Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 11

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 23, 2016 with 6 comments
Sanskar jumps from bed to realized his mistake.

He calls Lavanya to bring warm milk for her, he slowly helps her to get and go towards the bathroom. He opens the

shower of warm water and makes her stand below it. He's also wetting with her but he holds her until she feels


"take a bath, I'll give you your cloth" he says and closes the door of bathroom.

When she comes out, he makes her sit and makes her drink milk. She is amused to see his concern for her. "what a

man he's! First give pain and then heals her every wound"

After a while, when she feels bit better, she calls Lavanya to say ragini to come upstairs.

Ragini comes inside the room. She brings halwa for them which made Sumi specially for Swara because she likes it

so much.

She hugs her and greets Sanskar, until they're talking Laksh also joins them.

Laksh:" Wow... Actually I'm attracted by the aroma of halwa... I also wanna eat"

Three of them smile to listen him.

Ragini also serves him halwa and he praises lot about the taste of Sumi's hands.

Ragini also offers Sanskar to eat but he excuses that he's getting late from office.

Swara smiles bitterly and thinks:" He forgot that he have to go for work also when he was... Now suddenly he

remembers that he's getting late for work"

Ragini:" You've join office so soon jiju...you both are newlyweds and you started your work... This isn't fair, you

both go for honeymoon."

Swara looks Ragini with anger that she doesn't afford him for one night and she's talking about honeymoon.

Sanskar:" Actually Ragini my schedule is tough nowadays, so I've to work but as soon as I get time, we would go for


Laksh:" Yeah Bhai! You're so boring.  I already planned the destination of my would be honeymoon and you're just

setting your schedule"

Sanskar laughs to listen him:" Yeah I can understand your excitement... But I'm mature enough to deal it"

Swara thinks again:" Yes I got know about his maturity"

Sanskar puts his blazer and asks from Laksh:" Wanna visit hotel?"

Laksh:" If you're asking for eating and dating with my new gf then I happily say yes, but you're asking for work then

big no "

Sanskar smiles and leaves, Laksh also leave after sometime.

Ragini teases her:" Jiju didn't give you goodbye kiss before leaving?"

Swara again jerks in her heart:" His night kisses are enough for me to bear.." She thinks in her heart but doesn't say


Ragini:" Now I've to leave for home otherwise mom would scold me.."

She becomes sad that her sister would go but she doesn't have any choice. She has to leave in this palace type

house without family. But she satisfied that Sujata is with her.

But after a while, Sujata also comes in her room and says:" Your dad call me that he's not well so I've to leave"

Swara:" Mom... How can I handle him without you"

"sorry beta! But you've to handle him, but don't worry, you can call me whenever you need me" she hugs her and

says sadly.

Laksh calls Sujata to leave and after their leaving, she remains alone in this big house.


Sanskar comes home late night and finds her sleeping.

He comes to her and starts caress her hairs slowly slowly. She wiggles to feel his touch and opens her eyes.

She looks him close to her and gets afraid that he again wants him.

Sanskar understands her fear and leaves her:" I didn't mean that.. " he says incomplete words but she understands

what he wanna say.

Sanskar:" Did you take  medicines?"

Swara nods in no , Sanskar gets angry to listen it but controls himself:" And dinner?"

She again answers the same and Sanskar stands up from his place.

He calls Lavanya to bring her dinner and medicines.

He makes her eat and gives her medicines, she's surprised by his behaviour.

"who are Sanskar?"

Sanskar looks her with surprise because he didn't expect this question from her.

"yoh first give me pain and then you become like that you didn't do anything... You should be happy to see me in

the pain because you married me for this purpose" swara shouts on him.

Sanskar bears her shouting with calm and says:" I didn't... I didn't marry you because of taking revenge and gives

you pain... It's in my nature... I can't stay without it but that doesn't mean I wanna hurt you..."

He looks her while she's looking him with sadness.  Sanskar feels guilt in his heart and says slowly:" I'm sorry Swara

for everything"

He says again:" I'm not so expressive to apologize but I say whatever is truth and truth is that I'm sorry what I've

done with you..."

Swara is really surprised by his every words, she doesn't say any word, after few minutes he as usually takes his

sleeping pills and falls asleep.

She looks his beautiful face and feels bit satisfaction in her heart that he also cares about someone and he has guilt

of his act also. Otherwise it would become very hard for her to stay with this monster.

She leans down and tries to sleep but she doesn't feel like sleeping.

She takes her shawl and comes out in balcony. This is her time because he's sleeping, now she doesn't need to fear

from him.

She sees the tiny stars on the sky and admires all the stars at once. She loves the night time in her all life. Now she

has vast sky as well as earth and she feels calmness to come here. After sometime, when she feels cold, she comes

inside the room and looks Sanskar laying on the bed.

She comes to him and sees him carefully, he has beautiful structure and her inner self wants to hug him.

She's afraid to listen her inner voice and just takes a glass of water in which he drank and there little water is

remaining. She drinks it one gulp and goes to her side of bed. Her inner self again pushes her to hug him but she

ignores it and squeezes her eyes because of fear. Not feat of darkness or him but fear of her own self.


Next morning she awakes and feels the absence of him. She gets up and checks the bathroom, he didn't inside it.

She comes outside from the room and looks down where he's talking to someone. Sje recognizes the woman with

her, she's her doctor.

Sanskar comes upstairs with doctor, she's still standing on her place.

Sanskar looka her with offence but doesn't say anything in front of doctor.

"get inside Swara" his tone is stiff and harsh.

Swara doesn't understand her mistake now but doesn't say anything.

Doctor checks her and comes to Sanskar:" She's fine now but still weak. I'm giving some supplements and you

should care about her diet chart also and avoide to close to her for some days" doctor says in professional way.

Sanskar feels tens to listen avoidance and asks:" How many days?"

Doctor:" Almost one week"

Swara feels happy to listen doctor and thinks:" Thank god to give me leave of one week"

Sanskar slowly nods and signs Lavanya to leave doctor.

After leaving them, he comes to her and says in harsh voice:" I told you that you don't need to wear one piece out

of room and you don't care about my orders"

Swara gets afraid to listen him and murmurs:" I forgot..."

Sanskar jerks and says:" You should remember Swara! I know this society, how men looks girls specially in this type

of dresses, no matter she's their boss or someone... Well! You should care about yourself without my saying

because you're mine Swara, only mine."

He touches her face and holds her in his strong arms:" Don't do this again Swara! I can't vear any evil eye on her..."

His voice becomes soft now and Swara is melting slowly slowly by his voice and soft tone.

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 10

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 23, 2016 with No comments
Swara shocks to listen her that how could any girl say this thing so easily.

Shanaya comes to her and sits with her:" We could tell you lie but we didn't because it's important to know this

fact dear! But the concourse is that he's all yours and it was all his past"

Sanskar looks her with heated eyes, her attire and her beauty are making him crazy but he controls himself and


Swara looks her with hatred and says in harsh voice:" I'm not concern with him either he makes relationship with

anyone or not... I just hate him and this is only conclusion for me"

Shanaya stares her but says nothing.

After dinner she gives her medicines and says in calm voice:" You're right on your place Swara! But will be soon

you would realize that how precious and pure person you've!"

"I don't need him, you can keep him" she says in harsh voice.

Shanaya stands up from her place:" You take rest here and Sanskar would pick you at the end of party"

She nods but couldn't control her tongue to say:" Go and spend quality time with my husband"

Shanaya sighs and leaves while she is thinking about the strange feelings for him as well as their illegitimate

relationship and the worst party.

She falls asleep, she didn't realise and after some time, Someone wakes her up. She opens her eyes, it was Laksh.

Laksh:" Party is over now, lets go Bhabhi..."

She nods and silently sits on front seat of car of Sanskar.

He commonly closes the window but she opens it and let the wind to play with long hairs.

The night, sweet breeze and long drive are freshen up her mood until they reached home.


After reaching the home, Sanskar changes her clothes and she is removing her jewellery when he comes out from

dressing room.

That time her dupata is on her chest and her hairs are scattered on her waist, her mesmerizing beauty is attracting


She looks him and says nothing, he looks her and the heat of his eyes are increasing in every moment.

She puzzled from his deep gaze and starts her activity again.

He comes to her, holds her wrist and stands up. He's looking into her eyes and she downs her eyelashes to feel his

gaze in them. He tugs her lock and holds her in his arms.

Swara reminisces their first night and steps back, while Sanskar tighten his grip:" Don't test my patience Swara..."

He slowly puts his lips on her and she can easily feels harshness in his touch.

After few minutes, he slowly leaves her and says:" Your cloth is becoming barrier between us, go and get change...

I wanna feel you completely" his voice is soft but intense.

Swara tensely nods and goes dressing room for changing. When she comes out from room, he was waiting for her.

As she enters in room, he offs the light and holds her. She is fearing in her heart but doesn't show it.

This time she doesn't show any restrictions to him, just stays silent and emotionless. She lets him do whatever he

wanna do with her.

Sanskar holds her and kisses on her every inch of body, his love is intense, deep, passionate but harsh and painful.

Specially for Swara because no one ever beat her and his love is just disgusting for her.

When the first ray of sun comes in the room, he leaves her and falls in sleep and she looks him with hatred that

how could he sleep so easily to vanished her sleep.  But before falling in sleep, he hugs her and says:" Don't leave

the hug, until I'll awake" Every inch of her body is paining but she doesn't cry just stay emotionless until sleep

overcomes her.


She doesn't know how much time passed but she was in deep sleep when she heard the voice of knocking. Before

she goes to open the door, Sanskar awakes and holds the intercom:" Lavanya! Whoever at door, tell him or her

don't disturb us until we would come out"

Lavanya says something and he keeps intercom. Sanskar sees her awakening and hugs her again tight.

Swara looks time and thinks that why didn't he leave yet?

"it's your office time Sanskar.."

"aren't you enjoying company of your husband Swara?"

Swara nods in no and prays that now he moves to office.

He smiles:" I don't care, you're enjoying or not but I'm enjoying." He removes her hair from her face and whispers

in her ears:" You're so beautiful Swara" his voice is soft and mesmerizing but this spell isn't effecting on her

because she's the victim of his harshness.

He again holds her and she curses that person who knocked the door to make him awake.

He's conquering her and she's cursing him in his heart and the food which he eats.

After few hours, the intercom rings and he jerks to listen the ring.

He calmly attends it and listens something and disconnects.

:"you're lucky Swara! Your sis come to save you, go downstairs, she's waiting for you and closes the door before

going" he hides his face in the pillow and orders her.

When he doesn't feel that she leaves, he looks to her and asks:" What happened now?"

Swara says in low voice:" I can't move Sanskar.."

Sanskar doesn't understand what's she said :" Huh?"

Swara:" I can't move Sanskar" this time she screams.

Sanskar jumps from his place to listen it.

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 9

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 23, 2016 with No comments
She takes her dress and likes the choice of Sanskar or maybe Shanaya.

Sanskar comes inside the room and takes his dress, it is black suit.

Sanskar:" I've to see arrangement of reception, so I told lucky to bring you at hotel"

Swara turns to him:" You're my husband Sanskar Maheshwari! Not lucky..."

Sanskar looks her:" Mom influence huh?"

He looks her and goes to dressing room for changing. He comes out and finds her in the same state:" Didn't you

change yet?"

Swara:" You're in the dressing room? How could I?"

Sanskar:" I'm your husband, you can change in front of me"

Swara blushes to listen it as any cultural girl do and silently goes inside the dressing room.

When she comes outside, Sanskar has gone from there. Beautician comes to get ready her and when she looks

herself in mirror, she mesmerized to see herself too:" Is precious jewellery and branded clothes give such beauty

to the person?" When Sujata comes inside to see her then she asks to her.

"no... This is the inner beauty of person, which is glowing om your face" Sujata slowly puts her long scarf on her

head and kisses on her forehead.

"I should put black dot on you for saving you from evil eyes" Sujata said and she hugs her by overwhelming of her

feelings:" Thank you mom! For supporting me"

Sujata lifts her face and says:" You don't need to say thanks, you're just like my daughter" she puts black dot

behind her ear.

Laksh is seeing all this from the door of her room and comes inside:" You're so lucky Bhabhi to have mother in law

like Chachi! But tell me the secret of this chemistry of mother and daughter in law"

Sujata hits his head slowly:" You would get know when your wife would come"

Laksh puts his hand on his chest:" Oh Chachi! What you said? My mom doesn't remember that his younger son at

the age of marriage"

Sujata pulls his ear:" I would tell your mom.."

Laksh says happily:" I would be grateful to you.."

Sujata smiles:" Naughty.."

Swara smiles to see them and asks Sujata to be ready for going reception. Laksh puzzles to listen it:" No Bhabhi!

Chachi can't go there"

Sujata:" Why?"

Laksh thinks and says:" Because this party is only for couples"

Sujata:" Then why are you going?"

Laksh:" Because my sweet Chachi! I've lots of girlfriends to manage it but if you want then I can manage a

handsome old man for you too"

Sujata eyes him and he holds his ears.

Sujata leaves and Laksh tells Swara to come outside, he's waiting for her.


Sanskar comes to the hotel and everything is perfect as per his expectations. He is looking Shanaya who comes in

her new black designer saree with only silver bracelet at the name if jewellery.

She comes to him and shows herself to him:" How am I looking?"

Sanskar:" As usual..."

Shanaya makes face:" What do you mean as usual? You never praise me"

Sanskar smiles proudly:" My heart never praise to anyone... So why am I do this"

Shanaya folds her hands:" Ok... I know you're devil, so devils always get happy to see something bad"

Sanskar:" It's our instinct...isn't it?"

Shanaya smiles sadly:" Yes! It's... You know becoming devil is harder than becoming angel.. Because we've to show

our cruel face to everyone and be smile during every hurdle, we can't cry but being angel we become emotional


Sanskar:" Leave it... Emotions are just activities of mad people and be a normal and become philosopher instead of


Shanaya gasps and both step forward because guests are starting to come and they go to entrance to receive

guests. This time his bride should be with him so he called Laksh to come as soon as possible.

Laksh says that they're in a way.

Sanskar disconnects the call and goes to entrance.

Everyone is asking about his wife and some rivals are starting to making stories that might be there's something

between them that he's still with Shanaya because in elite class, man always leaves their ex one after getting wife

to show himself innocent in front of his wife's eyes but our hero isn't like them.

He is about to call Laksh again when he sees Laksh is coming Swara.

He is about to see them but his foot stops to see the beauty of swara which is more than beauty. She looks like

goddess of chastity in this attire. The pure light enlightens her body and he thinks that the light can blare the every

view of this party and he only sees her in this while party.

His feet automatically raises towards her and her long gown is kissing the floor and her high heels entangles with

it, she's about to fall but he holds her before it. He puts his arms around her shoulders and takes her in him with

his all rights.

He drags her softly towards the guests and introduces her to them.

This is very bold  party where everyone is mingled with each others openly. Now she understands why he didn't

invite his and her family to the reception.

In those bold guests, one of them, she noticed specially. The girl name  is Meera and she's wearing red sleeveless

and backless cocktail dress. She's extremely beautiful girl but her and her husband contains huge age difference.

Meera:" Hey! I'm Mrs Meera Malhotra and in thus modern age who does cover the head?"

Swara looks her and says calmly:" It's not only our tradition bur it's chastity of women which makes them pure, if

anyone doesn't want this pureness then it's not my matter, I want and this is  the end of story"

Sanskar tightens his grip around her and looks Meera with proud like he wanna shows him that "look! This is my

wife, totally different from you"

Her husband tries to close to her but Sanskar holds her strangely and drags him back:" She isn't like your wife Mr

Malhotra" he says in cold tone and drags het towards other guests.

Because of her high heels, she feels pain in her feet as well as in back because of standing for long.

She looks the face of Sanskar and wants to say something, Sanskar looks her and excuses to his guests. She drags

her to the corner.

Swara:" I can't stand more Sanskar! I feel pain.."

Sanskar nods and slowly drags her towards the stage:" Just a minute sit here, I arranged for you to take a rest in

hotel's room"

He leaves her and goes towards Shanaya who is drinking cold drink by sitting in a corner.

He calls her:" Shanaya.."

He takes a drink and cheers up with her glass:" Are you busy..."

Shanaya:" Not for you my sweetheart... I mean to say Swara's sweetheart"

Sanskar :" She doesn't consider me her sweetheart"

Shanaya:" But truth is truth... You're her and she's yours"

Sanskar smiles:" Wow! Perfect sentence, I ever listen"

Shanaya smiles proudly:" Well! This girl made me disappointed... You're still taking sleeping pills"

Sanskar looks her with heated eyes:" This is our husband wife matter Shanaya"

Shanaya gets silent to listen him.

And then says:" She would allowed you to come near to her but first please, be soft to her"

Sanskar:" You know very well I can't do that, if I can I must do that "

Shanaya:" At least try once.."

Sanskar says in rude voice:" I don't try to anyone.."

Shanaya cuts his words:" Yeah people tries for Sanskar Maheshwari!"

Sanskar laughs:" Right... And then he asks from her:" You should get married now Shanaya"

Shanaya smiles:" you're being good in comedy day by day... I can't marry you know very well!"

Sanskar:" You're right, no one can handle you except me"

Shanaya:" And I also handled you from years.."

Sanskar:" Oh I forgot! I've to give gift to Swara of ritual of making dessert, so give some good gift to her"

Shanaya nods in no:" No way... I wouldn't, your wife and your responsibility, give her gift to your own.."

Sanskar shakes his head and holds her hands towards stage.

Shanaya introduces herself to Swara:" This is Shanaya here"

She extends her hands towards her, she silently holds her hands and gives her fake smile.

She is feeling back pain and wants to lain on something else. The couch on which she is sitting, has no back so she

feels uncomfortable.

Sanskar notices it and says Shanaya to take her to the room where she can take a rest.

Shanaya nods and helps her to get up from her place but she raises her hands to stop that she doesn't want help of

her to stand up.

Shanaya nods and leaves, she leads her towards the room which is located with the hall.

She sits on the bed and leans her back with the soft pillow. She immediately frees her feet from high heels because

she felt pain because of wearing it long.

Shanaya looks her tired facc and asks:" Are you ok Swara?"

Swara silently nods and puts her head on the back of of bed.

"may I ask something from you Swara?" Shanaya asks hesitantly.

Swara nods in yes then Shanaya asks:" Are you happy with your marriage life?"

Swara jerks to listen her question:" Didn't Sanskar tell you everything about my happiness" she chew the word


Shanaya gets silent and calls Sanskar to send milk and pain killer for Swara.

Few moments passed between them and Sanskar comes inside with both things.

"is she ok?" He asks from Shanaya.

"don't worry she's absolutely alright" Shanaya pats his shoulder and she doesn't like her act.

Both are talking with each others so friendly and Swara amazed to see their closeness because she didn't see

Sanskar to talk with anyone in this tone which he talks to Shanaya but her introduction is still half.

She calls both of them and asks their relationship. Both look each others and Shanaya comes to her:" I know

Swara, you would feel pain to listen it, but listen carefully... Actually we're... No we were sleeping partners but now

he's all yours"

Swara shocks to listen her that how could any girl say this thing so easily.