Next day, Sanskar woke up and found himself on a floor, because of hangover of last night, he couldn't understand where be was fall asleep. He again recalled her words and a heavy layer of rage came into his heart and he said:" She's not know me very well that what type of person I'm! And what I do with that people who insulted me... Well she'll know soon"
He intercom to Lavanya to take lemon juice for him and then sought out his mobile and called Shanaya.
After two rings, she picked up the call:" Shanaya! Come Delhi today..." He said in cold voice.
Shanaya:" What happened Sanskar? Is everything ok there?"
Sanskar:" I said come here, otherwise I'll come to you and you know me very well" he again said in same cold tone.
Shanaya understood his condition because she's the only one who can understand him without allowing him to utters any word. :" Ok! In coming, you just cool down"
He took a shower to cool down himself and went to his work.
Sanskar went to office and called Payal in his cabin.
Pagal came and he signed her to sit.
Sanskar started his conversation like it:" You look really stunning Payal in blond hairs"
She boggled to listen it because she had black hairs but few years later when she was gone to honeymoon with her boyfriend by telling lie to her family, that time she dyed her hairs in blond shade.
Sanskar continued his conversation:" Tell me your price Miss Payal! Why are you trying to trapping me?"
Payal understood his intention and didn't want to leave this chance:" I need some money sir!"
Sanskar took out check book and gave her check of her demanded amount:" Take this and now tell me whatever I'll ask to you and tell me truth because I dont depend on one source of information, if you'll tell me lie, I'll must know that... So don't you dare to tell the lie to me"
Payal understood:" Yes sir!"
Sanskar:" What's the name of that girl?"
Payal:" Swara.."
Sanskar:"hmm.. Tell me everything about her which you have known"
Payal gasped:" I don't know so much about her, she's best friend of my sister and they've group of five friends. She's simple girl and didn't attend so much parties specially night parties"
Sanskar was listening him carefully and said:" Which type of character she has?"
Payal didn't understand why was he taking interest in her but she told her what knew:" As I know her, she has good character, I never heard about any bad thing about her"
Sanskar:" This is enough for me and you can leave office from today and tomorrow you can give resignation letter to my new secretary because I don't want unprofessional people in my hotel"
Payal lurched and leaved.
Swara noticed silver car in front of her college after that incident. She always confused to see that car because she thought that she saw that car before also, but where? She couldn't remember.
But she always confused to see that man and the car, it's because she knew very well that no one is so much rich in her college to afford this luxurious car.
It was routine of that car from some months but one day he came out from car and asked to give lift to her.
Swara:" I don't want anything from you, just go on your way"
Sanskar:" I'm already on my way, you're not on the right way"
Swara:" I think you don't get your limit"
Sanskar:" There's no limit for me miss Swara gadodia" he took her name to show her his limit.
Swara got furious to listen it but inside her heart she also frighten because she could understand his sources and she didn't want to get conflict with any rich spoilt man.
Sanskar:" So now may I drop you Swara?"
Swara:" No thanks" she said and took her path to unawre that what's her real path.
Sanskar and Shanaya were drinking special thing in the house of Sanskar.
Shanaya tackled her drink to him and said:" Cheers for my friend who fall in love finally"
He jerked to listen her:" I don't love her you know very well that love is nothing for me just figment of fool's mind and when I I don't believe in love then why can I fall in that?"
Shanaya opened the shutter of new bottle and poured drink in Sanskar's glass:" But stop living alone dear! If you don't love her then it's ok! As I know you this is girl whom you can marry, so marry her and start your family life?"
Sanskar laughed to listen her:" Family... Love..marriage...? These are nothing for me Shanaya! I think you should join comedy show because you're joking so well" by saying this he hold her.
Shanaya pushed him and said in serious tone:" Look Sanskar! You really need to be married... You live this type of life so long but as I know you, you're the family man your inner family man forced you to take sleeping pills every night"
Sanskar sank in deep thought to listen her words because she was saying this.
He took bottle from her and threw her on his bed and came to her:" Then why don't you marry with me?"
Shanaya looked into his eyes:" Now you're joking Sanskar... Maybe I can accept your proposal but I love my freedom so much, so I would not make this flop deal"
Sanskar laughed to listen her and put his lips on her but suddenly he saw Swara's face on her and leaved.
Shanaya:" You again imagined her"
Sanskar nodded his head.
Shanaya held his shoulder:" Marry her... I sense that this girl can change you and your life and this type of innocent and simple girl can suit you, instead of me"
Sanskar turned to her:" Sure?"
Shanaya:" You can believe me"
Sanskar nodded and smirked to think about his plan.
When Sanskar decided to marry Swara, he again followed her in the way of her college and asked her about lift and said:" May I drop you miss?"
Swara:" I think, you've any smuggling work, because how can you follow me daily in the same way? Don't you have any work?"
Sanskar smirked and said:" Nowadays I've only one work to get you and I'll follow you till hell my dear! "
Swara irritated to listen it and again took her but he still followed her and held her arm.
Swara pushed him:" How dare you to touch me, I can complain to police"
Sanskar smiled to listen her:" Yes you can complain..."
Swara tried to free herself:" What do you want from me?"
Sanskar:" You?"
Swara:" I'm not that type of girl, please leave me"
Sanskar:" I know you're not that type of girl, so that's why I'm asking you to marry me?"
Swara shocked to listen it:" I think you're mad who proposing me on the way"
Sanskar:" I can propose you on your home too"
Swara:" Just leave me.." She tried hard to free herself but finally in rage she slapped him. He was shocked to see her because in his life, no one ever beat him. He burned with rage and tighten his grip around her wrist:" How dare you to slap me... You'll pay for it"
He jerked his hand and she finally succeeded to free herself and ran away from there.
Sanskar shouted behind her:" One day you'll beg me to marry you"
Swara turned and shouted in a same way:" Yes off but in your dreams Mr!"