What do you mean miss me? I'll with you always"
Sanskar:" Yeah! But in that aspect, you know that very well! Loyalty come first for me in every relationship"
Shanaya:" You don't need to say like that because you're my mirror and we don't need to explain our mirror that how we are!"
Sanskar smilesd to listen it and hugged her.
Sanskar was going on right path of his plan. When he got know that Shekhar drew money from bank, he sent his men to robbed him, he knew very well, his house was kept as mortgage for gaining loan from bank. Now he was empty hand and he got a golden chance when he got know that Ragini came his office for seeking job. He got new idea and he asked her to give demo  of one day because he wanted her to engage her in office and ordered his secretary to don't let her making call someone.
He again went to house of Swara and waited for her to come out from his house.
She came out for some work and he stepped out from his car and came towards her.
Sanskar smirked:" Hello miss Gadodia! "
Swara fumed to see him in front of his house, many of people noticed this because of his car.
Swara:" What the hell are you doing here"
Sanskar:" I've come to see the condition of your father"
Swara's face became pale to listen it but she tried to control her emotions:" How do you know this?"
Sanskar downed his neck:" Because it was just because of me"
Swara's mouth opened to listen it:" You're just a ....." She didn't understand what word is suitable for this man.
Sanskar:" You can praise my mind.... Wwll! I came here to inform you that Ragini is under my custody, and she'll not come home tonight, you know I can do everything which you never imagined"
Swara shouted:" You're lying"
Sanskar:" I never tell a lie... Well! If you don't confirm then I can show you the video of her and yeah! It's useless to call police for it"
Swara looked her helplessly:" What do you want?"
Sanskar set on his car and gave her his car:" I don't want anything but soon, you'll want something from me.... Well! See you soon" he started car and rushes away.
Swara shouted behind him:" Go to hell"
Swara came inside the home where sumi was walking with tension as she saw her, she came towards her:" Swara! Someone called me that he kidnapped Ragini, if we would not give 5 millions then they'll not leave her"
Swara shocked to listen it because the same Sanskar was said.
They waited till night maybe she'll come but she didn't. Shekhar asked for her many time but due to his health condition, they didn't tell anything to him..
At the night, when no one helped her in this regard, she decided to give Sanskar what he wanted from her, because the ego can't become more important than family. She rented an auto and told her family that she was going to bring Ragini at home.
Swara came his house and asked for Ragini.
Sanskar came down and saw the clear defeat on her face but there's also rage on her face and he wanted to finish it completely.
Sanskar:" Welcome home miss Gadodia! Well! I'll release her but first give me price of it"
Swara:" I'll give you whatever you want, I accept your proposal. Just leave my sister and family"
Sanskar set on couch and pulled his one leg on other:" Hmmm... I'll think about it because now I'm not interesting to marry you... But as I can see, you're beautiful and I'm beauty admirer. So if you convince me to marry you, I'll..."
Swara downed her eyes but suddenly she looked him up and set on a couch opposite to her:" Look Mr Maheshwari! I'm the one who you wanted to marry... You know why? Because you can't get me without it... But now ball is on your court so I'm giving you my proposal to you, for it, you've to support my family and stand with my father like son... If you do this, then I promise, you'll get said everyone has a price and this is my price"
Sanskar smiled to listen her:" I like your courage... Well! I'm accepted your proposal but this time you gave me proposal then this time it'll do on my conditions"
Swara upped her face to him and said:" And what's that?"
Sanskar:" Only one condition, after marriage you've to do whatever I said to you... Without any restriction or objection"
Swara thought for a moment:" Ok deal"
Sanskar:" Done! And I'm not so bad to kidnap any girl... She came my office for seeking job... She's safe but if try to divert to your words, how much I can become so much bad of betrayer, you don't know"
Swara wanted to divert from her words but she recalled his words and thought about the condition of her father and accepted her defeat.

Swasan a path hate to love ep39

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 16 comments

Recap:" Swara burned her hand and Sanskar cared about her. Laksh offered her to join them"
Laksh sees her blushing and feels embarrassed:" Oh sorry Bhabhi! I was just teasing you, it's your personal matter... Ok! Lets play rapid fire, one by one, first turn is your"
Swara looks Sanskar and says to Laksh:"  is your Bhai will play this game?"
Three of them, see to each others and Shanaya says:" He played this game many time with us, well! He's just different with us as compared to other, now you're part of us, so you'll know about him everything slowly slowly"
Swara nods and says:" Let's start"
Laksh comes to her and says:" First I'll ask..."
Swara smiles and thumbs him up:" Done.."
Laksh puts his finger on his lips:" Hmmm.. Let me think.. "
Laksh:" I've completed..." He looked her:" Now start, ready...?"
Swara:" Yup.."
Laksh:" Your pet name"
Swara::" Shona"
Laksh:" Your first pet's name"
Swara:" I didn't have pet but always wanted to keep horse as my pet"
Laksh:" Oh cool!"
Shanaya and Sanskar are lookin them, both are enjoying soft drinks now and she can clearly feel heat of his gaze on her.
Laksh:" How was you in your childhood?"
Swara:" Naughty... Not so much, but I made fun with my group so much. That's a reason, in my college the group was same of our five friends"
Sanskar reminds that Payal informed her about the group and he feels the happiness in her eyes to talk about her friends.
Laksh:" Have you ever caught, during making fun?"
Swara:" Never because we didn't do anything which cross the law of school"
Laksh:" What was the first impression of Bhai on you"
Swara looked him and smiled:" An arrogant spoil man who wanted to purchase everything through his money"
Sanskar smiled with proud like he wanna show her "look! That's a way I'm!"
Laksh:" Oh! Now what's his impression on you?"
Swara:" A bit different, he's not like that which he wanted to show everyone..."
Laksh:" What does he show?"
Swara:" That he's cold and emotionless"
Sanskar boggles to listen her and takes a sip of soft drink without taking off his eyes from her, he's really enjoying their conversation and he's happy that she's saying truth.
Laksh:" And who is he?"
Swara smiles:" He's bit sensible but still mysterious..."
Laksh turned to Sanskar:" Look Bhai! This isn't fair, you are still uncovered by your wife?..."
Shanaya:" First finish with Swara, then we'll catch him"
Laksh:" I'm over now... Shanaya, your turn"
Shanaya keeps her drink aside and took Laksh's place.
Shanaya:" I'm not rapid type person, I just want to talk with you freely, you know we three almost know everything about each others... So I want to include in us also, personally if you feel indifference from us then you'll feel that we're such a bad person, specially me and Sanskar, he's such a kid" she pointed out to Laksh, Sanskar smiles to listen it while Laksh makes face.
Shanaya:" But if you love with us, as we three love each others, then you'll  not offense with anything because we freely talk to each others, even Laksh doesn't have anyone whom he shares everything and Sanskar and I are already soulmate... Honestly said, when he decided to marry you, Laksh didn't know the reason, but that time he seriously said that he'll not make you a part of us but we both wanted this, so this is first step, except of his rules and regulations, he'll never offence with you, but when we'll together, you're free that time... Once in a month, we arranged this type of gathering, either on his hotel or house or any other place, on every first of month, we go to visit my school's students and make plan for further and any other calculation about it... There's many things, you'll know many things to staying among us, we three are belong to different field but still we're in chain but I want to extend this chain with you,  but not with Ragini because she's too much innocent to digest the fact which would reveal here..."
She looks Swara and  gasps:" He'll not allow you to drink but if you want, then I can make drink for you"
Sanskar eyes Shanaya, Shanaya looks Sanskar and laughs:" I was just kidding, this is so bad thing, you should never try"
Swara sighs:" Is there anything else?"
Shanaya:" Many things, but I'll not tell you because you'll know everything about us by the passage of time"
Swara gasps:" Have you done Shanaya?"
Shanaya:" Almost, do you want to say something in this regard?"
Swara:" Yea!"
Shanaya:" Hmm.. We're listening"
Swara:" Actually... I'm not so expressive at all... In my life, I did never expect this type of change in my life, I lead a simple life and as I expected for the same type of life, so it'll take time to digest these type of things and about Ragini... I also don't agree that she'll participate in this type of things of your hinging over and regarding this I can understand that why Sanskar doesn't want to be join you... Because he wanted to protect me"
Three of them smile brightly to listen her.
Shanaya turns to Sanskar:"now your turn buddy"
Sanskar:" Actually I don't have any question to her"
Laksh:" You don't want to know anything about her"
Sanskar:" As a game, I can ask but for knowing her or anyone... I'm Scorpio and I only believe on my intuition"
Swara:" Do you believe in horoscope?"
Sanskar:" Not completely, but my zodiac is perfectly made for me" he smiled proudly, his signature smile which can mesmerized anyone.
Swara gasps and looks that unbelievable man.
She comes in front of him:" So... If you don't want to be subject, become object"
Sanskar laughs to listen her:" You're becoming courageous day by day..." He turns to Shanaya:" You're giving her good training... But it's not beyond my rules, so I like it"
Swara releases her breath to listen it because inside her heart she was frighten little bit about his reaction.
Laksh calls Shanaya:" Give me a bottle sweetie! I wanna see this fall blooded drama"
Shanaya laughs while Sanskar eyes to him:" Laksh!"
Laksh raises his hands naughtily:" I was just kidding Bhai"
Swara:" Now I'm in charge... Right Shanaya?"
Shanaya:" Right..."
Sanskar looks his watch:" Just for fifteen minutes only.."
Swara:" Enough for me...ready?"
Sanskar gives his signature smile:" I always ready..."
Swara:" Why truth is much important to you?"
Sanskar:" Because I'm Scorpio"
Swara:" What type of logic is this?"
Sanskar:" I answer as you question because sometimes something in our instinct so it's in my instinct, I can't help"
Swara:" Hmm.. Why did you
[10/02 7:45 pm] Saba: gifted me nose pin?"
Sanskar:" Hmm.. Actually I saw s woman in my childhood and she was my only crush. She wore nose pin that's the reason, I love this thing on the face of women"
Swara feels jealous:" How many women, you gifted this thing?"
Sanskar:" No one except you"
Swara gasps:" Who was that woman?"
Sanskar:" I was in fifth standard, she was my school teacher and I was really inspired by her, she is my first and last crush?"
Swara:" Which thing was making her special in your eyes?"
Sanskar:" Her pureness, she was elegant and polite, she wore complete dress with scarf, she was talking so politely, her way was kind and I never see her to get close to anyone but she was... I don't define that woman in one word, in my point of view, she was perfect woman in this world, she was example of the role model how woman should be!"
Swara gets his words on her heart:" Do you find any other woman like her?"
Sanskar:" Not same, but I saw reflection of her in one girl..."
Swara:"in whom?"
Sanskar looked his watch:" Time is over now..." He observes her disappointed face and says again:" But I'll answer your question..."
Swara eagerly says:" In whom?"
Sanskar:" In you"
Swara thinks that she listened something wrong:" What?"
Sanskar:" I'm not used to say one word again.."
Laksh:" Bhabhi! He said in you"
Swara:" Sure?"
Laksh nods, Swara looks her unbelievably.
Sanskar:" Now it's my turn to charge... Answer my questions in only yes or no"
Swara:" You said, you didn't want this?"
Sanskar:" Now I want..."
Swara:" Ok! I'm ready"
Sanskar:" My first impression was bad on you?"
Swara:" Yes"
Sanskar:" Do you love your family?"
Swara feels awkward to listen his common question but just answers:" Yes"
Sanskar:" You've guilt of anything in your life?"
Swara:" No..."
Sanskar:" Do you forget things easily?"
Swara:" Yes!"
Sanskar:" Do you still feel jealous with shanaya?"
Swara:" No.."
Sanskar:" Do you like Shanaya's school?",
Swara:" Yes!"
Sanskar:" Do you find her satisfactory?"
Swara:" Yes"
Sanskar:" Do you agree your sister alliance with lucky?"
Swara:" Yes!"
Sanskar:" Does Shanaya told you about my past?"
Swara:" Yes..."
Sanskar smiles victoriously, Swara suddenly realizes that what she answer him..
Laksh stops his hand from drinking to see her, Shanaya looks her with shock.
Sanskar turns to Shanaya:" I'll see you after opening function..."
He again turns to Swara:" And I told you, never lie me but as it was her plan(pointing out to Shanaya) so your punishment will be little..." Suddenly he reminds something, he releases his breath and says:" Hm... Ok! I forgive you to lying me, but never do it again.." He slowly pats her face and turns to Shanaya:" I'll catch you after going Delhi sweetheart! Just wait and watch" he says and leaves.