Saturday, 6 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love ep6

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 06, 2016 with No comments

Next day, Sanskar woke up and found himself on a floor, because of hangover of last night, he couldn't understand where be was fall asleep. He again recalled her words and a heavy layer of rage came into his heart and he said:" She's not know me very well that what type of person I'm! And what I do with that people who insulted me... Well she'll know soon"
He intercom to Lavanya to take lemon juice for him and then sought out his mobile and called Shanaya.
After two rings, she picked up the call:" Shanaya! Come Delhi today..." He said in cold voice.
Shanaya:" What happened Sanskar? Is everything ok there?"
Sanskar:" I said come here, otherwise I'll come to you and you know me very well" he again said in same cold tone.
Shanaya understood his condition because she's the only one who can understand him without allowing him to utters any word.  :" Ok! In coming, you just cool down"
He took a shower to cool down himself and went to his work.
Sanskar went to office and called Payal in his cabin.
Pagal came and he signed her to sit.
Sanskar started his conversation like it:" You look really stunning Payal in blond hairs"
She boggled to listen it because she had black hairs but few years later when she was gone to honeymoon with her boyfriend by telling lie to her family, that time she dyed her hairs in blond shade.
Sanskar continued his conversation:" Tell me your price Miss Payal! Why are you trying to trapping me?"
Payal understood his intention and didn't want to leave this chance:" I need some money sir!"
Sanskar took out check book and gave her check of her demanded amount:" Take this and now tell me whatever I'll ask to you and tell me truth because I dont depend on one source of information, if you'll tell me lie, I'll must know that... So don't you dare to tell the lie to me"
Payal understood:" Yes sir!"
Sanskar:" What's the name of that girl?"
Payal:" Swara.."
Sanskar:"hmm.. Tell me everything about her which you have known"
Payal gasped:" I don't know so much about her, she's best friend of my sister and they've group of five friends. She's simple girl and didn't attend so much parties specially night parties"
Sanskar was listening him carefully and said:" Which type of character she has?"
Payal didn't understand why was he taking interest in her but she told her what knew:" As I know her, she has good character, I never heard about any bad thing about her"
Sanskar:" This is enough for me and you can leave office from today and tomorrow you can give resignation letter to my new secretary because I don't want unprofessional people in my hotel"
Payal lurched and leaved.
Swara noticed silver car in front of her college after that incident.  She always confused to see that car because she thought that she saw that car before also, but where? She couldn't remember.
But she always confused to see that man and the car, it's because she knew very well that no one is so much rich in her college to afford this luxurious car.
It was routine of that car from some months but one day he came out from car and asked to give lift to her.
Swara:" I don't want anything from you, just go on your way"
Sanskar:" I'm already on my way, you're not on the right way"
Swara:" I think you don't get your limit"
Sanskar:" There's no limit for me miss Swara gadodia" he took her name to show her his limit.
Swara got furious to listen it but inside her heart she also frighten because she could understand his sources and she didn't want to get conflict with any rich spoilt man.
Sanskar:" So now may I drop you Swara?"
Swara:" No thanks" she said and took her path to unawre that what's her real path.
Sanskar and Shanaya were drinking special thing in the house of Sanskar.
Shanaya tackled her drink to him and said:" Cheers for my friend who fall in love finally"
He jerked to listen her:" I don't love her you know very well that love is nothing for me just figment of fool's mind and when I I don't believe in love then why can I fall in that?"
Shanaya opened the shutter of new bottle and poured drink in Sanskar's glass:" But stop living alone dear! If you don't love her then it's ok! As I know you this is girl whom you can marry, so marry her and start your family life?"
Sanskar laughed to listen her:" Family... Love..marriage...? These are nothing for me Shanaya! I think you should join comedy show because you're joking so well" by saying this he hold her.
Shanaya pushed him and said in serious tone:" Look Sanskar! You really need to be married... You live this type of life so long but as I know you, you're the family man your inner family man forced you to take sleeping pills every night"
Sanskar sank in deep thought to listen her words because she was saying this.
He took bottle from her and threw her on his bed and came to her:" Then why don't you marry with me?"
Shanaya looked into his eyes:" Now you're joking Sanskar... Maybe I can accept your proposal but I love my freedom so much, so I would not make this flop deal"
Sanskar laughed to listen her and put his lips on her but suddenly he saw Swara's face on her and leaved.
Shanaya:" You again imagined her"
Sanskar nodded his head.
Shanaya held his shoulder:" Marry her... I sense that this girl can change you and your life and this type of innocent and simple girl can suit you, instead of me"
Sanskar turned to her:" Sure?"
Shanaya:" You can believe me"
Sanskar nodded and smirked to think about his plan.
When Sanskar decided to marry Swara, he again followed her in the way of her college and asked her about lift and said:" May I drop you miss?"
Swara:" I think, you've any smuggling work, because how can you follow me daily in the same way? Don't you have any work?"
Sanskar smirked and said:" Nowadays I've only one work to get you and I'll follow you till hell my dear! "
Swara irritated to listen it and again  took her but he still followed her and held her arm.
Swara pushed him:" How dare you to touch me, I can complain to police"
Sanskar smiled to listen her:" Yes you can complain..."
Swara tried to free herself:" What do you want from me?"
Sanskar:" You?"
Swara:" I'm not that type of girl, please leave me"
Sanskar:" I know you're not that type of girl, so that's why I'm asking you to marry me?"
Swara shocked to listen it:" I think you're mad who proposing me on the way"
Sanskar:" I can propose you on your home too"
Swara:" Just leave me.." She tried hard to free herself but finally in rage she slapped him. He was shocked to see her because in his life, no one ever beat him. He burned with rage and tighten his grip around her wrist:" How dare you to slap me... You'll pay for it"
He jerked his hand and she finally succeeded to free herself and ran away from there.
Sanskar shouted behind her:" One day you'll beg me to marry you"
Swara turned and shouted in a same way:" Yes off but in your dreams Mr!"

Swasan A path hate to love Ep5

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 06, 2016 with No comments

She wakes up and finds him sleeping beside her. She sense that someone is knocking at the door, she slowly stands up and puts on her night gown.
She opens the door and finds Sujata there.
Sujata:" You're still in night dress Swara! I told you yesterday about desert making ritual, so be ready and come outside to start work"
Swara is confused what to answer her because Sanskar said to her that she never allowed to goes anywhere when he's at home.
She says her situation to Sujata. Sujata shakes her head and says:" Ok! Do one thing, wakes him up and come outside with him",
Swara nods tensely and prays to God to spare her in this sandwich situation between mom and son.
She goes to bed and slowly shakes his shoulder to wake him up.
He murmurs without opening his eyes:" Stop it Shanaya... Let me sleep" he changes his side to sleep but suddenly he sense that he's in his room and it's Swara who waking her up.
He opens his eyes and says in irritating voice:" What happened? Why are you waking me?" He takes a glance on clock and says:" It's time to go to hotel..." .
Swara says hesitantly:" Actually mom want me to do desert making ritual now"
He stands up from bed and says:" You're my wife Swara! You don't need to listen her more... I fed up from that typical ritual... Don't need to go outside"
He says and leaves to bathroom room to  freshen up.
He comes out after taking bath and finds her in a deep thought.
Sanskar:" What is my wife thinking?"
Swara boggles from his voice and shakes her head in no:" Nothing"
Sanskar comes ahead of dressing table and brushes his hairs while Swara is in still night dress with deep thought.
Sanskar turns to her and says:" Swara.."
Swara looks him:" Yes!"
" You can do ritual, this is reward of your last night hug" Sanskar puts on his jacket and leaves downstairs but he turns and days again:" Get change and come downstairs, I'll be waiting for you on dining table"
Swara nods with the same state and Sanskar thinks:" She's must thinking about Shanaya, well! She would know about her soon because as become the part of my life, Swara will know everything about my life and Shanaya is important part of my life and she's the one who pushes me to marry Swara"
Scene changes to the two years ago, when Sanskar was at his hotel's cabin and doing work when he heard the knock on the door.
He's habitual that he never takes off his eyes from work whenever he does any work.
He allowed next person to come inside, it was his secretary named as Payal.
Payal:" Sir! I've come here to invited you for the birthday party of my sister"
Sanskar lifted his brow and took a glance of his secretary who was trying to trapping him.
Sanskar stopped his fingers for a moment:" I told you that I'm not interesting in making relationship with my employees" he said in impassive tone which could easily numbed her.
Payal kept the card on his table and changed her tone of talking with him:" Ok sir! I keep this card there, if you feel comfortable then must come"
"you may go now" he said without taking off his eyes from the screen.
She was about to say leave when Sanskar called her, she happily turned.
"don't talk with me with this tone , I'm your boss, not your boyfriend... Be a professional otherwise, there's no any lack of educated females"
Payal nodded and leaved while he got a message on his mobile.
He read the message which increased his rage at once.
He stopped his work and  took his mobile to make a call someone.
Next person attended the call and he said in calm but furious tone:" What the hell is this Shanaya? I told you many time, you must inform me two days ago before leaving the city"
He heard her low voice of giggling which raised his rage.:" You're smiling and you know my problem very well"
This time she said in serious tone:" There's no any lack of girls for you my dear, try one of them and yeah! Your secretary is also there, as I observed, she's eagerly waiting for that time when Sanskar Maheshwari will give her a chance"
Sanskar smiled proudly to listen her and said:" Firstly, she's my employee and you know my rules, don't make relationship with your staff and secondly I never try for any girl... Girls are always seeking chance for Sanskar Maheshwari"
Shanaya laughed to listen it:" You're absolutely right, then go any party or pub, you'll must find someone"
Sanskar looked the invitation card which Payal kept:" Yeah! I've one card of birthday party, Payal gave me"
Shanaya:" Then go there, you can't make relationship with your employees but you can make with her friends or relatives.. By the way middle class girls easily flattered on rich men"
Sanskar laughed to listen it:" I think I've to go there because there sleeping pills kill me soon and I don't wanna die"
Shanaya:" Don't worry my partner! Devil has always a long life"
Sanskar rejoiced her taunt and said:" I like your way of taunting"
Shanaya:" Sanskar I gonna go there, you take care yourself, don't take sleeping pills, go to party or take a girl to enjoy"
Sanskar:" Bye" and disconnected the call.
Shanaya was his best friend plus partner. He found her working with his business partner seven years ago and from that time, both are fulfilling each others desire for just completing their needs.
Swara comes downstairs after changing. She is wearing red and white suit and makes ponytail. She always feels comfortable with this dressing, Sanskar already told her not to wear saree, so she only wears comfortable dresses.
Sanskar is waiting for her while Sujata is trying to serve him food.
Sanskar:" Mom! Lavanya will serve us food, you please don't do it"
Sujata:" But son this is ritual of our family that always women serve men" she sees Swara "look! Swara has come, if you don't want me to serve then let her"
Swara has come and about to serve but Sanskar holds her hand and makes her sit:" Sit there and take a breakfast, now I don't need any argument, if anyone wanna live my house, they have to follow my rules"
Sujata understands his words and silently takes breakfast.
After breakfast Sanskar leaves and Sujata calls  Annapurna and Sumi to come and participate with her in Swara's ritual.
Swara made meal for everyone but there's time of lunch so now they're gathered at the lounge and eating ice cream.
Laksh:" Tell me your love story Bhabhi! By the way Bhai never hide me anything but in  this regard, he didn't talk to me"
Ragini:" Yes Swara! I wanna know too" then she turns to Laksh:" You know Laksh, she also didn't tell me anything, I think there is desk between her and jiju, not to tell anything about their story"
Laksh:" Don't worry Ragini! Now she'll tell us the story"
Swara sighs and looks both of them:" Actually we first met at my friend's birthday party"
She reminisces that time, it was time when she went to her best friend's birthday party and Siya demanded her to sing a song.
She didn't want to sing because she felt shy because of crowd of people but Siya forced her continuously.
Finally she agreed and started singing the song.
"Aye humnava mujhe apna bana le
Sukhi padi dil ki iss zameen ko bhiga de
Hmm… Hoon akela zara hath bada de
Sukhi padi dil ki iss zameen ko bhiga de
Kabse mein dar dar phir raha
Musafir dil ko panaah de
Tu aawargi ko meri aaj thehra de"
Sanskar heard this melodious voice and forget to talk that girl who was trying for him.
He leaved that girl and wanted to see the owner of this melodious voice.
" Ho sake toh thoda pyaar jata de
Sukhi padi dil ki iss zameen ko bhiga de"
Sanskar looked her she's simple girl who is wearing long maxi of full sleeves. Don't know what but he felt something stange to see her.
"Murjhaayi si shaakh pe dil ki
Phul khilte hai kyun
Baat gulon ki zikr mahek ka
Acha lagta hai kyun
Un rangon se tune milaya
Jinse kabhi main mil nahi paaya
Dil karta hai tera shukriya"
Sanskar decided to talk with that girl and he was sure that she would happily agree to be with her.
"Issi bahane tu laa de
Dil ka sunaa banjar mehka de
Sukhi padi dil ki iss zameen ko bhiga de
Hm… Hoon akela zara hath bada de
Sukhi padi dil ki is zameen ko bhiga de"
After completion of her song, he went to her, everyone started dancing, he also asked from her to dance but she politely refused to dance.
Sanskar understood that she was just pretending in front of him because to raising her price.
He set with her and said:" Ok if you don't want to do dance. We can talk"
Swara looked him with amazed:" Excuse me...? I have no any interest to talk with you"
Sanskar smiled proudly:" You would be, then you'll know me.."
Swara:" I know you very well! Don't think that if you've money than you can buy anything, it's better to go from here because I don't want to spoil the environment of my friend's party"
He understood that she's not that type girl, but he felt so much insult to listen her words:" I talked to you politely that doesn't mean you can talk to me in this tone, you don't know me Miss... " he held her arm but she jerked and shouted:" Get out from there"
Everyone started to looking them and Sanskar's face became red because of feeling insult. He looked here and there and leaved that place.
Payal tried to stop him but he didn't, she also scold her but she didn't care about him.
That day Sanskar rushed to his house and broke out everything of his room.
"how dare this girl to insult me? She considers herself so precious then she does not know everyone has any price and I'll just show her, her price" he grinned .

Swasan A path hate to love ep38

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 06, 2016 with 27 comments

Shanaya, Ragini and Laksh go to walk, both are remaining near the bonfire.Swara sees his gaze which is touching her face slowly, suddenly he feels suffocation and puts out packet of cigarette. She shocked to see cigarette on his hand, he stands up and goes a bit far from her. Her mouth opens because of his action and she follow him.
Swara slowly snatches cigarette from him, he looks her but says nothing.
Swara:" Doctor forbid you for smoking"
He slowly takes out the cigarette from her hand and takes out his lighter:" I need it" his tone is bit harsh and rude. She first time listen his this tone, whatever he said to her and done with her, he never used this type of tone. His tone was always soft and firm sometimes cold also but never harsh and rude. Sanskar looks her from face to toe and first time, he notices his wife properly after his marriage. Swara puzzles to feel his gaze, there is much darkness and small flames are remained in the wood. Sanskar comes to her and she steps back but there is a tree behind her. Sanskar keeps his hands on tree and makes cage of his arm around her, Swara looks down because of his heated gaze is melting her slowly slowly.
Although moon on its early date but the small rays of moonlight is reflecting his face while Swara is in shade side.
Sanskar:" What's your problem Swara?"
Swara is shock to listen that words and lifts her face:" What.. Do you mean Sanskar?"
Sanskar presses his arm and says in harsh voice:" Why are you behaving so sweetly? What did Shanaya told you?"
Swara:" Shanaya told me nothing..."
Sanskar looks her suspiciously and asks:" Sure? Because if I'll know that you're telling me lie, then you don't know me that who am I?"
Swara feels bit fear but she remembers Shanaya's words.

Before going back from her school, Shanaya asked from her something.

Shanaya:" Swara do you love him?"

Swara nodded slowly, Shanaya felt much happy to see her reply and hugged her.

Shanaya:" Listen to me carefully Swara, never ever tell him that I told you about his past, otherwise maybe he'll never accept your love"

Swara confused to listen her:" But why Shanaya? What's the connection of his past and my love?"

Shanaya sighed and held her hand:" Maybe it's his psychology or whatever but as I know him, if you'll tell him that you know his past then, he'll weigh your love in the form of sympathy and he hates sympathy. You don't know, he's philosopher type thing, he weighs everything, observes carefully and trust on his wits only... You cried in front of him, he'll never believe you until he understands this thing by his wit that you accepted him the way he's... Now understand?"

Swara said in confuse state:" Little bit... You talk complicated things and he's complicated itself, I don't know what would happen this average mind girl between you both complicated person"

Then she decided to not to makes him notice that she knows his past but he has great wit which can observe changing in her attitude.

Swara nods her face and says:" You can ask from Shanaya too"

Sanskar nods and leaves her while Swara wishes that he shouldn't leave her.

Sanskar lights his cigarette, but Swara slowly takes out cigarette from his hand.

He needs cigarette so much because this silence, darkness and black art of night are making him crazy and increasing his need while he can neither sleep nor fulfill his need.

So because of her act, he jerks but he reminisces his promise and calms down himself. He turns towards her and says in heavy voice:" I've inhaler Swara! You don't need to worry about anything"

Swara wishes that she could become his inhaler.

Sanskar looks her in same statue posture and taunts on her:" Well! I think if you would be widow, then you'll be happiest girl in this world"

Swara looks him with pain that how could he said this words so easily.

A tear breaks the cage of her eyelashes and she says nothing just crushes burning cigarette in her fist.

Sanskar notices this and takes her hand immediately:" Are you mad? Is anyone hurt himself just like you did?"

Sanskar slowly opens her fist and finds black burn mark on it.

She's crying but this is not because of pain of burning, it is pain of his words.

Sanskar curse himself that after making promise to keep her happy, he makes her cry on first step of his promise.

He just forgets his need and cigarettes, he just looks his burn palm and scolds her:" You're just..." Suddenly he stops himself and stands her up:" There is no any first aid box, come on... We're going to doctor" he stands up, softly holds her wrist and slowly drags her but she stops him:" I don't need it Sanskar"

Sanskar notices mixture of tears in her voice and sighs. He sits again and looks her first time with concern:" Look

Swara! I know burning is such painful wound, you don't need to be careless about it"

Swara:" I'm ok Sanskar!"

" you're not Swara!"  Sanskar says in firm voice.

He slowly drags her towards car, Swara is just starring him during their small journey. He buys first aid box from

medical store and puts burning tube paste on her palm.

Swara:" It's paining"

Sanskar does his work of holding her hand and putting paste on it:" Hmm I know"

Swara lifts her eyes to him and asks in curious way:" How do you know?"

Sanskar finishes and says:" Because you're human being and it's normal that human feels pain of burning"

Swara thinks:" What about inside burning Sanskar?" But she says nothing.

Sanskar starts the car and she wishes that they'll not reach their destination but this journey would be going on till

her eyes get tired of watching him..

He feels her gaze and turns to her, she immediately offs her eyes on him and starts looking outside.

Weather of Mysore was cold but she's really burning from inside.

Swara reminds something and turns to him:" Sanskar!"

Sanskar is still looking ahead:" Hmm.."

Swara:" You found the first aid box but you couldn't find sleeping pills yesterday"

Sanskar looks her and gasps:" There's many reasons of it, first my dose of sleeping pills bit high, it's not easily

available here and without Dr recommendation, no one buy this pills, and second I was not in my mind.."

Swara confuses to listen it:" In my mind...??"

Sanskar stops the car, they reached their destination but no one is stepping out from car.

Sanskar opens his seat belt and completely turns to her.

"actually Swara, this mind" he touches her vein of brain "is much complicated than any computer, it preplanned,

determined and if any program get corrupted, it'll numb for sometime, my mind is much complicated... You know

what why? Because I feed it so much, from sweet to bitter experiences... Well!  If I'll say in simple words then it'll

be like that once I planned something and it'll not happened properly, I become mad.. I can't bear my minor

defeats even, this is it"

Sanskar ups his hands and steps out from car while she's starring him with wonder "what a man he's!"


When they reached, Laksh and Shanaya are hanging out together while Ragini isn't there.

Laksh:" Oh you both come?"

Shanaya:" Are you ok now Swara?"

Swara jerks her shoulder and says:" Absolutely.. It was minor wound, don't know why Sanskar dragged me from


They sit with them and Sanskar turns to her:" If you feel sleepy, you can go to inside the tent"

Laksh:" Yes Bhabhi! Your sister already fell asleep, you can join us, we brothers won't sleep"

Swara:" And what about Shanaya?"

Shanaya:" Don't worry about me, this is not our first bonfire, we arranged this type of things many time"

Her eyes widened to listen it:" What would you in this type of things?"

Sanskar:" Hanging out all night... Now you can go" last part of his sentence is in imperative form which shows


Swara understands that he doesn't want her here but she wants to be there, she looks Shanaya for help, she


Shanaya:" Let Swara join us Sanskar! Now this is part of our team"

Sanskar looks Shanaya and says strictly:" She would not become part of my any team Shanaya!" He turns to Swara

"now go and get sleep, I told you I don't used to say any word again"

Swara understands his firm voice, she makes face and sees the Shanaya who's also helpless when he used this type

of tone.

She's about to get up but Laksh interrupts:" Bhabhi! Stay here, Bhai will not say anything to you"

Sanskar:" Lucky you're.."

Laksh removes the bottles from ahead of them and says:" We will not drink... Ok? Then you shouldn't any issue, if

Bhabhi stay there"

Sanskar can't say no to this person, so he gasps and allow her to stay there.

Swara looks Laksh with gratefulness, Laksh consoles her from eyes.

Shanaya:" If we'll not drink, then what would we do?"

Swara:" What do you do commonly on bonfire"

Laksh:" Only drinking and sometimes, when I bring my girlfriend then..."

Suddenly he stops and realizes that what he gonna about to say.

Shanaya:" What do you do commonly when you make plan to wake up all night"

Swara hesitates to listen her question:" Actually we never do this type of things, we were not allowed to stay out

of home all night, I commonly went parties but not those which going on in all night"

After completion of her words, Shanaya and Sanskar look each others significantly.

Laksh:" Whooo... Take a breath.. Laksh is here and you don't to be worried, we can chat all night, because we three

know each others very well, actually more than very well, then its time you should know us in the same manner,

specially Bhai"

Sanskar eyes him:" Lucky.."

Laksh stops him:" Bhai! You always told us, we should be fair in everything then why are you hiding yourself with

your wife?"

Sanskar raises his hands, Laksh turns to Swara:" Now tell us about you?"

Swara puzzles:" About me what?"

Laksh:" I mean to say, how much do you love our Bhai?"

Swara blushes clearly and three of them noticed this thing and take it in their own way of thinking.

I'm hope Ep8

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 06, 2016 with No comments

Umeed didn't reply anything to him, just silently deactivate her id and shut down her laptop. She went towards her window of room, moon had reached to its lunacy.
She looked moon nd whispered:" My friend! Have I done right? I have no need to escape from my environment now... Everything gonna be right in my life, hmmm I'm not completely happy but I'm satisfied, I don't want to be Mahar Mah more, if Shayan loves Umeed,he'll must do anything through he can get his love, otherwise my father is with me and this is enough for me" She was saying sadly and closed the door of window.
She went to her bed and decided to not to miss Shayan again.


Daddy was arranging great party at home on their anniversary, every year they celebrate their anniversary in  foreign country in trip without children.

This time, they changed the plan, just because of Umeed because many of his business partners and relatives want

her but he didn't want to show her in front of anyone like a toy for selling.

So he was arranging the party for this purpose.

In those days, mummy was also seeking girl for Arman but most shocking news was that mummy was planning for Romana's engagement.

Umeed thought that she's so young to get engage but amazingly she was happy with that alliance because she liked her would be.

Daddy was also not agree to fix her alliance, in his point of view, first they've to seek the groom for Umeed then they will think about Romana but mummy was trying to convince him that it was only engagement.

Romana was with mummy, Arman was with papa but she was neutral as usual.

In those days, only their proposals, party themes and decorations and guests were discussing.

Umeed was sad about to leave her wonderland and disgusting with these issues, so she voluntarily participated in
the aid camp of her university group which arranged functions and festivals in the main city site and earn money to pay the fees of poor students.

She was only paid money to them everytime because of her tough schedule, she couldn't participated but this time, she took leave from everything and participate with them.

They arranged festival on the beach which would be going on whole day.

They had to arrange stalls in professional style, their professors were also there to guide.

But there is a problem, when she went their to give her name for participation, then teacher asked the name of her partner.

Umeed:" Partner...?"

Teacher:" Yes! You've to arrange stalls. So every stall would be settled by two students"

She gasped to listen it because now she had to seek the business graduation student.

She asked from Romana to make pair with her but she she denied.

Romana:" You stay with your social work, I can give you my pocket money but I don't have time to participate with you, you know mummy is planning for my engagement on her anniversary party"

Umeed suspiciously asked:" Whom are you going to marry?"

Romana:" You don't know him because it was mummy's relatives"

She nodded because she really didn't know many of mummy's relatives.

She was about to leave for university when someone came inside the home.

It was her mummy's sister, she came here after a long time.

She greeted her.

Aunt:" Are you Umeed? You've grown up and become beautiful"

Umeed smiled slowly asked:" How are you aunty?"

Aunty:" I'm quite well! And you?"

Umeed:" Me too.. Well! Excuse me, I'm getting late for university"

She allowed her to go..

She went university and asked many junior to become her partner. But she couldn't find any companion for her

because she participated in last days, so many of students who were participating, already made their pair and whom who didn't participate, they were not agree to paired with her.

When she fed up from asking everyone, she went to the best place of relaxing pf every student, canteen. But it was welcome week, so there's so much crowd because classes were not going on. She felt thirsty and wanted to take a juice and she had not courage to go to department for drinking water. She tried many time but she fed up and went to the stairs of canteen.

She took out her mobile and purposelessly changed the dp of her what'sapp when someone gave her juice.

She lifted her face, it was Faraz.

He had one juice and coffee in other hand.

Faraz:" I'm not sitting with you, just take it, I saw you that you want this, so I took this for you, you like mango flavour, I took this"

Umeed smiled and took juice from him because she really needed this:" Thank you"

Faraz:" By the way, what are you doing here in these days? As I know in welcome week only three types of students come here, one who has so much time to waste so they come here for enjoying with friends, second the fresher and third the volunteers... I'm in first category"

Umeed gasped:" I'm in third category"

Faraz eyes widened:" But today there is no any meeting of volunteers. Why are you come here?"

Umeed:" Actually I need a partner to make pair and do work with me, but I couldn't find anyone"

Faraz was about to say something but after thinking something, he said nothing and leaved.

She starred him while going towards his group, suddenly she realized something and called him:" Faraz!"

Faraz was far away from her.

She was slinging her bag and clasped juice and her stuff to chase him.

she got up from stairs and ran towards him.

She breathed heavily because of the her stuff and running.

She again called his name, this time he listened and turned.

He went towards her:" What happened Umeed?"

Umeed:" Will you become my partner?"

Faraz's eyes widened.

Umeed:" Actually.. I didn't find anyone for pairing, if you'll then  you'll must get reward from god for this good work"

Faraz smiled bitterly:" My father is sponsor of this all and my mother was doing this types of things from my childhood, and you know very well Umeed how was my childhood... I already had so much reward for their good work... I'm fed up to take this reward from my childhood. I've no wish to gain more reward"

Umeed disappointed to listen it and about to turn but he called her again:" But if you give me your smile as my reward then I'll must do this goodness"

Umeed turned and smiled to listen it. Her smile reached to her eyes which can beat the brightness of great sun.