Few days are going to be like this and slowly slowly all students are mixed together, Boys & Girls also mixed & feel freely to communication each other sits together now they made close group also some boys and some girls they sit together in one row, preparation for presentation, making notes together and ETC. ETC. Few months are going to be like this one day Madam announced very important presentation she makes team two boys and two girls unfortunately Azaln khan and Fariya are in one team and now start love story of Azlan and Fariya from there, I tell you about Azlan Khan Azlan is very decent polite and respectful person and told you before little bit shai type. About Fariya, Fariya is very open minded girl she’s also beautiful and charming intelligent too. But before Azlan has no feeling about her; teams are sit together after classes in cafeteria & institute park to discussed with different topics and presentation these guys also joined social media group means these are totally made you can calculate the mentality of these here 24 hours out of 18 they are in touch in classes, cafeterias, social media means they forget the world they are feeling in whole world one just we are. I tell you also one interesting point when exam season are coming boys are as usual duffer & lazy in study then these group girls are become teacher for just a while & learn boys and enjoyed a lot during studies and also boys get good marks and guys tell you secret truth when we are in examination hall they made one plan they sit in examination hall near each other and also girls helps of boys during exam. How silly they are! After that they will finish the paper and the girls are comets to boys now go to the cafeteria and gave us service some time girls are choosing outside the treat in KFC or Pizza Town (Name changed) Now come to the story main characters one day fariya has some work in bank but unfortunately she couldn’t go there and he will go for the bank. (Guy’s after continue my story I will first inform you Fariya belong to middle class family and her father was dead when she’s only 3 years old & her mother run the house with very low seller) Azlan know this before. That’s why Azlan said ok give me this document i will submit in bank behalf of you. Because azlan realize if she will go there she spends money for taxi and she also seems this one. Azlan first time take her mobile no of fariya and she said when you submit then inform me immediately. Azlan said OK Boss, after Class Azlan went to bank for submit document of fairya and also informed her k documents are submitted and take easy. Then fariya replied thanx to Azlan and now feelings are born in Fariya’s heart regarding Azlan Khan how he is.
And Azlan has no feelings about relation with Fariya just he wants to help her; Classes continues as per daily routine, In class fariya noted small small things of Azlan what he is doing, where he is, how looking today, and try to close with him.
One day Azlan sit with another girl in Cafeteria suddenly fariya come to there and she saw the Azlan sit with another girls, she feeling said also jealous now she think her mind how i take Azlan from there. Ok finally she come to Azlan, first he don’t show any feeling how she feel, She said Excuse me Azlan I have some work with you can you come in side for a sec just, Azlan refuse and said give me some time now am busy we have some work now see the eyes of fariya after Azlan refuse. As I told you Azlan is smart boy now he thinks his mind k Fariya feeling jealous about this girl. Bay the way Fariya went in angry mood after half hour Fariya comeback and see Azlan and other girl still are in Cafeteria and they are laughing with chit chat, Now the temperature of Fariya broken the meter, she come and said to Azlan what are you doing here with her, Azlan replied nothing, again Fariya Azlan nothing means what! Then other girl who sit with Azlan she replied Fariya what are you thinking in mind we are just friend and noting special if you have any problem you can join us simple. Then fairya sit in center of both and they start again no one to give attention to Fariya, but Azlan know all thing K what’s going on the mind of Fariya and how’s she feel this all but he ignore and continue, after 15 to 20 mints Fariya said to Azlan I need Juice please bring for me, he said Ok when someone come i will give order she said no bring for me now and you will go, few second he watch the face of Fariya and said OK fine, when he come back the counter and see the Fariya is not there and he asked the girl where she is she said, She leave already; Azlan give small smile and said ok now we are also leaving because classes was off already and your point (BUS) is ready to go. When Azlan reached his home and he received one msg from Fariya she write in his msg GOOD GOING Azlan send her smile.