Thursday, 18 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 8

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 18, 2016 with 7 comments

Swara accepted her defeat and after it, Sanskar met her parents and asked her hand for him. It was easy to get her

to this type of person, so she is there in his house in front on his family and her also. And now his brother and her

sister wanted to know their love story and she can't understand how to make them understand that there is

nothing like a love, their marriage is just a deal between them.

She gasps and looks their excited face, she wants to give them satisfactory answer which is also suitable to keep

her respect in front of them.

Ragini:" What happened Swara, After you met with jiju at the birthday party of your friend?"

Swara nods in no and says:" That was little bit filmy, Sanskar told me to dance, I refused there was small fight held

between us but after the financial problem of papa, as he supported us then I found him as good life partner for

me, so accepted his proposal"

She arranges the salad and puts it into fridge.

Ragini and Laksh unintentionally look each others and their eyes are witnessed that there's something fishy.

Laksh was satisfied because if he asked from Sanskar, he'll tell him. Ragini becomes worried because she got from

her words that she accepted this proposal just for gratefulness or covering financial problem of her dad. But she is

much satisfied to see the attitude of Sanskar and his family towards Swara.

Three of them come outside, Swara asks Sujata about to arrange the table for lunch, when she hears the voice of


Laksh:" Oh finally Bhai! You arrived here"

Sanskar:" How could I say no to you?"

Laksh smiled and they both go towards the sisters.

Ragini happily greets him while she says nothing.

Sujata asks her to manage dining table but Sanskar stops her to do so.

She looks questionably to Sujata, Sujata turns to Sanskar:" Son! It's traditional that daughter-in-law of our house

manages the dining table"

Sanskar looks his mom and says in little cold but in low voice:" Mom! This is my house and there's lots of servants

to serve food and manages dining table, you don't need to say any work to her..."

Sujata nods with embarrassment but they sit on dining table and Lavanya serves them food.

One by one, everybody gives her gift according to ritual.

Laksh asks to Sanskar:" Bhai! Aren't you giving gift to Bhabhi?"

Sanskar:" Actually I didn't know about the custom, I'll give her later"

Ragini:" do you like the food?"

Sanskar smiles:" Yes! It's good..."

He says and takes a spoon of rice and thinks about the moment when he was used to eat food which made by

women of his house.

After dinner everyone gathered at lounge, while young party comes into their room.

Laksh brings basket of dry fruits from kitchen and starts to eating, Sanskar also joins him and he also asks from


Ragini takes some but Swara refuses. Sanskar looks her and reminds the moments of morning. He slowly takes a

plate from counter and puts some dry fruits in it.

Sanskar:" Eat, this is good for you.."

Swara wants to refuse him but she looks his firm expression and starts taking silently.

Ragini teases her:" Ohhh!! When lucky asked, you refused but for the sake of jiju, you took this. What an obedient

girl you're!"

Laksh and she laugh at her and give hi-fi to each others.

Swara and Sanskar smile to see them.

Sanskar's mobile rings and he gets up to listen the call. Swara looks him and hears the name of Shanaya.

She doesn't want to give attention to the phone call but just because of name of Shanaya, she started to listen him

because she only suspicious about the girl name which he took during sleeping. It is clear that if he takes her name

while sleeping then she must makes her awake normally.

He is talking about any function, she doesn't understand completely, after  listening the call, he comes to then and

sits on his place.

Laksh asks while eating almonds:" Who is on phone?"

Sanskar:" Shanaya... She was asking about reception"

Laksh looks him with confusion:" Reception?"

Sanskar turns to Swara:" After two hours, beautician would come to make you ready, we've to reach hotel before

guests arrive there"

Swara:" For what?"

Sanskar:" I arranged reception of us"

Swara:" You should inform me at least"

Sanskar takes his favourite pistachios and smiles proudly:" Now you get know? It's enough, you should be ready


Swara makes face and gets silent..

Ragini laughs to see that:" You both are mad"

Sanskar smiles:" How do you say that?"

Ragini:" Look each others... You both don't seem like newly married couple"

Swara and Sanskar look each others and then avoid eye contact with each others because they're not normal

newly married couple in reality.


Ragini asks to Sanskar:" Jiju"

Sanskar:" Hmm.."

Ragini:" You didn't invite us for your reception?"

Sanskar:" Actually... This reception is just a formality of get together of business tycoons and elite class, many of

things we've to do in this type of party because of clients, that's why I didn't invite my family to come here, Swara

have to become part of this reception and as my wife, she would attend this type of parties in future too. So, I'm

taking her there, otherwise I wouldn't take her there"

Ragini:" Hm..."

After spending quality time with each others, both families go to their respective house.

Although Laksh and Sujata were there. In his house, he specially designed one room for Laksh, whenever he comes

here, stayed in his own room. Although Sujata comes first time. So she's staying in guest room.

Beautician and designer come to Swara and Swara looks her dress which she's gonna wear in party.

It was white gown with diamond jewellery. Laksh comes inside for calling Sanskar and looks the dress:" Wow

Bhabhi! It's beautiful"

Swara:" Hmmm.."

Laksh:" Surely, it's Shanaya's choice"

Swara:" Shanaya?"

Laksh:" Actually Shanaya is right hand of Bhai, actually we were sure Bhai wouldn't marry but inside my heart, I

was sure if he would marry someone, it would be Shanaya but you made us wrong but I'm happy that he chose


Laksh is continuously talking but she's not listening because her mind is confuse about the mystery of Shanaya.

I'm hope Ep 12

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 18, 2016 with 4 comments
Recap:" Faraz proposed Umeed but she refused him and left the place"

Faraz looked Umeed helplessly and slowly her picture became blare because of his tears and he amazingly saw the

tear which came from his left eye. He remembered everything when that incident happened and he went to home.

His dad and mom suddenly realized that they were doing wrong to not giving time to their only son. That's a

reason he spoilt but this wasn't like this.

He stopped to talk his family, in his childhood, he desired anxiously for their time and then they wanted to give

time to him, he didn't want more from them. Agha Haroon admitted him in other school and his life was not life

without her.

He just wanted to go to her and many times, he also called her to her home, one time her dadi attended the call

and made him understand that his calling could suspect her character.

He stopped calling her but after his school,  he went to her school and stay there in the heat just because to see

her. Suddenly he realized that this act can also ruin her character. So he stopped to following her and just started

to stay normal. But he wasn't normal at all, he was still impatient child who wanted to take attention of his parents

by doing ridiculous but now his want or desire divert to Umeed. But he didn't understand that it's love or not.

He tried to make friends, specially girls because he knew girls are more caring as compared to boys. After his

intermediate, he reached to university for graduation and made one gang of some bad boys. He was like that

because he hadn't any motivation or purpose of life to live better life. He did friendship with any girls, just because

to divert his thought from Umeed. His burning desire wanted her for his whole life but he knew that it's almost

impossible because she never become of his friend again. He didn't realized his love yet. His every female friend

almost fell for him not only  because he had charming personality but because in Pakistan, many girls take

friendship as love, if one boy and girl  are together, that means, there's must something between them. Just

because of mentality of people and culture of society, those girls fell or wanted him. But he unintentionally only

wanted to see reflection of Umeed in every girl. He didn't have affair with anyone but just because girls started to

want more then he left that girl. At this stage of his life, he got lesson and avoided to do friendship with girls. But

before it, he made impression of "playboy" in university just because of doing and breaking friendship with girls.

The last girl was Laila who was bit different from others, he often called her "Umeed" unintentionally during their

conversation and she made her realized that he was in love with her.

He connected every dot of his life from his childhood to last incident and he realized that it wasn't only friendship

which he considered. For him, it's more than of it. In those days, he got know about admission of Umeed in his

university.  But in his own eyes, he became so bad so he didn't deserve a girl like Umeed. That's why he stayed

away from her. But last night, Agha Jan gave him hope, hope of changing, hope of living his life and hope of getting

his hope. But Umeed's words dragged him into despair and he just only wanted to end his life just because his last

hope was broken down.


Umeed was disgusted by his words and now she's in library and because of his words and Shayan's behaviour, she

felt so much pressure in her mind.

She opened the book of accounting and starting to solving problems. But because of stress of her mind, she

couldn't concentrate on study and at the end, closed the book and put her head on the book.

She didn't want to cry but Faraz's words realized her that how much she wanted to listen all these words from

Shayan. She wasn't sure about love but unintentionally she started to dream about Shayan. She was sure about

that Shayan would come and asked her father for the proposal of Umeed. Yes! He asked her father for the

proposal of his daughter but that daughter wasn't Umeed. Sometimes, she felt depression to think why God didn't

made her real daughter of her daddy. She loved her so much, sometimes, love of someone poured into our soul.

Her daddy's love was absorbed in her soul. She just wanted to make him happy, she looked him with desired eyes

whenever he hugged Romana. She wanted the same for her and in her early childhood, she starred him from the

corner of his room and observed his every activity carefully.

But the incident with Faraz ruined everything because daddy started to show some affection towards her but that

incident again extended distance between them. After that, she put great effort to win his love and trust again and

she didn't want to lost it again.

And Faraz... After that incident, he called her many times but she didn't listened his any call and at the end, she

requested her dadi to talk with him and make him understand about her situation. She didn't know what dadi said

to him but he stopped calling her and then she saw him in the way of her school and she again disgusted by his


But this was worst act of him, how could he propose her in front of everyone. She wanted to hide her face with

embarrassment that she wasn't that typical girl who fell for him specially with the label of playboy. But he did this

and she felt extreme anger on him just because  of his proposal and she was cursing herself why did she offer him

for partnership in the occasion.

She stood up from her place and stepped towards the entrance of library. She suddenly realised that library was

empty now. Some of students were rushing outside but she didn't notice because of absent of her mind.

She went outside and there's ambulance in the university and many students were gather in some spot and

volunteers tried to stay then away from the spot.

She didn't understand what was going on.

Someone was saying:" Love is blind"

Murmuring of students were coming to her ears but she didn't understand what the situation was.

"she shouldn't do like that..."

"Faraz was playboy, we know but he did this we didn't know that.."

"suicide in university..."

"at least, suicide attempted person should think about his family, just for the sake of one person, how could he do


"refusal of love, sometimes bring despair"

She felt dizzy to listen them and reminded the moment when she refused his proposal and went from there.

"is he attempt suicide?" Her great fear came in front of her and she rushed to the spot and tries to crossed

between the hundreds of students.

Her heart was praying that may she wouldn't see anything bad there.

She went there and finally reached the spot and her heart drowned and eyes widened to see the view of spot.

Yaaram Ep 14

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 18, 2016 with 1 comment

Derik was student of art and he made two minutes documentary for the local channel and asked Amraha for 

dubbing. Amraha knew that he was still guilty. So that he was helping her as much as he could. She got good 

amount and good information by the help of camera, she made documentary and made good amount. Derik 

showed her his old documentaries and she liked those, specially she liked the effort of Derik. 

After thinking of few days, she discussed it with Derik. She wanted to make documentary about Manchester 

university,  to update Pakistani students. Derik told her that she had to write script for documentary first. Firstly 

write script on it. He gave her his script. After reading those scripts, she wrote script of five minutes. Derik 

proofread it and she made good video of admission. Derik dubbed it in English and Amraha in urdu. She sent the 

video to some Pakistani channels and waited for their feedback. 

It took few time and she got answer. They were wanting to buy the video but they were purchasing video in less 

money. She wanted to sell them video but Derik stopped her:" Shouldn't be so hasty in making decisions dear! 

Sometimes it might not harm us but it would definitely less the profit. My first documentary was keeping with me 

for a year but no one was ready to purchase it. I gave it to journalist for a trail and he posted it on his blog. Then 

please don't ask because that time, every channel eagerly ready to take rights of my video. Look! There are two 

types of peoples in our world, one who wants to get a good things and other who wants to purchase good things 

which gives them profit also... If first person refuse you then go to second one" 

Derik and she did research for it and they sent this video to some Pakistani companies which worked on student 

visa. They got answer from second level company and they answered them yes because they were giving good 

amount to Amraha. This company was also ordered her to make two more videos for the information of 

Manchester university which they could show to their students. Amraha and Derik was also working on it, Amraha 

got good profit and she was hopeful that if she was progressing like that then she would definitely clear her 



Her graph of frugality was increasing day by day and she completely avoided overspending. It was winter and she 

only purchased coats for her because those coats which she brought from Pakistan, were useless for the coldness 

of Manchester. 

One night, she got the call of dada and she thought that he was very tensed.

Dada said:" Amraha! Don't be worry but listen to me carefully, your Baba is admitted in hospital, fire burned in the 

market and he faced huge lost, that's why he couldn't handle himself and the situation" 

"what happened Dada?" She shouted. 

Dada:" He's fine now, he felt pain in chest" 

Amraha:" Give him phone... I wanna talk to him" 

Dada:" He's unconscious now, you just pray for him" 

She came out from the room under the open sky, she felt exhausted like everything was pressurising her and this 

pressure would kill her. Sadhna followed her:" Is everything ok Amraha?" 

"My baba is admitted in hospital.." She said hardly. 

She looked her silently:" He would be fine.." 

She lifted her face to look Sadhna. 

Sadhna:" Why are you worrying so much... You were telling me before two days that you're young tigress" 

Amraha:" Don't know why, my heart is feeling restless" 

Sadhna:" It's not restlessness, it's despair and when person disappointed, he feels like same. And this feelings 

haunted us when we feel disappointed otherwise you didn't come from your room. You should do your worship 

instead of crying you should pray now, handle yourself and talk to your family" 

She shocked to see Sadhna and rushed inside. She called to her home and consoled amma and dadi:" Don't worry, 

he would be alright" she said in firm voice. 

"if something happens to him?" Amma was crying. 

"I don't have answer of your despairs" she said and talked to dada and doctors of Baba. He got conscious after 

three hours and discharge after three days. 

Shop was burned-out and he got loss of 25 lacs so how was this possible that Baba didn't feel pain in his chest 

because he was almost bankrupt. 

Everyone was very tensed that what would happen now?  And she was busy in seeking solution of this problem. 

She was also worry but wasn't disappointed. 

"Wajid is taking loan on usury" dada said. 

"usury..?" She shocked to listen it. 

Dada:" Yes! He's not listening me and he can't get the loan without it" 

She felt sad to listen it:" It's forbidden dada!" 

Dada:" I remember but also remind him too but he's saying it's just interest of loan" dada got teary eyes by saying 

this." Either he would sell house or take loan from bank. 

Amraha:" I will do something, stop Baba to taking loan" 

"what will you do?" Dada was surprised. 

"why? I can do many things if any difficulty comes, then its solution would also here. We just need to search it. I'm 

also seeking the solution" 

She transferred her saving and the amount which she was earned from her documentaries work. It was few lacs 

rupees of Pakistan. It was enough that time but then she thought again and went to lady Mahar for discussion of 

this problem. 

Lady Mahar gave her cheque silently and Amraha starred her with amused. She thought that she would advice her 

that what should should now. 

" it's only loan" lady Mahar said..

"yup.." She nodded. 

Lady Mahar:" You know Amraha! I can afford to keep you and the girls like you there without any rent but I don't 

do this because I don't want to make you useless. My one son is living in this city but he doesn't live with me 

because I taught him to do effort and struggling. He can't sleep on the soft mattress of my house. I want to see my 

children as successful persons of society. But they have to lead hard life instead of luxurious for this purpose. 

They've to become cipher because they can put any number ahead of this cipher. My father was farmer and he 

had farmhouse in the Scotland and he said like that "residential of palaces are unfortunate  people of this world 

because they're useless" and he said by putting soil in his hands "we're fortunate because we're useful, life is 

breathing in us and the heartbeat is living in us"  I can give you this money but I give you as loan because you've to 

make yourself useful to return it...ok?" 

Amraha:" Ok...!" 

She also transferred this amount to Baba's account too. 

Baba called her:" How do you get this big amount of money?" 

Amraha:" My landlady gave me money without usury and some of them was my saving" 

"how do you save this?" No one knew that she was working except dada. 

Amraha:" I'm doing job Baba" 

Baba:" Job? You never did job Amraha, no even minor one" 

Amraha:" It was my mistake and now I'm doing job that's why I'm happy... Everyone is doing job there" 

Baba got teary eyed and first time for her:" Amraha! When have you grown up Amraha? Ali and Hamad are still 

busy in playing and you sent me millions of rupees and I didn't give you one rupee for going there" 

Amraha:" Ali and Hamad are like that because you made them like that. You should be strict to them. If they don't 

want to study then you should teach them something else. We made our children like that itself, we made them 


Baba listened her carefully:" Dada said you, you're studying in senior class and I'm sure now you've grown up now. 

Now tell me what should I do now?" 

Her heartbeat was fasten to listen it and she was become happy to listen it. 

"firstly, you should save money now. Say to Ali and Hamad to wake up early. Say to Daniya to  do some job and 

don't take pressure on your head. It was our benefits hidden in this loss. Sometimes little loss saves us big loss. We 

didn't face any lost of our love ones. Now you've to do effort to start your work and It's my desire you bring orphan 

kids to your shop and feed them dinner." 

Baba:" I bring them to myself and feed them... Something else?" 

She got teary eyed but couldn't say to baba that it's parents who can make their children a nice part of car which 

can easily fit in the mechanism of life. But they can also make them useless part which can stop the life. 

"take care yourself baba and don't be worried about anything" 

Baba:" After gaining profit from my shop then I would return your money" 

Amraha:" I don't need this baba! I've enough money for my need" 

Baba:" But you get tired" 

Amraha:" Nope baba! I feel happy  to do so" 
