Friday, 22 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep30

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 22, 2016 with 33 comments
Recap:" Sanskar and Meera caught by Adarsh and dp wanted to send him abroad for study"
Sanskar is in Mysore (present)
Sanskar is about to light the cigarette which he bought from local shop. But before lighting it, he throws it because he knows very well that Shanaya and Laksh will know about it and he neither hide nor tell a lie to them. He thought that his this habit of telling truth was throw him in problem because his family had blind believe on him, if he wanted to take advantage of that believe, he could. But he didn't do like that because he knows lie is more disaster than truth.
He reminds the time when Meera allured him for something... "what was that?" He thinks... "yeah! first step of my destruction" he answered himself and reminisces about that time...
Meera stooped for a while and said:" We've option Sanskar! If you support me"
Sanskar:" What's that?"
Meera:" Marry me"
Meera's words shocked him:" What? Are you in sense katty? You're not of 18, I'm 19... How can we marry?"
Meera jerked:" I'll reach the age of 18 next month, you forgot my birthday baby"
Sanskar jerked because he didn't like this word baby type things but he knew that this isn't time of fighting, so he said calmly:" Katty! Try to understand... Let me go... This is only matter of few years... I'll come back only for you, that time I'll establish and able to marry you... We're minor katty! We can't marry legally, if we'll do your family can charge on me of kidnapping"
Meera:" Listen to me carefully! Firstly, we'll do marriage in temple instead of court, secondly, my uncle and aunty will grateful to God that he'll be free from burden like me, I know them very well, they'll do nothing... And once we get marry, your family must accept us"
Sanskar thought for a moment, he knew his family, they love him so much and they know the important of marriage and its value. He convinced that Meera is right on her side. Maybe after completion of his study, they'll plan other plan to separate him from his love, as they did now.
He observed both side of coin and decided that Meera is right. He accepted her proposal and they made plan how they'll go temple and come to his family for apologies.
Everything was going right and their plan was successful for marriage but destiny had another plan for them.
They went to Sanskar's home and firstly his younger sister saw them and shouted to see him in garland and Meera.
This time only ladies and bade papa were at home. Bade papa stayed home to drop him to airport. Everyone was shocked to see them and this shock froze them for a minute. Sujata broke the silent and came to him, a strong slap was left mark on his face. No one ever cursed him with bad words but this was first time, anyone beat him and specially his mom.
She's crying because of his deed and said:" What have you done sanskar? You were our pride and what did you do? Is this your age of marriage? You're.."
Bade papa stopped her:" Stop it Sujata..." He looked bade papa and hoped that he'll welcome him and will say like that it was his mistake but now Meera is daughter in law of this house. But nothing was happened like that.
Sujata turned to him:" Bhai Sa.. My son..."
Bade papa:" Whose son? You dont have any son sujata...  You've only one daughter, now come inside the home and close the door for stranger..."
Sanskar shocked to listen him but suddenly went and folded his hand to him:" Bade papa! Don't do it with me, you said, I'm your son.. How do you do this with your son? I just married to her, this isn't a bad thing... Please accept us" he was pleading on his knees.
Bade papa:" Oh great! You were married! Do you know the meaning of marriage? You're not legally eligible to get marry... Well I can forgive you and forget everything but I've a condition..."
A tiny hope raised in his heart:" I'll do anything bade papa! Just accept me your son like before..."
Bade papa smirked but that time he didn't understand his smile:" Leave this girl where you pick her and forget about that you ever marry with her... Look son! I was aware about your affair from two years, I also know very well what Laksh did in his school and Adarsh in office... But at the end, I concluded that let enjoy everyone because you all have the end, you all do what I want as Adarsh did... So I also thought about you same, and I led you play with her, I know your all activities which didn't offence me... But when I got know about your intention and determination about this girl... I understood what should I do... Be in relationship with that girl... I don't have any objection, just forget about your marriage because there's our reputation in society... Come to us my son! There's no career with her... Think about your dream..."
Sanskar shocked to listen his every word... Every word was breaking the idol of that innocent boy which he made for his bade papa whom he gave respect more than of his parents,
Meera's character was there only as silent actor.
He stepped back and looked his Idol with unbelievable expression on his face. He looked his mom but she went inside the room, his badi maa tried to convince his Bade papa but he stopped her.
Sanskar looked to his idol face and held the hand of his love:" I'll not leave her... You were also my pride bade papa... My ideal... But today.. You broke this.... I'm not hypocrite like you, I'm going from there and I promise, one day I'll fulfill my dream with my own...."
Bade papa:" Soon you'll repent Sanskar and that day I'll not open the door of this house on you"
Sanskar turned and said:" Time will prove everything bade papa"
He hoped that when his father get know about everything, he'll come to him but it didn't happen.
From this day, their dark period was started. They didn't understand where to live. One Sanskar's friend, gave him keys of his house because they're out of the town but they had limitation of staying there for 15 days, his family will  arrive after 15 days and that time, they've to arrange shelter for them.
Swara and Shanaya at school.
Swara is shocked to listen it and asked:" How can anyone hypocrite like bade papa? He gave the lesson of virtue and value in his whole all life to Sanskar and at the end, just for the sake of society he changed his view"
Shanaya smiled to listen her:" This is the world dear! Anything can happen there, we're society man and we tried hard for this acceptation of society... We do many wrong things just for the sake of society because it's right in our society... Just like it, he knew very well the deeds of his every son but he didn't stop them because it doesn't harm society to affair with girl or relationship with girl in secret but it'll harm his reputation when his boy will get marry with that girl who was unable to move in society with them"
Swara:" And why Meera did do that? She was after his money... So she can wait for him but why did she allure him to elope because that time she didn't find any penny from him"
Shanaya:" This question is bit complicated as I know her... She was really love him.... Not extreme love but love him... Love isn't like this which we saw on screen or read in books... This is beyond it, as every person has his individuality and it's same like with his love... Every love is different from other... Meera's love was selfish, cunning and wrong because she just want to get him with his personality and money... She could get him if she waited... But her impatient nature met her with defeat..."
Swara now curious about the remaining story...:" Then? How they manage without money..? Is his family were accepted them?"
Shanaya smiles to observe her excitement:" Then... They started to do job, so taking responsibility of his family life, he left his study and started job, Meera was also did this... Meera forced him many time to demand his share in property but his heart was broken from his family completely.. So he didn't gave ear to her voice.... It was much difficult to adjust in that environment of that type of person, who initially lived in luxuries.... They got the small one room cottage near the house of our... Our house was in included in the society of lowest class. We two only girls were there who were studying and specially study in college...
Because we two wanted to escape from the environment which we were living in...I often visited them, Sanskar tried to make her happy...but you know what! broken dreams always give us so much pain... And she was suffering from this pain. Before marriage Sanskar spoiled her, now she got the problem to manage home, study and job at time... Sanskar was also doing same... I also don't know, how he managed his study also but because of less attendance and fees problem, he dropped his semester... But now it was also hard for Meera to maintain her scholarship..
Time was passing but there's no improvement in their position. Sanskar was doing the job of waiter in one hotel and gave tuition to one academy. He did his house hold work and in the night.. He studied his wasn't the dream of Meera but it wasn't easy for Sanskar to adjust in this environment too.
He tried his best to get scholarship and go regular college, he left the tuition and did only waiter job for going university. Meera already lost her scholarship and this time she was doing receptionist job in the same hotel where Sanskar was doing job. But their relationship was only became the matter of passing theirs lives.
Sanskar loved her yet but his every effort to make her happy was going in vain. He was also irritated by the situation and Meera's love was burned in the stove where she burned food many time.
But night was theirs own.. In night, they met with each other after forgetting the bitterness and hardships of day.. But slowly slowly their night were also changed, the distance was widening and bitterness was increasing between their relationship.
There wasn't remained the love type thing between them. Their relationship was based on only need and compromises. But there was also hope in their heart. Sanskar was hope that after his study, he'll get good job and make better the condition of them. But his good job will not able to fulfill Meera's desire. If she want this type of life, she can wait and got this life with her own. But she was impatient and her impatience nature made wrong decision by her.
But in these days.. Something happened unusual or unexpected..
Sanskar was finding his uniform of waiter but he didn't find anywhere. He was searching in cupboard when he got the file. It was medical report of Meera.. Meera's pregnancy.. He didn't expect this thing in those hard days but inside his heart he was happy to read the report.
Sanskar:" What's this katty? You hide this big news from me?"
Meera was shocked to see report in his hand:" What big news Sanskar? And how do you get this report?"
Sanskar:" You're pregnant and you hide this from me" she was preparing for going for job, so she jerked to listen his words this time.
Meera:" Stop your nonsense Sanskar!" Actually they're sick of fed up with each  others but this news gave hope to Sanskar that maybe everything will fine between them
Meera silently did her makeup, she had branded cosmetics and Sanskar was so much busy, he didn't even notice this thing that where did she bought these things.
She turned to him and snatched her report from him:" Yes I'm pregnant.. But I dont need this child... I know even you don't also.. So why are you shouting on me? You're disgusting Sanskar"
Sanskar looked her with chagrin and said:" I thought this baby will change your relationship but seriously Meera I repent many times to marry with you. Now I don't want to repent again.. I want this child. And you will not do anything wrong.
Meera gave him disgusting expression & said him in firm voice," I don't want this child & this is enough...." She shouted and left her place because she was getting  late for job. And the irritating voice of her heels are paining his head.

I'm hope Ep1

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 22, 2016 with 4 comments
Night... Most beautiful part of the day and the time of bewitching charm too.
This night silently caresses us, lulls to sleep which makes us cry to memories the past... Does necromancy on us... This night... No one is spared from its  spell, except two persons... A one who's beloved of God and a one who's beloved of Satan. These two types of people have the one same thing and this same thing is love... Love of God, love of beloved, love of sin, love of virtue. Love of money or often the love of flesh... This is the wonder of love which breaks the spell of this cruel night and makes them awake.
And in this night, this beautiful and modern colony was also under the spell of this night. The policeman was on march who was waking up for the love of his country and his duty, some of the youngsters wake up for the love of their beloved, some of them for the sake of love of gaining knowledge. A third bungalow, from this colony, is also is in the spell of night... Actually not. There's a young girl who is not under the spell of night. Which type of love, she has? Love of virtue or love of sin?
Her shadow is clear in the light of night bulb. She was in her night dress  which she used for two years and she likes it so much that she didn't change it from two years. She's wearing light pink trouser with large size t-shirt in which words of "I'm a princess" were clearly seen. She really looked like a pinkish princess in this pink color.
She smiled to see laptop which kept before her. Her smile shined to reached in her eyes. Her smile wasn't so much beautiful but anyone can mesmerize easily by seeing her smile. The tiny fireflies shine in her eyes which attracted the beholder and didn't allow him to see anywhere else. The beholder can find something in her eyes which he couldn't understand at once, maybe it was naughtiness, love or maybe hope...
When everybody was sleeping peacefully, this house seemed like the palace of sleeping beauty. And this girl seems like the character of fairytale who was awakening yet. But she's neither the sleeping beauty nor Cinderella whose spell was broken after midnight.
Her magic started from midnight, actually, she was Alice in wonderland, who went wonderland in this time. And come before rising the sun.
She looked her laptop which she called her magic box because it's her way to enter a wonderland.
She half laid down on the bed and jerked her long hairs to her waist. She was shaking her legs and because of her act, trouser removed from her ankle but she was smiling carelessly because it was her time. In which no one can interrupt in her wonderland.
She opened her magic box, the light of laptop, clear her structure of face. Her eyes are honey colored which shined in the night like cat eyes because of shining fireflies in her eyes. Her little nose has thin gold nose ring which often rounded by her. Although her lips are wide but she looked nice while smiling.
She opened the window and enters her wonderland.  But first she has to identify herself before entering the wonderland. She typed with the help of keys but now she had to enter hidden code before entering her wonderland. These hidden words are not clear on the screen but these hidden words are clearly similar to her personality. These words were:" I'm hope"
Love, hate, hope, despair.  How many emotions are in this world. This heart which seems like for pumping blood into the body but actually lifted how many burdens of  emotions. But it can't get tired to lifting this burden but when it get tired, it is called "heart attack".,
From Adam to eve, there are many people came in our world, if we start counting, we can't count them. This body. Which made up of soil, has the ability to absorb any type of emotion and traits of its surrounding. It turns into that shape which shape his owner's hand gave it. With the mixture of water and sunshine, make it strong and firmed. It seems like, human upbringing human but actually it was emotions which upbringing human.
She was also same like raw soil and she has to turn into one shape.
Doctor said that it was the miracle that she's alive. She was a symbol of a ray of in the darkness of death.  But this hope didn't give happiness to anyone. Everyone was amazed and tensed because of this miracle, but no one was happy to see this hope.
She was seeing this world with amazed. But no one is lifting her up on lap. Everyone is watching her with hatred but she has the instinct of hope, she opened her arms to welcome them. Someone lifts her in her arms and she was smiled to see her feedback and her smiled shined to reach in her eyes.
Someone gave her name of "Umeed" which liked by her. But few people was called her from her name, many of them called her "a girl".
Only two hands were handling her which was hard yet familiar to her. But she always smiled when she met someone.
She left her curdle and learnt to walk foot by foot. But she often faced the gaze of hatred on her face. But she knew very well that how to take the love of everyone. She was confident from her childhood, despite the hatred of everyone, she was wandering in the house and observed the activities of everyone. She imitated by her parents and tried to treat people like them.
She has one elder brother and one younger sister who came in world initially.  Umeed tried to touch her little sister but every time her mother scolded her. But her innocent mind didn't understand that why her mother scolded her for loving her sister.
She learnt how to speak and she imitated everyone. When VIP guests of her father came to the drawing room, she observed carefully that how her parents treated to guests.
She came in a drawing room and make a place in the heart of guests by her childish talks and actions.
She was admitted to school and she was very happy in school because she got so much love in her school. She was talented and intelligent student in her class. She immediately became the favourite of teachers. She wondered that why many of students in her class are often spend their time in crying but she loved to study in her class.
In those days, one new student came in her class, except his hazel green eyes, nothing is noticeable in him. He was dirty and crying baby of class. Teachers make him sit beside her and said her to do friendship with him. She didn't like that child but she actually didn't want to disobey her teachers. That boy was named as Faraz.
Umeed asked him:" Why are you so dirty?"
" Because no one clean me,"  he said while crying but Umeed consoled him.
She taught him that how to clean himself and how to sit in class. He also liked her because, in his point of view, she's the only angel who loved him and cared for him.
" How can I become good child like you," Faraz asked from her.
" I'll teach you everything" she said and this five years girl treated him like a mother. And they became friends soon because both didn't get love from their home, so they seek love and family in each others.
She asked one day from her only friend:" Why are you so sad?"
Faraz looked her, it was break time, both were taking their lunch and as usual, they were sharing their lunch.
Faraz answered:" Because my mom and dad don't have any time for me, even my nanny is careless from me" he said and took her sandwich.
Umeed laughed to listen to it:" Oh! My mom and dad don't love me too.. It means every parent are same"
Faraz smiled:" But I love you Umeed"
Umeed smiled too:" I also love you too Faraz and I'll never break our friendship"
Faraz extended his small hand towards her. She held his hand and said:" I promise my friend" her smile is still shining in her eyes which proved the truthfulness of her words but this tiny and innocent souls didn't know that one day,  the world will give the wrong name to their innocent friendship and they've to break their promise.

Swasan A path hate to love Ep29

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 22, 2016 with 15 comments
Shanaya comes to Swara and says:" This was story of two girl.. Girls...who are beautiful more than Cinderella and their destiny gave them the same condition of Cinderella but their destiny wasn't like the story of fairytale...."
Swara doesn't understand what's the purpose of Cinderella's story but she wanna listen her.
The girls were cousins and lived at their uncle's house.. Both were beautiful girls but both were orphans. Their uncle wasn't so close to them, just a relative who gave shelter to them after their parents died in accident. Both were first cousins. Meera and Anjali... Both want luxurious life, both want to escape from the environment which they were living and both wanted everything from life. And Meera a girl who believed in prince charming, got her prince charming in the fresher party of their college...:" Did you saw him Anjali? He was so cute but not only cute, I got know that he's also rich and perfect boy of college. Oh! Girls will jealous from me when I got the boyfriend like him"
Anjali looked her:" He'll not gonna marry you, I can bet"
Meera:" I also don't wanna marry him, just I want to get some efficiency in college and also some expensive gifts from him"
She easily won the heart of her prince charming but she had eye on his pocket, not on his heart.
Anjali saw her with lots of gifts, uncle aunt suspected about her but she could easily make them fool.
One day she came to Anjali and said:" You know what Sanskar is gonna meet me with his parents... You know what's that mean?, he's serious and he'll make me his wife in future"
Anjali:" But you're not serious with him..",
Meera smiled:" Oho! I really loved him because he's my prince, my ideal, my dream... What's a girl want more?"
Anjali smirked:" Your love is so selfish like you"
Meera jerked: " whatever... I don't care... Well! Tell me one thing..."
Anjali:" What?"
Meera:" I wanna kiss him, but he's so shy, I was tried but failed, but this time I'll make him fool and ask him for the dinner at five star for the sake of kiss?"
Anjali irritated:" You know what Meera? You're selling yourself for money, he's such a nice boy, when he'll know your greedy face, he'll leave you, that time you'll repent"
Meera:" You also want money, luxurious stuff and a better life... Aren't you?"
Anjali:" Yeah I want but for this purpose, I'll not play the heart of anyone",
Meera:" This isn't my mistake, if he happily gave his heart to me for playing, then what's the problem with you?" Anjali stared that girl who's flying on the cloud nine but unaware of result of this flying.
He remembers the time when he took her in his house. It was reception of Adarsh Bhai.
Sanskar came to Sujata with Meera:" Look mom! She's Meera..."
Meera greeted her, Sujata also happy to meet her and asked:" Is she your friend Sanskar?"
Sanskar shied:" Yes mom! But more than friend"
Sujata didn't like his answer but she didn't say anything to them and observed Meera carefully because he knows the nature of her son.
Everything was going perfect, but Sujata's view about Meera wasn't good. She had experience more than her son, she already observed that her son was blacking his hands with coals in the mirage of gold. She often made him understand but he believed on his love completely.
He was sure that after some time, everyone will change their views for Meera, but in those days, something happened, it wasn't a big matter, but it became big because this matter had changed his life.
It was time when Meera asked him for a candle light dinner at five stars. He often went to five stars, but commonly with his family, so he didn't pay bill but he wanted to complete her wish. He got the salary and took her that five star hotel in which he usually visited with his family.
After their dinner, Meera asked him for visiting hotel, the manager knew him, so he allowed him for it. He also shared his dream about for making chain of hotels, with her. They was so much happy, suddenly Meera whispered in his ear...:" Sanskar!"
He looked back to her:" What happened katty?"
Meera:" I want something"
Sanskar smiled:" Everything for you my heart.... You just need to order"
Meera:" I want kiss... Our first kiss was unsuccessful, but I want kiss from you now"  he was sweating to listen it, because he's unaware of this thing, he even didn't know how to meet lips with lips. Laksh was in his high school and he was expert in these matters but he was become empty at the name of kiss.
Sanskar:" Now?"
Meera nodded in yes and held him.
Sanskar:" Meera! I think, we shouldn't do anything here, someone might see"
Meera:" No one will see here"
He put his lips to her but couldn't suck it completely. He attempted many time but he failed, Meera didn't want to leave him without completion of their kiss.
He was almost successful in his attempt when someone tapped his shoulder, he saw that person but ignored for a moment, but he saw again and shocked to see the person. It was Adarsh and now he started sweating because he was caught while kissing and he knew very well about the values of their home.
Adarsh Bhai brought him at home and gave  the complete details to everyone with adding the spice from himself.
Everyone didn't expect this type of thing from him and didn't believe on Adarsh. But he, himself admitted his mistake and also told everyone about their relationship and what was he wanted for his love also.
Bade papa first said:" Sanskar! You broke us, we really didn't expect this type of things like this? You were our pride Sanskar! But alas! You broke it"
Sanskar:" Bade papa! This wasn't like that, I love her so much, and want to marry her... This isn't a bad thing, I repent which I've done, but I promise, I'll do nothing like that again... But just give us a chance, meet her one time, you'll must like her" he advocated her in front of his family.
Sujata:" Bhai Sa! I met with her and I can bet, she's after his money"
Sanskar saw her with pain:" Mom! She's not like that, you're taking her wrong..."
Ram cut his words:" You were not like that Sanskar...! That girl forgot your values to you, you're disregarding your mother"
Sanskar said in low voice:" Dad! I'm not disregarding mom, I just explain that she's not like her.."
Bade papa interrupt:" This is enough... You all..." He shouted and everyone get stop. He was afraid and he was waiting for his punishment.
Bade papa:" Whatever was happened... Just forget it all and Sanskar! this isn't your age of thinking of these type of things, well! You don't need to go college from tomorrow..... Wait for next semester and I'll admit you in Oxford, I know they will welcome the student like you, (he turned to Sujata) prepare the stuff of him, he'll going England tomorrow..... Until next semester, you can do many business courses or any course about your dream career of hotel management... I'll arrange everything, you just prepare yourself"
He begged bade papa that don't punish him like that but he knew the reason of his lunacy and he knew very well how to treat it. His parents were also helpless in front of Durga Parsad then how could he fight against him.
He thought that his love is true then he'll come after his completion of study, and will ask the hand of Meera. He was sure that he'll must get his love that time.
Sujata packed his bag and instructed him many things about his future and wrong deeds. Laksh also cry so much but slept with him because he'll gonna miss him. He also was very sad to think about leaving everyone, specially his love Meera... His katty.
In midnight, he silently went to lounge and called someone, after three bells, someone attended the call..
Sanskar:" Katty... This is me Sanskar",
Meera:" Where were you and why didn't you call me?"
Sanskar:" Katty my parents are so angry from me and they snatch my phone from me"
Meera:" Oh! Don't worry.. They'll be fine"
Sanskar:" Yes katty but..."
Meera:" But?"
Sanskar:" There's a problem katty.."
Meera:" Don't say like that? What's the problem?"
Sanskar sighed and said in one breath:" My bade papa send me abroad for study"
Meera shocked to listen it:" Oh now what? You'll go so far from me"
Sanskar:" Don't worry katty! I'll come and that time, I'll marry you and I bet, no one will stop us"
Meera:" No Sanskar! I'll not allow you to go abroad... I'll die without you.."
Sanskar:" Try to understand katty! I promise, I'll come for you, and even we don't have any option except it katty"
Meera stooped for a while and said:" We've option Sanskar! If you support me"
Sanskar:" What's that?"
Meera said something which shocked Sanskar.