Sunday, 8 May 2016

Mother's Love (One Shot)

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 08, 2016 with 3 comments

A massive castle was fully lightened. The chandelier ceiling was hanging in the middle of the room. Men of various age groups were sitting on decorated mats. Some of them were even chewing tobacco. All the men had seated in a circular form & just then a lady in her mid 40's came to the center. From the back,someone shouted,"Shomi, show your dance moves...." Shomi, a lady, who was fully covered with ornaments & heavy saree was looking like a diva. She started dancing with the beat of the classical music. In some intervals, guys were passing nasty comments to her. Someone was saying,"Oh! What a figure... She still looks young.. May be one day I can get her on bed." Cutting his voice, some other man was yelling,"She is very decent.. Till now she doesn't entertain any customer privately." Some other men were laughing after listening to these talks & within them,a man had challenged,"one day she will accept my proposal & she will entertain me for money." These insane talks were going on & that lady couldn't escape from the luring eyes of these men as if they were hungry lions of 10 years & she was a food for them.. Still the dancing was going on & money was spread on floors. After the music was stopped, shomi bowed down before everyone & just then a girl in her 20's came running towards shomi & said,"mummy! How is this painting?" Shomi tried to hide her from those men present near her & said,"Beta! Go inside.. Mumma will come..." All the flesh eating eyes were now transferred towards the girl instead of Shomi.. Shomi just excused herself & went inside.. The girl also followed her..

As soon as both of them reached to another room, Shomi shouted,"Swara! How many times will I warn you against coming outside?" Swara's eyes were filled with tears & she was stammering,"Mumma! Today is mother's day... I have made this painting for you. In excitement, I have forgotten your advice." Shomi was stunned by Swara's gratitude and innocent love and she hugged swara instantly & wiped her tears and said,"Beta! I am sorry.. Mumma is scared for your life.. Please don't cry and show me the painting." Swara handed over the painting to Shomi & after looking at the painting, she started sobbing.... Just then a lady entered inside the room & shouted,"What is wrong with you,Shomi? How can you come out of the gathering like this??" Shomi sent swara to bring foods for her & said,"Sujata! You know na Swara has come in between. What can I do in that place." Sujata in a bit stricter tone said,"Shomi! You have to stop this nonsense things.. You have saved my life once so in return I have never made you a prostitute and always confined your activities in dancing. But you can't disobey our customers..." Shomi just nodded positively and suddenly Sujata said,"Have you thought anything regarding swara? I mean what will be her future?" Shomi could easily understood the meaning of sujata & said,"No Sujata! Swara can't be like me.. I am helpless earlier as my husband has sold me for money. But swara isn't alone. Her mother is with her." Sujata couldn't utter a word & complete silence was prevailing in the room. Just then swara had entered by taking a food plate in her hand and asked joyfully,"Mumma! Have you seen the painting? Is it good?" Shomi just hugged her tightly & said,"Who says that my daughter doesn't know painting? It's awesome..." Swara was very happy & the mother-daughter shared a cordial relationship.

Time was free but nevertheless it was priceless.. Nobody could own it, but only used it. Nobody could keep it,however only spent it.. Time moved slowly but passed quickly.." Their lives were passing in the same way & would be remained like same if one day a handsome boy wouldn't enter to their place. As soon as he entered, sujata asked him,"What are you doing here? What do you want? It seems like you have come first time to this place.." The boy replied,"Mam! I know about this place & I am aware about the activities going on this place. I am a research student & want to research upon these ladies & their lifestyles & why they have chosen this path?" Sujata just laughed and said,"OK! But do you have money? Nothing is free here.." The boy nodded positively and gave 5000 rupees to sujata. Sujata asked him to enter the name in the register & wait outside. Sujata roamed the entire building but found none was free.. All ladies were busy with their customers. Just then sujata's eyes fell upon swara & she came outside and asked the boy to come in & said,"Hey! All are busy but go to that corner room, you will find a girl there. You have only 3 hours to complete your research work." The boy nodded & proceeded towards the room...

In the room, swara was doing some sketches & her hairs were falling on her forehead which made her disturbed. The boy entered the room & said," Hi.." Swara was scared as she knew regarding the place and why guys came here. She moved backwards & while moving,she was about to fall by hitting with the desk, but fortunately on due time, the boy caught her & impressed by her beauty. Swara shouted loudly to leave her & ran from there. Just then, shomi entered after listening swara's loud cry & found a boy inside her room. Shomi yelled,"Who are you? What are you doing here? Why does swara shout?" The boy replied,"Oh! Actually don't take me wrong aunty. I haven't come here for doing any insane activity. I am a research student and have come here for my research work. I have no intention to touch the girl. It's just that she is going to fall so I have just held her." Shomi thanked him for his helpfulness and could see truthfulness in his eyes. Shomi asked,"What is your name?" The boy replied,"Sanskar." And then casually he asked shomi about the lifestyle of those ladies involved in prostitution. Shomi replied,"Nobody wants to choose this path but in someway all are helpless & dejected by the society." Tears rolled down from shomi's eyes. Sanskar wiped her tears with his handkerchief & said,"Aunty don't cry. If my mother would have been alive then she must be of your age. So, I can't see your crying." After many years, shomi found a person who was respecting her like a mother not like any cheap & creepy creature. She was impressed & overwhelmed with Sanskar.

Just then Swara entered the room & found her mother was gossiping nicely to the new boy. Shomi called swara & introduced her with Sanskar. Sanskar asked for swara's forgiveness to touch her unintentionally without her permission. Swara was spellbound with his attitude as never in her life somebody asked for her consent and opinion. Everybody looked at her with insane & dirty eyes. But Sanskar was definitely different. Swara shook her hands with sanskar and they became friends. Time passed.. Gradually Sanskar came very close to swara and they were connected emotionally. Shomi also treated sanskar like her own son. Everyday sanskar deposited 5000 rupees for 3 hours to meet shomi & swara. Earlier he used to come here for research purpose but in the later point of time, he came here to spend time with them. He was very fond of swara & respected Shomi a lot.

One fine day, sanskar came there with pale face which wasn't unnoticed by swara. Swara asked him,"What is the matter Sanskar?" He said in a sad tone,"Today is my birthday & nobody is there to wish me." Swara could see pain in his eyes & hugged him tightly to wish him. Sanskar said," I have never seen my mother. She has died just after giving birth to me. My father is a businessman but doesn't love me as he thinks that I am the cause of my mother's death." And he started crying like a baby. Swara wiped his tears & consoled him. Shomi was listening all these things from the corner of the room & said,"Don't cry beta!! We are with you. We will celebrate your birthday." Sanskar rushed towards Shomi & hugged her tightly & said,"Today I am missing my mother a lot. Can I call you mom?" Shomi first hesitated but sanskar convinced her,"Aunty you can call me beta then why can't I call you mumma?" Now shomi was speechless as she was already webbed by Sanskar's logic and allowed him to call her as mother.

That day shomi made a cake for him and while celebrating, sanskar asked shomi about her past. Shomi narrated,"My husband sold me here to get some money. Swara was born here only. She never saw her father & I protected her from all the evil eyes." Sanskar felt bad for swara & asked,"Can't you come out of this place? Will you stay here forever? Can't you leave this place?" Shomi lowered her gaze & said,"It's too late,sanskar. Sujata won't allow us to leave from here as she has purchased me..." Till now, swara was listening all these talks silently but suddenly she grabbed sanskar's hand & pled,"Please save my mom! Sanskar, I don't want her to dance here & face the luring eyes of people." Sanskar patted her back to calm down her. Just then swara ran towards the drawer & showed him some sketches. Sanskar asked,"What is this swara?" Swara said by showing the sketches to him,"I am facing essential tremor syndrome. I can never paint a good picture as a straight line also I can't draw.. Still to make my mother happy on mother's day, I have painted this. I know in no way this can be called as a picture but I just want to show you that I want my mother's happiness & you can only help us to get out of it." Shomi was trying to control her tears & sanskar vowed on that day to take them out of this castle.

Sanskar negotiated with sujata to free shomi & swara in exchange of money. But sujata demanded 10 lakhs in return. Sanskar was unable to pay this much huge amount & thought another ways to free them. Sujata could already sense Sanskar's intentions. So, she disallowed him to meet shomi & swara. Sujata also threatened shomi to kill swara if they tried to escape. Shomi accepted sujata's words as she didn't want to loose swara. Days passed like this...

One night, sanskar entered to that place through climbing the pipes & slowly woke up swara & shomi. Both of them were astonished at seeing him after so many days.. Sanskar slowly said,"It's time to go out from here..." Though Shomi was scared but sanskar successfully vacated swara out of that place through the window. But while climbing down, shomi's leg stuck in the pipe & she screamed in pain. By listening to the loud sound, sujata woke up and found all of them trying to run away. She called her goons to stop them. Sanskar fought with them vigorously but suddenly one man hit sanskar on his head. Blood was oozing out of his head. Still he tried to fight but felt dizzy. Swara in the mean time called police from sanskar's phone but police hadn't arrived yet. Sujata came there with revolver & said,"Shomi, I have told you not to run from here. But you are trying to run away with the help of this boy. First I will kill this boy then I will make your daughter's life hell." And she smiled evilly & shot pointing towards sanskar. Shomi in between pushed sanskar & bullet hit in shomi's belly. She fell down on the spot. Just then police arrived & handcuffed all the goons including sujata & took swara's statement & admitted shomi to hospital. Sanskar also stitched his wounds. Swara was in miserable condition & cried loudly by keeping her head in sanskar's chest. Sanskar tried his best to console her but all his attempts were going in vain. Just then doctor arrived & said,"We have successfully taken out bullet from her belly. But she is still under supervision and risk isn't totally gone." Swara was pleading the doctor to save her mom at any cost. Doctor nodded & said," The patient wants to meet you." They both rushed inside the room & saw shomi was lying in bed like a statue. She called them by giving some indication by hands. Swara & sanskar were sitting besides her.. In a very low tone, shomi said," Sanskar! I know my life is short. I may die at any moment. You are the perfect partner for swara. Accept her in your life." By saying so, she handed over swara's hand with sanskar.

Sanskar in deep pain said,"Nothing will happen to you. I have already lost my mother. I don't want to lose you. You will be with us forever." But shomi again asked sanskar to take care of swara & just then doctor told them to come out as patient needed rest. Swara was behaving like a lifeless statue & indifferent to all these things. Like she was feeling the ultimate pain for her mother. Sanskar tried a lot to make her speak or cry atleast but swara was speechless. After much time, swara said,"Sanskar! I can't draw straight lines. Please today also the ECG mayn't show straight lines" & she worshipped god to make the line wavy like the way she painted. The night passed with chaos & sleeping was away from their eyes..

Their worship paid off & the doctor declared shomi as safe in the morning. They took good care of shomi & shomi's health condition gradually improved. After shomi's recovery, sanskar proposed swara in the hospital in front of all. All the doctors & nurses congratulated them & they married. Sanskar's dad didn't accept this relation. So, sanskar left his home as his father never cared for him. Sanskar, swara & shomi lived happily.

Sanskar's research was published in newspaper. Due to his impressive work, the newspaper publication organised a felicitation ceremony for him. On the award receiving day, he touched the feet of shomi in front of all & took the award from her hand & said in stage," She is my mother. I have never seen the face of my biological mother but after meeting her, I have never felt the absence of a mother. I am alive because of her. All my credits go to her. When a child cries, she is worried but just after birth if the child doesn't cry then the person who is worried the most is called as mother. 'M'indful 'O'mnipotent 'T'ender 'H'uman being in 'E'ternal 'R'eality ... Put them all together & they spell MOTHER. A word that means the world to me...." All gave a big round of applause to Shomi & Sanskar.. Swara was sitting on the front row & overwhelmed with joy. Sanskar came down from stage & held swara's hand. Shomi hugged both of them & scene ended with their blissful faces....

"There is no velvet so soft as a mother's lap,
no rose as lovely as her smile,
no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps."
Happy mother's day guys!! On this special occasion, I bow down before all the mothers as they are our true source of inspiration........

Credit to:Kashis