Thursday, 25 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 48

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 25, 2016 with 25 comments
She doesn't know when she fells asleep, when she awakes, he's wakening already. She smiles to look him and

again hugs him:" Good morning.."

He strokes her hairs and says:" Good morning.."

Swara:" You didn't sleep"

Sanskar smiles and gets up from his place:" I cant you know.."

Swara nods:" Would be soon there would no any sleepless night of you"

Sanskar bows down:" Oh really?"

Swara nods and says in firm voice:" Really. Do you have any doubt?"

She also gets up from her place and removes the creases of bed.

Sanskar opens his wardrobe:" No doubt but I didn't approval of treatment yet"

Swara comes forward and takes out his dress from wardrobe:" You would..."

Sanskar takes dress from her hands:" You've so much confident regarding it"

Swara smiles with proud:" I should be.." She turns and puts on her gown "because I'm wife of Sanskar

Maheshwari! So there should be some influence of your company on me"

Sanskar laughs to listen her:" You become courageous day by day"

She bents her neck just like Sanskar and smiles proudly.

He comes to her and pins her on the door of wardrobe "just smile like it, with proud... Off course you're wife of

Sanskar Maheshwari"

She giggles on his sentence and puts her arms around his neck.

Swara lifts her eyebrow:" Why are you so proud on yourself?"

Sanskar:" Shouldn't I?"

Swara:" Why should you?"

Sanskar touches his vein of brain:" Because of it"

Sanskar turns towards dressing room but Swara calls him:" This is also reasons of your destruction Sanskar!"

Sanskar turns to her:" What do you mean?"

Swara comes to him and says in low voice:" Your proud is become obstacle between you and your normal life"

Sanskar looks her and says in calm voice:"  Swara it's my belief on myself rather than proud"

Swara:" It's proud Sanskar"

Sanskar jerks:" Yes it's proud and I've no any shame on myself, should I?"

Swara gets silent to listen him and reminds his words that she shouldn't be so hasty, so she ups her face and

smiles. She says with beautiful smile:" No Sanskar you shouldn't be"

He smiles and pats her face, Swara shouts behind him " I would make breakfast for you today"

Sanskar says without turning:" I would like to eat kheer of your hands"

Swara smiles and looks his back:" Just wait and watch my love!"


It's beautiful cabin which is surrounded by glass walls and Sanskar is sitting on his chair.

His laptop is open in front of him but his mind is not absent at that moment.

He leaves typing and calls his secretary to bring coffee for him. He leans down on his chair and puts his arm on his


Swara's words are echoing in his mind and he's thinking about their relationship and the every deeds he has done

in his life.

"are you really proud on yourself Sanskar?" Someone whispers in his ears.

But he remains silent, he never replied to this voice of his inner thought. He's satisfied with himself as the way

he's! He doesn't need any guilt and repentance in his life.

He's not only wants devotee in his life, he actually worships himself too. But he accepted his defeat just because he

doesn't want to loose Swara, is he really guilty for his deed? No... He is sorry for his deed because he doesn't want

to harm her and he does this thing but he doesn't have any guilt.

But this is confirm, he wouldn't do anything worse with her. She's girl who accepted him the way he's! So just for

the happiness with his wife, he can try to change.

"Sanskar can do anything.... Nothing is impossible for Sanskar"

This type of sentences are his favourite to encourage himself because he knows he can do everything. Because he

makes himself powerful to collect money and knowledge.

His secretary brings coffee for him, he asks her about his appointment. When she told him, he cancelled everything

and orders her to leave.

He takes a sip of coffee and rubs his vein of brain.


Swara is making cake in the kitchen when she hears the voice of Sanskar's car. She loves cooking and baking, she

does whenever she wants to celebrate her happiness. That's time she is making frosting with buttercream and

chocolate when he comes inside with someone.

She's wearing kurta jeans with apron and when she hears his voice. She looks herself and says "shit! I'm so messy,

why is he come so early?"

Lavanya comes inside the kitchen and informs her about Sanskar and this is also, he's calling her in their room.

She washes her hands and says Lavanya to manage it.

She puts off apron and opens her hairs from knot.

"why are you behaving like that? He's your husband Swara and you're not facing him first time" her inner voice

scolds her.

She goes upstairs, he's sitting on the couch and reading the file.

She comes inside, he looks her:" Come here Swara"

Swara silently goes to him and sits beside him.

Sanskar gives her a file and says:" Sign on it"

"divorce papers" she thinks but says nothing.

"don't worry! This is not divorce paper, you should believe on this I won't leave you ever.." He says.

Swara thinks:" Don't know how he always get what I'm thinking"

She looks him questionably and he says:" This is papers of power of attorney"

She doesn't understand what to say.

Sanskar sighs and rubs his vein again. "Swara! Do you believe in intuition?"

Swara is still confuse with his questions and nods her head in yes but says "not completely actually.."

"I believe completely but only on my intuition.." He comes close to her and holds her hands " when I got first fit

and I sank in this darkness that time my intuition said me that there's no real happiness in my life and whenever it

comes to me, my life would be end"

Swara frightens to listen it but stays silent.

He lifts her chin:" I'm not resist myself to confess it, you're my real happiness Swara, so this is papers of power of

attorney, which was on Laksh's name but he signed on it, now your turn to sign.."

Swara:" What's the use of it ?"

He puts his fingers on those joint petals and says:" Shhh.. Let me complete first, if anything would happen to me,

you can bring your family there and these hotels are not only my source of earning, these are my happiness, my

passions, my only love and offcourse my dream, so never ever sell them, Laksh would manage everything"

"you told me, you would not hurt me and you're doing the same" she screams but he hugs her "I don't want to

leave you alone and yeah! I'm ready for treating myself"

Swara departs from him and looks him with unbelievable expression.


He smiles and nods his head, she overwhelmed and again puts her head on his chest. He closes his eyes and hugs

her with passion.

I'm Hope Ep 15

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 25, 2016 with 4 comments
Faraz came outside where Arbaz was waiting for him.

He parked his car behind the house, so he didn't know about the arrival of her parents.

"how was it?" He asked happily but then he saw his face and stopped smiling. "what happened Faraz"

Faraz said nothing and hugged him "Lala.."

He could feel that he's weeping.

He patted his shoulders and when he finished weeping then he asked again.

Faraz told him everything and he sank in thoughts to listen him.

"you did wrong again Faraz.." He saw him with anger.

"I did the same mistake of our childhood" he said in tears.

Arbaz gasped and looked him"now you've to correct it also"

"how?" He looked him questionably.

"we would think on this topic but first we've to tell all the incident to chachu"

"no... Agha Jan would kill me" he shouted.

"first tell me, you want to clear Umeed's character or want to live" Arbaz asked calmly.

"want to clear her character" he said in low voice.

"good boy, now leave everything on me" he patted his shoulder and started the car.

They reached the home, it was beautiful house with old architecture but its interior was modern and it was three

times big than house of Umeed.

After listening the whole incident, Agha Haroon first looked him calmly and then slapped him hard.

Arbaz tried to stop him but he raised his hands to stop Arbaz "let me handle my son in my way" he said in cold


"I know your company is bad and you've lots of girlfriends.." He started.

" these were my friends only.." He tries to explain.

"don't interrupt Agha Faraz! Otherwise you get hard punishment" he always used his complete name whenever he

was anger on him.

"so.. I knew everything but I thought this is your age and you would become mature by passage of time, but I was

wrong I should punish you on your first mistake, I told Bahroz that I wanna keep Umeed with me so I want to give

my son's proposal. I don't want to let any wrong word on her character. So it's proved you're not deserving for her,

so forget her Agha Faraz! And live your life however you want" he told his decision and about to leave when Faraz

held his feet.

"don't do it with me Agha Jan! I promise I would do whatever you'll say to me, but at least don't punish me" he

clearly pleaded.

After ignorance of his childhood, Faraz started to avoid them, so he thought that he lost his only son but Umeed

gave him hope now he would get his son.

He was so hard but children could melt the heart of stone.

He looked him and sighed "stand up Agha Faraz! It's not suitable to bow down to anyone to Pakhtun"

Faraz got up and wiped his face.

"sit on the sofa and I would think what should I do for both of you" he said solemnly.

Faraz looked his father gratefully because he knew his father could correct everything.


Umeed was in shock after listening the words of his daddy. Everything was unexpected for her.

The strong layer of rage came inside her heart because of Faraz, she again lost her respect.

She wanted to kill Faraz at that time, she went to Romana's room and knocked the door very badly.

Romana opened the door, she was in nightdress or her way expressed that she was sleeping.

Umeed held the hand of Romana and went towards her parents room.

He knocked the door and cams inside with Romana.

"what happened Umeed?" Mummy asked from her.

"tell them honey, you called Faraz at home, I didn't know about anything" she turned to Romana.

Romana nodded in no "what are you saying aapi?"

She looked daddy and said "aapi told me that he and Faraz love each others and wanted to meet, I made her

understand that aapi this is not good, there's always a demon between alone girl and boy, but she didn't listen

me... I was afraid that something would wrong so I called you and told about their relationship... Now she's

blaming me"

Romana was telling lie continuously and Umeed looked her with shocked expression on her face.

Swaragini True love Ep 1

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 25, 2016 with 2 comments

Swara pov 

It was a fine morning, I was sleeping on my bed with my sister Ragini di. Sun rays were falling on us peeping through Window I saw a guy entered our room I didn\'t open my eyes to look who was he cause I was afraid.and I heard him calling di in low tone like whispering. Di woke up by his voice. He was calmed and smiled.I was seeing through opening my half eyes they both didn't notice me.

Ragini pov

I was sleeping with my younger sister Swara n dreaming of my project on old age home suddenly I heard my name from a known voice.I opened my eyes and was shocked to see him standing beside my bed I turned to see swara but she was sleeping peacefully and I got a sigh of relieving.I took his hand with a little bit of anger and take him towards adjacent room which is my room and we both sisters sleep in swara's room I know no one would come cause I kept the board on door of don't disturb I usually keep it when I work on my project so no one will enter it because they know me I don't like anyone to look at me.

Swara pov 

Di took him out of the room and I open my eyes and saw the time it was 6:30 in the morning I was keen in knowing who was he? I went out of room and passed through di's room and saw the board and smile came on my face now I got to know daily at this time where she go with him.suddenly I remember I will get late for college and went for the bath because if mom saw me then I'll dead I came back and saw di working on her laptop and I said 
me: "Good morning di "
She smiled and reply
"Good morning my dear Shona"
me:" di will u drop me to college or else I will be late if I wait for papa" 
Ragini: "sure I have worked in that way but first let\'s go down for breakfast "
me: "yeah fast or else mom's anger can't be control "

Credit" Ila