Saturday, 13 May 2017

The Bright Morning by Ridz

Posted by Unknown on May 13, 2017 with No comments
Hey guys this is Ridz. I previously posted on Wattpad and Facebook and now I am postimg it here.
Happy Reading 
Twilight melted away, majestic sunrise, red orange glow seeping over the horizon as if the light itself was being poured from a molten sun. Powerful rays flood over the landscape lighting every blade of grass, shining from each leaf. the air was very clear with a cloud filtered sun signalling the end of rain. It was a grey slow morning. Will it be a bright one for someone?
The sunrays seeped through the window forcing me to open my eyes. I opened my heavy eyelids and blinked several times lazily and blushed registering the reality I was too sleepy because I had a long intense night with my dear husband who was now sleeping like a baby hiding his face in my neck holding me tightly. We both are under a black silk duvet with our naked bodies perfectly fitting each other lie a jigsaw puzzle. I turned towards him, caressing his stuble and pecking his forehead.
"Sanskar, get up babu or else you'll be late" I called him lovingly
"Umm... Shona let me sleep. Please jaan" Sanskar mumbled sleepily hiding himself more into me
"But babu you have your meeting with Mr. Mehta. You will be late." I reminded him.
"ohh that is at 12" he murmered
"Ok then you sleep but let me go. I have to complete the household work." I said trying to remove his hand from my bare waist.
He opened his eyes and looked at me smilingly. His chocolate brown orbs that melt me always.
"I am hungry" he said innocently (aww he is so cute )
"Oh then leave me just 10 minutes, breakfast will be ready" I said
"Ahaan! but I have my breakfast ready infront of me" he said winking.
"No no no.. I am already tired Sanskar.. not now" i wriggled in his grip getting his naughty intentions behind his innocent face. But do i really mean my words? Nah  (naughty me )
Obviously he did'nt listened and soon we were in for a passionate morning make out. After sometime we shared a kiss and wrapping myself in blanket I ran into the washroom blushing while he chuckled looking at my red face. I stood infront of the mirror looking at myself. Even in these five years of marriage I couldnt stop myself from blushing at his touch.
One more thing didnt happened in these five years. No matter how much i feel complete in his arms but still I am not complete. I couldnt give him that gift which every wife is supposed to give to her husband. Symbol of our love, A CHILD. tears rolled down my eyes thinking about the harsh reality of my life.
Ours was an arranged marriage and being matured enough we decided to first know each other well and then would take the relationship forward. it didnt took us long to fell in love and on last night of our honeymoon itself we consummated our marriage We were known as the much in love couple in the business world. Life was just perfect. He loved me immensely and I too cant imagine my life without him. But then came that dark night.
We were returning from a business party and thats when a truck crashed with our cars making us injured. We were hospitalized and the truck driver was caught and found to be drunk. No severe external wounds were caused to us but something major happened internally. Doctor called us together and informed that my fallopian tubes have been partially blocked and there are very less chances of mine becoming a mother. We both were shattered and tears were continuously flowing from my eyes but doctor encouraged us to keep trying as there is hope. Sanskar consoled me and we hoped for a positive result.
Since then its been 3 years and we are TRYING. but now we are losing hope. Every month when i get my periods it makes me guilty for spoiling his life. Though he always says that we dont need a child and his absence wont affect our relation but deep down he too is craving to hold his own blood in his arms. I know. No one could imagine that the happiest couple Swara and Sanskar Maheshwari have a major part of their life empty.
I too now dont show my tears infront of him because it hurts him to see me in tears but when alone i couldnt help thinking about it. but still a faint hope is lingering. We are TRYING.
I soon came into my senses, got ready in my formal blue pencil skirt with silk blouse, high pony tail with my mangalsutra and vermillion on their places. A perfect inch by inch CEO of Maheshwari Textiles
I came down and found Sanskar sitting on dining table with the newspaper going through the business news wearing denim jeans with white shirt and a blue blazer. my HOT CO CEO Our eyes met and we slightly smiled and I went to the kitchen to bring our coffee and he again started reading newspaper.
I get irritated when he is busy in his newspaper and ignores me. As i brought our coffe not leaving his eyes from the newspaper he picked up his mug leading it to fall on me spoiling my dress.
"Oh no. Sorry baby.. I didnt see" Sanskar said suddenly getting up and holding me checking if i got burnt somewhere but thankfully i didnt.
"Shh.. calm down babu. I'll just change and come. Not a big deal." I smiled and went upstairs in our room to change after instructing the maid to clean the mess.
I opened my wardrobe taking out a new set of office wear and started to go towards the washroom to change but just then my eyes fell on the pregnancy strip pack. A pack usually has five strips and four of which were already used and the last one was lying tempting me to use it. It's been two months since I tested myself last. I took it and went in the washroom. With high hopes I did the procedure and placed it on slab and started to change praying to God for a positive result.
After changing I looked towards the strip with anticipation and there it was.
It held the colour we desired since three years. Yes it had those two pink lines giving me the biggest happiness of life. I looked at it blinking and considering that it was not a dream but reality. I am really pregnant. Happy Tears made their way down to my cheeks and I was frozen at my place.
Seeing that I was taking more than usual time sanskar came up to check on me.
"Swara? You still there?" Sanskar asked me standing at the closed washroom door.
"hh..haan sanskaar" I said sobbing and thats when he guessed that I was crying. he immediately came inside and got shocked to find me in tears. He immediately took me in his embrace
"Baby? What happened? Why are you crying?" he asked panicking
"Sanskar.. I." I was speaking in choked voice but thats when his eyes caught the strip in my hands. taking it from me he saw and then looked at me while I was looking at him smiling with tears.
"Swara.. Is it...?" He couldn't complete his words and I simply nodded
He took me in a bone crushing hug and thats when for the first time since that accident I saw him crying but the tears were of happinessI adored him. My babu, who pretended to be strong all these years for me, now when we got what we desired couldnt hold his emotions sobbing in my embrace. After sometime he calmed down and then picking up in bridal style placed me on the couch in our balcony. He kissed my forehead and then bent down kissing my tummy where our little one was. Then he himself back hugged me, I was sitting in between his legs in his arms.
No words were spoken, No feelings were exchanged. It was just me, my sanskar and our tiny elephant cherishing the moment feeling each others warmth, admiring the nature. As it was the day after rain, everything looked so fresh and pleasant just like our lives which is going to enter a fresh phase. I dont know for how long we remained like that and after sometime.
"Jaan can we take a selfie now?" He asked excited breaking the silence.
I smiled looking at him and nodded. Today his eyes held a glint of happiness which I saw long back when I had confessed my love for him on our honeymoon.
Taking out his phone we posed and captured the precious moment which we will treasure life long.
"I love you swara" sanskar said kissing my scalp
"I love you too sanskar" I said hugging him
The Grey Morning indeed turned to a Bright one for us. 
***THE END***
Hope you all liked it. Let me know your views through comments

About RidZ:

    Hello !! I am RidZ, Writer of "The Bright Morning"

    Let's Get Connected: Twitter | Facebook | Google Plus

Beintehaa - Love Above All By Goldie

Posted by Unknown on May 13, 2017 with No comments
beintehaa love above all by Goldie

Beintehaa - Love Above All - by Goldie

Hello Peeps...Bak with da Nxt OS..I dnt Know whatd Wrong in Last OS dat it got Low Response..I sometimes Feel O Lost da Essence with I had *Sighs* Anywyz... Leaving all da Sadness Posting da Nxt OS for My Readers who Wait for My Work n will Try to Gain Bak U all ..Hope U all Like it....Do Leave Ur Valuable Comments on the Comment Box Below at da End :)
OS Requested by #Neeya07 n #Neha_Rai..
Theme : College Love Story...
Beintehaa - Love Above All !!!
Maheshwari Medical College
Its a Beautiful Morning...The New Beginning with da New Hopes for the People n Students of One of da Best n Reputable Medical College of Kolkata... Some Students r seen Catching Up their Classes While Some r Enjoying their Break...
And Among those Students their seen 2 Students Enjoying Their Break with Their Gang Laughing n Teasing Each other Limitless Turning each other Red in Embarassment n Shyness...
Boy 1 : ( Teasing One of His Frnds ) Arrey Sanskaar... Stop Staring SWara yaar...She is Only Urs..No One Dares to Eye Her Evilly..( Giggles )
Sanskaar : ( Pulling Swara Closer Bt Side Hug ) Off Course Raj..No One Dares...Agr koi Meri Shona ko Aisi Nazar se dekhne ka Soccha bhi toh I Swear I will Kill Him..( Possessively )
Boy 2 : ( Teases too ) Hoii Oyyee...Wat a Majnu Yaar U r Sanskaar...Srsly.. Pure College main tere jaisa Majnu nhi dekha..( To Swara ) Hai na Swara ? U feel soo Proud na of Ur Sanskar ? ( Chuckles )
Swara : ( Blushes ) Stop it Guyz.. Stop Teasing Us..Come Lets go. Break is gonna End..( Gets Up frm da Seat )
Sanskaar : ( Smiles Seeing Swara's Blushhness ) Yes Guyz..Lets Go...( To Swara ) Shona suno ( Gets Up n Cups Swara's Face ) Meet Me at College Entrance after Ur Class...I will be Waiting for U thr.n No need to be Scared..M Here for U ( Worried for Something ).Ok?
Swara : ( Smiles n Holds Sanskaar's Palms ) Sure Sanskaar..Dont Worry..I will be thr. ( Assures )
Sanskaar : ( Nodes ) Ok..Go....
Soon both SwaSan Leaves for their Respective Classes while A Man who was Seeing SwaSan Smirked Evilly n Leaves for His Class too Smiling Evilly n Wickedly..
Few Hours Later
After Class
Classes got Over n Everyone Including Swara Left da Class n Headed towards da Entrance wen a Strong Hand Pulls Her Suddenly Making Her Shocked n Scared Breathing Heavily ...
Swara : ( Gets Pulled Suddenly ) Aahhh ( Feels A Bite on Her Neck ) Aaoow..Leave Me...U Idiot...Leave Me ( Tries to Push da Person ) Leave Me if My Sanskaar comes to know abt this..He won't Leave U..( Smirks )
Person: ( Smirks Bak ) So What? Let Ur Sanskaar come to know​..main kya darta hu usse..( Kisses Swara's Other Side of Neck )
Swara : ( Still Tries to Push bt Melts ) Ummm..Leave Me...( Grips da Person Pleasurely ) b4 I Loose My Control U Naughty Boy. ( Moarns )
Person : ( Pulls More Closer ) Toh Loose it na Baby..Who is Stopping U.? ( Still Kissing SWara's Neck Sensuously  )
Swara : ( Enjoys n Moves Her Hands Under da Person's Open Shirt Pleasurely ) Ummm...Jst Loving it Baby..U make Me Senseless..Umm
Person : ( Smirks n Pulls off n Throws Swara's Scarf like Duppatta frm Her ) Ohh is it so ?  ( Kisses Swara's Throat giving Wet Kisses ) Then Y r u Staying with Yr Boring Majnu Haa? Come to Me na..( Keeps Kissing )
While both Swara n da Person where Romancing All Alone Forgetting abt the Place, Swara's Phone Rings Leading it to Disturb their Moments with da Person Making da Person Irritated n Frustrated..
Person : ( Irritated ) Dnt tell Me its Ur Majnu Sanskaar... Doesn't He have anyother Work other dan Disturbing Us..n Our Moments..
Swara : ( Giggling ) Relax Baby.. Leave Me now..n Let Me Go..Warna My Majnu will Come here Searching Me n den We can't Even Meet ever ( Frees n Makes Herself  Presentable )  Don't Worry Baby..We will Meet agn Soon ( Winks Naughtily )
Person : ( Smiles ) Sure Baby ( Pulls n Pecks Swara's Lips ) Take Care ( Leaves )
Swara : ( Smirks seeing da Person Disappearing ) Hot Haa..( Leaves too Smirking )
Soon Swara too Leavs da Place Smirking Lost in Reminiscing da Recent Moments  making da Person to Smirk Bak Seeing Swara Leaving Smiling n Smirking..
At Entrance
While Swara Leaves for Entrance, Sanskaar on da Other Hand Keeps on Waiting for Her n soon His Wait comes to an End when He sees Swara Coming towards Him...Swara Reaches near Sanskaar n Hugs Him Smilingly making Sanskaar to Hug Her Back Happily n Smilingly.
Swara : ( Hugs Smilingly ) I Missed U Sanskaar.
Sanskaar : ( Hugs Back Happily ) Missed U too Sweety..( Release the Hug ) Bt kaha thi tum itni daer.? Do u know M Waiting for U since 15 Minutes Here..
Swara : ( Fumbles ) Woh.. Actually..Main..Lib ( Strikes something in Mind ) Haa Library.. Library main thi..Bok Return karrahi thi. ( Sighs )
Sanskaar : Ohh Accha..Abb Come Lets Go. College is almost Empty now..
Swara : ( Nodes ) Hmm ( Leaves with Sanskaar )
Both Swara n Sanskaar too Leaves frm da College Hand in Hand Smilingly while A Man agn Stares them going Smirking Evilly.
2 Hours Later..
Swara's Apartment
Its 2 Hours since Swara had Returned frm Her College n was now Preparing Dinner for Herself wen a Strong Arms Wraps Her Waist n Strts Caressing it Under Her T Shirt Senselessly making Her to Gasp n Moarn at da Sudden Cold Touch making da Person to Smirk Naughtily n Strangely.
Person : ( Hears da Moarn n Smirks ) Kya hua Jaan? Agn Feeling Senseless feeling My Touch ? ( Strts Caressing Swara's Neck )
Swara : ( Composing Herself n Turns with w Knife ) Stay Away U Idiot ? How Dare U Enter My Home ? Dnt U Dare Touch Me agn..College main jo hua wasn't dat Enough for U ?
Person : ( Pulls Swara By Waist ) Off Course Not Jaan..( Smirks ) U r My Addiction..n Addiction is always Incomplete ( Starts Caressing Her Belly Agn )
Swara : ( Sighs While Melting )  SANSKAAR!! Bas na..M Really Tired..( Puppy Face )
[ Hashh!! Sukoon ? Calm Down Now... Sanskaar ke Elawa Who will Romance with Swara ?  ]
Sanskaar : ( Smiles n Cups Swara's Face ) Ok PATNI JI.. Relax..I was jst Kidding..Come Take some Rest.. Dinner I will Order frm Out..
[ Laga Ek aur Jhatka Abb ? SwaSan r Married..Bt How ? Y? Lets Proceed Ahead to Know 藍藍 ]
Swara : ( Indicates to Pick Her Up Lazily ) Ok Fine Pati for now Me to Take Rest..U Shud Carry Me to Our Room..coz m Really Lazy ryt now ( Grins Sheepishly )
Sanskaar : ( Chuckles ) Ok Fine Shona ( Picks Swara in Arms ) Come..( Heads towards da Roon )
While Sanskaar Carries Swara to their Room,Swara Admires Sanskaar Smilingly Lost in His Caring Nature bt soon Her Smile Fades Away Remembering Something making Sanskaar to Notice it n Sighs Understanding Her Expressions Silently n Maturely..
Sanskaar : ( Sighs ) Swara Plzz dnt tell Me U r agn thinking abt that Man ?
Swara : ( Teary Eyes ) Haa Sanskaar. M Thinking abt Him only .
Sanskaar : ( Makes Swara Lye On Bed ) Bt Y? ( Sits Besides Her ) Y r u Thinking abt the Man Who dnt even Care for U ?
Swara : ( Cries ) coz He is My DAD Sanskaar..n Roz unku main dekhti hu College main..n on dat He is My Professor too U only tell Whole Day My Father is infront of Me n I cnt Talk to Him like a Daughter nor He Talks to Me.How long I cn Tolerate it Sanskaar? Tell Me? ( Hugs n Cries )
Sanskaar : ( Hugs Bak Emotionally ) if U Love Ur Father alot den Y did U Go agnst Him n MARRIED ME Swara ? ( Caressing Swara's Bak Consolingly ) I had said U b4 only to Think on Ur Decision Once. Bt U didn't ..n Now U r Crying? ( Release the Hug ) Ok Fine..If U Miss Him alot..den Go to Him..I won't Stop U ( Feels Hurt )
Swara : ( Slaps Sanskaar Chest Lil Harshly ) Dnt Dare U Say this agn Mr Sanskaar MAHESHWARI... I know I Love My Father bt I LOVE U TOO... infact More dan anything else in da World..n My Father was Planning to Accuse U fr da Crime U have Never Done..Crime of Raping Me ( Feels Disgusted ) Chi..Jst to Separate Us He was Accusing U fr such a Cheap thing..( Stares Angrily ) n U r telling Me to go to Hin? R u Mad ?
Sanskaar : toh kya karu ? If U keep thinking abt ur Father like this toh What shud I say ? It makes Me feel Guilty.. Guilty fr Separating A Daughter ftm Her Father..( Teary Eyes )
Swara : ( Hugs Immediately ) No Sanskaar..Y do u feel Guilty ? N what for? U r nt at all at Fault..Samjhe? M away frm My Dad jst coz of His Cheap Tricks..nt coz of U . So Stop Blaming Urself..Ok!.
Sanskaar : ( Composing Himself ) bt. ( Intrerupted )
Swara : ( Release the Hug ) Chup. Dnt Speak anything further..M Sorry fr Raising this Topic..Now No more Discussions on this Topic..( Strictly )
Sanskaar : Ok Fine. Bt Listen..If U r Missing Ur Dad den We cn go n Meet Papa ( DP.. Sanskaar's Father ) M sure U will Feel Good thr ( Smiles )
Swara : ( Nodes ) Ok..Kal We will Go after College ( Smiles )
Sanskaar : Good..Ok den U wait here..I will be Bak after Ordering Our Dinner..
Swara : Ok..Come Soon..( Smiles )
Sanskaar : Ok Princess ( Kisses Swara's Forehead )
With this Sanskaar Leavs while Swara Sits Bak on Bed with da Support of da Head board all Lost in Her Thots Deeply n Painfully.
Swara : ( Monologue ) Itne Saal beetgaye bt still Dad U r Angry on Me. ( Teary Eyes ) dnt u Miss Me Dad? Y this much of Ego Dad ? Jst coz U Hate Maheshwaris U Stooped soo Low ki U Planned to Trap Sanskaar in Fake Rape Case? Y? Aisi bhi kya Dushmani Dad ki U cnt Forget Ur Enmity for Ur Daughter? Isse Acche Sanskaar ke Papa hai. Atleast He Tried to Finish this Enmity for His Son n till now He is Trying..Even after knowingly Ur Cheap Plan He Accepted Me fr Sanskaar n Adviced Us to Stay alone for Avoiding Media Mess .. Sanskaar is Really Lucky fr getting DP Papa as His Me ? ( Sighs ) I Miss U Dad. ( Cries Silently n Reminisces Her Happy Moments with Her Dad )
As Swara was Lost in Her Own World, She Hears Sanskaar's Footsteps.  Hearing His Footsteps Swara Composes Herself n  have their Dinner..
Soon after Dinner both Dozes off in Each other's Embrace Peacefully Cuddling Each other Smilingly Forgetting abt their Prblms Happily. 
2 Days Later...
Maheshwari Medical College
2 Days Passed n Swara n Sanskaar Continued their College n their Romance Happily...The Whole College was still Unaware of SwaSan's Marriage n their Relationship with Mr Shekhar Gadodia ( Swara's Father )...
Like Every Day This Time too Shekhar Met Swara n was abt to go Ignorin Her wen Swara not able to Tolerate Her Father's Rudeness Held His Hands n Confronted Him Emotionally making Shekhar too Emotional n Overwhelmned...
Swara : ( Held Shekhar's Hands ) Dad...( Confronts Shekhar ) Dad Plss Talk to Me Dad...Y r u Angry on Me ? Jst coz I Married Sanskaar who is da Son of da Trustee of this College? N U r jst an Employee here? ( Teary Eyes )
Shekhar : ( Rude ) Excuse Me MRS Maheshwari ( Stretches da Word Mockingly ) U r jst a Student for Me here now ..So it wud be Better if U Call Me as Sir or Address Me as Mr Gadodia rather dan Dad..Did u get it Mrs Maheshwari ?
Swara : ( Feels Hurt ) Dad Plzz..Stop it..How Long will U be Angry with Me ? N will keep Ur Ego Ahead ? Plzz Stop it..aapne aajtak jo bhi kiya I Forgave U atleast tried to Forgave U coz U r My Dad bt U ? U r not even Making An Eye Contact with Me ..Srsly Dad ? jst for Ur Ego? I really dnt Understand Y u have Prblm with Sanskaar n His Dad? They r Rich it doesnt Mean they r Heartless as U think dem..Plzz Dad come out of this Old Thots..Plz..( Leaves Crying Silently )
While Swara Left Cryingly, Shekhar too Felt mike Crying bt Soon His Ego Strucked Him Bak n He Composed Himself n Headed towards da Staff Room Ignoring Recent Incident​ Rudely n Ignoringly...
In Class
Its Class Time n its da Combined Class of 4th Yr n 5 Yr Batches... Which Includes SwaSan in One Class with Swara in 4th Yr n Sanskaar in 5th Respectively..
While da Class was going On Sanskaar who was Sitting on da Other Side of da Class Stares Swara n Smiks Naughtily Thinking a Naughty Plan in His Mind making His One of His Frnd Confused n Puzzled...
Raj : ( Confused ) Sanskaar...Kya hua yaar? Y R u Smiling like an Idiot?
Sanskaar : ( Smirks ) Coz Raj ( Points Swara ) See Swara How Seriously She is Concentrating​ in Class wen M here in Class..Its soo Unfair ryt ? ( Winks Naughtily )
Raj : ( Shocked ) Dnt tell Me U r gonna Distract Swara frm Class now?
Sanskaar : ( Grins Widely ) Obviously YES My Frnd...How cn Swara Stare da Professor Wen M here ? ( Makes Cute Faces Possessively )
As Sanskaar Stared Swara Naughtily n Swara was Concentrating in Her Class,She Feels a Paper Thrown at Her with a Bit Fast Speed making Her to Wince in Pain Slightly  n to Look Here n There in Confuson making Sanskaar to Smile more Naughtily n Teasingly..
Soon Swara not able to Find da Person,She Opened da Note with da Confusion n Utter Shock seen in Her Eyes Clearly..
Note :
Hello SweetHeart...
Stop Staring da Professor like da Way U r Staring Him...It wud be Better if U Stare Me with so much Concentration..*Guess Who*
Reading da Note of Paper Swara who was Puzzled Turned Red in Embarrassment n Understood da Owner of da Trick Angrily n Unbelievably...
Swara : ( Shocked )( Monologue ) Ohh God...Yeh Sanskaar...Huh... such a Shameless Person He is ( Stares Sanskaar Angrily )
While Swara Started Sanskaar Angrily, Sanskaar too States Bak by with Naughtiness Filled in His Eyes making Angry Swara to Blush n Turn Red seeing His Love...
As both SwaSan were Staring eachother, Professor​ who Noticed SwaSan Lost somewhere Turned Angry n Sent dem Out of da Class making Sanskaar Smirk Victoriously while Swara Turned Red in Irritation n  Frustration...
Swara : ( Hits Sanska with Her Book ) U Stupid.. Idiot...Y u did that Trick? Now see Coz of U We r Out for da Punishment Roaming all alone in a College Corridor..Huh...,( Angry )
Sanskaar : ( Defending Himself ) Aaoww..Ouch ..Swara..Ahista Yaar. its Hurting .( Pout )
Swara : It Hurted Me too When U Threw dat Paper Note at Me ( Points Her Red Ears ) See My Ear its still Red due to Force of da Note U Hit..( Stares Seriously )
Sanskaar​ : ( Smiles Naughtily ) Is it ? ( Pins Swara to Near by Wall Suddenly ) toh ( Huskily ) let Me Reduce da.Pain My Dear Wifey..( Leans n Kisses Swara's Earlobe Sensuously )
Swara : ( Shocked ) SANSKAAR!!!...Kya karrahe ho? Stop it U Stupid. its College not Our Home..Leave Me..( Tries to Push Sanskaar )
While Sanskaar Strtd His Sweet Tortures ,Swara on Feeling da Touch Strts Panting Heavily Clutching Her Husband's Shirt Enjoying His Each n Every Torture Pleasurely Forgetting n without Caring abt da Time n Place all Involved in their Own World Unaware of A Pair of Eyes Watching dem Angrily Filled with Blood Shot Eyes Forgetting all His Patience n Control  Making SwaSan Embarrassed n feel Awkward..
Person : ( Feels Disgusted ) Shameless Students..Dnt U know College is for Studying not fr Such Stupid Stuffs..?
Swara : ( Emotional ) DAD?
Shekhar : ( Stares Rudely ) Dont U Remember what I said U in Morning Mrs Maheshwari? ( Sees Sanskaar n Stretches da Word Mockingly )
Swara : ( Composing Herself ) Sorry SIR...( To Sanskaar ) Chalo Sanskaar..( Intrerupted )
Shekhar : ( Taunts Sanskaar Indirectly ) Mrs Maheshwari I guess U Shud Stay away frm da Students who jst Comes College fr Time Pass..Warna Soon U will also be seen Passing da Time in College like other Students...
Swara : ( Helds Sanskaar's Hands Proudly ) Uski Fikar aap mat kariye Sir...I Very​ Well know Who r My Good Frnds n Who r its better U Concentrate on Ur Life rather dan Intrefering in Ur Students Maters...( To Sanskaar ) Come Sanskaar...We dnt have Time to Waste Around..PAPA se bhi toh milne jaana Hai after Class..( Sees Shekhar with Anger )
Sensing da Situation n da Seriousness of da Situation, Sanskaar Agrees n Leaves with Swara Holding Her Assuringly n Protectively making Shekhar too Leave Angrily n Frustratedly..
After Few Hours
Few Hours Passed n. It's da Time for da College to College to End... Everyone Including SwaSan too Left da College n Headed towards Maheshwari Mansion as Decided Happily..
Both Reached da Mansion in 20 Minutes n Met AP n DP...Swara after Meeting AP n DP felt Overwhelmed n Strtd Missing Her Parents all through Her Way Return to Her Apartment...Her Mom Died wen She was Young n Her Father was da only Support System since Her Childhood..Her Every Wish got Fullfilled even b4 She cud Blurt it bt now da Father who Loved Her da Most was now da One Hating Her da Most making Her Feel Sad n Bad...
Swara : ( Sad ) Sanskaar ( Resting Her Head on Sanskaar's Shoulder ) Ek baath Puchu?
Sanskaar : ( Smiles ) Haa ask na Shona...Y taking Permission ?
Swara : ( Playing with Her Dupatta ) Woh Sanskaar.Kal na Lets not go to College...Leave lelete Hai? Plzz
Sanskaar : ( Concerned ) Y Swara? R u Fine ? Bukhar aayi Kya phir se ? Shall We Go to Doctor now ? Ya U need Maa ? ( Keeps on Blabbering in Worriedness )
Swara : ( Irritated ) Offo... Stop it Sanskaar..M Fine.. Nothing like that..
Sanskaar : ( Relieved ) Then?
Swara : ( Blushes ) Woh Actually...I jst wanna Spend sometimes with U alone at Home...College main We Hardky get Time.. isiliye ...
Sanskaar : ( Smiles Mischievously ) Ohh Is it so ? Not Bad Haa...( Pulls Swara's Cheeks ) My Cutie is Wife is becoming Bolder Day by Day..( Winks )
Swara : ( Smirks n Wraps Her Hands around Sanskaar's Neck ) Abb kya kare Mr Pati Ji..jab kisi ka Pati itna Hot ya Dashing ho toh obviously Har Biwi Bold hi banegi na.( Pulls Sanskaar By His Collar Possessively ) to Keep Other Wives Away frm Her Husband..( Winks Bak )
Sanskaar : ( Pulls Closer ) Accha Ji. now Let Me Show U What Boldness means in Actual ( Smirks Winningly )
Hearing Sanskaar,Swara who was till now behaving Bold n Naugthy was now Sweating n Gulping on Sensing Sanskaar's Intentions n was abt to Run bt Unfortunately for Swara n Fortunately for Sanskaar,b4 Swara cud Run Freeing Herself Sanskaar immediately Scoped Swara in His Arms n Heads towards His Flat Smirking Naughtily making Swara to Turn Red thinking abt the Upcoming Moments Shyly n Blushingly. 
One Week Later
Days Passed n its been 1 Week Since SwaSan Met DP...As Time Passed The Bond b/w SwaSan kept on Increasing n were Living their Life Happily Romancing n Spendings Times Together while Shekhar on da Other Hand had Planned something Big n Evil...
One Fine Day after da Classes As Usual SwaSan were Heading towards their Apartment Hand in Hand Teasing n Romancing with eachother Happily Unaware of da Big Trouble Knocking their Happy Lives Gradually.
Swara : ( Eating Ice Cream while Walking with Sanskaar ) U know what Sanskaar...Its been Weeks since I had Ice Cream n dat too Vanilla feels soo Good to have Ice Cream after Ages...( Enjoys da Ice Cream )
Sanskaar : ( Giggles ) Toh Ur Welcome Jaan..
Swara : ( Still Eating ) When did I say Thnk U to U ?
Sanskaar : Har baath kehne ki nhi hoti Swara.  kuch baate samjhi Jaati hai ( Chuckles )
Swara : ( Sees Sanskaar n Smirks ) to phir tum yeh bhi samjh jao ke Y m Smirking Now ?
Sanskaar : ( Confused ) Y ? ( Strikes Something in Mind ) Wait ( Shocked ) Dnt Tell Me U have agn Stolen One Extra Ice Cream frm da Ice Cream Vendor without His Knowledge? ( Eyes Wide Open )
Swara : ( Giggles ) Smart Haa..Yes Husband Ji.maine Ek Extra Ice Cream chura li ( Winks n Shows da Ice Cream Smirking Mischievously )
Sanskaar : ( Angry Look ) Swara!! This is Very Bad yaar.. Poor Man..He Works soo Hard in da Sun for His Survival n U instead of Helping Him U Cheated Him...I did not Expect this frm U ( Really Disappointed n Moves Ahead )
Swara : ( Sees Sanskaar Going ) suno Sanskaar...kisne kaha ki I Cheated n bought this Ice Cream without Paying? ( Smirks Naughtily ) Jst Check Ur Wallet Mr Maheshwari is 100 Rs Missing frm It or not ? ( Chuckles )
Hearing Swara, Sanskaar  who was Walking Angrily Stooped n Checked His Wallet Immediately... Seeing da Wallet Sanskaar was Shocked n Understood Swara's Trick n Started Running behind Her Chasing Her with Fake Anger making Swara to Run Defending Herself Laughing n Enjoying da Fun Moment with Jer Husband Happily...
While both were Running n Enjoyin da Moments with Each other A Truck Rushed towards dem making Swara to see da Truck n den da Shekhar who was Smirking Evilly Seeing Sanskaar..n with in Seconds b4 anyone cud Understand or Notice da Truck da Happy Moments Turned into a Horified One with Swara Lying in da Pool of Blood making both Shekhar n Sanskaar Numb n Blank.People Strtd Surrounding SwaSan Gossiping n Staring Unconscious Swara Blankly n Frightened...
30 Minutes Later
City Hospital
Soon Swara was Admitted in da Hospital in OT while Sanskaar n Shekhar was Standing there Numb Reminiscing their Happy Moments with Swara Tears Flowing from their Eyes Non Stop...
While both were Lost in their Own Thots Blankly, Doctor comes Out frm da OT making Both Sanskaar n Shekhar to Rush towa Doctor Worriedly n Tensed...
Shekhar : ( Tensed ) Doctor...Kya nua? How is My Daughter? Woh Theek toh hai na?
Doctor : Ryt now I cnt say anything Mr Shekhar Gadodia​...Miss Gadod ( Intrerupted )
Sanskaar : ( Emotionaless ) Mrs Maheshwari ...She is My WIFE n not any One's Daughter Doctor..So it wud be Better if U Address Her as Mrs Maheshwari or Jst Mrs Swara instead of any other Name ( Sees Shekhar with Anger )
Shekhar : ( Shocked ) Sanskaar...Yeh kya kehrahe ho? She is My Daughter. How cn U ( Intrerupted )
Sanskaar : ( Burning in Anger ) Beti thj Mr nhi..da Day U Dis Owned Her jst coz She Choosed Me Over U..ussi Din U Lost da Right to Call Her as Ur Daughter..Main kuch aur kehna nhi chahta..U r Smart Enough to Understand What I mean.( To Doctor ) Doctor U jst do anything n Save My Wife..My Swara at any Cost...Paise ki Fikar aap mat kariye...U jst Save My Wife Plzz ( Cries )
Doctor : Ok Mr Maheshwari..We r Trying Our Best..U jst have Patience n Complete da Remaining Formalities at da Reception..( Leaves )
Soon as Doctor Left.. Sanskaar too Leaves to  Complete da Formalities while Shekhar Stood there Numb Feeling Guilty n Ashamed of Himself for getting Blind in His Ego n Ending Up in Risking His Own Daughter's Life..Tears Flowed frm His Eyes Endlessly Showing all His Guilt..
Time Flew.But still there was No Sign of Swara's Health... Sanskaar was as Expected was Sitting Lifelessly resting His Head in His Mother's Lap Thinking n Reminiscing da Moments Spent with Swara while DP n AP  Consoled Hjm n Shekh Stood all alone in a Corner Drowned in His Guilt.
While all were Lost in their Own World.. Doctor Comes Out n Declared Swara Fit n Fine making dem all Sighs in Relievedness...All Rushed into Swara's Ward after sometime n Met Her One by One Blessing Her Overwhelmingly while Shekhar stood Out Staring His Daughter frm Distance not able to Face Swara in Guilt Making No Effect on Swara Turning Her Stone Hearted towards Her Father seeing​Her Father's Plan n Intentions to Kill Her Husband in His Ego Making Shekhar feel more Guilty n Ashamed...
20 Yrs Later
Swara : ( Smiles ) Toh Khush.? Happy to Hear da Love Story of Ur PARENTS?
[ Haa..It was a FB inshort da Story of SwaSan said by themselves to Their Kids ...Toh Tell Me Acchi Lagi SwaSan ki Story ? *FingersCrossed* ]
Girl : ( Happy ) Yes Mom..V.Happy..I Never thot Urs n Dad's Story wud be  A Mixture of all Emotions.. I mean da Way U both Bond soo Well n Always looked Happy..It doesn't looks like U both actually Faced this much..( Surprised )
Sanskaar : ( Laughs ) Ragu ..See Every Love Story has its Own Emotions n Bak doesn't Matter How U r Living At Present bt da Way U Lived in Past Matters da Most..Coz Wen Ur Past is Strong n Well Build..Ur Future Automatically becomes Good..n same is da Case in Our Story..We had a Good Bond in Past n that's Y We r Here in front U n Laksh [ Hehehe Maaza Aaya sunke 藍藍 ] soo Happy Together.
Laksh : ( Smiles ) Yes Dad...U r ryt.  Bt ( To Swara ) Mom..den What abt Nanu ? U Forgave Him Later ?
Swara : ( Smiles ) Yes Baccha..I did..At First I was really Angry on later I Forgave Him..Coz jo bhi ho He is MY DAD..n On dat He was Regretting too for His Deeds roh Maaf toh karna hi tha na mujhe..
Sanskaar : n Suno Baccho..Jo bhi Ur Nanu did in Past was Wrong bt fr that U dnt need to have any Harsh Feelings for Him coz after Realizing His Mistakes Ur Nanu took care of Ur Mumma in such a Way He ki did nt let Me to Stay with My Wife fr a Seconds too at the Time of U both ( Pout )
Hearing Sanskaar ,Swara n RagLak ( SwaSan's Kids 藍 ) who saw Sanskaar's Cute Pout Bursted Out Laughing n Teased Sanskaar Leading SwaSan n their Family to Live Happily n Brightly Happily Ever After Filled with Happiness n Joy.
Finally.. Done..I Hope U all Liked it..Do Leave ur Valuable Comments in da Comment Box n Let Me Know Ur Views :)..

About Goldie:

    Hello !! I am Goldie, Writer of this OS "Beintehaa - Love Above All"

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Swasan Second Chance By Raabia - Episode 2

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on May 13, 2017 with No comments
swasan second chance episode 2

Swasan second chance: episode-2 By Rabia

Swasan were sleeping in eachother embrace while swara still holding sanskar shirt..soon her sleep get disturb duet Sunray she cuddeld more on sanskar feeling her close sanskar held her more thigtly...Feeling someone thight Grip swara opened her eyes...she looked at sanskar who was sleeping peacefully hugging her tightly not letting her go...she smiled seeing him He was sleeping like a cute Baby but soon her smile fade away thinking his opinion about Filling her mang....

Slowly she put his hand away from her n Got up went towards washroom...Swara went Near mirror n looked herself...n then she looked towards her sindoor n touched with her hand thinking something...

Swara pov..

Its not that being with him I am Not happy infact I am really happy he is very good Person I know He did wrong in the past but he relized his mistake before doing something more wrong...but When he relized it was tooo late he try to stop ragini but she didnt stop and went Future to destroye me completly (smile sadly) but know its enough I cant take it more everyone hatreds towards me I cant n i wont change myself for someone its time to look forward not behind...
Pov ends...

Thinking this she get ready n left towards badi leaving a Note behind for sanskar...
When sanskar got up by not finding swara beside him He really was tensed he was about to shout her name when he found a Note on mirror...he Got up went towards mirror n read that note..

Swara note...

Dont worry sanskar I am going to badi I didnt wake u up beacuse u were sleeping soo thought not disturb u n yeah I will be back soon

Reading this sanskar smiled he had fear somewhere that she will do something but reading her Note he came to know that his swara is not coward yeah his swara whom he love madly and can do anything for her happiness even if he had to sacrifice his happiness for her he will do...

At baadi

When swara reached baadi shekhar was about to leave..seeing her he went near her n start shouting....

She: now u r happy na for spoiling my ragini life...but I wont let that happen I know u didnt married him I didnt knew u were so shamless

Sw: (sad) Baba

She: dont Call me Baba u have no right do u get it

Hearing shouting or u can say talking too much loud that baadi people start to gather even Dadi,sharmishta n Dida Came hearing shekhar seeing the scene Dadi smiled evily while sharmishta n Dida were shocked...

Sw: (teary eyes ) Baba what r u saying

She: (angry) u know swara I am ashamed that u are my doughter (sharmishta n Dida were shocked swara was broken) Proving urself u are leaving with sanskar being unmarried how disgusting u are (hearing shekhar swara was now completly broken tears were fowlling down from her eyes ) having a doughter like u I wished we were prents..before He could finished his sentence a thight slap land on his cheek shocking everyone...

Shekhar looked in shock at sharmishta (yeah sharmishta slaped shekhar infront everyone)

She: (angry+shock) sharmishta

Sho: (angry) how dare u mr shakhar gododia to Talk like this with my doughter u have no right (pointing Finger at him)

She: for this Charakterless girl u talking to me like this dont forget sharmishta that u are my wife n if u wana be on her side then there will be no relationship between us

Sharmishta was shocked to hear shekhar word while Dadi felt soo happy that thing happening which she wished for long...

Sw: (shocked) maa Baba plzzz don.. (stopped by sharmishta )

Sho: (hurt broken+angry) not a word swara (looking at her with anger making her shut...n looked towards shekhar) what did u said u will break our reletionship han ? (Thinking) but about which relationship are u talking (making shekhar confuse) how can u forgett mr shekhar gododia our relationship Broke on that day when u didnt trusted me n swara but for swara I tried to Talk to u...but today when u Pointed ur Finger on doughter Charakter not only on her Charakter but also on my upbringing I cant Stay soo today instend of U I AM BREAKING ALL MY RELATIONSHIP WITH U

saying this she pulled her mangelsuter soo that it Broke n Black pearl spread on floor..shocking everyone n throwed on shekhar...she went near Dadi who were holding ganga jhal took that from her n washed her sindoor...seeing this shade everyone was shocked but Dida smiled that finally her doughter for the 1st time stand for herself n for her doughter

Sho: (went near Shekhar) n what did u said emmm having her doughter like her u wished to fatherless but do u know even the meaning of being father mr shekhar gododia no na then let me explain u meaning of father...father is Who make their doughter feel protective...who stand beside her in every good or bad Situation but not letting her feel burden on himself...who will treat her like princess but u were never their for her soo how can u be called as father of swara han never mind mr shekhar gododia do what u want never try to point ur bloody Finger on my doughter....

Saying this she Took swara with her home Dida followed them happily now that her doughter will stand on her feet again....she was really proud on having doughter like sharmishta...

To be continue....

Guys seriously I wished to see sharmishta this side I mean how can she forgive shekhar soo easily when he did sooo much bad with her n swara...

About Rabia:

    Hello !! I am Rabia, Writer of this ff "Swara Second Chance"

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