Recap:" Amraha got the job through her witty tricks"
She got the job and her classes were also started. With this, she also started to eating noodles. She bought a big packet of Hana's favourite noodles from her first salary which she could eat for a week. She also filled fridge with eggs, milk and bread etc that they would also use that. But now she had a problem of her residence.
However, Shirley told her that she shouldn't worry about it. She was worried because if they allowed her to stay with them, that doesn't mean she started to stay there for annoying them and made excuses that she couldn't find any place to stay.
At lunch time, she got tweet from anywhere. Tweet...?
So tweet incident was just like that you could go to any friend or hello hi friend or class fellows and said them:" Tweet me please"
If he wanted or could afford, he'll give you one tweet which based on one cup coffee, tea or cold drink. Dayem's group gave her all of their tweets. But tweet taker should have to return that tweet back to the giver.
Now scene was like that Dayem or Nawal told her that Hamad who was sitting in front of them, he had his six tweets, go and say this :"tweet me back please"
She went and said the same. In the same way, Shirley, Azra and other hello hi friends gave her to their tweets. Often, when she got three to four tweets, she could eat burger in it. By eating burger, pizza or sandwich, tweet will be negative . For example if there was four tweets, then after eating burger, then there tweets minus from it and one remained there. If there three tweets then one will have extra tweet who ate burger.
Initially, she felt shyness to took this tradition but after sometime, she observed that even rich students are also did the same, so she also started the same. She went to Dayem, Nawal and Shirley and said:" Refer me a tweet please" they thought and watched their surrounding.:" Look! That person... Yeah on ground... Who wore the white shirt.. Yes! Go to that person"
They wrote on paper:" Tweet her back" on that paper, tweet giver wrote "two remained" and she ate that two also. She enjoyed this tradition and also told to dada about it.
"new style of begging" he laughed.
Amraha:" New styles of giving dada!"
He became happy to listen her answer:" What an amazing answer you gave Amraha!"
She went to one of the group member of Dayem, named as Aqsa. She said her to refer her a tweet. Aqsa said to her:" Go to that boy, you'll find him in library, else no where... He has long ears, you can ask anyone in library for him, they can tell you about him, he has my twenty tweets"
"twenty" Amraha's mouth filled with water. She could eat four to five burgers easily and coffee too. Her two weeks will passed easily.
It means, she didn't have to seek food for next two weeks. She went to library and whispered to librarian. Librarian didn't get her and asked:" I don't get you, which book do you need"
Amraha jerked:" Uff! I don't need any book, I'm asking about Aliyan, Who has long ears"
Librarian smiled softly and pointed out to place where she could find her. She went to him and extends the paper in which Aqsa write a "tweet"
He lifted his head from his thick book, read the chit and starred her with anger. Anger came on his forehead and leaved a line on it.
"sorry... Not this time" he said slowly.
She:" Then which time?"
He:" Bot today.. In fact! Not before next week... Kindly don't annoy me"
"but I'm feeling hungry now" her high voice tensed the brown eyes. This time anger gave his forehead to two lines..
She:" Tweet me back" Amraha said in high voice by folding her arms near her chest. This the person, who shouted on her on welcome week. Now she could also shout on him..
"I'm not giving" he said in strict voice.
"so what should I do? I feel hungry" she also did one thing, she wrote "sandwich" on a paper from herself.
His dark brown eyes darkened for a moment. Lines were made place on his forehead. He starred her by jerking his neck softly like heroes of 90 and then he stood up by ignoring her complete like 20's heroes.
"I told you that don't come to me before next week" he went out from library.
"I don't know anything" she also followed him. He snatched the paper from her hand and walking ahead of her. She also followed him that might be he'll go canteen. But...he.. He was...
"what's this Aqsa?" He extended this paper towards Aqsa. "which voracious, you importuned towards me?"
" what's that?" Amraha looked that person who looked like English ... Who angered like French. She afraid that what he said at once! Amraha looked her surrounding, she thought that everyone were showing their thumb to her and said "shame shame Amraha" firstly, she closed her eyes tightly then she looked him with anger.
Aqsa read a paper and said:" Tweet me back please" she kept her respect.
"next week" he shook his shoulders with splendour manner like Italian did after doing great lose. With indifference as well as with ferocity.
"you both handle it please" Aqsa couldn't understand that how did she deal with one hungry and other pauper. She said and leaved the ground.
"don't come to me before next week" Lon eared said while fuming and stepped towards library.
"I'll die before next week" she also matched his steps.
"are you alive on my only treat?" He again became French who chew words while surpasses rage and looked from cold eyes. Despite of her quarrel, she starred him when he twisted his head. He was angering as well as not doing so. .. What the man he was!
"I've to live on this tweet today, I've no money and noodles too... Because of hurry, I didn't take a cup of tea" he stopped to listen her. He opened his cross beg and sought out something from his beg. It took time but he finally got his things.
Uff.. It was a chocolate which already half eaten.
"take this" he extended that half-eaten chocolate to her.
"what will happen to it?" She felt happy to see chocolate but she wanted to eat sandwich this time.
"it has so much calories" he put his bag on his shoulder and starred her from his brown eyes. He put his hand into the pockets of jeans and stood like that there would be photo session was going to start of him.
"Lord Mayor is in his days of youth during charity in university" this photo had the caption like it.
Amraha:" I don't need calories... I need food"
" so what's this? Chaff?" Lord Mayer scowled and lifted his eyebrow like that it jointed with his hairs which scattered on his forehead.
Amraha:" And this is also small... Small and half-eaten.. Why am I eat others eaten things?"
Lifted his brows in a questionable style:" Oh!! You've ego also... Oh really?
Well! You can eat from other side and throw the last edge"
She stood there with anger face. He again checked his bag and took out one packet which edge closed by common pin. So that the inside material would not spread in the bag. It was seem like packet of biscuit.
"take this and this is also" he extended biscuit and chocolate towards her. She saw chocolate already and opened the packet biscuit in which she found small broken pieces of biscuits.
"what do you consider me? Are you doing charity?" She offence very much. But he acted like that he didn't hear anything and went towards library in a fast way.
A one who was standing by holding both packets... You know her very well. But a one left the place.. Do you know him?
Aliyan Margret... He was known from his mother's name.