Amraha became speechless for the moment. One was Veera who became brave, other was Amraha who was cried by everyone. Both were human being.. Girls. But one was much stronger and ahead of her. The other was completely weak and back in this race. Both were a human being but both were not equal.
"so, your father is your power" Amraha was envying on her.
"He's my teacher, he didn't give me his courage but he has awakened my inner power in me. When a father wakes up the inner power in his daughter then he is preparing her for conquering every fight in the life. And this power is only given by the father to his daughter. He taught me that it cowardliness and bravery, is belong to brain, not from body. If we make our mind brave then the body can not remain coward. It's saying that if someone raise finger on you, you can shut his mouth by punching him."
"Anyone can hurt you in reaction"
"yes! It might be but just because of reaction, I stayed silent. I can't do it at least. By the way what your father taught you Amraha?"
Amraha face was livid to listen to it, Baba came late night at home. He only cared about one thing in this world. His carpet shop. The small and big account of the shop, delivery of carpets on time, even he was worried about the fuse energy savor of shop. One morning. she was leaving home for taking the van in uniform, then he asked.
"when does your school off?"
"I don't go school but college" while saying this, she sat in her van and hardly stopped her tears to come out. The father, who didn't know about that her daughter was going college instead of school, how did he know about the pain and problems of his daughter. The father whom, Veera was asking about, it was her Dada who became the father of her.
"I was twelve years old and crying vigorously. My dada brought me to the big park. It was the hottest day of the year, do you know the meaning of hottest days?" Amraha asked while pausing her sentence.
"yup! As hottest as anyone can die in these days" Veera knew everything.
"yes it was those days, in a park, my Dada showed me those dead birds who died because of hotness of weather. He brought me under one tree and told me to stare those birds, I saw one bird died in a moment. My dada brought me near to her and then asked me.
'Amraha! Did you see the bird crying before her death? This summer gave her so much pain but was her chirping turned into ugly voice. Then this little bird was greater than human beings'
Dada hit the pebbles to birds, they flew with silent. They never cried or screeched with pain. He told me that the inferior creature of God like birds, animals and other insects never cried like the human being then why this great creature of God do this with a full swing? He cried and moaned like God gives him the stake of sorrow. He's the one who was being hurt. He never observes that how are these problems giving him the benefit, are becoming a teacher of him. He just only wasted his time in crying"
"so your dada has eastern wisdom," Veera said.
"no. He has patience and little bit knowledge. He was a good teacher but I was a very bad student. We make failure to our teacher when we only listened to him but never implied it. He said this type of words every night but I made myself like a stone. I never got those drops of wisdom. Now I'm seeing all of you then I understood how did I live my life in darkness. If I showed some courage then I must came out from that darkness" Amraha said.
"what happened to you in past, was that bad?"
"you'll laugh if you listen to it"
"I wanna laugh," Veera said seriously.
"but I'll cry while telling you everything" she also said with complete solemnness.
Ducks were floating on the pond peacefully. A peace which was getting by a human being in rare cases.
"so, your father is your power" Amraha was envying on her.
"He's my teacher, he didn't give me his courage but he has awakened my inner power in me. When a father wakes up the inner power in his daughter then he is preparing her for conquering every fight in the life. And this power is only given by the father to his daughter. He taught me that it cowardliness and bravery, is belong to brain, not from body. If we make our mind brave then the body can not remain coward. It's saying that if someone raise finger on you, you can shut his mouth by punching him."
"Anyone can hurt you in reaction"
"yes! It might be but just because of reaction, I stayed silent. I can't do it at least. By the way what your father taught you Amraha?"
Amraha face was livid to listen to it, Baba came late night at home. He only cared about one thing in this world. His carpet shop. The small and big account of the shop, delivery of carpets on time, even he was worried about the fuse energy savor of shop. One morning. she was leaving home for taking the van in uniform, then he asked.
"when does your school off?"
"I don't go school but college" while saying this, she sat in her van and hardly stopped her tears to come out. The father, who didn't know about that her daughter was going college instead of school, how did he know about the pain and problems of his daughter. The father whom, Veera was asking about, it was her Dada who became the father of her.
"I was twelve years old and crying vigorously. My dada brought me to the big park. It was the hottest day of the year, do you know the meaning of hottest days?" Amraha asked while pausing her sentence.
"yup! As hottest as anyone can die in these days" Veera knew everything.
"yes it was those days, in a park, my Dada showed me those dead birds who died because of hotness of weather. He brought me under one tree and told me to stare those birds, I saw one bird died in a moment. My dada brought me near to her and then asked me.
'Amraha! Did you see the bird crying before her death? This summer gave her so much pain but was her chirping turned into ugly voice. Then this little bird was greater than human beings'
Dada hit the pebbles to birds, they flew with silent. They never cried or screeched with pain. He told me that the inferior creature of God like birds, animals and other insects never cried like the human being then why this great creature of God do this with a full swing? He cried and moaned like God gives him the stake of sorrow. He's the one who was being hurt. He never observes that how are these problems giving him the benefit, are becoming a teacher of him. He just only wasted his time in crying"
"so your dada has eastern wisdom," Veera said.
"no. He has patience and little bit knowledge. He was a good teacher but I was a very bad student. We make failure to our teacher when we only listened to him but never implied it. He said this type of words every night but I made myself like a stone. I never got those drops of wisdom. Now I'm seeing all of you then I understood how did I live my life in darkness. If I showed some courage then I must came out from that darkness" Amraha said.
"what happened to you in past, was that bad?"
"you'll laugh if you listen to it"
"I wanna laugh," Veera said seriously.
"but I'll cry while telling you everything" she also said with complete solemnness.
Ducks were floating on the pond peacefully. A peace which was getting by a human being in rare cases.