Monday, 15 February 2016

I'm Hope Ep 11

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 15, 2016 with 8 comments

Recap:" Umeed was broken down to see Shayan as Romana's fiance. Faraz's father gave him proposal of Umeed for the sake of his responsible attitude" 

It was bright morning, the soft rays of sun were reflecting her face, she slowly opens her eyes and saw the rays of sun which were saying her "good morning" 

She stretched her body slowly and woke up from the bed. 

The last night incident gave her sorrow as well as a lesson, not to expect anyone especially with any stranger and shouldn't make the castle in the air. She was doing so and she paid off because of her mistake. But every mistake is the name of the lesson, not a repentance. So instead of repenting, she took the lesson from that incident and decides to move on by forgetting that incident which only gave her pain and remorse. 

She changed the cloth and get ready for a university because today she had to pay all her money which they earned during festival. 

She already late from university, the meeting would be held in the afternoon but she had to do calculations with Faraz before the meeting. 

She went to the dining hall, daddy and Arman went to the office and because of late night function, mummy and Romana were sleeping yet. She also awoke late as compared to her daily routine. 

She was taking breakfast when Romana came from her room. 

"good morning Umeed aapi" she took the apple and took a bite of it.

Umeed looked her and tried to smile hardly:" Good morning! Are you going to university?" 

"nay... I've no mood of studying, don't know why I chose business as my major subject... This is really boring" she said in low voice. 

Umeed smiled:" I also feel the same, but you've option to change it" 

Romana scowled:" You've also the option to change your field as well as subject, but you want to increase your number in the eyes of daddy" 

"is this bad thing Honey?" Umeed lifted her eyebrow while she looked her questionably. 

Umeed calmly took a sip of orange juice and said:" If we do something good or make any effort to make them happy or satisfy from us... In your words, trying to raise our number... These all are not bad thing Honey because no matter what's our purpose, it isn't harming to anyone though only give them satisfactory or happiness" 

"I don't understand your words, I only want to sleep again" she yawned and  put her head on dining table. 

Umeed had done and stood up from her seat:" You should go to sleep again..." 

"good morning ladies" her words cut out by Shayan who was coming from outside and he was in jogging dress, he might come there directly from jogging. 

Umeed greeted him and about to leave but he stopped her. 

"give me company Umeed" 

Umeed nodded in no because she was hardly controlling her emotions in front of him.

"not now.... I'm getting late from university, I would join you later" she said calmly. 

Romana got freshen up to see him, she was wearing a white top with pink pent with matching muffler. Her bag was grey and she was holding files, perfectly ready for going university. 

Shayan shook his head:" Company me for some time, five minutes wouldn't make any difference" 

She gasped and set on her chair again. 

Romana became active to see him and asked him about breakfast. 

Romana was serving her and he was talking her during eating toast, it was perfect view there's no any loophole which proved that they were engaged forcefully. 

She was again got confuse to see them together and comfortably talking with each others. 

Shayan turned to her:" Umeed! You know I often say to honey that your name should be honey instead of honey..." 

"huh..? Sorry, I don't get you" she asked him with confusion. 

" I mean to say, your complexion to your eyes color are honey colored but everyone called her honey... Romana name suit to her but honey is only suitable for Umeed" he winked to Romana while she fumed to listen it.

"I'm more beautiful than aapi" Romana shouted. 

" yes you're! But honey name is for Umeed... May I call you honey?" He bowed down and asked from her. 

She puzzled to see him but hardly control herself and said in calm voice:" Romana is honey for us only... I like my name and you should call me only Umeed... Excuse me I'm getting late" 

She said and left the place, Shayan looked Umeed with the meaningful smile and Romana gave him the angry look. 


In the same fine morning, Agha Haroon's mansion was replete with silence. 

He was the only one who awoke, this time, his mother went to her social work and father to his work. Even servants of this house are punctual and disciplined except our hero. 

He yawned almost fifth time and watched time in his mobile.

" time of going university" he murmured and reminded the deal between him and his father. 

After reminisced the deal, he got up from his bed immediately and ran towards the bathroom. 

When he came lounge, ho leave for university, Arbaz called him from the dining room which was attached with lounge.

Faraz turned and went there. "Lala! You're also late today" 

"yes! Actually It was problem of time zone, it wouldn't be happened from tomorrow" Arbaz said seriously. 

Faraz took an apple and laughed:" You took me serious, I was just teasing you Lala!" 

"but in the matter of punctuality and disciplined, we all family members are same" he smiled this time. 

"except me..right?" Faraz took a bite of it and said. 

"no... You spoilt little bit but when you would take responsibilities, you would also become like this, because this is in our blood" Arbaz said. 

Faraz rubbed his vein of brain from one hand and shrugged. 

"now I've to go.. I'm getting late from university, today we've to do calculation before meeting" he got up from the seat. 

"we..?" Arbaz looked him questionably..

"I and Umeed," he said slowly and Arbaz looked him meaningfully. 

He puzzled by his gaze:" Stop it Lala! We're just friends.." He said while smiling but suddenly he reminded Umeed's words. So he corrected his words:" I mean to say the only partner in festival... Nothing else" 

" but in few days, you both would go to engage with each others" Arbaz replied while taking tea. 

" but Lala! First let me take her approval" he said seriously and glared the watch. 

"you've only one day for it because, in this evening, chachu would give proposal of yours to Bahroz Khan" 

"oh no..! This is so short time, so now let me go..." He stepped towards the entrance but moved  bit to him and shook his hand:" Bye Lala" 

He said and left the house and when he reached the business department, Umeed was very angry because she was waiting for him for very long. 

But she didn't show any anger to him, stayed emotionless in front of him and started to showing him, vouchers and receipts. 

Faraz felt unhappy to see her like that, if she showed her anger to him, he would be happy but her attitude showed him that she considered him mere stranger or university fellow. 

After they had done their work, Both attended the meeting and in meeting Faraz first time saw her from the views of his father and understood why his father eagerly wanted that girl as his daughter in law.

Actually, there was one problem also in his family, as much as they loved daughters, they've hardly gotten one daughter in the one generation.

His father didn't have any sister, Arbaaz had only one brother, he was only son and same as his father's other brother also had only sons. So he was sure that Umeed would be gotten so much love in his family because his father always wanted a daughter like her. 

She was presented their business, the poor women and their work and their perspective to help them in marvellous ways. At the end of the meeting, everyone was clapping for her but he was only starring him while smile. 

Because he knew, she faced many problems in her childhood just because of her parents who didn't love her. So he was assured his family would give her that love.

In his childhood, it didn't matter of love for him. It was matter of time and attention of his parents. Both had their own work, so just for gaining their attention, he often took leave from school, stayed dirty,  didn't study and did many things wrong just for gaining their attention. But these all went vein and result was happened that he became useless in the eyes of his parents. 

So there's little bit cold war between them because he thought, because of them his childhood was ruined and 

they thought it was because of his ill-manners and careless attitude. 

At the end of the meeting, she took her stuff and pulled the door gently. He followed her and called. 

She moved back and looked him questionably but her expression was still flat. 

He slowly stepped forward to her, he was confident boy but he never thought about that he would ask Umeed about this type of things. Actually, it was his that dream which he never saw. 

He looked down to his joggers and joint his both palm together. 

Umeed jerked:" Faraz! You're wasting my time" 

He disappointed by her words but he knew very well, if he grab this chance, he wouldn't know about her approval about him.

"do you wanna say something?" Umeed asked to feel his silence. 

He gasped and looked her innocent face, if anyone asked from him when did he fell in love with her? So he would replied "when I didn't know the meaning of love.." 

He smiled and first time thanked his father in his heart. 

Umeed was still looking him with confusion.

"actually Umeed..yesterday... My mom say you, she liked you..." He didn't want to show any of his likeness regarding that because he didn't want that anyone pointed out them that they studied together, that's a reason of their marriage. 

"my parents want to give proposal of mine, for you... So... I want to ask you, would you like to become my future wife?" He finally asked.

There was no any romantic environment, students are passing near stairs, the murmuring voice and laughing of students are creating music. The fragrance of old books were in atmosphere, nothing was romantic there but if the atmosphere of heart was romantic, everything become romantic. His heart is filled with hope, fear and love, so he loved all of his boring surrounding. 

"sorry... I don't get you" Umeed asked.

"would you marry me Umeed?" This time, he said in bit loud voice with enthusiasm. 

Some of the students were stopped to listen him, some of them looked with interest, some passed away.  He was famous student of the university, if he was proposing any girl, it would be hot issue of university. 

Umeed looked here and there and felt embarrassed to see everyone. 

She looked him and said slowly "I think, you are sensible person, but I was wrong and I repent, i thought like that..." She said in slow but rude voice.

Faraz:" Try to understand Umeed.." 

She started to moving ahead but listened to him and turned back by saying this "go to hell Faraz!" 

She said angrily and left while Faraz was suffering from the deep pain in his heart.

Swaragini The beginning.Ep 1

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 15, 2016 with 3 comments
DAY 1 shot no.1 take 1

"Good morning India!!! this is your one and only lovely host of tonight. Ohh! I'm sorry.... I guess I should say that so this is your lovely cute and bubbly host of today SWARA BOSE!!! no need to do clapping please i know, i'm awesome.... thank you,  thank you"
A hand hits her head lightly.
She awakes from her dream "ouch!!!"
Owner of that hand, says"have you done for today i mean get a life dude! do your tv hosting stuff at your "8 ka dose" with swara bose !!"
She pouts her face" seriously Ragini am i that boring????\"
Ragini makes a cute face "aww baby! you look so cute by making face... i love you" she hugs her from behind " and yeah! you're awesome" she kisses on her forehead and
runs to the door
Swara:" your cell phone is on the sofa!!"
ragin pauses and moves back to the sofa grabs her cell \" thanks baby and i love you !!"
she runs swara "i love you infinitely" but about to go but stops"aww! what will i do the whole day without you?'. she makes a sad face but then she stands up as she realizes something"INTERVIEW!! stupid run" she takes up a jacket from her cupboard puts on her scarf and takes a clutch.
"ohh no miss bose! you aren't going for a party of friends, it's an interview" she is cursing her laziness. But that time she hears a reminder it's in ragini's voice
"baby don\'t worry check my wardrobe at right" she does there's formal but cute outfits just perfect for swara and other matching stuf in it
ragini:" get ready you have 45 minutes left for the cab to arrive i know it's an important day baby i love you and all the best"
she goes off and smiles to see her concern for her.
swara:" and thats why we are soul mates rags" she hits her head lightly "miss bose! go and get ready you have whole day to praise her!!" she says to herself and leaves for interview.

So friends! this is a new story and i assure you it would  have lots pf twist and turn and thi is totally  different love story !!
Swara bose:'the cute bubbly girl who always keeps handycam with her everywhere not because she's an aspiring reporter or an actress but she just loves to shoot everything thats happening with her and if possible sometimes her buddies too"
Ragini gadodia:" only daughter of the famous businessman Shekhar. A childish yet modern and strong girl. She stays with swara who is her bestest buddy and adopted daughter of Divyanka bose, the women who owns the chain of swara's industy which is one among the top ten industries
in the country!
well! our swaragini stay together in a 3bhk flat in the city of dreams yup thats mumbai. they are here far away from their hometown Dehradun to get their goals
Ragini gadodia aims to be the business icon of her generation. she is of 21 and too hard to handle ;)
and our swara, she wants to be a channel slot host for the prime time 8 at night where she'll tell the world about fictions of supernatural!
vampires werewolves witches and so on....
well thats too cute but she also knows that such things don't exist in this world. well! what do you think guys! do they really exist ???

"what would happened with her interview and how many ups and downs come in our heroines life, for knowing it, youve to read firther episodes"


Yaaram Ep 13

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 15, 2016 with 5 comments
Lady Mahar stayed childless after ten years of her marriage. When they decided to adopt a child then her husband Ahmed Hussain died in a car accident who was surgeon of heart. He was successful and kindhearted person and

she was unable to live her life after his passed away from her life. Firstly, she paralyzed by her half body and

admitted two years in hospital. She has only her father in the name of the family, who died during her hospitalization.

Ahmed Hussain was three brothers but they only wanted to meet her if she gave their property to them which

based on one house and shares of the medical company. Mahar wanted to adopt child but she couldn't because her

the condition was unable to handle a child. And no any organization gave her child then she contacted with the

organization as "our kids" in which they arranged a meeting between guardian and adopted children and they took

money from the guardian of expenses of a child and upbringing them.

Mahar adopted no even one, but ten children from that organization. She gave all profits of shares to that

organization except her expenses. Children came to her house once in a month and called her mama.

These were diverted group of children who belonged to the different nation, color, and religions. But all these were

dearest to Mahar. They spent new year and Christmas with Mahar. One of them was Muslim and he spent his Eid

with Mahar. As the passage of time, children came to her and they did their own work as well as her work too.

Mahar waited for them on the day when they all gathered at her home.

When they reached to their adult age, they managed their career in different countries and cities. Some of them

were married, some were doing the job and some were studying. But no matter where were they all, they always

phoned to Mahar on every occasion. Mahar attended their call, sent gift of their birthdays and read their cards of

wishes. After one to two month, one of them came to meet her. And because of their arrival, she became happy

like those mothers who became happy to see her son to becoming the groom.

That's why Mahar only kept three to four people as paying guest. They came here for three to two days. One of

they were a doctor, one was an engineer, one was a nurse, one was doing his own business and some of them were

students but when they came shuttlecock they became children of lady Mahar.

They made her eat dinner, washed her face, brought her for routine medical check up and to parks. They told her

stories in the night and for them, lady Mahar was sacred personality.

Morgan was one of them, who was doing M.Phil from Cambridge and she brought her boyfriend to meet with lady

Mahar. If lady Mahar liked her then she would say yes to him.

Lady Mahar:" Do you really like this bald pigeon Morgan?"

"he's good person mama" Morgan smiled.

Lady Mahar:" Is he doing work in the snowy hills? He's arctic"

Morgan:" Next year, his Ph.D. would be completed"

Mahar:" Why don't you choose any hero as your life partner, I heard many of film stars come Cambridge for

study... I dreamt that my any child get marry with Hollywood star"

Morgan:" Then would I say him no?"

Mahar:" No way! I'm afraid he would be dead by your refusal"

She looked Josh who was watching the documentary on tv and Amraha and Sadhna were starring him that's why he felt uncomfortable by their gaze. They were doing this just because of taking pleasure.

"I agree with you," Morgan said.

Lady Mahar:" Fine! Then tell him yes, when will you like to marry? I want you to make you bride of spring but except Christmas, you wouldn't get time"

Morgan:" No... If you're saying that, then I'll become bride of spring"

Lady:" No... Christmas is ok we would make Christiana as bridal of spring because she is about to come here with

that type of piece"

Amraha and  Sadhna laughed to listen word "piece".

Lady Mahar gave wrist watch to Josh then he felt shy to take this. Lady Mahar gave Morgan with sorry expression:"

Think again Morgan! I think he would melt after your one to two crying"

This time,  both laughed vigorously to listen to this.

That day Sadhna got to know about the disease of her son, then both husband wife cried vigorously to know it. Her

husband was an employee of few thousands, how they treated their son? They've small house in Hyderabad but it was not enough to give treatment to their son. Someone advised them that they should sell house and went to

Europe countries for earning, they did the same but her husband couldn't able to get the visa. Visa agent told them, there're more chances to get visa of woman as compared to man. Sadhna applied for the visa and she got it. She worked as a servant there in Asian families, Pakistani, Indian, Saudi families. Every family called her two days in a week and gave her money per hour. She was first, lived with lady Mahar as paying guest but after that lady

Mahar kept her permanent for the household work of her house. She earned so much money in these two years.

Aryan admitted in the hospital of Singapore and his two operations had successfully done and now one was remaining.  Doctor was hopeful for his health. But Sadhna was the reason of his health, more than doctors.

Every family gave her money for Aryan included lady Mahar.

"you're so brave" when Amraha got to know about her story, her eyes became wet to listen to her.

Sadhna:" Yes I'm brave! That's why god chose me for this test that I would turn this hardness into easiness. I'm happy to be chosen by him"

Amraha:" Your son would become great man"

Sadhna:" I would make him doctor and it's good he's suffering from this pain, in this way, he would remind that how to help those who are suffering from pain and shouldn't be careless about them. Destiny always has a deep secret in every turn of life,   I'm understanding this secret in some extend and I would understand remaining secret also.."

Amraha:" When would next operation of aryan held?"

Sadhna:" After six months or more than six months.." She replied with satisfaction.

Amraha was inspired by her so much because when she was in Pakistan, she thought that she was the only girl in this world who had so much difficulties and grieves.  She ate pineapples at night while crying and she considered

herself a most grief-stricken girl in this world who had no any freedom. But if people started to explore this world, he would know that which sorrow gave him pain, it was nothing in front of all those difficulties which suffered by many people. Many people smiled in worst conditions. And they were a real human being who upped their head for gratefulness to God, not for complaints.


One customer was wandering in her store and he didn't choose any show yet. Every time he went to the counter side and after taking a round of store, he again came to counter. Though Amraha was so much busy but she was also watching him too.

"I'm telling you, in this store, you wouldn't get the tweet of shoes" Amaraha came to him.

He:" Oh! Why didn't you teach them taking and giving tweets"

Amraha:" What do you want?"

Aliyan:" The one I liked, it was expensive and those are not expensive which wasn't liked by me"

Amraha:" I think you're not in mood of buying anything"

Aliyan:" Yeah! Might be"

Amraha:" Well! Look! There're some defected shoes in the storeroom of us, if you want them, I can talk to manager"

Aliyan:" You're so good... But not today, maybe tomorrow",

Amraha:" Then why did you come here?"

Aliyan:? Today..? Don't know, I would tell you tomorrow" he looked his watch and left from there.

Amraha looked him by the glass wall, he was walking slowly and whistling the tune of " how deep in love" and he was walking like he came home after the success of his rock show.

He came again next day, but didn't buy anything. When she brought him to the storeroom, he took her lots of time there. But at the end, he realized that he had two to three good pairs of shoes then why would he buy new?

She was annoyed by him:" Why do you come here?"

Aliyan:" Sometimes, my memory get lost, when I lost my memory, I came her and now I  gain my memory, so I'm leaving"

Amraha:" In Pakistan, people named as Baula who is like you"


Amraha:" Yup baola! Now go from there now, you wasted my so much time"

He stopped by going from there:" I think if I would take one pair of shoes then this matter would not be discussed in the national assembly" he came again and tried many pairs of shoes.

"by the way, I shouldn't become overspend, oh yes! I remind one thing, I heard one thing that Asian people has so many clothes and shoes that if they started to divide those stuff into the people of the world, every person would have two pairs of shoes and two dresses. Do you also have as many clothes?"

Amraha puzzled to listen to him:" Don't know"

Aliyan:" That's mean, you've... You all are used to thinking about clothes and these types of stuff every time, then you wouldn't have place in your mind to think genuine things"

Amraha:" I've already don't have place of anything after listening your  babbling"

He shrugged and leaved, it was raining outside. While walking on the road, he looked back at least five times to

Amraha who was making entries of bills.

This time, he changed the tune of the whistle and, this time, he was whistling eastern melody.