The very first thought which came into her mind was that Romana again mess something, that's a reason she was not there to perform that particular ritual, which was specially performed by bride's sister. Though they were never close to each others, but this was also true that there was no one with her to perform that ritual moreover despite of their personal conflict, she was her sister no matter what happened, at least in the eyes of the world.
Her in-laws insisted daddy to bid farewell to his daughter but they just worried about their daughter who suddenly disappeared from the marriage hall.
Umeed was observing them from her seat by forgiving that she was bridal of the evening, or night. She was just worried about, she didn't know now what Romana did?
Faraz keenly observed the worry on her face, he understood her broken but still deep interaction with her family. He just simply pressed her hand, Umeed flinched by his touch, she got a glance of him, he was just smiling to her, smiling for her. She found his smile, very gentle and really replete with affection for her. No matter, how did she feel for him before their nikah, but after their nikah, she really felt protective. Moreover now, by looking his lovable face and sincere gaze, she sighed leisurely.
Unspoken 'thank you' came out from her heart, which travelled through inside his chest.
Before he said something to her, Arbaz came to them. Didn't know why she felt the prominent worry on his face but he said only to them.
"rukhsati (farewell) time"
"instantly..." Faraz asked frowningly.
Arbaz slowly shrugged his shoulder like he didn't know about the real matter.
She felt the pang in her heart, her eyes were immediately seeking her brother, after effort of few seconds, she got a glance of Arman who was coming to her.
"Bhai! What happened? Where is Romana? Is she ok? Why are you all forcing to end this function so soon?"
"is this bothering you? Do you wanna enjoy more?" He spat, but suddenly changes his tone. "just kidding my little sister! Everything is alright and honey is fine at the home, she was just... Hmm.. Exhausted and we also... And it's not soon actually it's late because we were searching honey for long" his voice was calm but she didn't find comfort in it.
But she only nodded, while some of their cousins came to her for supporting her bridal dress to bid farewell to her.
Arman was came to her and slowly held Quran ahead of her head.
"I wish, Allah give you every happiness in your new life which we couldn't able to give you" he slowly said in her ear, his voice was not louder than whisper but filled with happiness and grieve at the same time.
Suddenly the pang of her heart, got released and she overwhelmed the attack of emotions at her.
"Bhai" she suddenly put her arms around his waist, his other hand sheltered to her head. Though they were not the real siblings, but mere cousins, so after knowing this fact she decreased the physical interaction with him but inside her heart, she truly loved him as a sister even after knowing the fact that after progression of Umeed in the eyes of daddy, he once thought to get them marry but the idea clearly snapped by both of them one by one so daddy banished his desire at that time.
He slowly patted her head, covered with dupatta.
"take care her Faraz! Otherwise ill punch you" Arman reminded Faraz again before giving her to him.
Faraz smiled widely while Umeed giggled slowly with tear filled eyes.
But this very giggle stopped by peering daddy but her eyes widened and heart calmed when he slowly patted his head by hugging her.
"stay happy..." He slowly gave her pray by only murmuring.
And Umeed was not able to define, how much happy she was after listening mere two words from his mouth.
"take care of yourself daddy" she stuttered with tears.
Young moon, claimed the sky with its light, it also showered some of its blessing to that beautiful newlywed couple who was in their room.
Though this room was not like her own room but still she didn't feel uncomfortable in it.
She slammed herself on the bed without caring the delicate petals of roses on the top of bed's bed sheet.
She was exhausted by the common tiredness of functions but beside of all these, she felt so calm, so relaxing moreover comfortable in this room like vagabond got inn to stay after long journey.
At the moment, all she wanted to sleep, sleep peacefully but before she fulfilled her desire, she recalled that it was her wedding night.
Finally! She was married and now she had new challenges to face.
She signed and sat back on the bed, the dressing table was ahead of the bed and now she could glance her torso completely in bridal attire.
No matter, she didn't plan anything but she really looked gorgeous in that rosette colored dress with her honey color complexion and crimson irises.
Her wood-colored eyes got a glance of the door where her groom came inside the room.
His hazel eyes peered her, for a moment, he didn't understand what to say or what to do.
"I think this is your room naa?" She understood his nervousness, so she didn't want to make him more, so she started conversation to her own.
"hmm..." He slowly stuttered then pace towards her.
He chose simple shalwar qameez instead of heavy groom sherwanies, so he was completely comfortable and he wanted to make her comfortable too.
"you didn't change yet"
"I think I should waited for you" her voice was flat but he felt bit nervousness in her voice too.
He couldn't help to stope the smile himself on her gesture.
"what's wrong?" She looked herself after observing his meaningful smile.
"nothing... It's all just..too.." He didn't find any suitable word to put in this condition.
"weird..?" She looked in his verdant eyes.
"no.. Just unexpected.." He finally found suitable words.
Their room was ahead of garden of the house, so the tired breezing of night was also caressing them with the smell of old but still fresh flowers beneath their torsos.
Some heavy moments eloped between them, Umeed slowly moved from her place.
"so.. Should I change?"
"you don't need my permission to ask anything" he muttered the sentence with exhausted sigh.
"hmm.." She curt her answer then moved towards to bathroom, when she came outside, she was in shalwar qameez of white color, her strands was moving freely on her shoulders and her face was completely free from any type of makeup and jewellery.
He recalled something, then hit his hand. "oh! I forgot to give you munh dikhai"
Umeed eyes widened because she didn't remember too.
He slowly handover her medium size red velvet case.
Instead of opening the box, she again gave him the box.
"I don't know what's inside it, just take your right and make me wear"
His eyes widened with amusement of her act and boldness of her words.
"didn't it bother you?" He lifted his brow to ask the most difficult question to her.
"not certainly, we're married, tomorrow will be valima for ours, we've to consummate this marriage to move on"
His eyes again flinched with her new words, this sight was completely new for him.
"valima isn't important for me, both of us neither prayer of one time, so we shouldn't care about consummation of our marriage, important is that we should ready for it" he said calmly with opening the case in which two beautiful gold bangles were there.
"I'm ready, aren't you?"
He boggled with her words and his eyes stopped for a while , then he slowly smirked and make her wear both bangles.
"you're so..." He again dumbfounded to choose suitable words for her.
"weird.." It seemed like, she liked this word.
"no....just... Practical" he finally completed his sentence as well as leaved his wrist in which two bangles were glinted.
"hmm" she hummed then slowly moved towards the bed but he could observe the shivering in her pace.
He smiled sadly, she didn't express her feelings to her but he still knew that it was not her desire and he didn't wanna do anything against her wish.
He slowly moved forward to bathroom, came out after changing his dress, he switched off the light while he left side lamp switch on.
He felt clearly shudder in her body when he laid down beside her.
"this all is completely early for me, so I'm not ready at least... But I hope you'll not kick me out after listening this fact "
He felt after his lie, her nerve relaxed simultaneously on the bed.
"I hope you'll allow me to share your bed with me" he said with sheepish smile.
She slowly chuckled, then nodded slowly.
She slowly closed her eyes but he was still looking this sleeping beauty beside him. Her sleep was so calm, so leisure then he realized that every innocent person had this type of sleep who didn't do anything wrong with anyone.
At this thought, he smiled and closed his eyes but in the glimpse of his eyes he madly wanted to touch her, at least wanna hug her completely to satisfy his inner lover that she was with him and remained with him but he suddenly banished this thought.
He patted his inner lover that he had lot of time to embrace his lover... So much time... A complete life with her, not only in this world but she was now partner of him in afterlife... Yes! This is beauty of legal relationship that called marriage.
The next morning was brighter than any other day of her life.
He already went for workout when she awoke in morning.
Firstly she didn't get the place but after recalling the night incident, she slowly smiled cordially after long time.
But suddenly her smile interrupted by the threatening knock of her door.
She practically jumped from her place and the pang of last night started to devouring her happiness again.
But next moment she jerked every ominous thought from her mind and opened the door.
It was Faraz's mother, she greeted her after watching her. But she ill-mannerly ignored her greeted and spit out next sentence.
"be ready Umeed! You've to go to your home" her tone was fist but disturb as well.
"what happened... Mama?" She hesitantly called her with the right status.
" Romana attempt suicide and she succeeded"
Suddenly her heart tugged in the cage of her chest and her mind didn't decode what her mother in law just spitted out because her mind was completely dumb.