Friday, 1 April 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Remorse) Episode 17

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 01, 2016 with 10 comments
Sanskar's POV:
As soon as I came out of the cellular jail, I rushed to my room and searched my jacket. That jacket was very dearer to my heart. My mom had woven that jacket during my 18th birthday. I grabbed that jacket which was carefully placed inside the shelf. After so many years, I was touching it. I never touched this jacket after being a slayer as my mother must have been cursing me from heaven after I had chosen this profession. I opened the jacket and took out the photograph of my mom."I am sorry mom.", this was the sentence which came out of my mouth suddenly. "I don't want to choose this line mom. But I am helpless. I can't let that man win in his life. I know this is the worst profession you may have thought for your son. But trust me mom, except this one thing, I have never disobeyed your other advice.", I placed my mom's photograph closer to my heart & wept.

Anyone in his worst nightmare also couldn't imagine about my shedding of tears. I, Sanskar Maheswari, was a ruthless slayer. I was destructive like the waves of Tsunami, which destroyed everything in a fraction of seconds. Like the high waves of tide, like the hot volcanic magma which even didn't think before making destructions. That Sanskar Maheswari was weeping now. Sounds strange!! But none could ever dare to touch my heart the way she touched. I thought that after my mom, god had stopped making pure souls. In this arena of darkness, all faces were dualistic & selfish in nature. But strange girl was asking me about my remorse on the verge of her death.

As soon as I remembered about her, I called Alex and Martin to give her food. I had seen her cramps & stiffness in muscles. Though I was a slayer but I wasn't inhuman. And the girl who was like a reflection of my mother, I couldn't let her die with starvation. I thought about the advice which was given by my mom.I never wanted this type of life but that bloody man forced me to come into this line. He was the cause of our destruction. For the first time in life I was ashamed of myself for killing people. That girl had created a little drop of remorse inside the heart of an assassin. Was it good or bad? I didn't know. I only knew that I couldn't come back to normal life.

"You can enter to this darkness world by your wish but you can only exit this world when this darkness will allow you to go..oops! Not go... Go forever from this mortal world. This darkness has engulfed me fully in its web and there is no point of returning back.", while I was thinking all these things, I heard the sound of Martin. But I ignored as I guessed that the stubborn girl had refused to take food, so Martin was shouting. But after a few minutes, I heard her screaming and calling my name. Smart girl! remembered my name after listening once. Again I heard her screaming and this time I sensed that there was something fishy.

I rushed to that cellular jail and to my surprise that asshole Martin was trying to rape her and she was lying unconsciously on the floor. I couldn't control my rage and shouted,"Martin! just back off." Viewing me there, Martin was horrified. He knew that how invincible I was in these conditions. I grabbed his collar and bursted in anger,"You moron! What are you doing with her?" He was trembling in fear & tried to say something. But before that I cut his words and in rage yelled, "Bastard! Do you have enough guts to reply me after doing this activity? You must understand the difference between killing and raping." And I threw him on floor and kicked him in rage that his head hit the wall & he was bleeding.. I shouted,"Alex! Take this bastard out of my sight or else I will kill him at once." Alex knew that the situation was out of control & if he would stay here more then I couldn't leave him also as it was all happening in front of him and he was seeing like a mute spectator. They both rushed outside like the speed of wind.

I unchained and lifted her in my arms. She was unconscious, her legs had swelled and her dress was also torn from the back. I carried her in my arms and rushed to my room. I carefully placed her on my bed. She was sleeping peacefully and was still unconscious. I didn't wake her up to let her take some rest. I covered the jacket on her body & left my room. I was standing outside my room. "What if I can't reach there on time? Then what that bastard must have done to her?" Some incidents were flashed back in my mind like how she was pleading me not to leave her with them. I was thinking all these aspects and my mom's situation came up in my mind. She had also faced betrayal from that man. That man used girls like toys but claimed to be the real lover of my mom..! Due to this, I learnt to differentiate between molestation & assassination. I could kill anyone without even thinking twice but I couldn't molest someone even after thinking two hundred times. Killing was my profession but I hadn't chosen it, rather I was destined to do it. But molestation... Even in my dreams also I couldn't.

2 hours had already passed. Still she hadn't regained her consciousness. I tried to wake her up but in vain. She wasn't at all responding. With the passage of time, my anxiousness for her was also increasing. I was feeling guilty to hurt this pure soul. I rubbed her legs gently. Her body temperature was also increasing. I didn't know what should I do now? My every attempt to wake her up was becoming unsuccessful. I thought to call laksh. Laksh, my buddy, whom I could believe a bit in this cruel dark world. He was a doctor by profession but a hacker due to situation. But it was not the time to think about Laksh & his conditions. I was just going to call Laksh, my phone ringed and the caller ID was displaying as Captain. I received his call & he was asking me about her & how far I had proceeded in leaking out the truth. I didn't know what to answer. I just lied to my captain that the process was going on now and cut the call after giving him an assurance to vent out truth early from her mouth. As soon as I cut my captain's call, I dialled Laksh's number but it was out of reach.

I lied to my captain as I knew his temper. If this girl wasn't useful for him then he would order me to kill her which I couldn't do. I was in mid way. One side this girl, who was able to induce a ray of remorse in me & was exactly a miniature version of my mother & another side was my captain, who had given me an existence to my life after my mom's death. Whom should I choose?? But for now, her regaining of consciousness was more important. She was lying on bed calmly without any utterance. Her legs were swelling and cramps were clearly visible. I dialled laksh's number multiple times but of no use. Constantly it was out of reach. I was helpless. But in my mind one thing was clear. I couldn't save my mother but I would make every possibility to save her.

Credit to:Kashis

Vampire knight Fanfiction season 1 (fourth night)

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 01, 2016 with No comments
"The Untold Story Of Zero & Yuki"

Yuki's point of view:

"Ohh. I hate math" I throw the books on the writing table and dizzied off.

I literary felt stars around my head, didn't know who invented the math and why should I read this subject?

I'm vampire princess and why does vampire princess need to learn math?

I'm not so good in study, specially subject like math. Though Kaname hired a very good tutor to teach me but my stupid mind unable to understand those all queries.

When I was in cross academy, Zero always taught me moreover he taught me so well that I always got good marks in exams.

By thinking about the topic, I started to think about Zero again.

"I'm so tired.." I stretched my body and dissolve the blood tablet in water.

As Kaname isn't here, so I need to take blood tablet to quench my thirst as a vampire. But I swear this is rightly said that we can't quench our thirst by licking the snow.

Same as we couldn't quench our thirst by blood tablets but we took this because of just fulfilling our thirst.

I gulped blood in one breath then slumped myself on my bed.

Unlike other vampires, I was used to sleeping in the night. So I took my tuition in day, Kaname also accompanied me in the day time. He needed my blood before sleeping in the day time, so I awoke early to give him a complete dose.

"How can Zero survive?" This question arose in my mind many times. He took my blood to control himself because he was ex-human and it was very hard to control the bloodlust for any ex-human vampire. Usually, those type of vampires got the level E which was the insane stage like zombies.

I was also attacked by level E vampires so that I couldn't see my best friend as level E vampire. That time I offered my blood to him for controlling himself. Though he didn't want to take my blood but I pressurized him so much to so do. But now I understood, If he knew that I'm pureblood vampire then he never took my blood.

But after drinking the blood of his twin brother, he became strong enough so I knew he didn't need me now moreover he hated me now.

The intoxication of blood was drowning my mind and I slowly went in the valley of sleep.


Zero's point of view:

"One more day of my life" I jerked by thinking this thing.

I did not despair person but didn't know why I didn't wanna live or unintentionally, I always count days of my life.

"how many days are left in my life?" I asked from my inner self.

"till you kill all vampires" my inner self-answered me.

"yes! I've mission in my life to kill vampires, that creature who always ruined the life of others. I also included in them because I also used Yuki's blood for satisfying my need and I hated to do so.

"I wish I can change my past to correct everything" I put my head on the writing table. It was evening time, I also felt thirsty. I usually used to drink the blood of level E vampires after murdering them. It was not able to satisfy me completely but I used it for at least fulfilling my need.

Someone knocked on my door, I knew it would be headmaster come here for calling me for dinner.

"come in," I said in an exhausted voice.

But it wasn't him, it was Yuri, my class fellow and best friend of Yuki.

"what happened Yuri? You're here?" I said in worrying voice though she was not my friend but I concern about every human being, specially students of my academy because they' were included in my responsibility.

"may I talk to you?" Yuri said in low tone.

"hmm.." I signed her to sit, I was sitting on the chair beside writing table.

She silently sat opposite me, few seconds of silent passed silently then she broke this silence between us.

"Where are you Zero?" She asked I didn't expect this type of question, I thought she would talk about something according to guardian activity.

"what do you mean?" I knew very well about the meaning of her sentence but I just wanted to clear my thought.

She gasped, inhaled completely, I knew she was collecting courage to talk to me. Though I'm of her age and her class fellow but I'm so strict with them as a guardian and my tyrant personality won't allow anyone to close to me except Yuki.

"Yuki.." My unconscious again sighed on her name.

"please say easily what you wanna say, I'll surely not eat you," I said in bothering but polite tone.

"you're lost Zero! You were like this before also but now. We can see you're becoming harsh and alone day by day" she lifted her face and almost screeched on me.

I stayed silent while she continued "when Maria came to you, you behaved so weirdly with her, even you don't care that she was close to your brother and now she wants you... Love isn't bad thing Zero, we all love someone, you also loved but now move on please" by saying this, a tear came out from corner of her eye. Her tear reminded me Yuki who also cried same like her.

"best friends bonding" my unconscious again reminded me.

"I don't love someone, even I can't love someone, specially pureblood vampire and Maria is one of them," I said in harsh voice but suddenly I realized my tone then I said in polite tone.

" Look Yuri! I've already moved on, now my purpose to safe common and innocent people to become the food of vampires, I'm a vampire hunter and I've to do my duty, this is my only love. How can pureblood and vampire hunter would become one, this is forbidden so I shouldn't encourage Maria"

"oh. That's why you left Yuki" she uttered the words which gave me so much pain.

"this isn't about Yuki, she already left me when I needed her most, after the death of Rido, I just told her to leave because this isn't her world" this time I said in broken glass's tone.

"you're mysterious.." She said strangely.

I smiled slowly, I had no enough words to answer her.

"I've to go for my duty, please will you leave?" This time, I said in a rude tone.

She understood and left while I gasped to see the door.

"I'm sorry Yuki I talked to your best friend in such a harsh tone"


Yuki's point of view:

Ruka again visited my room, she considered me as her responsibility after Kaname. After some formal talks, she left the room and I felt sorry for her. I could feel her pain but I was helpless to help her because it was our destiny.

It was our destiny that I and Kaname had to marry together for purifies our pure blood. If we marry someone else then it would a mixture of other's blood in our children.

I felt exhausted to thinking on this topic.

I put my coat though as a vampire I don't need it because weather won't effect on my body but I loved to do the activities of human as I did when I was human.

I stepped out from my huge palace, I had bodyguard also but I could protect myself very well.

I was walking slowly, a mixture of sorrow and happiness. Sorrow for Ruka and happiness for acting like a human in this type of night.

"hey miss! Where are you going?" suddenly someone called me from behind.

I turned, there is strange person, looking like insane or drug addicted person.

I felt strange and didn't answer him. I just kept going my walking but this time, I was walking fast.

This insane person, who was actually Level E vampire, started to follow me. Though I was a pureblood vampire and I didn't need to afraid from any other vampire that I always had terror in my heart from level e vampires due to my childhood incident.

I was bare handed to fight with him, though I was powerful enough to kill him but my inner fear was still haunting me and stopping me from showing courage to that insane vampire.

I walked at full speed to get the reach of my palace, but before I reached the gate of my palace, he put his dirty hands on my shoulder, I hurriedly turned back.

"your blood's smell is so sweet" he murmured by touching my chin.

"stay away from me" I shrieked while jerking his hand but he grasped me in his arms, I protest but he put his fangs on my neck, I felt dizzy by his fangs on my neck.


Zero's point of view

A hunter's life always gave sorrow but satisfaction as well, it wasn't easy to kill anyone either it was a vampire or not.

Especially when I also became the creature whom I killed.

While riding on the road, I was suffering the pain which seemed unbearable for me sometimes. Sometimes, I started hating my job, just because to kill my same gene but often I loved my job because I had to kill the creatures I hated most.

The moon's light was reflecting my face and my silver hairs were shined with light of the moon.

I never understood why Yuki loved this light of moon so much. She loved my hairs just because it was similar to moonlight,

"A moonlight vampire hunter" her mirage chirped in my ear while I was only concentrated on my way

After short ride, I reached my destination, "the Kuran Palace" I murmured bitterly.

The cold air was touched my face with the sweet smell of Yuki's blood.

"Yuki's love" my unconscious reminded again that it was love, not lust.

I jerked the very thought from my mind, then pulled out bloody rose from my jacket. I was still in uniform because of guardian's duty, I had to put on it during patrol or hunting vampires too.

Abruptly, I sensed something... I sensed the blood. Blood of Yuki but it wasn't Kaname who was ducking her blood.

In the next moment, as I realized the situation, I rushed towards the door of palace.

The scene which peered to my sight, was really unbearable. The scene was prodding my heart, how could that bastard do this to my Yuki?

I went to the level E vampire who was about to drink blood of Yuki, his fangs were on her neck. His bloody hands were touching her chin while I could sense my blood was running fast around my body just because of seeing this horrible picture.

I rushed towards them, as before he started to suck her blood. I strangled his neck and without any mercy pressed the trigger of my bloody rose continuously till he got down near feet without his dirty soul.

After finishing his work, I turned to Yuki. The beautiful wooden -haired girl was trembling with fear.

Her bangs were scattered on her shoulders lethargically.

I slowly stepped out my feet towards her, put her head on my chest. There was bruised on her neck, I hardly controlled myself to coax her blood. I wiped few drops of blood with my hand because I didn't have anything to clean it out.

"Yuki! It's ok.. He has gone" my voice was husky, angst but fidget.

Her shivering body was fitted in my arms perfectly, her voice of sniffling was echoing in my mind and my blood started to burn with rage again.

"who told you to come here without any weapon or alone?" I scolded her while departing her from my chest. Her crimson eyes were still filled with tears, her small nose turned red due to sobbing though her cheeks were pale due to terror.

Suddenly I realized the position of mine and her, specially next to Kuran palace.

"next time I'll meet you, I'll kill you" my own words were echoing in my mind but I didn't muster up the courage to hold bloody rose to shoot the heart in which I wanted to live.

"why did you save me Zero?" Her voice was moist but replete with bewilderment.

I abruptly jerked my hands from her shoulders, stepped back one inch from her, my mouth opened to answer but I couldn't utter any word because I didn't have any word to answer her.


Disclaimer: No any character of manga or anime belongs to me. I do not own any character of Vampire Knight, except Mika Shiki (her appearance will be shown in the upcoming season). Every character belongs to 'Matsuri Hino' of Vampire Knight, I'm just giving my story to his characters.

Yaaram Ep 17

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 01, 2016 with 1 comment

Veera wanted to go "Gallery of costume" at Plate Lane. Firstly she made traditional Russian knotted hairstyle of Amraha then told her to go with her.
"I won't go on cycle with you"
"so. Are you still afraid to ride on cycle?" Veera asked.
"Anyone can afraid as you ride a bicycle in full speed, it's ok till university but for going far with you on cycle... No way.We would go by subway or bus" she said.
"ok" both went to Plate Lane by bus. The weather was changing, Veera was started wearing long shoes with tight jeans like she was going to hunt lion. She made latest hairstyles of her hairs while she stayed alert like the agent of a secret agency. Amraha felt like she was her bodyguard and no one could harm Amraha now. She wished in her heart, might she become like Veera.
She didn't ask Veera about her arrival at the gallery, she assumed by herself that she was going gallery for shopping but after their arrival at the gallery, she guessed that Veera might be collecting material for her new article or taking pictures for her blog. Her style was not common as she was observing every dress in the gallery. Style of a secret agent...
"Don't say you've determination to steal something here?" Amraha asked in very slow voice.
"Are you thinking about me like this also?" Agent starred her with anger.
"actually. You watch movies like this"
"what do you mean? If I watch movies like this that mean I would act like this? Make me believe that there's no one in Pakistan like you?"
Amraha fumed like that she was angry on Veera and now she had no any mood to talk with her till evening.
"just stay like this, please don't open your mouth till I'll get that dress with a particular design which I wanna  get, if you wanna visit gallery alone, you can. I would search you after getting free" Veera walked like the speed of ant and observing every showcase with very detail. That time they were at the 18th section.
Not only in Manchester but in whole Britain, "The gallery of costume house" have its own identity for its different a variety of costumes. Gallery has the items above than twenty thousand. From late 17s to latest fashion, every dress of man, woman and children were available in this gallery for exhibition. Like that gallery was like a modern museum of those things. It was the place of worth visit especially its section of 17s, 18s, and 19s, no one could believe that was any woman wear gloves in Europe too. The scarf was a compulsory part of dress. They wore dresses like the flowy gown that no one could guess about the real figure of them. Then why did they stop wearing those beautiful dresses?
Changing is the soul of life, no doubt upcoming time would be worst than late centuries. It's happening because it was written in fate.
She was mesmerized to see those dress, they were stitched very neatly. Everyone wanted to stare them as compared to wear those dresses. The wax's dummies, who carried those dresses, felt like they were breathing and giving the ride of time machine to the beholder of their view. Amraha also did that time travel.
When she finished visiting gallery, she came to Veera who was sketching the dress standing near the Victorian showcase.
"now what are you doing?"
"I'm sketching dress for me," she said in the busy tone.
She was making a sketch of Victorian dress which sleeves were reached to elbow, there was net fabric attached next, of it which tied in the shape of a butterfly. The frock was made of three to four colors but its prime color was of light blue and there were many white fowls in the bottom side. It was a very flowy dress that Amraha could make her five shalwar suits from the fabric of that dress.
Amraha praised the choice of Veera because it was a really sophisticated dress. It was a splendid dress with which express good taste and marvelous work of maker. When she completed her work, the two came out. Amraha had two more hours then she had to leave for her job.
"how is this?" Veera asked.
"splendid! But what would you do with it?"
"I would wear it on my special day"
"on your wedding day?" Amraha asked.
"more than that," she said.
"which day is more important than a wedding, on convocation day?"
"in my point of view, there is one another day which is more special for any girl than her wedding day, a day when she has decided to mingle the tracks of two lives. When she has decided to comprise someone special in her life I mean it's a time when two people have decided that who is king and who is queen between them" while defraying these words, Veera was biting her lower lips and holding impish glee in her eyes.
"When someone would propose you, that day?" Amraha asked.
"actually. I made some changing there, that day when I would propose him.. that day when you'll see me" she pointed out to the sketch of dress "in this dress, then understand that I've done my job"
Amrah liked her confident because she knew that Veera was not the one who will be proposed by someone but she would like to propose itself. One frock was also liked by Amraha, it was a light pink colored dress on which red, blue and yellow butterflies were printed and they were giving the impression that they were playing hide and seek together.
Amrah was unable to raise the wish to wear the dress on her special day of her life which will be her wedding day. this desire was awakened in her heart abruptly otherwise, she never thought about this topic in her life. She even didn't think about the person whom she engaged, she was only interested in coming out from the environment of her surrounding.
Even though her wedding date was also fixed but she didn't have an interest in that person whom she was going to marry.
She often thought about why did she remain indifferent with everyone except Dada.
Why did she make a relationship with any other person, why did her friends stay away from her? why didn't she get closed to them?
When she asked Dada on this topic, he became silent but in later days, he answered her that she did this because everyone hurt her always.She always considered everyone in same balance, that's why her inner angst and complex didn't allow her to make social contract with anyone.
She and Veera reached Plate Lane park, cock and sandwiches were in their hands. abruptly Veera sprang from her place and gave an abuse in The Russian language. then she caught a hip-hop boy while doing skating and jumping on him like a superman.
Then she started to beat him by using her feet and fists with showering abuses on him. then she lifted him like kitten of a cat and threw him in the cold water pool with the splash sound.
A girl who was standing in the corner of the pool gave him more curses.
Amraha could understand the meaning of her Russian words which she was spoken during shaking her hands in the air.
"what did this jackass do with you?" Amraha laughed to see him running.
"he pinched in my waist"
"how did you throw him in cold water, if something would happen there or police will come, then?"
"Either police will come or army, it would unaffected to me. once in school ground, my class fellow harassed me, that time I was ten years old, he was a dirty and roguish person, every weak girl of school was fearing from him. next day I couldn't attend school because of his terror, when my father got to know about the reason of leave from my school then he dug me in the mountain like snow which was gathered outside of our home, I didn't have any warm cloth on my body, I was screaming with coldness of snow but he sat with me in silence, then he asked me one question, is that bravery that you're below the stake of snow or left the school because of so-called timidness and terror.
he asked this question to me many times, my lips turned livid and I was near to death then he said if you wanted to stay like a coward then stay in this arctic place and die. coward must die"
Amraha was starring her face with astonishment.
"do you know about the snow and coldness of Russia?"
"yes!" amraha nodded positively.
"snow is snow and coldness is coldness" what answer was of Amraha!
"snow is not only snowing Amraha! its death, white death, when you pour water in the air in winter, it would freeze in air, the people like you who belong to hot places, started to die in my country. By the way why do you have this least information about the world?" Veera asked.
"I know where is Russia,"she said.
"do you know what's in the Russia?
"do you know what's in the Pakistan?"
"I know what's, not in the Pakistan? what do you want? Did I begin to talk about Zaya or Abdul Qadeer?  I can tell you about the few cities of your country which held the treasure of petrol in underground, but even Pakistanis don't know about them because they never tried to know about them, because they believed on those reports which were made by so-called foreigners,  because those foreigners don't want that Pakistani will be starting to develop. they showed this fact them when they get to believe that they will get the authority of those resources. it's is saying in our Russia that Pakistani was able to salute when they were turned Indian into Pakistani and then they became an atomic power. but Pakistani couldn't get this salute again"
Amraha knew that she was uttering correct words, even Amraha didn't know, in which year, Pakistan became an atomic power?
"you did very bad to him" Amraha dragged out old topic again, she didn't want to be ashamed in front of Veera again. If Veera asked any common question from her about Pakistan and she would not able to answer then it would be so bad because  even a Pakistanis, at least, have the information  about Pakistan.
"no, it is not enough for him, cold water killed the dirty worm inside him"
"you're so brave Veera!"
"if no one dug me in the snow then I would not be brave like it"

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (Uncertainty) Episode 16

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 01, 2016 with 12 comments
Swara's POV:
"Money is a necessary evil. Those who have money, are craving for more and have become insane in lives. Those who don't have it, are crushing their fates and also have become insane in lives to acquire more money. In both the cases, becoming insane is the ultimate truth.. Only money can't give you peace but without money also you will lack peace." These were some of the thoughts which were roaming in my mind after knowing about the brutal killing of that captivated person by my kidnapper, Sanskar.

"My real mother, Shomi Suryavansi, left me due to money only. During those days we weren't that rich, so, she eloped with his so called rich boyfriend after giving birth to me. She couldn't take my burden and also as she wasn't married that time; so, she felt ashamed to be called as a mother.. Shameless woman left me and my mom, Annapurna Suryavansi adopted me." I had heard this news about my real mom multiple times in my life from my grandfather. I always loved my mom due to her selfless nature. But in life, all were not like her. Today I got another example of that. Due to money only, that person got killed.

My series of thoughts were broken when I saw sanskar. He came towards me and put chair in front of me. Till today I couldn't see his face as it was always covered with mask. I didn't want to lie close to a killer. So, I moved my legs away from him. Just then I noticed cramps & stiffness in my muscles. I had skipped my doses. So, they were coming up. But who did care for those cramps when I didn't know about my future... Anyways I was going to die. Either by Sanskar's bullet or else due to my disease and lack of its doses.. But as if I cared?

Viewing me in those thoughtful situation, he judged that I was scared. 'Stupid man!', I thought. I gave him a long lecture about his killing & remorse and how I didn't worry about my death. Though I was unable to view his face due to that mask, but I could sense his uneasiness. Like he was sitting in front of me but his mind wasn't here. However suddenly what happened to him, I didn't know.. , but he strangled my neck and dared me to kill my family. Though I wasn't at all worried for my so called dad, but I was hell worried for my mom. That great lady had sacrificed all her happiness to protect me. Over the top, in this cruel and selfish world, she was the one who was genuinely my family after the demise of my grand father. How could I even think about her death due to my stupidity?

Now I was on my knees in front of Sanskar and was pleading him to leave my mom. But he was continuously asking me about my father and his whereabouts? I couldn't hear that person's name as my father for this much time. So, I couldn't control my rage and shouted on Sanskar to stop calling Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi as my father. I knew that this answer was hell shocking for him. I didn't want to reveal this but what could I do? Firstly he threatened me to kill my mom and then calling that person as my father.... How much could I take? Father... Did that person know the meaning of it? Bloody fool! He never talked with me lovingly but always tortured me. From this questionnaire session , I could guess that he was the reason of my kidnapping. That man always gave me trouble but what fault my mom had done? I couldn't let her die, so, I pleaded Sanskar to leave her. But I didn't know what happened to him again, he jerked and left the room.

After he left the room, I was very worried. "What if had he gone to kidnap my mom? Getting my address wasn't a big deal for him. His sudden disappearance made me hell scared. Though I had answered his every question truely, still if he wouldn't believe me and probably if he was going to kidnap my mom then.... No.. No.. He wouldn't do that.. But why not?? How could I trust him? Killing a life was like a cup of tea for him. He had also threatened me. Oh god! please help my mom!" I was thinking about these aspects, when I felt dizzy. I didn't know how many days were passed out and till how long I had to stay here. Was I able to leave this cellular jail alive or not? I was uncertain about all these things. I felt hungry and due to skip of doses; the cramps & nausea were showing their colours. But I couldn't concentrate on these things as I was worried for my mom.

When I was in my own thoughts, the door of the cellular jail opened.. I thought that might be Sanskar had come to complete his questionnaire session. But unlike that, again those two men were coming towards me with a food plate. After seeing them, their old words flashed back in my mind that they would come to tame me. It meant now I was going to loose my *** Oh!! No I couldn't even think like that. One of them came very close to me & asked,"Miss! How are you? Are you missing us? I know, your kidnapper isn't nice to you but we are here. Don't worry, we will take proper care of yours!" And while saying these things, he touched my hands and was swinging it sensuously till my shoulder. I jerked his hand and said,"Back off you Bastard." This time another man came and slapped me hard in such a way that a tiny drop of blood came out from my mouth. But he didn't care about that & shouted,"You Bitch! Earlier you wanted to tell sanskar about us.. Now also showing us attitude. Never mind.. We know how to tame a wild cat." And he came close to me & pressed his body on mine. Due to my cramps, I was unable to move my legs. So, I tried to push him hard in my hands but in vain!.. His hands were now in my neck in a encircling position. Suddenly I hurt him with my big nails. I scratched his neck and shoulder & he shouted in pain & left me at once. Another man couldn't bear this and raged his voice,"We are giving you chance to cooperate but you are not ready for that.. So, due to your that choice, be ready to sense our brutality." (He smirked).. I knew that by my act, I raised their anger and inner devil. So, I couldn't escape from their clutches now. That man came close to me & torn the dress from my back & was touching my backless hungrily. I didn't know what should I do now. As I didn't have any more strength left to fight with them. Suddenly I remembered Sanskar and his words about molestation & shouted in top of my voice, "Sanskar". I didn't remember what happened next.. I felt drowsy & everything blurred....

Credit to: Kashis