Saturday, 19 March 2016

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (The Shocking Clauses) Episode 4

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 19, 2016 with 3 comments
Swara's POV:
"What the hell!! Does my grandfather's will decree this?" After hearing the will, this thing came to my mind. Without even thinking for a moment, I shouted on Ragini,"How can this happen; when you are judging the case & following it thoroughly?" Ragini just tried to pacify me by saying, Swara, nothing was in my hand. What could I do.. This will said you had to be a graduate in your respective field before inheriting half of the property and the rest half would go jointly to Mrs. Annapurna & Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi. I was in full rage that time and snapped her back," No need to repeat it Ragini. I have already heard it." But ragini could you tell me if I was unable to complete the graduation, then what would happen?? Ragini knew how sensitive I was and what I had gone through in my life. So she reacted calmly and continued to read further. Overall what I understood was that if I couldn't complete graduation or leave it in half way, then I couldn't inherit any property and all would go to a charitable trust. But the last clause of the will was a blast for me. It said if I wouldn't agree with this will; then the power of attorney would go to my so called dad, Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi and all my lavish expenses & pocket money would be stopped.

I was in big dilemma. All the clauses were not acceptable to me but the last clause was a disaster. I couldn't let that happen. I knew how that man tortured me mentally and psychologically in all these years. In my worst nightmare also I couldn't even think about giving the power of attorney in his hand. But if I refused to continue my graduation then what would be the future of my mom as all the properties would be gone. I knew that he loved my mom a lot but never cared about me as his daughter as I was not his own blood. He wouldn't ditch my mom but I had to think about my mom's security as that man had maximum time remained in hideouts due to loss of illegal shares. So, finally I was left with one option. I had to pursue my graduation. But I didn't want to stay here & couldn't handle this family drama anymore. But the will left no choice for me.

I was hell irritated & ragini knew my temper. She knew that it was not the time to calm down me and as it was a family matter, she wanted to give me time to think and discuss this matter with my mom.. This was the benefit of having someone close to you. You never needed to make that person understand the situation. They could get you without even listening to your saying. Ragini was a few among them. So, she patted my back to give me solace and left the place. Now I was standing in the hall in front of my mother only. Others left home to give us some privacy. My mom knew that her words couldn't give me comfort, still she tried to calm down me.. But in rage I shouted on her," Why mom!! Why!! What is my fault? Why all the miseries are included in my fate? Why does my real mother leave me? Why can't your husband love me like her own daughter?? Why you are staying with that person who is hiding underground due to loss of illegal shares? Why can't you choose me over him??"

It is always said that calm down before you hurt somebody. It was absolutely justified in my case. And here the somebody was none other than my mother, who loved me even if she hadn't given birth to me. But till then the damage had already been done. I saw my mom was sobbing silently and before leaving me there she just uttered, "It is all my fault, swara. I am responsible for all this chaos. But I am unable to choose anyone out of you two. Please pardon me swara.. I am sorry." After saying all these in one go, she left to her room and locked the door. I scattered on floor & felt guilty. Why the hell on earth I hurt that single person who loved me despite being in problem. I had hurt her to that extent that she told me sorry even if she was at no fault. The memories of those days came to my mind when my mom was telling my dad to accept me and due to this; both had huge fights and quarrels. Without even wasting a further moment, I rushed towards my mom's room to ask for her apology. I knocked the door continuously but she didn't open it. I was culpable for her sobbing and to make her hurt. This guilt was killing me from inside & I left home with a mixture of feelings...

Credit to: Kashis

Behind the Mist Ep 4

Posted by Unknown on March 19, 2016 with 1 comment
"Coffee?", Aazam offers to Sara after attending class.

She nods and they both forge ahead to canteen. During the walk to the canteen, none of them break the ice whereas sitting opposite to each other on the chairs around the table Aazam does so. "You were excellent in presentation.. I'm happy that I joined you all."

Sara says without even eyeing him, " you too."

Aazam comes under the spell of her eyes full of innocence and shyness, and is stuck of her beauty and simplicity.

For a few moments he is unable to move his sight away from her face.

Sara raises her head when the waiter comes and serves coffee to them, Aazam's still watching her with fixed eyes apart from the obstacles of the movement of waiter's arms while serving coffee.

"If you don't mind, can I say you something Sara??", asks Aazam hesitatingly.

Sara looks at his face with questioning expressions and says, "Yes, say what you have to say, I'll not mind."

"You are very beautiful..", After saying this Aazam downs his eyes from her face. But listening it Sara first looks at him as if she made  a mistake in hearing, but when Aazam's down eyes confirm his words, she too leans her eyes again and says, " thanks for the compliment."

At once he raises his head and casts his eyes on her blushing face. He just smiles in answer as he didn't expect such reaction of her.

There's silence again between them but have a lot of words to deliver... Sara wants to give him the same compliment but she's neither hasty nor over-excited like other girls, she wisely manages the situation and keeps silence.

They both take coffee, she continuously keeps her eyes down but Aazam notices her each action, the journey of her hand holding the cup to her lips then again the putting of cup on the table, he doesn't miss any of her moves. He just can't keep away his  sight from her and all he is doing right now is being done unconsciously.
They have some formal talk with one another, Sara again feels someone's presence, someone keeping an eye on her, she again feels a sort of pleasure. She raises her eyes and finds Aazam's eyes on her." I can't understand, what's this??" , she asks herself but finds no answer she starts looking here and there to avoid Aazam's eyes when she sees Jiya and Fahad coming to them. They two also join them and the time passes.

" For the prettiest, the most intelligent and the most lovable lady... ", Sara reads a note folded and attached with a small gift box she finds put upon his seat while about to sit. She checks around her, but can't find any concerning person. She picks the box hesitatingly and unfolds the note.. Her eyes widen to read the writing on it, and a smile appears on her face.

"I'm honored that my letter is being read by you.... I don't know what to say and how to say.. I've not done something like this ever before. Sara, I can't find words, but all I want is acceptance of this minor gift.... If you wear it I'll be honored more.. Only yours..."

A restlessness appears on her face when she can't find the name of the sender.

"What the hell.. Who's the sender?? Name has not been written..", she whispers confusingly. She takes the box and opens it, she's surprised to see what's in the box: a beautiful and decent silver necklace. She smiles again and puts that in the box so as to hide it from others and as if she has understood who the sender is. She puts it into her bag and starts studying but her concentration is not on study.

Like many other past nights, he's unable to sleep tonight too. He is laying on his bed with books scattered around him.Whenever he tries to close his eyes, a face just keeps coming in front of his eyes: a face of both innocence and confidence and of beauty and simplicity. He just can't shun what's going on in his heart, it's like a storm that can't be calm easily.

"Oh God.. Get me out of this please...", he murmurs with tightly closed eyes and joining his hands. But at once he opens his eyes and says," or get me to its depth... Along with her...." and again closes his eyes. His hands fall on his chest but he keeps murmuring," please... Give me Sara.. It looks impossible to get through it without her.. You made me fall in love with her, now let me succeed in it.. Please make her mine and me hers.. Please.."

Suddenly he opens his eyes as if he has got an idea to deal with his love and restlessness. He jumps quickly down his bed and sits kneeling down by his side table. He opens a drawer in the bottom of the table and takes out a small box. Again he sits on the bad and opens the box and smiles to see what's inside it. He takes out a beautiful and decent necklace out of that box. In the light if side lamp the necklace is shimmering and that shimmer is adding more to his smile or actually to his pleasure.

"I think I should do it now, though its too early but.... I'm helpless..", he says to him. " but it'll get me her answer, I know she'll not readily accept it but....", he stops and sighs. " no, for me its now or never... I'll face whatever her reaction would be... But,,,, I can't bear her anger and hatred afterwards...", he stops again and looks outside the window, wind is flapping the curtains, and the atmosphere outside attracts him as there is sophistication in the room, or actually within himself. He unconsciously walks to the window and stands calmly there, peeps outside and closes his eyes. Then backs with the window and  opens his wist and sees the necklace. "I don't know why I have firm belief that you'll accept and wear it Sara, I can imagine you wearing this..". He closes his eyes again and feels the air as if it's telling him to do what he wanna do, as if it's his supporter. He smiles and opens his eyes, and says to himself again, " I'll not tell you my name Sara, you'll have to recognize your lover yourself and I'm sure you'll. My love will not disappoint me and neither will do my God."

She enters her bedroom and switches on the lights, she's looking very tired and immediately lays on her bed but keeps her bag close to her and is staring it continuously. But actually in her mind she's just thinking exactly what she has been thinking since when she got into the library. She couldn't discuss it even with Jiya.
 She sits and unzip her bag, takes out the box and starts gazing it. She smiles and then takes out the necklace inside it, holds it tightly in her hand and stands herself before the mirror of the dressing table, holds the both ends of necklace in a way that in the reflection in the mirror she looks as if she is wearing it.
"No Sara... What are you going to do?," she hears a voice within her.
"Why are you becoming so hasty, you are not even sure about who he is.. How??, you're not so foolish..! He'll take you too easily if finds you accepting this.. No you can't do this..." She puts the necklace into the box again while shaking her head.
" You are to stay strong Sara, and you can do it.." , she says to herself looking back in the mirror.


"Thank God..! He's all right..." Sara says and takes a breath of satisfaction.

In college she got a call on her mobile about her father's accident. She got out of senses and arrived hospital as soon as she could. Now she's sitting outside the emergency ward. One of her servants offers her water." No. Thanks." She replies him, " Did you bring him here?", the servant shakes his head in negation. "Then who else?" She inquires. The servant points towards the men standing with doctor.
Her eyes widen and she stands up unintentionally because of wonder. Aazam is there and his presence is surprising her. "Where is he going?", she whispers seeing him going outside with an other man whose back she can see only.

"Sara madam!",she hears a voice, "Sara madam!".
"Yea, I'm listening. Speak.",she says without turning to her servant.
"Sara madam, Hashim sir is calling you in room." She turns quickly and runs into the room and finds her father smiling. Tears starts appearing in her eyes and she sits near to her father.
"Hey!.. My princess I'm all right. You don't need to worry my sweetheart. Your father is strong enough. Hmm", Mr. Hashim says while Mrs Hashim comes near Sara and kisses her hands. "Don't worry dear, he's fine. Now just pray for his recovery."
Sara nods, wipes her tears and smiles. "I'm really thankful to my God who sent him to help me," says Mr Hashim to Sara.
"Who was he baba?", Sara inquires as if she doesn't know.
"He's outside.", adds Mrs Hashim.
Sara is sitting there in the ward with her parents, listening them and smiling but her thoughts are somewhere else, where he can see him vividly without any doubt, without any mist....


"I'm honored to have this Aazam, thank you for everything.... ", she's wearing the necklace now as she has find out her lover and rather her own love.
Its looking beautiful around her neck but she thinks that nothing else can suit her more than this. She's too proud wearing it and is smiling continuously starring her in the mirror but with a little moisture in her eyes..

Vampire knight (season one "the untold story of Zero and Yuki") Prologue

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 19, 2016 with No comments

"I want to kill all pureblood including you Yuki" his tone is stern but replete with pain.
Yuki lifts her head, steps forward to him, she softly holds his hand in which he holds 'bloody rose', she puts the trigger on her forehead "I'll wait for that time Zero when you will come to me to kill me"
Zero looks her with helplessness, for a moment, his hand shivers, but he overcomes his fear.
"I'm not considering you pureblood Yuki" he disentangles his hands from the soft grip of her.
"I'm pureblood vampire from my birth Zero.. This is inevitable reality" her face becomes darker.
The strong layer of pain touches his soul to listen to her.
"then prove me" he smirks by saying this.
She boggles to listen him, but at the next moment, she steps towards him, encircles her one hand around his neck, squeezes his shirt with other hand.
She slowly removes collar of his white shirt from his collarbone, her fang touches his collarbone and starts sucking his blood from his body. He remains motionless, Yuki feels that her thirst is fulfilling completely, she doesn't want to leave him, her grip is tightening to his shirt.
Zero feels pain, not because of her fang, just because of the his inner pain that the girl is his enemy whom he loved from many years. He loves her smile, a smile which appears on her face for someone else.
She leaves him, but doesn't want to do so.
He gasps moreover jerks her hand from him.
"so... What's type of consequence you've now?" She smirks.
There's only one inch gape between them. They are standing on the balcony of cross academy. Suddenly alert sound rings in the wind and they got alert.
They're guardians of cross academy and they've to sought out the problem but before Yuki left, Zero holds her arm.
"you're no more guardian of day class, it's better to go with Kaname, do what destiny decided for you, go with the person whom you..." He paused because of deep pain which he feels to think about on this topic "the person whom you love... There's no place for any pureblood vampire" he says in arctic tone by looking into her eyes with deep anger.
Yuki feels pain in his eyes but this time she doesn't want to become selfish because she knows very well, how her presence effect on him.
"you're right! There's no place for the would be queen of vampires" she says with proud moreover with much cruelty.
The expression of hatred comes on his face also which is painful for her too but she stays stern and he stays motionless.
Kaname is calling her, alert sound is calling him.
Both go to their path in opposite directions because destiny chooses opposition in their fate.
This is story of Yuki and Zero who were childhood friends but destiny makes them enemy of each others.
Zero Kiryu is the child of vampire hunters and next inherit of president of association of vampire hunters. His family was killed by pureblood vampire that's why he hates pureblood vampire. He was bitten by pureblood vampire and becomes vampire, he started to hate himself because of thinking that he's also vampire now.
Yuki Cross or Kuran was the co-guardian of cross academy. She's pureblood vampire and was best friend of Zero. But after knowing her past, he started to hate him. She's fiancee of Kaname and loves him also. But there's something in her heart which is hidden from her but will be soon, she will know everything.

Credit to: Saba