Laksh's POV:
After ages, swara had called to meet me in the hospital. One month had already passed and we all were busy in our own worlds. However friendship was meeting up, even when we were really busy.. Genuine enough! Now swara was implementing the real definition of friendship. But she hadn't come alone rather she had brought an accident victim with her.
As soon as I saw the patient's face, quickly I had recognized her as shomi suryavansi, one of the target of my buddy sanskar about whom I was searching information in this hospital. Though I didn't know the case history of shomi suryavansi, still I was worried for her because of swara. As swara wanted to save her at any cost & swara wasn't a mere friend rather a world to my buddy, sanskar. And I could do anything for him.
The operation was successful but we needed more blood bottles for her safety & full recovery. When I informed swara about this outcome, she was adamant to donate blood. However what shocked me was her behaviour & surety of matching the blood groups of her with the patient. And then came the more shocking twist that the patient was her mother. Now things were clear to me as why sanskar wanted to know more about shomi suryavansi.
However I had to follow the hospital procedure for blood transfusion. After so much persuasion, finally swara had agreed to my sayings. But the report of blood samples out brought a very weird feeling to me. It was a kind of shocking news. It was difficult to digest but god would give her strength. And the full impact of this report would certainly hit her like creating a havoc in the mid sea during the storm surge of tsunami.
I accompanied her until we reached room no.307 and left her there to sort out the confusions, she possessed. After that I was busy in the hospital duties but my mind was agitated with mixture of emotions. A few minutes had already passed in chaos & uncertainty. Just then a nurse gave me the news of her collapsing on the floor.
I rushed to her & checked her immediately. Because of superincumbent stress, she had fainted. She needed rest. But for that she had to reach home safely. My mind was jammed. I was unable to detect my next move. I didn't have ragini's number and even sanskar's old number was out of my reach. And even if sanskar was carrying any new phone number still I wasn't aware about that number. My last resort was swara's landline number but that number was constantly giving engage tone.
Now I had only one option left with me to drop her at her place. I didn't want this as I didn't wish to expose sanskar to dark world again as might be my every move was scrutinised by captain as after one month also he wasn't ready to accept sanskar's death as his dead body wasn't found by the cops unlike Alex & Martin.
But I couldn't take any chance when the matter was on swara's health. I ordered nurses to shift her to my car and we both were going towards her house. Diverse emotions & variety of sensations were floating in my mind like the boats floated on the undulating sea waves. After a month, I was going to meet sanskar today. How would he react after seeing me? And what would be his condition after viewing swara in this state? Oh god! Why it was so difficult to face reality??
In our gang, someone had correctly said,"Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts and you are the slave to your emotions." But I didn't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I wanted to use them, to enjoy them & to dominate them. So, I controlled all my undulating emotions & prepared myself to meet my buddy after a long dreadful month.
While all these things were going on in my mind, I reached near her place. Swara was still lying in the backseat of my car. I came out of my car & checked the outside door of her home. It was closed from inside. It meant sanskar was present inside & I was going to meet him now. I knocked the door bell & waited for his opening of the door.
Sanskar's POV:
I reached home long back. Till now swara hadn't returned home. I called her from the landline number to give her a confirmation about my arrival at home. This time also she didn't respond the call. I didn't call her further as she had gone to meet her family members after a month. So, I didn't want to disturb her but honestly I was missing her presence badly.
In the mean while the door bell was knocked. Swara had come, I thought. How would she react after viewing my gift? Would she like it? I was excited to see her reaction. Seriously after ages I was behaving like a human & that to like a creepy lover. I picked up the photo frame to give her quickly as after that might be I couldn't gather courage to do so.
However to my utter surprise, laksh was standing in front of the door. As soon as I saw him, a fear of exposure to the crime world was striking in my mind. Else how could laksh know about this location? Unknowingly the photo frame fell down on the floor & it was broken into pieces, just like my emotions were now cracked into many pieces.
My legs were shaking, my arms were numb, my knees were aching & my head was hung. I felt scared, scared to go back to that dark world, scared to leave her alone... Suddenly I asked,"Laksh! You are here! Does captain know about this location?" Laksh assured me that everything was OK & nothing wrong had happened related to dark world.
I felt relieved & in an apologetic tone told,"Sorry buddy! I don't have your number after my old phone has misplaced. So, I can't contact you to tell about my alive news. But how do you know about this location? & why do you come here? Thank god! Swara isn't present at home now else she must have recognized you today."
However unlike my expectation, laksh wasn't at all worried after listening about swara & also not even surprised to see me alive. In a low voice, he said," Sanskar! I know everything. I will explain you later. But swara isn't well......." Cutting his words, I snapped back,"Have you met swara today? And what do you mean by her unwell news.."
Earlier she wasn't responding to my call & now she wasn't well.. Oh god! Why these issues were happening with me?? In a consoling tone, laksh said,"She has fainted in the hospital & I have brought her here.." I felt like today was a surprising day for me. I purchased gift to surprise her but breaking all my hopes, god was giving me shocks by opening lots of twists in one day.
Suddenly I asked laksh,"Hospital..... Why has she gone there? Has she developed cramps & swells again? & where is she laksh? You have said that you have brought her here. But I can't find her." Laksh immediately indicated towards the car & rushed there to find swara was lying inside the backseat of the car. I picked her feathery body in my sturdy arms & rushed towards her room & placed her carefully on the bed.
In a much worried tone, I asked laksh,"Is she OK? How has this happened?" Laksh indicated me to maintain silence & took me out of her room & closed her room door from outside & narrated all the incidents from the beginning. Oh gosh! It meant you were her doctoral friend, who saved my life. I thanked him for his all time assistance.
He hugged me tightly & said,"Sanskar! You have always saved my life and by saying thanks you are insulting our friendship. I am happy for you as finally you can lead your life happily with her..." Breaking the hug, I replied,"It isn't so easy buddy! She has already come across the biggest truth of her life. She is so stressed that she has fainted. She must be going through an emotional turmoil. May be she has also discovered about my lie from shomi suryavansi. And from your talks I can surely predict that one day certainly captain will come to know about me. Once she will be perfectly adapted to handle her emotional past, I will leave her for her safety."
In a very stressful voice, laksh said,"It isn't that easy buddy! She is facing the first stage of alcoholic neuropathy & this can affect her motherhood as well. Sexual dysfunctions are common in this stage. If proper longterm meditation won't be followed, then she mayn't able to conceive in future. And in this effusive state, she will definitely need someone to care for her. I hope you are getting my point."
Blast! Boom! Another unexpected event which I had perceived now! She was facing a chronic fatigue & I couldn't even leave her in this state. Suddenly something struck in my mind & I asked him,"Laksh! Have you crosschecked about shomi suryavansi, the lady whom you have saved today?" He nodded & asked,"Sanskar! Can you please tell the detail case history of shomi suryavansi? So that, it will be helpful for me to understand the case properly. I am so confused today. Swara is claiming her as mother but the blood reports don't match."
He had already aware about the half truth. So, it didn't make any sense to hide the remaining truth from him. And mom had always told,"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it." Might be after sharing with him, I could feel better & after all he was laksh who stood by me in my every thick & thin of life. So, it wasn't a big deal to open up in front of him. I narrated him all the awful events of my life related to shomi suryavansi & his facial expression exhibited the level of his franticness.
After hearing the incidents peacefully, Laksh asked,"Sanskar! Then who is the real child of Shomi Suryavansi? I mean to whom has she given birth?" In an irritating tone, I replied,"Why are you asking about the child when I have already told you about the death of that unborn child!!!" In an assuring tone, laksh replied,"Undoubtedly you have got the wrong information sanskar! Shomi has given birth to a child & as per her medical report, that child has born alive that time.."
What!! Shomi had given birth to an alive child.. My voice faltered to a stop. Agony & confusion clutched at my throat like some terrible beast & suddenly I was finding it difficult to breathe. Holding him tightly, I yelled,"She has lied to me laksh! She has again made me fool. That bitch could never change. How could she say the death of her own child?
Consoling me, laksh replied in a pacifying tone,"Calm down sanskar! May be your judgement regarding shomi is correct but a mother can never think bad about her child even in dreams as well and here she is spreading the death news of her alive born baby.. Truth has many sides, sanskar! May be she is also ignorant about her own child. Before reaching to any conclusion, we need to find out the whole truth.."
I was boiling in antipathy. A pure aversion against shomi was assembling in my mind but I suppressed this burning anguish as laksh's sayings made some sense. I pled laksh to help me to find out the details about this matter. He happily agreed to it. Just then I heard the coughing sound of swara.
In all the chaos, I had already forgotten regarding the place of our discussion. I instructed laksh to leave this place before her awaking else she might doubt about his connection with me. Before leaving the place, laksh exchanged his mobile number with me & quickly drove off.
Credit to:Kashis
After ages, swara had called to meet me in the hospital. One month had already passed and we all were busy in our own worlds. However friendship was meeting up, even when we were really busy.. Genuine enough! Now swara was implementing the real definition of friendship. But she hadn't come alone rather she had brought an accident victim with her.
As soon as I saw the patient's face, quickly I had recognized her as shomi suryavansi, one of the target of my buddy sanskar about whom I was searching information in this hospital. Though I didn't know the case history of shomi suryavansi, still I was worried for her because of swara. As swara wanted to save her at any cost & swara wasn't a mere friend rather a world to my buddy, sanskar. And I could do anything for him.
The operation was successful but we needed more blood bottles for her safety & full recovery. When I informed swara about this outcome, she was adamant to donate blood. However what shocked me was her behaviour & surety of matching the blood groups of her with the patient. And then came the more shocking twist that the patient was her mother. Now things were clear to me as why sanskar wanted to know more about shomi suryavansi.
However I had to follow the hospital procedure for blood transfusion. After so much persuasion, finally swara had agreed to my sayings. But the report of blood samples out brought a very weird feeling to me. It was a kind of shocking news. It was difficult to digest but god would give her strength. And the full impact of this report would certainly hit her like creating a havoc in the mid sea during the storm surge of tsunami.
I accompanied her until we reached room no.307 and left her there to sort out the confusions, she possessed. After that I was busy in the hospital duties but my mind was agitated with mixture of emotions. A few minutes had already passed in chaos & uncertainty. Just then a nurse gave me the news of her collapsing on the floor.
I rushed to her & checked her immediately. Because of superincumbent stress, she had fainted. She needed rest. But for that she had to reach home safely. My mind was jammed. I was unable to detect my next move. I didn't have ragini's number and even sanskar's old number was out of my reach. And even if sanskar was carrying any new phone number still I wasn't aware about that number. My last resort was swara's landline number but that number was constantly giving engage tone.
Now I had only one option left with me to drop her at her place. I didn't want this as I didn't wish to expose sanskar to dark world again as might be my every move was scrutinised by captain as after one month also he wasn't ready to accept sanskar's death as his dead body wasn't found by the cops unlike Alex & Martin.
But I couldn't take any chance when the matter was on swara's health. I ordered nurses to shift her to my car and we both were going towards her house. Diverse emotions & variety of sensations were floating in my mind like the boats floated on the undulating sea waves. After a month, I was going to meet sanskar today. How would he react after seeing me? And what would be his condition after viewing swara in this state? Oh god! Why it was so difficult to face reality??
In our gang, someone had correctly said,"Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts and you are the slave to your emotions." But I didn't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I wanted to use them, to enjoy them & to dominate them. So, I controlled all my undulating emotions & prepared myself to meet my buddy after a long dreadful month.
While all these things were going on in my mind, I reached near her place. Swara was still lying in the backseat of my car. I came out of my car & checked the outside door of her home. It was closed from inside. It meant sanskar was present inside & I was going to meet him now. I knocked the door bell & waited for his opening of the door.
Sanskar's POV:
I reached home long back. Till now swara hadn't returned home. I called her from the landline number to give her a confirmation about my arrival at home. This time also she didn't respond the call. I didn't call her further as she had gone to meet her family members after a month. So, I didn't want to disturb her but honestly I was missing her presence badly.
In the mean while the door bell was knocked. Swara had come, I thought. How would she react after viewing my gift? Would she like it? I was excited to see her reaction. Seriously after ages I was behaving like a human & that to like a creepy lover. I picked up the photo frame to give her quickly as after that might be I couldn't gather courage to do so.
However to my utter surprise, laksh was standing in front of the door. As soon as I saw him, a fear of exposure to the crime world was striking in my mind. Else how could laksh know about this location? Unknowingly the photo frame fell down on the floor & it was broken into pieces, just like my emotions were now cracked into many pieces.
My legs were shaking, my arms were numb, my knees were aching & my head was hung. I felt scared, scared to go back to that dark world, scared to leave her alone... Suddenly I asked,"Laksh! You are here! Does captain know about this location?" Laksh assured me that everything was OK & nothing wrong had happened related to dark world.
I felt relieved & in an apologetic tone told,"Sorry buddy! I don't have your number after my old phone has misplaced. So, I can't contact you to tell about my alive news. But how do you know about this location? & why do you come here? Thank god! Swara isn't present at home now else she must have recognized you today."
However unlike my expectation, laksh wasn't at all worried after listening about swara & also not even surprised to see me alive. In a low voice, he said," Sanskar! I know everything. I will explain you later. But swara isn't well......." Cutting his words, I snapped back,"Have you met swara today? And what do you mean by her unwell news.."
Earlier she wasn't responding to my call & now she wasn't well.. Oh god! Why these issues were happening with me?? In a consoling tone, laksh said,"She has fainted in the hospital & I have brought her here.." I felt like today was a surprising day for me. I purchased gift to surprise her but breaking all my hopes, god was giving me shocks by opening lots of twists in one day.
Suddenly I asked laksh,"Hospital..... Why has she gone there? Has she developed cramps & swells again? & where is she laksh? You have said that you have brought her here. But I can't find her." Laksh immediately indicated towards the car & rushed there to find swara was lying inside the backseat of the car. I picked her feathery body in my sturdy arms & rushed towards her room & placed her carefully on the bed.
In a much worried tone, I asked laksh,"Is she OK? How has this happened?" Laksh indicated me to maintain silence & took me out of her room & closed her room door from outside & narrated all the incidents from the beginning. Oh gosh! It meant you were her doctoral friend, who saved my life. I thanked him for his all time assistance.
He hugged me tightly & said,"Sanskar! You have always saved my life and by saying thanks you are insulting our friendship. I am happy for you as finally you can lead your life happily with her..." Breaking the hug, I replied,"It isn't so easy buddy! She has already come across the biggest truth of her life. She is so stressed that she has fainted. She must be going through an emotional turmoil. May be she has also discovered about my lie from shomi suryavansi. And from your talks I can surely predict that one day certainly captain will come to know about me. Once she will be perfectly adapted to handle her emotional past, I will leave her for her safety."
In a very stressful voice, laksh said,"It isn't that easy buddy! She is facing the first stage of alcoholic neuropathy & this can affect her motherhood as well. Sexual dysfunctions are common in this stage. If proper longterm meditation won't be followed, then she mayn't able to conceive in future. And in this effusive state, she will definitely need someone to care for her. I hope you are getting my point."
Blast! Boom! Another unexpected event which I had perceived now! She was facing a chronic fatigue & I couldn't even leave her in this state. Suddenly something struck in my mind & I asked him,"Laksh! Have you crosschecked about shomi suryavansi, the lady whom you have saved today?" He nodded & asked,"Sanskar! Can you please tell the detail case history of shomi suryavansi? So that, it will be helpful for me to understand the case properly. I am so confused today. Swara is claiming her as mother but the blood reports don't match."
He had already aware about the half truth. So, it didn't make any sense to hide the remaining truth from him. And mom had always told,"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it." Might be after sharing with him, I could feel better & after all he was laksh who stood by me in my every thick & thin of life. So, it wasn't a big deal to open up in front of him. I narrated him all the awful events of my life related to shomi suryavansi & his facial expression exhibited the level of his franticness.
After hearing the incidents peacefully, Laksh asked,"Sanskar! Then who is the real child of Shomi Suryavansi? I mean to whom has she given birth?" In an irritating tone, I replied,"Why are you asking about the child when I have already told you about the death of that unborn child!!!" In an assuring tone, laksh replied,"Undoubtedly you have got the wrong information sanskar! Shomi has given birth to a child & as per her medical report, that child has born alive that time.."
What!! Shomi had given birth to an alive child.. My voice faltered to a stop. Agony & confusion clutched at my throat like some terrible beast & suddenly I was finding it difficult to breathe. Holding him tightly, I yelled,"She has lied to me laksh! She has again made me fool. That bitch could never change. How could she say the death of her own child?
Consoling me, laksh replied in a pacifying tone,"Calm down sanskar! May be your judgement regarding shomi is correct but a mother can never think bad about her child even in dreams as well and here she is spreading the death news of her alive born baby.. Truth has many sides, sanskar! May be she is also ignorant about her own child. Before reaching to any conclusion, we need to find out the whole truth.."
I was boiling in antipathy. A pure aversion against shomi was assembling in my mind but I suppressed this burning anguish as laksh's sayings made some sense. I pled laksh to help me to find out the details about this matter. He happily agreed to it. Just then I heard the coughing sound of swara.
In all the chaos, I had already forgotten regarding the place of our discussion. I instructed laksh to leave this place before her awaking else she might doubt about his connection with me. Before leaving the place, laksh exchanged his mobile number with me & quickly drove off.
Credit to:Kashis