Night is melting drop by drop and these drops are directly falling on her heart. She curses herself to refuse her beloved to touch herself:" Is this your love Swara? Your love is in pain and you're just starring her, doing nothing... If he can touch you, you isn't become of wax then you'll melt by his touch" her mirage is come in front of her and showing the real face of her love.
Swara murmurs:" I can't tolerate his attitude"
Mirage laughs on her:" Then why did you love him? Love means devotion, care about our beloved more than ourselves..."
She's about to say some words in her explanation but it was interrupted by the ring of bell.
His phone is ringing, she check the phone, "Shanaya calling" is flashing on the screen. Instead of giving phone to him, she received the call. There's no privacy among husband wife, isn't it?
Shanaya:" Doctor didn't give any response, it's already twelve of night and you know this state is not so developed, so I'm coming to you, if you dont want to go..."
Swara cuts her words:" Why are you coming here Shanaya? To heal my husband?"
Shanaya wasn't expected her on the phone:" Swara? It's good to hear you, please go to Sanskar! I know this time he's smocking, dont let him smoke please Swara"
Swara fumes to listen her words(why is he worrying about my husband? Who's the hell is she for doing this?) it's our husband wife matter that either I'll go to him or not, you've no right to interrupt between us"
Shanaya:" Swara! Try to understand..."
Swara:" I feel sleepy, you also go and get sleep... Bye" she disconnects the call and falls herself on bed.
She wanna go to Sanskar as well as she's afraid of him. She loves him but the intensity is not much high, if someone else is on the place of him, she'll love him because he's her husband. But there's something beyond the relationship of husband wife.
She wants to go to him as well she wants to stay away from him. She goes at the entrance of terrace but she doesn't go to him, he's smoking and she can clearly feel the restlessness of him. But she again reminisces his love and she steps back.
A tears break from her eyelashes and falls on her pale cheek. She feels if she stands there more, she wouldn't control herself. She goes to bed and tries to control her tears but tears are biggest cheater, it never listen ourselves. She's innocent girl who doesn't have so much experience of her life, so why destiny chose her for this exam? She doesn't understand this riddle which gave destiny to her for solving it.
Her sobbing is increasing in every moment which passed by the click of her heartbeat.
Sanskar gets up from his place and goes to grill of terrace. The nights are witness of his horrible past, that's why the ruler of day is afraid of nights.
And she was first contributor of his destruction and we can't forget our first experience in our life, either it was first love or first exams of life, she was not only his first love but also his first exam.
Everything was perfect in his life, then she came. This was the day of his college, he was teenager boy of 17, and as usual he made his first impression nicely to college teachers.
It was fresher party, when he saw her. Two girls are sitting in the corners. Someone said that these two girls are scholarship students. This was highest level college of city, not only city but also country. So only rich children are studying there. Some of students are on the scholarship, but don't know why he observed that no one like scholarship students even, didn't like to talk with them. But these girls are so beautiful, so many of the boys were try to to talk with them.
Sanskar smiles sadly after thinking about her first expression on his mind, she was wearing chocolate brown cocktail dress with same color of lipstick. Her friend is simple but she was also beautiful. He smiled to see her taste of lipstick. His friends were joking on her to wearing this color of lipstick. That time, he didn't understand why was he dislike their making joke on her.
He stopped them and decided to go to her and talked her to remove her lipstick. He went to her and extended her hand to him:" Hey my name is Sanskar Maheshwari"
She made face on him and ignored him. He didn't understand the reason of her ignorance:"if you come here to realize me that I've a bad taste of lipstick, then you're wrong, I like it and why am I remove it just for your sake?"
He smiled to see her confident and made excuse:" I actually came here for this purpose but really, today you teach me a lesson that why we change ourselves just because the sake of others? You like it, you can wear it, just end of the story!" He raised his hand and both girls giggled to listen his words.
[19/01 12:29 pm] Saba: His eyes captured her picture while her happiness and he stopped at one click. She's really so beautiful, he was sure, god made her in his free time, her curve to her hairs, everything was perfect. This was a reason, she was looking beautiful in that unsuitable makeup also.
She made face again on him which showed her childish nature. He laughed at her and went to his friends. He strictly forbade them that don't make joke on her. His friends understood that the cupid left his arrow on him:"when she was made faces like that she just looks like cat... No kid of cat...ufff!! She's soooo cute, how can anybody become so cute? She's my katty... Yeah! This perfect name of my love" he said and his friends were teasing him because he first time he praised any girl.
Sanskar sighs and pulls the smoke, it was his fourth cigarette:"katty..." He smiled bitterly and reminds that how much he was happy with his family and friends. If he even wish now, he can't join the pieces of jigsaw puzzle.
A strong layer of pain is come in his head. He understands that it's first sign of his fit. He tries to control his headache but he can't control his rage by thinking that how his happy life ruined. He crush the burning cigarette into his palm without the awareness of pain. He break all stuff which he found nearby him.
He goes to his room and Swara gets up to see him, he was in full rage, he's as cold as ice but he made him cold in front of the world. A cold killer, who showed calm and relaxing face to the world but actually he has fire in his heart. This is a reason, he needs woman to take out his fire, his rage at once. He looks Swara and think for a while:"get out from here"
Swara is shocked to see him in this mood and condition but doesn't move to her place.
He hardly control himself and holds her wrist, she can understand his inner condition by the grip around her wrist. He drags her outside the room and locks the room. Swara is shocked to see his condition and action. After few minutes of shock, she immediately understand what was happened, she really didn't know the conclusion of her refusal.
She doesn't understand what to do. She knocked the door many time but she only heard the voice of breaking things. She is crying and cursing herself to refuse him. A deep pain is knocking at the door of her heart to realized the condition of her love. She falls on the floor with helplessness. She doesn't remember how much time was passed when she feels touch on her shoulder.
It is Laksh, she hurriedly gets up, her eyes are still flowing tears.
Laksh gets worry to see her in this condition:" What happened Bhabhi? Is everything ok? Bhai? Is Bhai ok?" Her condition and close door are alerting him that everything is not fine.
Swara tries to make him understand the condition but her tears become barrier to complete her words:" Sanskar... Closed the door... His sleeping pills was over..." She tried to complete her words but it doesn't need to make him understand, who knows everything already.
Laksh was come from hunting, he throws his bag and tries to open the door, but it was locked from inside. He looks the wet face of Swara and says:" Don't worry Bhabhi! I'm just coming back" he goes and she doesn't know, how is he arrange the key of room, he opens the room and she's shocked to see the condition of room, everything is witness of storm who is faint now.
Laksh is also worried, but he's not shocked, because it's not new for him.
Swara:" I brings water to make..."
Laksh turns to him:" Water isn't make any difference, you just call the doctor...and give me his inhaler"
Swara:" Inhaler.... What do you mean inhaler? I don't know about his inhaler? But why inhaler?"
Laksh jerks now because of tension,( how good wife she is? Who even doesn't know that his husband has the problem of asthma) he only thinks but doesn't say anything to her. He lifts him and goes to his room. He makes him lay down on bed because his room isn't in condition to use it.
Laksh calls Shanaya to inform the condition and turns to her:" Bhabhi! Lock that room and nobody allow to that room untill I'll arrange this room in initial condition, don't say anybody about this incident, anybody mean anyone including Ragini and our family, I called doctor, he'll come soon and next time, keep inhaler with you, because Bhai is careless about it. Before marriage, Shanaya did this, if you can't anything else, at least do this" she can clearly observe the coldness in his words because he understands the situation.
It was dawn time, but Shanaya arranged the doctor and doctor gives him oxygen through oxygen mask because this time inhaler doesn't work for him.
He turns to Laksh:" Mr Maheshwari's condition isn't good.."
But Laksh interrupts into his words:" Dr! That is Mrs of Sanskar, you go and tell her" he points out to her who is still shedding tears because of him.
Dr turns to her:" Look Mrs Maheshwari! Your husband asthma problem isn't so big, but you know he commonly get fits and asthma attacks together, this isn't good.. Moreover, he takes regularly sleeping pills and smoking, smoking is poison to him.. Never let him smoke, otherwise next time. We cannot do anything"
She thinks that someone pushed her in the flames of fire. Doctor goes after giving some instructions.
After going to doctor, Shanaya comes to her. She's controlling her rage hardly just because of doctor, after that her rage is coming back and she remind last night words of her. Her hand is raised and left mark on her right cheek.
Swara is shocked to her deed, not even Swara, Laksh also doesn't expect this thing from her.
Shanaya:" I was greatest fool who advised him to do marriage and forced him to marry with you.. You didn't leave any chance to kill him... Now be happy Swara to see him in this condition... Don't worry, once he will get fine, you get your divorce paper soon... But please go from his life... At least...",
Laksh comes to in front of her:" Stop it... She'll not go anywhere, she's our family member and she's not responsible of bhai's condition, you know very well.. What happened to you Shanaya? You was the happiest person from his marriage and now...?"
Shanaya hugs him and he supports her, Swara first time see them in this broken condition which makes her understand that how much Sanskar is important in their life..
Laksh makes her sit and now making her drink water, she's saying something to Laksh but she can't understand the words clearly. Even she doesn't want to understand her words, she's just worried about her husband, she goes to him and holds his hands and whispering to him:" Sanskar! Come soon, I'm sorry for everything... Come to me Sanskar... Come to me... Otherwise I'll die without you"
Her love was newborn tender plant until yesterday, but it's only the power of love that this tender plant's growth is much fast and it spreads its root into the depth of heart. Only one shock of destiny make mature her love. She kisses on his hand while crying..
Laksh and Shanaya see her act and very tiny smile of hope comes on their faces....