Recap:”Shanaya rescued Sanskar while she wanted to come to him, but Sanskar rejected her offer”
Swara gets tensed because of his anger, she helplessly looks at the door of their room. She sighs and leans down to bed. Lavanya knocks, the door and asked her about the dinner, but she's waiting for Sanskar so she nodded in no to Lavanya and requests her to leave. She goes to the terrace and looks down, she reminisces their moments and closes her eyes for intense emotions.
She goes downstairs and asks Lavanya about Sanskar. This is 9 pm on the night, but she knows Sanskar’s routine he came home early because he's so punctual in his habit.
Lavanya consoles her:”don’t worry ma’am, sometime, sir comes home late, you take your dinner, otherwise sir will be angry with me”
Swara sighs and goes to the dining table, but the first bite stuck in her throat and she leaves the food. She reminds that Sanskar doesn’t like to leave food undone. She sees a small portion of boiled rice with a salad. She hardly finishes her food and leaves the chair.
She again watches the clock and sighs because Sanskar isn't to come yet. She imagines Sanskar and says:"where are you Sanskar? Please come soon, I don't know why, but My heart feels restlessness for you, I hope you'll be fine"
She goes to her room and leans down on the bed. His room is such cynical like him, she want to see him give some relaxation to her heart.
She reminisces all their moments and gets up from the bed, her restless soul doesn't allow her to sleep because her man is angry with her. She suddenly sees a jug and glass beside his side table. Maybe Lavanya forgot to change the water of jugs. She goes to his side of the bed and hugs his pillow:"come soon Sanskar! I'm lonely without you" a silent tear rolled down from her eyes and she closes her eyes to reminisce his memories.
This is the special day of her life, she's wearing a beautiful red gown and her home is crowded with guests. She receives her guests and walks between them just like a queen. She sees her mother in law and greets them.
Sujata asks her about Sanskar:"where is he beta? He still isn't coming home, he should come soon, this is a special day for you both"
She smiles elegantly and pats her shoulder:"don't worry mom! I talked to him, he's on the way"
Someone hugs her from back and she turns back:"oh! Ragini! You came and where's mom and dad".
Ragini smiles and hugs her:"congratulations Swara! I'm so happy for you and they're coming soon"
She sees her parents and goes towards them, but suddenly someone calls her name. She turns and greets Shanaya, she can't find happiness on her face. She's in the miserable state and goes to her:"swara!" She holds her shoulder and looks here and there to think that either this news is suitable to tell or not.
Swara's heart sink for a moment but she controls:"what happened shanaya? Why are you worried?"
Shanaya nods in no and goes towards entrance door. Someone whispered in her ears that sanskar is no more.
A scene is changed and another scene starts where Sanskar is driving a car. The road is smooth as glass and he's in a full joyous mood. Why isn't he? This is the big day for him, he finds every happiness of his life now he doesn't have any complaint from life. He wanna go home as soon as possible, because her love is waiting for him.
He's driving at full speed because he wants to fly to reach home. He imagines his love Swara and smiles to imagine her innocent face and pure smile which are only for him.
He imagines his family and happy face of everyone, this is his day and if God asks his wish, he says to God that now he doesn't have any wish to fulfill. If death comes to him, he happily embraces to it because now he has no any other wish which is left, just to see the beautiful face of her love.
He is drowned in his thought and suddenly, he sees the truck is coming to his car, he's driving in full speed and tries to stop the car. But he lost his balance and scene disappears from his eyes.
She suddenly awakes and looks at the clock, this is almost 12'O clock. She's still hugging the pillow and her side is empty.
She touches her face, which is wet with her tears and blur image of her dream is reflected in her eyes. Slowly, slowly, that blurred image has clearly appeared in front of her eyes and she gets up from bed:"Sanskar! Sanskar isn't to come yet, is he ok?"
She goes to downstairs and searches him in every room. But he's nowhere, she goes to the phone and calls him. "He'll be all right Swara! No one can harm him, he will be all right" she's reciting the mantra to console herself and remembers these words to destiny:"don't harm her love" destiny smirks to her childish behavior but doesn't reply her with the words of consolation.
Swara finds his phone switch off" damn!! Why his phone is switched off, " she reminds that he wasn't the fake driver with him. In her dream, he was driving by himself.
She goes to Lavanya room And knocks it vigorously. Lavanya gets tensed and comes out to tying the robe of her nightgown. She reminds that she's in still her day's cloth but she doesn't care about it because now she has only cared about her husband.
Swara murmurs tensely:"sss. Sanskar... Lavanya... Sanskar isn' come home"
Lavanya understands her situation but this isn't new for her:"ma'am don't worry, he often didn't come home, before his marriage"
But swara cant satisfies with her answer and asks to contact with him.
Lavanya nods and calls his number but its switch off as usual.
She turns to him and says:"it's switched off ma'am, and we don't know his other number"
Swara feels, someone takes her soul from her body, she murmurs unconsciously:"no others number! What should I do? Where is he god? God, please bring him here" she prays from her heart.
Lavanya is observing her restlessness, she's walking in the lounge, and goes to the entrance to confirm about his arrival.
Suddenly Lavanya boggles and says:"ma'am, may I try to call hotel? Maybe he's there"
A firefly of hope shines in her eyes as well as her heart. She nods and Lavanya calls her hotel. She cherishes hope to her words and looks her while calling the hotel. But Lavanya turns with the hopeless expression:"sorry ma'am! The number is going to engage" Her hope is shattered on the floor with her. Her sobbing increase with the every passage moment. Lavanya tries to console her and also tries his and his hotel's number too, but doesn't find any responses with those numbers.
Swara is still sitting on the cold marble floor while Lavanya tries to console her. She's continuously praying in her heart for Sanskar. Suddenly, Lavanya heard the voice of car horn at the door.
She goes to Swara and tries to get her up, but swara isn't in her conscious because her dream is rolling around her mind and she feels someone is killing her heart to remember the scene of his accident.
Stopping of car's voice is coming from the porch and Lavanya tries to make her understand that Sanskar comes now but she's in the trance of her dream.
Sanskar comes inside and wonders to see her sitting on the floor with miserable condition.
Sanskar calls Swara, Swara lifts her wet voice, and gets up immediately. She runs towards him and hugs him like her soft face tackles hard his strong chest.
Sanskar looks her with confusion, Lavanya goes ahead and tells sanskar about her condition.
Sanskar is still in confusing state and departs from her:"What happened Swara? " he lifts her face and looks into her eyes. Her eyes are witness of her sorrow.
The swara says slowly in wet voice:"Sanskar! I saw a bad dream about you"
Sanskar smiles and holds her from shoulder:"ok!! That was only a dream"
He orders Lavanya to bring water for her. Lavanya nods and he makes her drink water. After drinking water, she hugs him again and hides her face in his chest:"don't go anywhere in night, don't come late again"
Sanskar pats her shoulder and says:"ok my sweetheart! I'll not come late again, now will you please leave me?"
Swara departs from him and looks embarrassed, her eyes and nose are red due to continuing crying.
Sure gets up from the sofa and turns her back to him. He understands her shyness and calls Lavanya to leave:"Lavanya go and get ready my suitcase"
Lavanya leaves, but Swara turn to him:"where are you going?"
Sanskar:"I've to leave for Mysore, tomorrow is my important meeting there"
Swara recalls his accident and reminds that there was night in his dream and this is also the night. She's afraid and holds his hand:"no... you're not going" Sanskar's eyes are widened because of her words and her tone which is replete with authority. He likes her, pressing right on him. But tomorrow is a big day for him so he has to leave.
Sanskar pats her face and softly takes her in his arms:"I've to go Swara"
Swara shakes her face with ‘no’:"no...! I saw a bad dream about you, I'll not allow you to go there"
Sanskar feels extreme happiness with her attitude but he knows very well that if he lost this opportunity, he'll never get it again.
Sanskar says in a soft voice:"try to understand, this was only dreaming"
Swara again says in her stubborn tone:"you don't know, I always saw truth dreams"
Sanskar boggles with her answer, but he doesn't believe in these types of things. He lifts her face slowly and kisses on her forehead:"I'm sorry Swara, but I've to go, this meeting is mean to me, very important to me" he separates from her and tries to go but Swara holds his hand.
He turns to her and she says slowly:"more than me?" A clear pleading is understandable in her eyes. Sanskar boggles and swara is asking to him to say these words:"tell me sanskar! That meeting is more important than me?"