Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (The Resemblance) Episode 15

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 30, 2016 with 12 comments
Sanskar's POV:
'Sujata, Why have you done this to me? I have always accomplished my responsibilities towards you. Then why do you betray me?
'Responsibility, Do you even know the meaning of this word? Do you think spending money on your wife is called as responsibility.'
"Ha! Ha! The money which you are spending lavishly can't available to all. Money is everything. You stupid woman! Can't understand it's value. I have satisfied all your desires. But you! What have you done with me? You have informed police about the business, I am conducting for years together. I won't spare you this time Sujata."
"Are you threatening me for death? Kill me Ram! I don't want to live this life. I don't want my son to be called as a child of an extortionist."
'Shut up Sujata! Before I loose my sense. I have done all these things to satisfy my family needs.'
'To whom do you want to fool? We don't need your money. You have done all these things to satisfy your needs. Don't pull me and my son into this.'
"Stop Sujata, You are crossing your limit. Don't push me too much to kill you. You don't know how painful it is when the bullet pierces in your heart & punctures the entire body.
"You are mistaken Ram! Death is painful & easier than life."
BANG.... BANG....
"Don't kill my mom. Please spare her dad!" And I woke up from my short nap. The same nightmare which I had faced before many years, again popped up in my mind after hearing my target's answer. The same line. An exact resemblance.. The same expressionless brave face... Though I was a slayer and I was devoid of human expressions still I didn't know why I was worried for her now? I couldn't disobey my captain's orders. So, I had to control my emotions. I didn't want to handle my target now. So, I went towards George's cell and started negotiating with him. I had already traced his bank account details. But that bastard was lying to me that he hadn't done anything. I couldn't listen to his lies more. So, I finally ordered him to say the truth or else be prepared to die. He still repeated his old talks. So, I had finally decided that there was nothing left to discuss with him. Before pressing the trigger, I said,"George! There is no place of mercy to a traitor." And I pressed the trigger in rage & anger. "I was merciless & ruthless slayer.. I knew it.. After all it was my job.", for the first time in life I convinced myself after killing a person. I knew the cause of it was none other than my target & her resemblance with my mother. I rushed out of the cell & ordered Alex and Martin to dispose George's dead body.

This resemblance wasn't good for my job. While I was thinking about these aspects, my phone ringed. I came out of my thoughts & saw the caller ID. It was my captain again. He asked me about my target & George. I gave him all the details of George, from his bank account details to his death. My captain was satisfied with this. As my target was getting into my nerves, so I didn't want to handle her now. To get rid of this target, I asked my captain trickily,"Shall I go to the bank to recover those money from his account?" Cutting my words immediately, my captain said,"No need Sanskar! You handle her. Recovery of money from his account can be done by Laksh. He is expert in that. You know that those money can't fulfil my goal. I want my money back from that idiot Shekhar Suryavansi. Are you able to vent out truth regarding that idiot from her mouth?" I was not prepared to answer the last sentence of my captain. So, I just said that I was trying. My captain wasn't convinced with the answer and said to complete this mission as soon as possible & he cut the call.

Despite the fact that I didn't want to face her now, but I didn't have another option. Laksh would handle that case and I had to vent out truth from her mouth. Immediately I rushed to her cell, I found out that she was damn shocked, worried and was also possessing mixture of reactions. But I didn't want to analyze her facial expressions, as that would make me weak which I didn't want to happen at any cost. I was also wearing a mask. So, she couldn't sense my restlessness regarding her. Good for me! It was time to work. She was lying on floor & I put a chair in front of her to sit. As soon as I sat there, she just moved her legs away from me. Her legs were shivering like hell & cramps were coming up. Without analyzing her situations further, I came straight to my point. I said, 'Scared! Huh! Good! Now answer my questions. The sooner you answer, the sooner will be your freedom.' Just then I heard her murmuring sound. I shouted,'Hey you! Speak up early or else you know, what I can do & how far I can go?' But to my surprise, she was saying,'You are a killer! How can you kill a person? Do you feel happy after killing him?' I didn't know what should I feel now. This girl was not at all worried for her fate rather she was asking about my remorse. Strange... Now I couldn't find her in front of me rather I could see my mother in her.. Like she was the small version of my mom. Exactly like her. Thinking for others....... But I controlled my feelings again and snapped her back,"Think about yourself poor girl! The same thing can also happen with you." But still I couldn't find any change in her facial expression and she continued," Look Mr! Have you lost your memory? Or Do you think whatever I have said earlier regarding death, is a lie? Or do you feel I am intoxicated now? Ha.. Ha.. I am not scared of death?" Her similarity with my mother was making me weak in front of her. So I pressed her neck deeply to remind myself about my existence & asked," Don't dare to show your attitude in front of me.. Else I will kill your entire family." This time I could feel the change in her reactions. I didn't know why did that change occur? Was it because I had pressed her neck or in the name of family? Now she pleaded me, "please kill me but spare my mom." I was again shocked, she was requesting me to spare her mom, then what was about her father. I asked her mockingly,'Don't you want your father Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi to live?' Now again her fearful facial expression was changed into rage & she said,"I don't know him. Do what ever you want to do with that man!" "Huh!", I was really shocked by her answer. I again shouted,"Don't act smart with me! Answer me where is your father?" To my surprise, she shouted," Don't call that man my father. I don't know him. If you want to kill, then go ahead & kill him.. Still if you are not satisfied then you can also kill me. But spare my mother." I thought that might be she was playing mind games with me. She must have known about his father but wanted to divert my mind. I threatened her this time,"I will kill your mother first if you don't tell truth regarding your father." And my this statement had worked. She pleaded,"I swear! I don't know about Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi. He is hiding now due to his loss of illegal shares. I don't have any contact with him. He is not my father. I am telling truth. Please leave my mother. Don't include her. She is innocent. She doesn't have any hand in Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi's illegal business." Her statements had made deep impact on me. What had she said? Not his father... I questioned myself,"Is she lying to me? No sanskar.. Look at her expressions.. She was telling truth." Being a slayer, it was not difficult for me to judge a person. As soon as I was convinced that she was not lying, I couldn't see her as my target anymore, rather I was viewing myself in her place. The same pain I had faced earlier. Just Like her, I also couldn't call 'Ram Prasad' as my father. I was feeling suffocated and was unable to continue this questionnaire session further and left the room. Before leaving that room, I heard her shout, "Leave my mom... Don't kill her."

Credit to:Kashis

I'm Hope Ep 19

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 30, 2016 with 5 comments
"Are you really that nice" Umeed's voice was low bur replete with emotions.

"just for you" he said politely like flow of lake.

She gasped then peered his handsome face, he was wearing dress code of office with tie which knot he loosened up. He was brushing his hairs after  every two minutes, because of it his hairs was roughly scattered on his tiny forehead. His shave was trimmed but looked good on him. He was no more dirty child of their school days, he had grown up and could beaten up any girl's heart. Special his hazel green eyes, could make spell on anyone.

Then why, why did she never notice him? Why her heart attracted to that person who was chosen by her sister and why her sister did this to her without any fault or mistake.

Many questions arose in her mind but she had no answer of any of them.

"what are you thinking now?" After her long silence, he pressed her hand slowly, she boggled with his touch on her hand then suddenly disentangled her hands from him. He noticed her shyness pr rudeness but said nothing because now he was learning to view half filled glass. His half filled glass was her heartily approval for their alliance.

She stood up from her place, slammed her bag on her shoulder.

"I should go now" she murmured while watching the time on her wrist watch.

"first answer my question.." He held her hand and said in pleading voice.

She peered her husband then gasped on his pleading voice.

"I've no hurry to marry and also I've no objection on our wedding but I wanted to give this decision to our elders,

I'm heartily agreed on the date of our marriage which they would decide" she said in polite and firm voice while free her hands from his grip.

"don't do it again please" she signed to his act of holding her hand.

"don't I have right of this?" His voice was replete with full of emotions.

She wanted to deny but she already told that she had accepted their alliance so now she couldn't reject her own words.

"yes! You've but along with that, we should know about the boundaries which our parents drew between us"

He nodded on her answer moreover stayed silent.

They silently left the lounge of farm house, the weather was calm now moreover the beauty of farm house was increasing the amiability of weather but the two hearts were silent on this romantic weather and surrounding.

She opened the door of her car then rushed away from there while he was absorbing the view of her car while it vanished from his sight.


She reached at office, unfortunately Romana was waiting for her with Shayan. Arman was dealing international project that's why, he wasn't in country and Umeed was dealing with local projects.

"where were you aapi?" She asked in sweet but sharp voice while Shayan looked indifferent in this matter.

"Faraz called me" she told in busy tone.

"you should ask daddy before meeting with Faraz Bhai" she chewed every word of her sentence.

"actually Faraz is my husband, neither fiance nor boyfriend like Shayan of you, so I don't need anyone's permission

to meet with my husband" she sat on her chair, placing her stuff on the glass table.

Romana fumed after listening her indirect taunt.

"but you should know about our boundaries too" she reminded her in sharp voice.

Shayan tried to interrupt but Romana also jerked his hand too. That time Umeed became grateful to God that at least he was not her fiance.

"don't interrupt Shayan in our sister's matter" Umeed told to Shayan calmly while smiling significantly.

Shayan looked confuse after watching her meaningful smile.

"why are you smiling like that?" Romana asked with astonishment.

"I was thinking actually..." She took pen from table then opened the next meeting's file.

"that I should be grateful to you that you've created that incident and I got the life partner like Faraz, otherwise according to your plan, if I stuck in your trap which you made by Shayan and started to love this jackass, then obviously I would regret to choose him. But offcourse because of you, destiny made Faraz to my life partner and

I'm really grateful to you to do that plan"

Both Shayan and Romana's faces were changing during her every word.

She smiled mischievously after completing her words and after giving them big shock.

"yes! I'm Mahar mah! Papa's boy" she said while looking in the eyes of Shayan.

"Umeed.. I..." He murmured but she raised her hands.

"I don't want to listen anything from your mouth, honey dear!" She turned to Romana then said "please go from there with your idiot fiance because I've to work"

Romana stood up with anger while Shayan in confusion plus embarrassment.

"you shouldn't forget that this is my daddy's office" she wanted to show her right on this building.

"oh! I didn't know that?" She did mockery with her while looking into her eyes directly.

"but you should remember that your daddy has a son who doesn't have interest in business but in his singing only and a daughter who doesn't have mind to set up the business and chose a depended life partner, so only I left to carry this business.." She said calmly.

"now please leave" her voice was arctic cold.

Shayan dragged her towards the door and she smiled amiably with hundred of shades.

Vampire Knight season 1 (Third Night)

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 30, 2016 with No comments
The Untold Story Of Zero & Yuki
Third Night

Zero's point of view:

I was laying on my bed, there's no case of level E tonight, so I've lots of free time tonight.

I thought about yesterday night, where she was with me, in my arms but completely strange.

"Yuki..!" My unconscious awakened with the darkness of night.

"you remind me that boy who was so close to my heart but he didn't know the dance" her voice echoed in my mind.

I jerked that voice, then the voice of Ichiru came in my thoughts.

"live your life Zero! Get what you wanna get"

Before his death, he said me this line which reminds me Yuki more strongly.

I remember the day when Ichiro makes a conspiracy against us, before 6 years, Shizuoka a pureblood vampire came to us.

It was snowing outside and Ichiru was missing that time. Mom and dad just about to leave for searching him but I stopped them.

"don't worry mom and Dad! I'll find him, he was just playing near the house" I said, I loved my brother so much.

There are so rare twins in the families of vampire hunters and we were only twins of that time.

Ichiru usually stayed ill, so my parents worried about him so much.

When I went outside then I felt strong feelings that any vampire was beside me. Suddenly someone grasped me from my back and I felt two fangs on my neck.

It was Shizuoka who bit me and killed my parents.

But the most terrible things was that it was my twin brother who made a conspiracy against us with Shizuoka.

I felt to kill myself that time, I was no hope. I became that creature, whom I made to kill. I was vampire hunter and

I became vampire itself. Moreover, I started to hate vampires, especially purebloods.

That time, when headmaster who was an ex-vampire hunter, adopted me then I met with Yuki.

A girl with smiling face and crystal eyes. Her eyes are so clear and pure which conveyed the pureness and innocence of her heart.


Yuki's pov

A boy with silver hairs and sad eyes, when I got attached to him, I don't remember but I just remember that he was my best friend and I had to care about him. Because whenever I saw him, in the deep inside, I saw my face in him.

It's very hard to live without family, I've Kaname at least but he had no reason to live except to kill the reason for his unhappiness.

But just a minute... Shizuoka is already killed by Kaname and Ichiru is also dead, what type of reason he has for his existence?

I boggle with my thought, why it comes in my mind.

"next time ill meet you, I'll kill you" his voice echoed in my mind again.

Maybe he's living to kill me, if it's really true then I don't wanna die because I'm the reason of his existence.

"you're the reason of his existence" my inner goddess feels ecstasy think about it.

I remember the day when I found him scratching his neck.

"what are you doing Zero?" I was worried about him but I froze when I saw in his eyes.

His eyes..! His eyes replete with hatred and pain. The pain of losing everything, that time I decided to always protect and care for him.

But on the other hand, he always cared and protected me. I know he always behind me whenever I need support and he always come to me in any difficult situation.

"why? Why destiny does with me?" I wish I shouldn't be pureblood then maybe we will be together forever.

Suddenly I boggled with my thought, why am I continuously thinking about Zero. I should think about Kaname who is on the mission to convince vampire Jewry for his new ideas.

It was his idea to establish the night and day class in a cross academy where vampire and human can study together whereas humans were unaware of the fact that night class students were actually vampires.

Except me and Zero, no day class student know about it. I knew because I faced vampires eleven years ago one night. That time I didn't know that I was actually pureblood vampire because Kaname erased my memories.

Zero also knew everything because he belonged to vampire hunters family.

I went towards the window and opened it. There was the beautiful thin moon in the sky, Kaname never opened the window but I love to see the sky.

Kaname hired the tutor for me on home but I wanted to attend cross academy again moreover wanted to do my duty as guardian.

My eyes are burning to see the thin layer of moon.

"do you like moon Zero?" A ten-year girl asked her friend who was laying on the terrace.

"the moon..." He looked upside where a beautiful moon smiling. "it was no moon when my parents were killed, so I like it"

I don't know why did he compare everything with that incident.

But he could move forward if he wasn't vampire or his own twin brother didn't betray him.

Suddenly I heard the knock on my door,

"come in," I said in low voice.

"are you ok Yuki?" It was Ruka, class fellow and friend of Kaname.

We had also nice conversation but don't know why we couldn't become friends.

"hmm.." My answer is short and obscure.

She's wearing night gown but she is looking so perfect and beautiful.

I don't know why Kaname didn't choose her instead of me or maybe he chose me because I'm his fiancee from our childhood.

She stands beside me and follows my eyes.

"do you like the moon?"

"yes so much!  I love nature" I say while smiling.

She looks my face with empty emotion and says slowly.

"you should stay human Yuki! You do not belong of vampires, at least not after cross academy. You're made for cross academy as guardian, not to becoming princess of this golden cage"

My mouth opens little to listen to her. She first time talks to me so long. But her words are exactly describing my situation like I was wanna listen to someone who can answer my questions which don't allow me to be happy.

I look her snowy complexion which becomes paler because of the pain, the pain of losing her love.

She silently left my room and I don't understand why I felt her pain in my heart although I've my love with me forever.

Disclaimer: No any character of manga or anime belongs to me. I do not own any character of Vampire Knight, except Mika Shiki (her appearance will be shown in the upcoming season). Every character belongs to 'Matsuri Hino' of Vampire Knight, I'm just giving my story to his characters.