Friday, 5 February 2016

Yaaram ep 11

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with No comments

That time a minor incident happened that turn into a big problem. An other group approached her and few other class fellows of her. They wanted to arrange party for the new classes. And they gave this opportunity to university students to arrange party so that they could earn ponds in few hours. Her few class fellows and she said yes to them. They've to manage every arrangement of party from decoration to serving. Party was arranged in the house of one of them and that house was located in almost depopulated area.
Early evening, they arranged everything. Their remaining work was serve the food to every guest which was arranged far from tables.
"you seems like Pakistani" Erik and his friends suspected on her.They came there to see the management of party.
"I'm also Pakistani" she felt offence.
"no.. I mean to say.. They're fearing... Actually they're so much fearing"
Amraha:" Who afraid?"
Erik:" Many of the students whom will come in the party"
Amraha:" Are they have Pakistani phobia?"
Erik:" No.. Maybe yes...actually news, tv and media spoiled their mind... Please don't offence but they're people of weak belief, they believed what they watched in news and you're muslim too... They're afraid from bomb blasting"
Amraha:" afraid of bomb blasting... I'm muslim? What do you mean of your words? I also afraid from bomb blasting but I don't tell you this thing" she didn't understand.
Erik:" Look! You minded, you're taking us wrong.. No any bomb is gonna be blast there... I mean nothing would happened then why are you fearing?"
Amraha:" Is there any chance to happen anything.. Are you frightening you?"
Erik:" I'm just telling you because some students uncles and fathers are in police department, you don't worry, I'm just telling you"
Amraha felt dizzy:" What do you mean to say and making me understand ?"
Erik:" Nothing... I'm just sharing things to you"
Amraha:" This isn't a way of sharing ideas, you're starring me suspiciously. You're thinking that I'm gonna bomb blast there... What type of joke is this?"
Erik:" No! We're not talking about it, you're thinking don't know what?"
Amraha:" Yes! You didn't say straight but it was mean to say the same dangerous thing"
Erik:" Don't need to be afraid.  Your color is turning to pale from now?"
Amraha:" What do you mean now?" She turned into pale.
They became confused:" Nothing.. We're just sharing ideas"
Amraha:" You're sharing dangerous thoughts. And I don't like this type of thing"
She starred her work but in her heart, she terrified that if anything will happen there, they'll blame to her and then police and then...? .
In lawn, they also arranged DJ in an upper side same like clubs. When day turned into dark, then twist lights increased twist of party. They checked DJ sounds which were dangerously high. Blue, yellow, green, red twist lights started to move.
Guests were coming and they served soft drinks on tables. They had to serve meal after two hours.
One hour passed, second too then they were arranged meal on tables. DJ experienced with light music which were liked by Amraha. She was about to put tray of glasses when Erik called her.
She was about towards him when the bomb blast was happened. The sound of blast was tearing the eardrums. Amraha fell on floor badly. She heard the bomb blast with screaming of humans. Then there was one minute silent. Amraha was never afraid so much in her life which she was afraid from that blast. She hardly stood up and other were also trying to move to their place. This was a horrible scene. Not because bomb blast was happened because everyone was starring her. She was wear long shirt with jeans and Erik told her that she had to do work with coveting head. So she covered her head with scarf.
She thought that it was her misunderstanding that everyone was starring her. But as she took a glance of her surrounding, her misunderstanding turned into reality because they were frozen on their place and starring her.
One of them pointed out to her with his shivering finger:" You.. You do this"
This little sentence was blasted on her head. She started to imagine in vary second about nine eleven, London blasts, news of tv and newspapers, documentaries, everything were mixing  in her mind and everyone started to say "you do this" her face showed her fear.
"no.. I don't know" she murmured but she couldn't answer them because of fear. She thought that she'll not utter any word in her whole life. And then the other blast was happened same like the first one.  She closed in ears by her fingers. The crowd of many glass pieces showered on her and she heard the moaning voice of girls and boys. This time she didn't fall, she stayed stand on floor but with horrible style. The sound of police cabs and fire brigade were echoed in whole environment. She could hear the voice of burning fire.
"she tied one bomb with herself" someone screamed and everyone was trying to stay away from her.
She was not believe in everything and she could hear the voice of police cab which was coming to her. Her misfortune did bomb blast in her party. She could imagine her photo in tomorrows newspaper and guessed about the news of tv. Few thousands Muslims would taken rally for her and court will tell their decision.  Her family would cursed her and she became terrorist although she was innocent. What would happen to her? She'll must die. She was started screaming from her full courage and like mad.
"I didn't do anything.. Didn't" she said five times in one second and still she was screaming. Group of every students which scattered around her, started to starring her.
"are you listening all? I didn't do anything" she said with her full courage and they were watching her like they were watching stage show.
"you.. Your media, your tv channels, all are lying.. You're making fool to this world, we're not terrorist, you're terrorist because you raised the frustration of people. You're the rotten apple, and I'm not so much fool that you blame on me and jailed me.. I'll kill all of you, I'm not terrorist"
She set on grass and started to cry with full sound. And this sound was raising every minute. The sound of police cab and fire brigade was stopped at once. Only her crying sound was echoed in party. And they were starring her like they were watching horror movie.
"this was practical joke with you"
She lifted her head on the familiar voice. She looked towards the voice. It was Aliyan who was enjoying the cocktail by sitting on a chair. He said this words in a calm attitude like he was watching opera.
"practical joke" she shocked to listen this. She couldn't believe that anyone could do this type of practical joke.
Aliyan:" After third blast, they would told you.. These seniors and juniors.."
"shut up.." She said in a full voice and then she pointed out everyone and said "shut up" to them individually.
"you.. British.. White people.. Rule to world.. You do what you wanted to do..  You consider us as slaves. You joked whenever you want and whenever you want made us slave. What do you think to us? Firstly, you came in our country, then ruled over us, insulted us and now you're making us terrorist. You envy with us that might be we would developed more than you"
Every person used their mother tongue for counting and abusing..  So she also started to shout on then in Urdu. Aliyan was translating with her:" You white people... Came to our country and we hosted you, made you king and gifted you koh-e-noor before leaving" Aliyan translated her words in his own way which raged her more. Amraha didn't have time to handle Aliyan this time.
"what do you consider yourself ? Yes! Tell ms.. You're most honorable and virtuous man.. And we're illiterate, uneducated, terrorist..huh?  Muslims are not terrorist? You and your nation made us terrorist.. An infant child is also terrorist if he's muslim.." Amraha's rage was touching to cloud nine. After finding her furious, no one had courage to say any word to her.Aliyan became silent and didn't translate her words.
"translation please" someone said from corner.
Amraha:" You only find this joke for practical joking? What you did in Guantanamo Bay?"
"they were  American" Aliyan said.
"they were tyrant and tyrants were not belong to any nation.. These all are same like them" she said while weeping and her eyes flowing the flood of tears. .
"translation please" someone said again. She looked everyone in full rage and this time she said in English:" If I get heart attack from this joke then? You're so much cruel that you planned this type of horrible prank, damn on you.. You're so small people.. You studied in great universities and you learned this thing? You all are dirty and illiterate.. You insulted me... Go to hell you all.. You spent so much ponds in these blasts, you can use that ponds.."
"we didn't spend ponds on it, it was happened like that" DJ pushed the button and she heard the sound. Allah saved them from evil eyes that how much they're talented.
" these crystals.. These were of hard crystal sheet" she threw that crystal on DJ and shouted:" May god break your fingers, may you all become deaf"
Aliyan came to her:" Relax.. It's enough now, stop it"
She became more angry:" Stop your nonsense" she again started crying like she cried before coming here. She knelt down and her tears were flowing into her eyes and they all encircled around her. But they didn't have any courage to go near to her who became tigress that time. It was practical joke and it became more practical. Now she was crying and everyone was looking her with shame.
Aliyan stood up and came to her:" They were just joking, forgive them"
But she was still sobbing.
Aliyan:" Please forgive them"
She lifted the eyes which were cried and sobbed from years, and looked Aliyan with them.
Aliyan numbed to see her. He did never see any eyes which have so much pain, sorrow, anger and grief at the same time. He saw black eastern eyes but he didn't see then complain in eastern black eyes. She was looking her with complaint in her eyes that he's the one who could speak Urdu and his name shown him Muslim.
Aliyan became silent to see her and his brown eyes complaint to him that they shouldn't go to these black eyes. So if he had done this, so he would have to face the horrible end of this.
If mundane love has any pet name, it would be rage of beloved's eyes ad if any pet name of crying, dark eyes, it would be Amraha.
Aliyan was hardly remembered that where he was and it was harder for him to took off his eyes from those tear filled eyes. He stood up suddenly and stepped back of two footsteps. And then he again ran towards her nd set again in front of her.
Master Bali was playing the melody of spring on his clarinet.

I'm hope ep 7

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with 1 comment
Love is the journey if it would start once, it never meet with its end and vacate heart is always start this journey

eagerly. The vacate heart is hunted by the cruel emotion which called love.

But just a minute..  Really vacate heart?

Actually no...!

The heart filled with dreams, love and desires. The empty heard always carried these all emotions in it, only few

people know this secret.

Love.. Most beautiful emtion and nowadays she's feeling this emotion in her heart silently and secretly.

" I wish I could write one evening on your name" when she entered in her wonderland, a beautiful message was

awaiting for her.

She smiled and typed:" How?"

" this was my matter... Important thing is that, she'll be agree to spend one evening with me" a message came

from Shayan.

She didn't like his words, for spending one evening but this time she was Mahar Mah, so couldn't offence.

" will you tell me one thing?" She typed.

Shayan:" Yup.."

Umeed:" Which type of love, do you love her?"

Shayan:" Huh? I don't get you, I didn't know that there's any types of love exist in this world"

Umeed:" Yes! Type as well as levels"

Shayan:" Hmm.. Actually I don't know, the first time I saw her, I remember, she was wearing white dress and she

came from college that time... She was sweating...oh god! I can't express my words that how much she was looking


Umeed didn't remember that incident that time she wore white dress, she often didn't remember that what she

wore yesterday, how could she remind that what she wore before three to four years.

But after reading his message, she sank in multiple emotions. One side, she glade that he remembered small things

about her but on the other side, she didn't like his compliment on her.

Umeed:" What do you mean hot? Why are you boys used this word for girls, we're human being, not a cup of tea

that you'll consider us hot or cold" she typed in rage and sent.

A message come from there:" Cool down! I was just complimenting her beauty..."

Umeed:" This isn't a way of praising beauty" Shayan:" Hang on..."

Umeed:" Whatever"

She thought that he was studying in abroad, so it was common for him to using this type of words, so she shouldn't

angry on this and understood his nature. She smiles again and started typing the suitable answer for him.


Next morning, it was fine day and they were as usually gathered on dining table for breakfast.

Daddy was sitting and mummy was serving him breakfast. Both girls were taking their breakfast while Arman came

during closing his cufflinks.

Arman set and took an orange juice in glass:" Sorry.. I'm late today"

Romana:" You come late daily Bhai!"

Mummy eyed on Romana, so she took  her breakfast silently.

Arman:" Umeed! you made my tea, do you?"

Umeed lifted her head and hit her head:" Oh Bhai! I just forgot, ok! I'll make it"

Daddy stopped her:" Don't go Umeed.. Je should be punctual, then he's able to demand something"

Umeed again set Down on her seat and says sorry from eyes to him.

Mummy:" I think, we should fix alliance of him now..."

Daddy looked him who was 28 years old but his nature was still same as children.

Daddy turned to mummy:" First, we will marry of Umeed"

Everyone stopped for a while to listen it, Umeed coughed and Romana gave her water with saying this:" I think

Umeed aapi doesn't like your words daddy"

Umeed slowly took a sip of water.

Daddy:" Romana! This is not your matter to interfere..." Then he turned to mummy:" Many people asked me about

Umeed, my business partner wanted to come for Umeed, but I thought that she is so young for marriage.. But now

she's 22, so I think it's right time for marriage"

She didn't like her daddy's words but she knew she couldn't object, but she was a confident girl and their trust

gave her courage to utter the words in this matter, so she said:" Daddy! I don't want to interfere in this matter, you

know what's good for me, but..."

Daddy scowled and asked:" But..?"

Umeed downed her eyes, when daddy talked in this type of firm tone, no one ever have courage to object him,

even mummy couldn't object.Umeed collected her courage and said:" Actually, I wanna say, my mba is incomplete and I want to work with you"

Daddy looked her and smiled:" Don't worry Umeed! I thought about everything, there's many proposed of you, I

wondered when Gelanis asked about you that either I fixed your alliance or not because he wanted to come for his

nephew.. You know every family in our circle has eye on his nephew, but they chose you... You don't know how

much pleasure is this when someone praised you.. I'm proud of you my child and don't worry.. Trust you father, I'll

make that decision which will give you happiness"

Umeed heard his words with tear filled eyes and stood up from her place and hugged him:" I've complete trust on

you daddy, I accept your every decision regarding my life" saying this, Shayan's photo came in front of her eyes but

she decided what she would do but she'll not break trust of her father.


She read somewhere that love gives great pain as well as happiness, she tasted happiness from many days but now

she had to feel the taste of bitterness and sorrow of love.

She always met with him as Mahar Mah, as a friend, she fell for him as a friend and now she had to break this

friendship as a friend otherwise might be she would break trust of her family.

She knew that this would be last night of her as Mahar Mah, she had to finish this adventure because now she was

gaining happiness and love in her real life. So, there's no use to play with toys for joy of her heart.

That night, Shayan mood was so good but she was absent minded that time.

Shayan:" I've a one good news for you"

Umeed bite her lips because she will gonna give him bad news.

Umeed:" Actually! I also want to share something with you"

Shayan:" Yeah sure.. Go ahead..."

Umeed didn't have courage to say that she'll not come here and she's Umeed and he wouldn't get him because

she only considered him as friend and she would marry wherever her father wants.

Umeed typed:" First you tell"

Shayan:" I've a big news, you'll forget your words, so tell me first"

Umeed:" No... I've something in detail, first you tell me"

Shayan:" Ok! Then listen.. I mean read carefully" Umeed:" Hmm.."

Shayan:" I'm coming Pakistan"

Umeed surprised plus shocked to read it and didn't understand what answer.

Swasan a path hate to love ep 37

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with 15 comments
Recap:" Ragini wanted promise to Sanskar for Swara happiness, he's confuse"

Ragini:" What happened jiju? Promise me"

Sanskar boggles through his voice and looks her:" Hmm.. Actually isn't it hard promise?"

Ragini:" To keep happy your wife, is a hard task?"

Sanskar:" Not so much! But it's hard to keep happy anyone because we never keep happy everyone, sometimes,

we stick in situation, it's hardly to express but we can not do it exactly actually"

Ragini:" Now, you're telling philosophy"

Sanskar:" Philosophy is based on reality"

Ragini thinks for a while and says:" Hmm... Then make me promise that you'll not let any sorrow come to her"

Sanskar thinks:" I'm his big sorrow" then looks her hand, holds her and says:" This is also not possible Ragini..."

Ragini:" Ok! Then what's possible for human being?"

Sanskar:" Everything is possible for human being my dear! But it should be in front of our eyes.. And you know I'll

not allow your sister to go off from my sight"

Ragini:" Awww!! How romantic you're! Well! Then promise me that you'll keep happy her with you" Sanskar:" Ok! I promise, I'll make sure her any type of happiness, until she's with me"

Ragini:" Awkward promise"

Sanskar:" Hmm.."

Ragini in a teasing tone:" Isn't this impossible to do this task jiju?"

Sanskar bows down to her:" There's nothing impossible for Sanskar.. But one more thing is there"

Ragini:" That what?"

Sanskar:" Hmm.. It's bit complicated..."

Ragini:" Tell me.. I'll understand"

Sanskar:" I'll never leave your sister"

Ragini doesn't understand and she is about  to say something but Shanaya calls them:" Sanskar! Ragini! Come


Ragini stands up:" Jiju! Now stand up! We're come here for enjoying, not for just sitting at one place"

They go towards them where Shanaya is arguing with Laksh while Swara is watching them like she's watching

interesting movie.

Sanskar:" What happened? Why are you arguing?"

Shanaya turns to him:" Your mad brother want to go for hiking this time?"

Sanskar:" So what?"

Shanaya:" So what, what do you mean? Is this time for hiking?"

Sanskar:" Lucky can do anything like Sanskar handle anything?"

Laksh makes face to Shanaya:" Oh Shanaya baby! You should agree with me"

Shanaya gives him disgusting look:" You're mad! Do whatever you want"

Sanskar turns to Laksh:" Don't go now, after opening ceremony of our hotel, we'll go together for hiking"

Laksh shows his thumb up to him:" Ok! Done, but don't make any excuse that time"

Sanskar looks Swara and says:" I always keep my words, you know very well"

Laksh:" I'm feeling hungry now, if you all dont want to eat something, I don't care, I  gonna eat my dinner"

Sanskar holds Laksh and they steps toward to their camp, while girls are chasing them slowly.

Ragini comes to Swara and says slowly in her ear:" If you and jiju come here alone, it'll be your honeymoon but

alas! We all become big distraction between the romance of you two"
She looks Sanskar, who's talking to Laksh and Shanaya is again teasing Laksh.

These three have strong and good bonding, she accepts this fact, so instead of breaking them, she has to become

part of their bond.

She looks her sister, who's still teasing her and smiles because she would be join their bond soon.


After their dinner, Laksh takes out his guitar.

Swara:" I didn't know that you know to play guitar"

Laksh smiles proudly and says:" You don't know many things Bhabhi about us.. But you'll know soon"

She can understand the second meaning of his words and gets silent.

Laksh starts playing:" One song for my secret beloved" he glances to Ragini and starts playing Mark Antony's

"wherever you go"

The song is deep and Swara feels that song in her heart but she's not agree with its words because she will gonna

spend her whole life with him, so she doesn't need to say this type of word to him.

At the end of song, they clap for him and she changes her seat because she was sitting with  Ragini, Shanaya was

with Sanskar but she goes to Sanskar and sits with him.

Shanaya:" See! Your wife has come, so now I should go"

Swara stops her:" You don't need to go anywhere Shanaya"

Sanskar:" She's right, stay here"

But Shanaya stands up, I'm going for walk with Ragini , I'll join both of you later.

Ragini listens this:" We'll go for walk after one more song Shanaya"

Laksh raises his hands:" I'm not mood in to sing more"

Ragini makes face to him and says:" I'm not talking about you lucky, I'm talking about Swara" she started to call

him lucky.

Laksh:" Oh yeah! I remember, Bhai told me, when you two met first time, he heard her singing... So Bhabhi! Start

singing. I'll play guitar for you"
Swara hesitates and looks Sanskar, she knows he'll not say anything to him but don't know why, she wants to listen

this demand from him.

Shanaya understands her gaze to him and asks to Sanskar:" Sanskar! Do you like her singing?"

Sanskar looks her wife and holds her from shoulders and says:" Yeah! She sings well.." Swara lifts her eyes and her

eyes tackle to him, heat is still in those two penetrating gaze but this time that heat is soft and warm which relaxes

the body instead of burning.

He looks into her eyes in which, he only finds love nowadays but he's avoiding this type of gaze in his life because

of his ten years of business, now he's only good in making deal instead of love.

Swara is still awaiting for his next word, he smiles softly and says:" Would you like to sing a song for us?" He says

with authority, like he's not asking , just telling her. And she.. She's now understanding his tone.

She nods and looks down, Laksh asks:" Which song Bhabhi?"

Swara looks Sanskar who leaves her shoulder now and sits on the weights of his palms by pushing himself back and

still looking her.

This is time of night, moon has its early dates but there's weak moonlight but her heart has strong brightness to

observe the heat of his eyes and says slowly to Laksh:" Jaltay diye"

She again downs her eyelashes and feels his gaze touching to her cheek which gives her pink color in this dark


"Sunte hain jab pyaar ho toh

Diye jal uthte hain

Tan mein, mann mein, aur nayan mein

Diye jal uthte hain"

She looks him, Ragini is slowly clapping for her, Laksh is playing guitar and Shanaya is listening her slowly. While

her beloved still watches her with same intensity and she can feel his heat is raising with her melody.

"aaja piya aaja

Aaja piya aaja ho..

Naa ja piya aaja

Teri hi tere hi liye, jalte diye

Bitani tere saaye mein, saaye mein

Zindagani bitani tere saaye mein, saaye mein"

She forgets that there is anyone exist except him, like the moon, her love is touching lunacy day by day and it's

almost about to complete its full circle.

Sanskar feels strange things in her eyes and he wanna avoid this thing because, she doesn't know there is no any

place of love in his heart. He wants to stop her but jerks his head because he reminds himself that there is nothing

like love in this world, so how can it possible that this is love which he can see in her eyes.
She observes that his eyes are stopping him.

" Kabhi kabhi..

Kabhi kabhi aise diyon se

Lag bhi jaati aag bhi

Dhule dhule se aanchalon pe

Lag hain jaate raag bhi

Hain viraano mein badalte

Dekhe mann ke baag bhi"
But she ignores the message of his eyes because she's not at place to stop and sit. She wants to go and conquer.

"Sapno mein shringar ho to

Diye jal uthte hain

Khwahishon ke aur sharam ke

Diye jal uthte hain

Aaja piya aaja teri hi, tere hi liye

Jalte diye..

Bitani tere saaye mein, saaye mein"

All clap at the end and Shanaya hugs her:" You're soo good! If your husband isn't such backward, then I'll must

advice you to sing professionally"

Swara smiles:" Its ok Shanaya! I also don't interest to sing professionally"

Laksh:" This is great Bhabhi (he turns to Shanaya) and baby why didn't you hug me after completion of my song"

Shanaya:" Kido! First grow up"

Laksh makes face to listen it:" I'm not a kid"

Shanaya:" You're! Right Ragini?"

She asks to Ragini ans Ragini nods.

Swara and Sanskar smiles together to see them and looks each others.

His soft gaze slowly touches her eyes, moaning of night is slowly moving into melody.

She's melting slowly and holds his hand and put her head on his shoulder.

He was amazed with her action but holds her with his all rights.

Shanaya and Laksh stop their arguing for a minute and look them.

Ragini gives them questionable look, they sign towards them, Ragini looks, three of them look each others and

smiles. Their smile silently pray for them.

Swasan a path hate to love ep 4

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with No comments
Swara comes to the room where he finds him to taking any supplement.

She is not sure but she thinks that it is sleeping pills. She goes to her side and leans down on the bed while he falls asleep without saying any word to her.

He leans straight by putting his one arm on his eyes, he used to sleep in this posture.

Swara looks the ceiling purposelessly and he turned his side, now his face is clear in front of her.

Night bulb has enchanted dim light in a room and she can easily see his lovely structure. His hairs are scattered on his face and he seem so much innocent while sleeping that Swara doesn't believe that this is a man who molested her last night.

She sighs but shocked when in sleep, he changes his position and hugs her. She was feeling relief to think that he's sleeping now and now she doesn't need to fear from him but because of his act, she sinks in thought that either he's really sleeping or not.

The night is doing black art on Swara's heart and she looks her husband sleeping face. She gasps put her head on his chest and closes his eyes peacefully. Night's necromancy worked on her.


Sanskar wakes up and finds her sleeping in his arm. He slowly gets up without disturbing her sleep and goes the bathroom to take a shower.

He gets ready to leave for work and goes downstairs, Swara is still sleeping.

He takes breakfast and tells Lavanya to take care of Swara.

He's just opening the door of his car when the main gate opens and a car comes inside the door.

He scowls to  see Sujata getting out from that car and the lines of his forehead increase to see her with the suitcase.

He jerks:" What the hell is she doing here"

Sujata notices his offensive face but she goes towards him and hugs him with love but his expression is cold enough.

Sanskar:" What are you doing here mom?"

Sujata:" I come here to perform some ritual of new daughter in law"

Sanskar irritates:" I don't believe in ritual... You can go from there"

Sujata embarrasses to listen to him but she's his mom:" She's new here and you go to your work, then who'll take care her? So I came here to take care her because it's my responsibility as mother in law"

Sanskar smiles bitterly and says:" Wow! My mom suddenly gets know her responsibility regarding her daughter in law... And did your Bhai Sa allow you to come here?"

Sujata:" Yes! I happily allow me to come here and he also sends some gifts for her"

Sanskar jerks again:" Oh mom! I don't need any of their so called love...." He stops to see Swara standing at the entrance.

She changes her cloth and now she's in a simple suit with the ponytail.

Swara:" Whom are you arguing Sanskar ?"

Sanskar turns and she sees the face of Sujata. She goes there and takes blessing from her. Sujata gives her blessing and hugs her:" Now I'll stay here for some days, don't you have any problem for it?"

Swara feels a kind hearted supporter in her, so she says:" Offcourse not..."

Sanskar stops to see Swara and says to mom:" Ok mom! Now I'm going, you take care your daughter in law" he chews the words and leaves from there.

Sujata and Swara go inside the house and Sujata notices her unstable walk and supports her towards her room.

Sujata:" You take a rest, my child! I'll order that maid to prepare breakfast for you"

Swara wants to stop her because she's not feeling to eat something:" No aunty, I don't want to eat anything"
Sujata smiles softly and says:" Firstly dear, call me mom and secondly you need to eat something," she says in soft but firm voice.

Swara understands that she's a mom of Sanskar, so how can be different from him?

So she slowly nods and says:" Ok mom!"

Sujata overwhelmed to listen the word "mom" from her and hugs her:" You don't know dear! How much I waited for this day, when a girl like you come in his life and change him. I can see a clear hope in you"

Swara confused to listen to it and says:" Which type of hope mom? I don't get you"

Sujata:" He loves you, that's why he married you and love can change everything... You can also change him"

Swara looks her and recalls their first night and her pain. She shakes her head in a negative way and says:" No... He can't love and it was only his proud and ego which pushed him to marry me"

Sujata doesn't understand her words and asks her to tell her everything clearly but she says nothing then Sujata says:" Don't think that I'm his mom... First I'm your mom and then his, so remember that, in every thick and thin, I'll support you instead of him"

Swara's eyes filled with tears to listen to it and she hugs her. She tells everything about Sanskar to Sujata.

Sujata was bit shocked but it is not completely unexpected for her.

Sujata lifts her face and wipes her tears while consoling:" Don't worry! I'm with you and we can change him together"

Swara nods in no:" He's just a stone hearted man, so he can't change"

Sujata smiles sadly and says:" He wasn't like this, that witch made him like this"

Swara gets confused to listen to it:" Which witch?"

Sujata is about to say something when they hear the door knocking voice.

It is Lavanya:" Ma'am! May I bring breakfast here or will you come downstairs for taking breakfast?"

Sujata:" Bring breakfast here"

Lavanya nods and says to Sujata:" Sujata ma'am! For one minute, will you come outside, Sir leaves one message for you"

Sujata excuses Swara and comes outside with Lavanya.

Lavanya:" Sir told that if you want to live in his house, you've to stop your words regarding him and don't tell Swara ma'am anything about him"

Sujata understands that now she can't say anything to Swara because Lavanya is the spy of him.

Sanskar comes home and goes to his study.

He calls Lavanya for taking whole day report.

Lavanya:" I transferred your message to Sujata ma'am, so she only did common conversation with Swara ma'am and spent her time to pampering Swara ma'am" she is the obedient servant of him who only fulfill her duty without giving advice and asking questions.

Sanskar likes this type of person who only obeys, that's a reason, she's working here from five years.

Sanskar is working on his laptop and says her to leave without taking off his eyes from a laptop.

She leaves like the robot and after completion of his work  he goes to his room where Sujata insisting Swara to wear that saree which she brought for her.

But because of Sanskar's order, she does not allow her to wear saree, so she continuously refusing to wear.

Sanskar smiles to see her obedience and says:" Mom! Please don't spoil my wife's mind. She knows I don't like to see her in saree"

Both turn to see him and Sujata say:" As you wish my child! If you like her in suit then I'll haooy to see you happy"

Sanskar comes inside and says to Swara:" My dear wife! As I can see you, you're fine here, so would you like to make coffee for me?"

Swara nods and about to leave but Sanskar again calls her:" Now Swara! It's your duty to make coffee for me whenever I arrive at home"

Swara looks him and nods silently.

After leaving her, Sanskar turns to Sujata:" What's your problem mom? Why are you spoiling her mind? If you really want to see me happy and want to stay there, then please stop interfering in my life".

Sujata is about to say something but he leaves in rages without allowing her to utter any word.


In the night, after dinner, Sanskar comes into his room. Swara is sitting on a bed, he goes dressing room to change and

after coming from there he goes to Swara who's still afraid that says this with courage:”I’m still ill… Dr told me to take rest until I'll be healthy again.. Dr told you.."

Sanskar firstly wonders to listen to it then he starts laughing  and says:" oh  my god!! Thousands of thanks to my mom who gives courage in your heart and  tongue in your mouth, but you should not forget that this is my house...

He paused and comes close to her to show his right to her.

He looks into her eyes and says:" what do considers me? An animal. Huh?”

Swara thinks "yes" but nodes in no

He rotates her and says:”I know you consider me as a beast... And now Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari! Listen to me carefully this is  my house and only those things will happen there which I desire to be ” he shouts on her and she's afraid to find him shouting.

Sanskar touches her face and says:" I like obedient girls …”

He goes to his side of bed:”now come to me”

Swara who's leaning on her side doesn’t move because of fear from him.

Sanskar says again:” Swara! you’re not taking me seriously and this is not good for you...

He stands up from a bed and comes ahead or her and says:" Look Swara! I’m not the man, who lives without A woman, if you’ll not come to me, then I have to go to someone else, do you want your husband with other A woman?”

Swara shocked to listen to it but as a wife she's doesn't want it so, she notes in no and slowly moves to him.

Sanskar likes her courage and holds her and touches her hairs and cups her face slowly.
There’s deep silent in the room, swara is still fearing. Sanskar looks her innocent face with  concentration and says:”why do you afraid of me?”

He holds her slowly and says:”I think you’ll die if touch you”

Swara listens and a tear come from are her eyes. Sanskar looks and irritates:”why you girls start crying?”

He stands up and goes towards the window. She comes to him and controls her tears:”I’m not crying” she says in wet voice.

Sanskar jerks again and turns his back  to her:”yes! You're not crying then I’m jerk, look Swara!  I can't tolerate this drama in my house”

Swara come to him and suddenly she hugs him from back:”I’m sorry Sanskar, I'll not do it further”

He rotates and smiles victoriously:”I said you, I got what I want”

He lifts her face which down because of sorrow and hiding her tears.  Her lips are shivering, he comes close to her and grips his arms around her.

She looks his face, and she can feel heavy silence between them.

He holds her tight and his grip is so tight like he doesn’t allow air to pass between them.

He  puts his lips on her neck and whispers in her ear:”I like your bold step to hug me, this realized me that you’re only mine, the only mine, are you mine Swara ... Are you mine Swara?”

Swara nodes in yes, he looks into her eyes and throws her on the bed. Swara is ready to feel him again but he goes to another side of bed.

He takes the sleeping pills and lays down on his side with his signature gesture and says:“you're the lucky one

Swara because I don't want to see you die so soon, so enjoy your freedom for some days” he falls asleep but swara is still starring her,:”what a mystery you’re Sanskar?, you didn’t want to come close to me, you just wanna examine me, that either I'll accept your touch or not, I don't know what's the thing giving you pain from inside?"

She looks his handsome face and wants to touch it but control herself, she looks ceiling and says again:" Who are you? You’re doing effort from two years to get me, but I always denied because I don't want to accept any characterless person as my husband? But I don't understand why destiny chose you as my husband? I am confused to decide which face of yours, I should believe?” She gasps and closes her eyes because she has her whole to solve this riddle named as Sanskar Maheshwari.

Swasan a path hate to love ep 3

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with No comments

Ragini understands that he's thinking that she's maid. She looks herself to weigh his statement. She's wearing an orange Anarkali frock with open hairs and light makeup. She really looks pretty in this attire but doesn't understand why is he consider her maid?

Laksh is also shocked to know that she's Swara's sister. After a moment, he heard the sound of weeping and turned to her who's now crying to listen to it.

Ragini is extra sensitive and innocent girl, in other words, she's a fool.

Laksh goes to her and asks the reason for her tears. She looked him from her tears filled eyes and says in wet voice:" You consider a beautiful girl as the maid"

Laksh gets her point of view and his sharp mind gets her pure and innocent nature, so he starts his drama. He starts imitate her style and weep in a childish way:" Oh my god! Please kill me that I did a great sin"

Ragini astonishes to see his crying drama and goes towards him:" Which sin?"

Laksh is a bit flirt but he knows that he can't flirt with her because of his brother but he decided to take some enjoyment to that fools girl and says:" Sin to consider a beautiful girl as maid"

Ragini blushes to listen to him and forgets to cry again and says:" It's ok!"

Laksh:" So.. You forgive me, right?"

Ragini nods with her tear filled eyes and smiles, Laksh mesmerized to see her with both emotions. He turns his back to her and says:" But you make me cry and I'll not forgive you"

Ragini is the sensitive girl who can't see anyone angry or sad. So she goes ahead of him and says:" I'm sorry, please forgive me"

Laksh stares her beautiful and innocent face and amazes to think that in this modern world, is there any innocent girl really exist like her? So he decides to check her innocence and says:" Ok! I'll forgive you but for it, you've to become my friend"

He extends his hand towards her, she looks his hand in a confused state and says:" Actually. Dadi will offence if I do friendship with boys, so first let me ask from her if she permits then I'll do"

Laksh's eyes widened to listen to her but he only shakes his lead and leaves the kitchen because he gets his answer.

In the dining hall, both families are gathered and talking with each others.

Sujata and Annapurna give Swara to her gift according to ritual and Sujata is now questioning her about her nature and hobbies etc and she finds her satisfied.

Ragini comes to lounge and takes blessing from Annapurna and Sujata.

Dada Ji:" She's our younger daughter"

Annapurna:" You give good upbringing to your both daughters"

Sujata:" Yes! I'm also very happy to find Swara as my daughter in law"

Everyone smiles to listen to her and Gadodia's family feel happy to meet them because they find them satisfactory to see their caring towards Swara. Except Sanskar, everyone is there because he leaves for his important work.

Ragini goes to dadi and says:" Dadi!, may I ask something to you?"

Dadi:" Sure my lado!"

Ragini points out Laksh and says:" Jiju's brother asks me for friendship, may I become his friend?"

Dadi puzzles to listen to it while everyone get shocked to listen to it.

Laksh feels embarrassing, so he looks down to listen to it because he didn't expect this childish act from her.

Sumi and Shekhar look here and there just as they listened to nothing.

Dadi looks Laksh and gets his flirting nature, so she said calmly to Ragini:" Yes sure my lado! Laksh is just like us as our son, if you become the friend with him, he'll protect you just like a brother"

Laksh, who's drinking water, coughs to listen to it and again feels embarrassed while everyone smile and feel relieved to listen to words of Dadi.

After dinner and spending some quality time with each others, both families left.

After leaving both families, Sanskar comes to their room, where Swara is removing her jewellery.

She glances at him for a second and starts his activity.

Sanskar comes to her and gives her a file:" Sign on it"

Swara stops her hand and looks him with little amazed and file too.

Sanskar understands her astonishment regarding file and says:" Don't worry... I'll follow you to hell, so this isn't a divorce paper"

Swara opens the file and shocked to read it. It is a paper of mansion of Sanskar in which she's living now. He transferred this house on Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari.

Sanskar looks her shock face and says in calm voice:" This is munh dikhai( a ritual in which groom gives gift to his bride) I don't want to feel you unprotected there, so this is your house, if any time, I'll feel to leave you, then I'll move from there, you can stay there... But I said if" he downs to her and looks into her eyes:" And I'll never leave you. Remind that .."

Swara feels fear to see his attitude and nods her head slowly.

Sanskar slowly moves his hand under her bare waist and says:" So, now this is your house officially, but there's some rules and regulations for you which you've to follow..." He pauses and looks her face to weigh her emotions.

Sanskar:" First, you've not allowed going outside without my permission, if you want to go, you've to ask from me first and you've not allowed to go lonely outside, if your sister and mother would with you, then ok! Otherwise, take Lavanya with you"

He tucks her lock behind her ears and whispers in the heavy voice:" Do you understand what I'm saying to you?" Swara nods slowly and he continues:" So.. the Second one is that do whatever you want in my presence, but when I'm at home, your concentration should be only on me... Understand?"

Swara nods:" Hmm"

Sanskar pats her face and says:" Good girl... Rule number third, I don't like saree, so don't wear this dress again and don't wear one piece or any dress which prominent your body, outside the room and last but not least. Forget about your male friends" he touches her neck slowly and whispers in her ears:" You're only mine Swara and I can't tolerate anyone's sight on my things"

Swara smiles bitterly and thinks:" Yes! I'm his thing, nothing else"

Sanskar frees her and takes his night dress from a cupboard and looks her again:" One more thing..."

Swara looks him and he says:" Now your family is mine, so I'll not harm them or let anyone to harm them they're completely my responsibility now until.."

Swara looks him questionably:" Until..?"

Sanskar:" Until you're with me. If you leave me then I'll not responsible for it that what will happen to them and you're smart girl"

She's really smart girl, so she gets what he wanna say to her.

She slowly nods and he leaves for changing.


After changing, Sanskar stands up at the balcony of his room and looking outside.

His balcony is much huge and has lots of flowers plants there, specially bougainvillea..
He touches the flowers and recalls something.  A sweet voice of girl echoes in his ears:" Sanskar! I want a huge balcony, in front of our room which would have lots of flowers"

His own voice comes into his mind:" Yes! Then we'll do romance in balcony, instead of room"

A voice:" You always think about romance Sanskar" and then both giggling voice echoes in his ears and he squeezes the flowers into his hands while sinking in his thought.

Swara comes there and calls him:" Sanskar!"

Sanskar comes to his senses after listening to her voice and turns to her.

She's wearing short black night dress and her hairs are open.

This is full moonlight and her complexion glows in the black dress that he can't stop himself to come close to her.

He comes to her and she steps back but there is glass wall behind her and he pins her towards the glass wall...

Moonlight enchanted her face which glows more and making spell on him. .

Her takes her in his arms and touches her face with his eyes in which she only finds heat for her.

She looks his face and he comes close to her and closes his lips towards her but suddenly the words of doctor echoes in his mind.

He looks her face, she's afraid so she closes her eyes tightly to ready herself to tolerate a new pain.

He suddenly leaves her and pats her face slowly, this time, his eyes heat turned into softness:" Go and take rest"

He leaves to room while Swara stays stand there in bit shock and bit surprise:" How many shades do you have Sanskar..?"

The night is melting slowly, slowly and showering blessing to this innocent but courageous girl.

Swasan a path hate to love ep 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with 1 comment
Sanskar lifts her before falling and brings her towards the room.

He calls Dr and intercoms Lavanya to wakes her up.

Dr comes and checks up her, after checking her vein, she comes to him and looks him with deplorable expression.

She says:" Mr Maheshwari! I didn’t expect this type of act from you, she’s so weak. Might be she was starving from two days to three days, instead of caring her, you did with her.. because of physical weakness, she could not bear all this. I didn't expect this inhuman act from you"

She sees him in anger and says again.:”well! if you want to see her alive, then take care of her, and don't go close to her until she recovers from her weakness”

Sanskar feels bit guilt in her heart but at next moment he banishes the guilt.

He orders Lavanya to make soup for her and give medicine her after the meal. Lavanya nodes and leaves.

He comes out from the room and looks her from the window. Lavanya makes her sit and gives her juice while she continuously says that she doesn't want to take.
He looks her and calls someone.


It was small but beautiful and clean house of Gadodias.

The whole family are gathered at the dining table. But the face of each person is sad moreover they're not eating anything because they’re missing Swara. A beautiful girl named Ragini says:"maa papa! Dada ji dadi! Please eat something, after breakfast first, Then  we’ll go to meet swara! Otherwise, we'll not go. Today she would come here for the ritual. Please don't be sad you al! Otherwise, I'll start crying and look! I'm still here”

Shekhar looks her with the sad smile and says:”After your marriage, you’ll leave us too and we would live alone” everyone gets emotional to listen to it.

Ragini stands up from her seat and hugs him and tries to console him while she hears the ring of her phone.

She picks up  the phone and happy to see the number of Sanskar’.

Ragini:”good morning jiju! How are you and how's our swara? Where's she?” Everyone's concentration diverts on her after hearing the name of Swara and Sanskar.

Sanskar:”Ragini! I’m well but your sister isn’t well, I actually I need your help because your sister is angry with me and now she’s not eating anything to annoy me, so please, if possible, you all come here and convinces her to eat anything.  She would definitely listen to you and stop annoy me. You don't know how much I'm worried about her”

Ragini:”but today, she should come here according to ritual”

Sanskar:”Actually, I'm the liberal man who doesn't believe in this type of rituals and this is also because I don't want to leave her for one hour and you’re talking about one day. So, I think this the same condition, either you’ll come her or we would visit you , the main thing is we would meet each others.?”

Ragini:” you're right but first, let me ask from elders” she tells to everyone what Sanskar wants.

Dadi isn't agreed but Shekhar convinces her.

Ragini:”OK jiju! We’re coming to your home in one hour”

Sanskar greets her and  disconnects the call. He orders his driver to bring the family of Swara.

After an hour, Gadodia's family arrive at the mansion of Sanskar.

He takes a blessing of elders and greets Ragini.

Sanskar says to her:”Thanks, dear to convince everyone to come here, now give me a favour.. Go to kitchen and Lavanya will give you a meal and make eat that meal to Swara, and one more thing kindly don't take my name, otherwise she would not eat! So..”

Ragini smiles and feels happiness on Swara’s fortune that she gets such a  lovely husband.

Ragini hesitates and says:”I please to do this but I hesitate because... I mean it's your home then how am I? ”

He understands her hesitation and smiles:" Ragini, you’re just like my sister, don't hesitate, do what you want, if you want something else, tell Lavanya without hesitation and she'll give” Ragini nods and leaves.

She brings soup for Swara and greets her. Swara glades to see her and asks.:”when were you come here?”

Ragini:”jiju called me and asked me to come here”

She praises Sanskar and tells everything which Sanskar told her on the phone.

Swara tries to smile but she can't. On the other side, she also feels relief from her family side that her family is satisfied from her side.

Ragini  makes her drink soup and after that gives her breakfast too.

Swara:”I know your intention that you  want to make me fat”

Ragini in teasing mood:”I can see you the mark of love on your neck, so you need more energy to take this love more and more”

Swara hardly controls herself to blush.  She feels shame after heard that but also smiles bitterly because she knows that this mark is of hatred, not of love.

She hears the noise and looks on entrance or room where Sanskar is standing.
He comes inside and says to Ragini:” I need one more favour too, you’ll find dresses in dressing room, please make her change and get ready, actually my mom would come here to meet her”

Ragini:”finally you called your parents, well! I'll make her ready”

Swara is worried to listen to his words because she's unaware of his family.

She remembers that he never talked about his family, and she never saw them on her wedding also.

When Shekhar asks him about his parents on his engagement then he replied that they’re angry with him.

But he never told them the reason for their anger.

Ragini goes to a dressing room with her and says:” Swara! This is like I’m in boutique, jiju brings every brand for you”

Ragini chooses orange saree for her

Swara  nodes and goes for changing.

Ragini does her make up and makes a beautiful one sided braid with her long hairs.

Ragini:”you look marvellous in this attire Swara! Put a black dot on you. Now let's go downstairs, everyone is waiting for you”

 Ragini notices that she feels uncomfortable while walking.

She asked her about the reason her unstable walk but she answers that it was because she doesn't habitual of wearing saree commonly.

Annapurna, Sujata and Laksh come to their house.

Sanskar introduced his family to Swara’s family.

They are glad to meet each others but only Sanskar feels a bit disturbed in the presence of Sujata but, he doesn't say anything.

Sujata excitedly comes to Sanskar and says:”where is my daughter in law?”

Sanskar hardly controls his emotions and says nothing.

Sumi also says:”yes where is she? She’s taking so much time to get ready?”

During their conversation, they see Swara, who is coming from upstairs with ragini.

Everyone becomeS happy to see her.

Laksh mesmerised to see the innocent beauty of Ragini. But he doesn't know her so thought in his heart:”maybe bhai kept a new maid, but she's  really beautiful, poor middle-class girls who served people just for the sake of money.

Sanskar has many female servants, and many of them were pretty and educated so he guessed that might be Ragini would also include in them because during a meeting with Swara. All forget to introduce her and she’ll go to the kitchen immediately.

Sanskar holds Swara from her shoulders and slowly drags her towards her family:”swara! This is my badi maa and this is my mom and that’s my brother Laksh” he points out to everyone.

Swara greets and takes blessing from elders and handshakes with laksh.

She notices that his family is such a nice and not arrogant like him.

She likes her mother in law who shows extra concern to her.

Sujata hugs her and kisses her on her forehead while crying she was amused to see her concern.

Everyone also surprises to see this  although Sanskar gets embarrassed and says to Sujata:”mom! It's enough, are you gonna eat her? Just stop it”

Sujata wipes her tears and says"! I’m so happy to see her as my daughter in law, so I cant control my emotions...Excuse me...” She  sits down on the sofa and makes swara sit down near her too.

Gadodia family is happy to see Sanskar’s family and his care and concern for Swara.


Laksh comes to the kitchen for drinking water.

Ragini is already there for making dum biryani especially on Swara's demand. .

Laksh who considers her as a servant, says:”miss! Would you give me a glass of water?”

Ragini looks him with shock that might be he gonna be mad. So she says in anger tone:”you can see fridge there and as I can see, your hand is not broken, go and get a water, otherwise orders to others servant”

Laksh gets furious:”I’m already ordering and talking to servant ”

Ragini looks again him with her rage eyes and says again:”oh Mr.! … Are you blind?”

Laksh gets angry and says:”you’ve no manners to talk with your boss”
Ragini says in sharp  voice:”your brother married with my sister, that doesn’t mean  that you’re starting to considering me as servant, you’re just ill-mannered person”

Laksh shocked to listen to  her words and says:”oh god!! You're Bhabhi”s sister?”

Ragini gets what he considered her and says:”ohhh god!!! You took me as servant!!!”

Swasan a path hate to love ep 1

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with 1 comment
It was beautiful night of fourteen of moon, she was always fascinating this type of night but now.. She can't enjoy

this night because her destiny is changed now. She is looking from the window and starring moon in absence of mind. She's in the
traditional wedding outfit of red color. Her glittery dupatta(long scarf) is touching the floor but she's just starring outside the window and thinking about her future life which would be lived with her husband"Sanskar Maheshwari".

She remembers their first meeting which held in the birthday party of her best friend. Her friend requested her to sing a song, after song, Sanskar offered her for the dance but she refused because she didn't want to come closer

any stranger except her small circle and her family but hee took this as his insult.


In this same beautiful mansion, Sanskar is sitting in the room of ground floor. He was drinking and his eyes was burning because of anger. An anger of insult which Swara did her at every step when they met.

It was birthday party of her secretary's sister, he often doesn't attend this type of parties specially of his employees but because of his need, he went there and first time saw her. He found her different from other girls of his circle and liked her. That night, he decided that this girl would be his dose of that night and he was assured that she'll be ready for it because he has lots of money and very marvellious personality.

He was proud on both things but she was insulted him by refusing his offer to dance. That time his proud broke down because of her and he never spare anyone who insulted him. That time he decided to get that girl at any cost but afterward because of some reasons, he decided to marry her.

He proposed her but that little girl refused her, that time he did what he knows very well to do and that was blackmailing. So this was the reason that she's in his house now as his wife.

He climbs upstairs and reaches to his room where his bride is waiting for him.

It was time of taking revenge, he sees Swara who is standing in front of window and says:" Finally you've become Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari! So now you'll see my real face which showed whenever I take revenge from that person who insulted me..." He comes close to her, she smells the wine from his mouth and steps back.

He holds her wrist and says:" Why are you fearing from me my dear wife? I'll be a good husband but after taking my revenge from you, you insulted me, so you've to pay me for this"

He jerks her wrist and goes inside the dressing room which was attached to their room.

After five minutes, he comes out in a loose trouser and t-shirt, although she doesn't like her but she admits in her heart that he looks so much handsome in this attire because she first time sees him in casual dressing.

Sanskar goes to the white sofa which  was located just before his bed and takes a drink. Swara is still standing near the window and starring him.

Sanskar:" I know your husband is so handsome, so  you can stare me by sitting beside me.. Come here"

Swara doesn't move, Sanskar looks her in anger and says again:" I'm not used to say anything second time Swara..Just come here"

She also doesn't habitual of this type of tone, so she hardly gulps her anger which is mixed with bit fear from him that she doesn't know what he'll do with her.

She moves from her place and sits beside him. He holds her wrist and drags her near to him:" You know Miss Swara... Oooppss Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari! You're beautiful, I like beauty.. So maybe I'll forgive you but most important thing is that you're mine now.. Only mine"

She can clearly observe the heat of his eyes on her body. He tightens his grip over his wrist but because of it, her bangles break, she shouted because of pain:" Sanskar it's paining"

Sanskar:" Let it be.. You gave me pain by insulting and I'll give you, then it'll be the same calculation" he leaves her wrist and says:" Go and get change, but don't be so late because I don't like waiting, so don't do anything which I don't like otherwise it'll harmful for you, opens the cupboard and I'll suggest you the dress"

She does what he said, Sanskar orders her to wear one piece short white dress.

She goes and comes back after changing. She looks cute in that dress but she is unfamiliar with this kind of dressing because she is habitual of wearing dresses which covers her body completely and it was strapless knee high dress.

Sanskar eyes show his likeness to see her in that dress, he comes to her and throws her on the bed.

She looks her new lord now she has to live under his mercy. He comes on her and softly touches her face. Her hairs are  open and she's looking him with fear and hatred who married her forcefully.

There's only dim light of night bulb in a room and he holds her tight and looks into her eyes:" Now! You'll know that what's the conclusion you'll face to tackle with me"

He puts his lips on her which she doesn't accept because she's trying to pushing him back but he wants to steal all the softness of his lips, so he doesn't stop but her restriction is raising with his passion so he stops, frees her lips and  whispers in her ears:" If you stop me then I'll give you more pain, it's better that you let me do what I want to do with you"

She slowly nods and he again starts his previous activity and starts biting her lips, it was painful experience for her because she didn't kiss anyone and because she doesn't like his touching too.

He slowly rubs his shoulders and his lips are touching bare part of her body. Every touch of his, gives her an extreme pain because it’s not a touch of love, it is only touch of fulfilling need,need of body, need to quench the thirst and need to cool down his instinct of taking revenge.

When he is quenching his thirst, then she gets know that how much devil he is because that time she wants to scream but he stops her screaming from his lips. He kissed her everywhere. And whole night, she is paying for the act of insulting him. Many times, she begs him and asks pity on her, but he’s such a devil, his ego is more than his humanity. At the climax he cools down and leaves her. He doesn't hug her, he goes to his side of bed.

She looks him with hatred and covers her body with quilt and gets inside bathroom. She shouts out her every screaming in bathroom. She opens the shower and she doesn't know how much time she spending to shouting this line:" I hate you Sanskar!" Sanskar hears her screaming and says in bit loud voice:" I hate you too my sweet wife, now it's enough.. Come outside otherwise I'll come inside and it'll not good for you"

Swara comes outside and Sanskar holds her again because his fire isn't cool yet.

She wakes up next morning and finds him sleeping beside her. She looks him with hatred and walks slowly towards outside. She feels pain while walking goes to bathroom and wears saree.

She goes outside where one woman was climbing the stair and smiles to look her. Her uniform shows her as the maid of this house. She comes to her, the tray of breakfast is held by her:" Good morning Ma'am! My name is Lavanya and I'm caretaker of this house, here is your breakfast, I'll serve you"

Swara sits on a couch of lounge, lounge is close to her  room where stairs are in front of it.

She takes coffee only because night's struggle is paining her body.

Lavanya leaves and She is sank in her thought  when someone snatches the cup of coffee from her.

It was Sanskar:" I told you, never breath without my permission and you came here, well! Go to room, hurry up"

He orders and she silently stands up, but It is hard to move for her because of back pain and she also didn't eat anything from two days. . She gets unconscious and falls from stairs.