Monday, 9 May 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Unexpected Turns) Episode 6 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 09, 2016 with 16 comments
Sanskar's POV:
'You killed the innocent life, Sanskar.. I was so wrong.. You could never change..'
Swara, at least listen to me.
'Oh! You had also justification for killing a child.'
But Swara, I couldn't denounce my captain's orders..
'I thought of you as a nice person with humanity still intact in your soul. But I was so wrong, Sanskar.. You were just a mere puppet who only understood the meaning of killing..'
Swara!! I just kept numb as I didn't get any reasons to prove her sayings wrong.
'I didn't want to see your face Sanskar. I was regretting the moment when I came to know about you.'
She was walking in the carpet of darkness by ignoring my voice. My heart was filled with warmth of her voice. Finally I lost her.
'No.... Swara.... Stop.... Please..' And I woke up. I was panting heavily. The word 'Scare' wasn't in my dictionary. But truly this dream was enough to frighten a ruthless slayer, Sanskar Maheswari. 'Dream' was a 'Lie'. Truth was far away from it. I smiled feebly as all these talks weren't real & she didn't regret by knowing me. Just then another thought struck in my mind. I had to take a decision. Not to convert this dream into a reality, I had to neglect my captain's orders. Though captain was important to me, but I couldn't bear hatred in her eyes for me.

I called captain to express my inability to finish my next target. I dialed his number & as soon as he picked up, I said,"Captain... I am sorry.." From the other side, he asked,"Why are you asking for forgiveness? And have you convinced your target to sell his land to us?" I was panicking as how I could vent out my decision to captain & how would he react? In a very lower tone, I said,"Sorry captain.. He isn't interested to sell his land as it is his ancestral property and many memories are associated to him from that land.. What ever money we may give to him, still he won't sell the land, I suppose.." Now I could hear the laughter of captain & he said," Sanskar! You are behaving like an ordinary man. Don't forget, you are a slayer & if he isn't agreeing with our terms, then you know many ways to convince him. Do you think, this matter needs discussion?"

My captain wasn't getting my words.. I thought not to tell him anything now but suddenly, the face of swara & my mom flashed back in my memory lane & once my mom had said," Do it now.. As sometimes later becomes never.." Now I had got a chance & I couldn't let it go... After gathering much courage, I said in one go,"I can't perform this task, captain. I can't kill an innocent child. What is his fault if his father doesn't want to sell his property??" My captain said in a shocking tone," Are you in sense? You are rejecting my orders.. Don't forget, I am your creator, Sanskar & from when are you concerning for other's feelings?" I wasn't at all surprised by captain's sayings. As he was correct. I didn't look like a slayer now rather I was behaving like a sensible person. And it was all because of a target,Swara Suryavansi. Breaking my thoughts, my captain commanded,"I want this work to be completed in 2 days.. No more excuses, Sanskar..." Before I could say anything, the call was disconnected.

I was in dilemma. How could I avert this situation now? I thought of many ideas.. But not a single idea was convincing or appealing to me. One day was passed like this. Today was the last day to complete this task. Still I was scouring ideas & struck in chaos. Once my mom had said to me,"When the devil became one with the angel, humanity was born." Today I was realising the trueness of her saying. Swara, was indeed the cause of my growing humanity. Like the volcanic magma after rushing out of mantle determined its own path to settle as lava sheet & never obeyed anybody's authority, likewise now I had already challenged captain's orders & searching for my own path towards humanity. After so much calculations I reached to a conclusion.

I didn't know how much success it would bring to me but this was the last viable option for me.. I wore my mask & rushed towards this target's location. They were scared after looking at me. But I assured not to harm them & intact I was here to help them. I executed my plan. I transferred him along with his family to a safest place where nobody could find them easily and I could handle captain in my terms. Before leaving them, they blessed me for my long life. It sounded funny to me, as for a slayer every moment was deadly. Without replying back, I vacated the place & now I was coming back towards my dark world.

While travelling, I called captain and as soon as he picked up the call, I said,"Captain, they have escaped. I have gone to kill his son. But unfortunately, I have found the door locked." I lied to captain as I knew that if captain ever came to know that I was the person who helped his targets to reach to a safe place then captain wouldn't spare me & by lying, I could easily escape from killing his son. However unfortunately what I heard from captain, changed my life upside down.

With rage, captain yelled," You... Betrayer.. You have double crossed me.. You have helped this target & now you are lying that they have escaped. I am your creator, Sanskar. Where your thinking ends, mine starts. You have helped them na... But who will help you now?? There is no place of a betrayer in our world.. Run Sanskar.. Run for your life..."

My voice was choked. How could I even think to override captain's thinkings? Breaking my silence, captain yelled in his icy cold voice," You must be thinking, how I have come to know about it? I will tell you as last wish of every person shall be fulfilled. Then listen my slayer! The day you have reacted surprisingly after listening to the world 'killing', my doubt is developed. There is something which you are hiding from me, I have guessed. So, from 2 days Alex and Martin are observing all your moves secretly. You are my best slayer and perhaps may be the leader of this dark world after me, but seems like you have chosen your path to death. I am sorry to lose my best slayer but I can't spare a betrayer...." Before I could say anything, the call was disconnected.

In the night of prevailing darkness, I heard the firing of bullets & before I could guess anything, the tyre of my car burst. Hurriedly I came out of car & started running. I saw a car was following me. Till now, I understood that they were none other than Alex and Martin, who were trying to kill me. I opened my revolver & fired towards their car & punctured the tyre of the car & broke the glass door. As these happenings were going on far away from public dwellings, I was certain that today nobody could save me.

I was running aimlessly and the road seemed no end like in the open stretch of desert land, the sand dunes spread like anything & engulfed the existence of every creature within it, like wise Alex & Martin were following me like hell to extinguish my existence. I wanted to view a last glimpse of her before my death. I didn't have any cause left to live my life. Finally before dying, I could make eye contact with my mother proudly. It was all because of swara.

While I was in my own thoughts, a bullet pierced through my leg. I screamed in pain but I couldn't loose hope. As a best slayer, I randomly fired the bullet & Martin fell down. Just then, Alex fired all the 6 bullets towards me. 4 missed the target but 2 bullet hit me. Excruciating pain was spreading through out my body & I couldn't run any longer. Alex came running towards me and it seemed like his magazine was empty just like mine. He kicked me hard and I fell near a stone's throw away. Alex was smirking evilly like he had completed his revenge by killing me. But he didn't know that I carried one more gun with me for my double safety.

I wasn't called as a best slayer randomly.. Before Alex could reload his revolver, I picked up the gun from my right shoe and fired straight to his heart. 1 bullet was enough for him. He fell down on spot. Time was countable of my death. A last glimpse of swara was enough for my peaceful death. With much difficulty, I tried to walk towards her secret place. I didn't know how much time it would take.. I felt dizzy still I was limbing.

Just then a car hit me. Even a little strength wasn't left inside my body to react. Just then I saw her, like an angel she took my head in her lap. I must be dreaming, but it felt like a sweet dream & I closed my eyes to behold this sight forever till eternity.....

Credit to:Kashis