Thursday, 28 April 2016

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (Revelation Of Past) Episode 24

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 28, 2016 with 15 comments
Sanskar's POV:
I left my room to avoid her intense gaze. The way she was looking at me, made me powerless in front of her. I was struggling between two extremes. One side was my captain & his orders, which needed to be followed & then on the other side was my growing feelings towards her which didn't want to understand the situations & just pondered about her. I went to the terrace & sat there to think about my next move. Just then my captain called me & said,"Sanskar, I have a good news to share with you. My boys have traced the location of Shekhar Suryavansi. Today itself they are going to confront him. Is there any improvement from your side?" My head was jammed. I didn't know what to answer to my captain. So, I just tried to control the situation and said," I am just going to vent out secrets from her mouth. I have stopped in the terrace to attain your call." I lied to my captain as I hadn't planned anything to confront her now. But I had to do this otherwise my captain might transfer this target to someone else. Perhaps my captain was happy after getting the hideout location of Shekhar Suryavansi. So, he didn't express any dissatisfaction about my work and told me to fasten the process & cut the call.

This call of captain was like an ultimatum for me. I had to vent out truth from her mouth. I didn't have much time left in my hand. As after getting Shekhar Suryavansi, this target was worthless for us. And after a target was useless for us, then anything could happen with her. Anything meant anything. And death would be the final end. Though I was a slayer but for the first time, I was scared.. Scared to torture her.. What if anything would happen to her as she was not completely recovered from the illness. Could I forgive myself if something would happen with her due to me?? I guessed NO. But obeying the order of captain was also a necessity. Her innocent looks surrounded my entire brain and I couldn't come out of her as if her thoughts were behaving like a protective cover for a slayer to avoid the wrong doings. But while thinking about her, I got the solution to my helplessness. I knew how stubborn she was. She wouldn't tell anything easily & also she wasn't scared of death. Even I couldn't think about torturing her. However, she was very fond of her mother. My work would be done if I was able to frightened her in the name of her mother.

I prepared myself to confront her. I covered my face with mask so that she couldn't detect my facial expressions & I could remain tough in front of her by hiding my expressions behind the mask. As soon as I entered the room, I saw the food plates were empty. I felt happy as she would recover early but to suppress my feelings, I shouted on her & distracted her thoughts towards fear. I filled the bullets in revolver in front of her to heighten her fear. As soon as I stated to kill her mother for her wrong reply, I could sense her changing facial expressions.. She was really very worried for her mother. I also tried my level best to control my feelings towards her & behaved like a ruthless slayer. However when she told the true identity of Mrs Annapurna Suryavansi as her foster mother, I was hell shocked. I was unable to suppress my curiosity & asked about her real parents desperately. She uttered the name of Shomi Suryavansi as her real mother. I didn't know who was that lady but I felt sorry for my target when I came to know that her real mother abandoned her. I felt disturbed by thinking about her pain, suffering and grief which she had faced through out her life. But I was present here as a slayer and humanity couldn't be expected from me at that time. So, to complete my enquire process, I opened my phone & showed her the photograph of Mayuri. But she recognized her as Shomi Suryavansi. This was again a blast for me to accept this truth. My head was filled with many thoughts & I couldn't continue the questionnaire session. I left the room in rage while ignoring her talks to spare her mom.

I tried to connect all the dots to solve this mystery. If that photograph was of Shomi Suryavansi, then who was Mayuri? Why did she change her name or else were they twins? Oh god! My mind would burst while solving this mystery. I tried to recall what exactly she told about Mayuri.. 'Mayuri had eloped with his boyfriend', this line was beating inside my eardrums. I tried to relate the incidents of Mayuri, which I knew. When I was in my teenage, I first time saw her with my father in a lavish party.

My father, Ram Pradesh Bijlani, was a very rich & reputed person in the society. I saw both my father & Mayuri were roaming in the party cozily. I was a teenager that time. So, I couldn't detect anything wrong with the happenings. But my mother, Sujata Bijlani, wasn't at all comfortable with this. I tried to convince my mother to calm down but still I remembered her worried face when she saw my father & Mayuri together. Though that party was just a beginning for the increasing relationship of Mayuri with my family but it had already sowed the seeds of havoc & destruction in my family. Many nights had passed when I didn't find my father at home. But the situation was worsened on the date of my parent's anniversary. On that day also I didn't find my father at home & my mother celebrated the anniversary with his photograph. When I confronted this with my father, he gave the excuses of some work pressure. I saw my mom had faced many sleepless nights & sobbed inside the corner of the room. But how many days would she control this pain & sufferings inside her mind? So, one day when she confronted regarding this with my father, they had a big quarrel. My mom also accused him of having an affair with Mayuri & also exposed regarding his illegal extortion business. Then exactly what happened, I didn't know but my father was imprisoned & his illegal business was exposed & my mother wanted me not to be like my father. After this incident also, I saw Mayuri 2-3 times outside my home.

All these happenings indicated that my target was the offspring of my father and Mayuri. My target symbolized the illegal affair of these two unholy souls. My mother was so true. I lost my family because of that lady. I banged on the door at rage. My target's talks regarding her real mother were coming to my brain. It was clear that Mayuri and Shomi was one person & she tried to elope with my father which my mother came to know eventually.

But when I recently met Mayuri in a pub, she had told me about her victimhood and also emphasized regarding her innocence. It meant that bitch had lied to me. I was enraged and furious. I would definitely kill her once I found out her again. That bitch destroyed my family and also left her child. That child was none other than my target. Wait.. Wait.. Sanskar, it meant she was your half-sister. Sister! Huh! She was the child of impure criminals. She resembled like my mother but alas! This was her real identity. I had to stop my feelings for her. I couldn't care for her after knowing the truth. I hate her. Every time I would see her, her face would remember me about the grief faced by my mother.

I hit my hand on the glass ceilings & drops of blood rushed out from my hand. But it didn't pain me & also I was not at all worried for this pain. The real pain was going inside my mind and heart. My feelings for her was uncontrollable. But Sanskar; was this a sisterly feelings?? 'No', I shouted.. I didn't feel anything for her. However in which ever way I might try, but the truth was that I cared for her and definitely it wasn't a sisterly feelings.. Then what was that? I couldn't answer.. I shouted in pain,"Why god! Why? You have given me all pains in my life. When I have lost my mom, I have turned to a slayer which my mom hasn't at all desired for me. I have tried to believe in your existence when I have found the resemblance of my target with my mother.. But again you have crushed my feelings and blown them on air."

Why god! If you weren't interested to give me happiness, then why were you showing a little bit ray of light to me? I hit my hand on the glass ceilings again & again till all the glasses weren't broken down. Bloods were rushing out of my hand but who cared for this pain?, when my entire life was engulfed in pain & I was just a mere toy in the hand of sufferings.

Credit to:Kashis