Saturday, 16 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 24

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 16, 2016 with 30 comments
Recap" Swara got know about that sanskar was married. Sanskar consoled her"
Next morning, she didn't find Sanskar beside her, then she reminds that he has worked last night.

She takes a bath and looks herself into mirror:" Shanaya is so beautiful. I'm nothing in front of her... How was his first wife... She has a good choice of women... I'm also his choice" she touches her face and after a while scolds herself to think this type of worst things.

She combs her hairs and lefts her hairs open on her waist, she's wearing yellow churidar... She wears her bangles and puts sindoor in her maang.

She looks again herself into a mirror again:" No matter, how beautiful is Shanaya! And how was his first wife... But now he's mine... I'm his wife and I'll not let him go this time" she smiles proudly and goes outside from the room.

Ragini and Laksh is sitting on the dining table and the traditional maids are serving food to them.

Laksh:" Good morning Bhabhi"

She smiles but her gaze is seeking Sanskar.Ragini goes and hugs her:" Good morning Swara!"

Swara greets them back and sits on the seat beside Ragini:" Laksh! Where is your brother?" She takes the first bite of paratha while Laksh is taking his coffee and Ragini is taking orange juice.

Laksh is boggled to listen to it:" I don't know, didn't he come to the room last night?"

Swara:" He does but I didn't find him in room after my awakening.." She leaves her breakfast and that worst dream again holding her mind.

Laksh notices this:" Don't worry! I'm calling him.. Wait a minute " he takes out phone from his pocket and call him.

Laksh asks from Sanskar where's he? Sanskar replies something, Laksh listens to his reply and disconnects the call.

He turns to Swara:" Don't worry Bhabhi! He was with Shanaya to make a plan to arrange grand party for the celebration of this successful deal"

Swara feels heat in her heart after hearing the name of Shanaya. Lurking fear is again taking place in her heart.

She leaves the breakfast and takes the juice only.

Ragini:" Swara! Take breakfast completely... I'm observing, you're not taking care yourself, if you don't finish breakfast, I'll complain to mom"

Swara smiles to see her concern and takes her breakfast uninterestingly.

Shanaya has come and she's busy with Sanskar. Swara is disturbed to see them together while Ragini and Laksh are trying to cheer her up but they're failed.Laksh calls Sanskar:" Bhai! Listen.."

Not only Sanskar, Shanaya also comes to them.

She meets with Swara and introduces herself to Ragini.

Laksh:" Bhai! Look to your wife, her mood is off, we're trying hard to cheer her up. But now it's your turn. Go and cheer her up your wife.."

Ragini also follows his words:" Jiju! I think Swara is angry with you, you didn't give time to your wife"

Sanskar smiles:" Hold on... You both attack me at once" he goes to Swara and holds her from shoulders. :" What happen Swara? Are you feeling bothered? Sorry but you've to enjoy with Ragini and lucky... I'm sorry sweetheart"

Swara nods in yes and smiles to see Shanaya like she wanna show her that look he only cares for me.

Shanaya smiles to see her expression and signs Sanskar that she's going back to work, you stay here.

Sanskar nods and accompanies to them, but he turns to listen to a familiar voice:" Congratulations Mr. Maheshwari to get the deal of dead elephant" Laksh and Sanskar feels bitter to see the new guests of their hotel.

She comes to Swara:" Hey! Do you remember me"

Swara tries to memorize her, she met with her in her reception but doesn't remind her name.

The girl again says:" Its ok! I'm Meera Malhotra, do you get now?"

Swara smiles to meet her, her husband is also greeted them. Sanskar fumes because of their arrival.

Sanskar turns to Laksh:" You take Swara and Ragini to visit the city, they might bother there, I wanna deal with my guests"

Laksh nods but Swara  again wants to stay with him.:" Sanskar! I don't..."Sanskar raises his hand:" I said go with lucky" he completes his words in the cold voice which numbs her heart. She silently nods and goes with Ragini and Laksh.

Sanskar turns to them:" Why are you come here? As I remember, I didn't invite you"

Ram Malhotra comes to him:" You forgot Mr. Maheshwari, Maharaj's daughter is getting marry with my nephew, so he invited us..."

Shanaya comes to them and listens to his words:" Ok! Then you both go their portions because this is our hotel now.."

Meera:" Oh! Ours? You still feel some right on Sanskar... Chu Chu, Shanaya! He slept with you and married with some another girl"

Sanskar grinned and turned to her:" Don't cross your limit you both of you, otherwise I'll remind you that I'm feeding you, and you're not more than the pig in front of me whose livelihood is depending on me" he says in the cold voice.

Ram fumes and goes from there after listening to it.

Meera is about to follow her husband but stop for a minute and takes her lips close to his ear:" And yeah! I also get the call of your doctor who gave message for you  that you shouldn't take sleeping pills more, otherwise, you'll lose your memory.... Chu Chu.. Your pure wife can't allow an impure husband to touch her"Sanskar hardly controls himself and just says in a cold voice:" Don't you worry Mrs. Malhotra! I'll remember your words and gives you a strong reply, now you can leave"

Meera winks him and leaves her place. Shanaya comes and controls him:" Take a deep breath Sanskar!... 3...2..1.. And exhale" Sanskar looks her and exhales his breath gently.

Some friends are really like your shadow, whenever you feel exhausted, it always show you your path without any complains or conditions.

He touches her face and softly says:" Thank you"

Shanaya smiles:" Thanks! for what?"

Sanskar:" For everything Shanaya!"

Sanskar:" Hey don't be sentimental, look! Your life is set now with your life, I know it's not perfect, but it'll be, I'm working on my mission and I'm also happy in my life, as I observe, Swara is changing, if she'll not be happy with you, I promise, I'll do what you'll say to me..." She holds his shoulder:" You get your dream, I know everything can't be perfect but this is we're who can adjust in this imperfect life with perfection"

A layer of sadness comes in his heart, but he kicks out this emotion from his heart and presses her hands softly and leaves them.


Our surrounding can easily change our mind, our emotions and our feelings. But sometimes, weather of our heart changes the affect of surrounding. Her weather of heart is replete with the mixture of jealousy, love, and hate at a same time.

She sees Shanaya and Sanskar together, he's busy with her and she feels the extreme heat in her heart after watching them together. Laksh asks her for the visiting main places of the city, but she refuses to go with them, in her emotions, she forgot to protect Ragini and this is also that she now believes on Laksh that he's different from his brother.

She's sitting in the lawn of palace near the pond, there's set an artificial waterfall which waters fall in the pond. She puts her hands in the pond, all surroundings are covered with greenery and lots of flowers. Some of the flowers are fallen in the pond which fragrance is spreading everywhere in the lawn.

She's trying to feel the cold water in her palms but her mind isn't present there, she's continuously thinking about Sanskar, what's he doing now.  She wanna go to him and absorbs him in her heart. Now she's understanding that why people want to stay with that person whom they love.

She reminds the words of Sanskar when he said to him that she isn't allowed to go anywhere from his sight. After thinking that, a pink color comes in her cheeks which enhance her beauty in this beautiful surrounding.

Someone shakes her shoulder, she turns and finds Meera there.

Meera:" Hey! Are you alone there?"

Swara has reserved girl who doesn't free with stranger, so she simply nods her head in yes.Meera sits with her, she wonders how is she wearing sleeveless top in this cold weather.  Meera:" Where's your husband? I'm really feel sorry to see you alone in this beautiful place"

Swara smiles sadly and says:" He's busy in work"

Meera:" No.. He's busy with that Shanaya, if you want your husband, then you should keep him away from the shadow of Shanaya... Well! They both are same, he also used the women and throw them, I wondered  when I heard he married with you"

Suspense is raises in her heart after hearing this, she talks with Meera just for the sake of suspense:" Do you know them?"

Meera:" Yeah! We know them from long time" she says bitterly which taste is dissolve in her words and Swara can also feel from her words.

Swara:" Then why didn't they like you?"Meera disturbs to listen her question but she controls her emotions:" Actually... They understand that I know their secret so they don't want to disclose secret of their past..." She says in a way of creating suspense.

Swara:" What was that secret?"

Meera is about to say something but she stops to hear the voice of Sanskar.

A broad smile comes on Swara's face after hearing his voice.

He goes to her and holds her from shoulders:" Why didn't you go with Laksh?" He says softly like flow of water which is falling in the ocean of her emotions.

Swara more closes to him and says:" I came here with you, not with Laksh" he can feel the complain in her voice. A wifely right on him to complain.

Sanskar tickles her lock behind her ears and turns to Meera:" I wanna spend some time with my wife, will you please excuse us?"

Meera nods and leaves and he holds her tight, more tight that she feels the problem in breathing because of his tight grip but this time she really likes his grip around her body.

Sanskar says slowly in her ears:" I'm noticing that now you're so much complaining from me and also didn't fear

from me, I think tonight I should remind you everything" Swara looks into his eyes and says boldly:" I don't fear from you more because I trust you, you never give me a pain"

Sanskar's eyes are widened just because of her words of courage, he rubs his palm on her cheek and kisses softly on her neck.

Swara pushes him and turns her back from him.

Sanskar laughs to see her act:" What happened sweetheart? Now where's your courage? You're still fear from me, but its ok! I like it because it reminds you that there's no chance of betrayal"

He says and comes to her, she turns to him and wanna says that this time she pushed him because of shyness, not because of fear.

He goes to her:" I'm bit busy in the opening ceremony of hotel, I know you feel uncomfortable here, but don't worry. I'll try my best to company you, but until, you've to adjust my dear"

He says and leaves his place, she turns and wanna stops him.

Swara to herself:" Don't worry Swara! You're the wife of Sanskar! So you've to adjust with his busy schedule, now cheer up" she sees the reflection of her in the water of pond and smiles to see her sindoor which is evident that wherever he go, only she has right on him.

Swasan A path hate to love ep 23

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 16, 2016 with 19 comments
Recap:"Swasan and Raglak on the journey, sanskar takes swara for his hotel".
Swara:" Who said you like that Sanskar? If our partner is unable to do anything, it doesn't mean that our spouse will seek opportunity from outside, Sanskar! Never think like that, please. Husband-wife relationship is mean to stay with each other in every thick and thin"
Sanskar looks her and sighs, a sad smile comes to his face which can't reflect in his eyes. He stops the jeep and turns to her.
She's surprised  by stopping the jeep:" What happened Sanskar?"
Sanskar looks her lovingly with the emotions of helplessness. He touches her face and says:" I forgot, you're not like her"
Swara holds his hand and looks into his eyes:" Like whom Sanskar?"
Sanskar:" My wife... My ex-wife"
Swara leaves his hand and steps back from her place.
Swara whispers:" He was married"
She turns to him and asks again that maybe she listened wrong:"you said your wife... You were married.. You didn't tell me"
Sanskar feels the pain in her eyes:" Yes! I was married. But this was my past Swara, you're my present and you'll be my future... you don't need to worry about it.... and question about telling you.. you did not ask, I did not tell..."
Swara leans her head on the seat and looks outside from the window. He starts the car and the very deep silence again take place between them. 
Swara and Sanskar reach the palace. Swara is surprised to view the beauty of palace because she never saw this type of place before in her life. The enticing beauty of palace makes her forget her pain for a moment but after watching her man, she memorizes the pain again.
It's evening time when they arrive. Sanskar introduces her from The family members of Maharaj. He goes to sign a deal and she's left with Ragini and Laksh.
Ragini:" Swara! This place is so beautiful, before your arrival, Laksh visited me the main places of palace, but it's still unexplored.." Ragini is saying excitedly while Swara hardly smiles to hear her words.
Laksh:" Ok! Let's go, ladies, I'll make you visit this palace, which will gonna be our in few minutes..." He bows down to them, Ragini smiles to see his posture while Swara is still in pain to remember the words of Sanskar.
Swara:" Laksh! You carry on with Ragini, actually, I didn't sleep last night, I feel exhausted. Excuse me"
She hardly controls her emotions. Lakes leads her to the room, which was already reserved for them.
After they leave, she closes the door and falls herself on a bed.
Echoes of his words is echoing in his mind... Sleeping partner of Shanaya is also married... She feels extreme pain to think that he touched many women in his life. She reminds the word of werewolf... "if he's werewolf.. How can he adjust without flesh... If he's not touching me... Then..."
She can't complete the sentence, she holds her mouth to stop the screaming. Her sobbing is increasing in every moment. " Sanskar!!... Come to me. I need you... I know you're bad... But this is also true. I cant help myself to stop this feeling... Dont do it again..... Don't go away from me..."
She's hugging the pillow tightly and her tears are absorbing in the soft cotton of a pillow. 
She bends her legs and puts her head on her knees. Her screaming is stopped but this time, tears are flowing silently from her eyes. The royal palace becomes witness of the pain of this innocent angel who is shedding tears just because to think that his husband was not only his.
She suddenly lifts her head from her knees and takes out her mobile from her bag.
She needs her husband so much. If she can't find him, she feels she'll die with this pain. She calls Sanskar. After two rings of the bell, he attends the call. :" Yes Swara! Do you need something?"
Swara wipes her tears and says:" Yes!"
Sanskar:" What?"
Swara:" You!"
 She can  hear the silent of him for a minute from another side. Then he says:" I'm coming"
She disconnects the call and wait for her husband.
After five minutes, he knocks the door, she immediately opens the door and let him come inside. After he comes inside, she closes the door before him.
Sanskar:" What happened Swara? Are you ok?"
Swara says nothing and holds his hands. She gently drags him and makes him sit on the bed.
Swara:" I know our marriage isn't based on love, care and this type of morality based things.."
He can easily feels the mixture of tears in her voice but he wants to let her complete her words.
Swara continues:" I don't know about you everything... But...( she doesn't understand how to express her feelings) this doesn't matter what situation was of our marriage.  But it means to me... If it means to me then definitely... It also matter to me... That..."
She looks into his eyes, he's still watching her silently and listen to her words carefully.
She again says:" That. That either you're loyal to me... Or not"
Sanskar takes his breath to listens to her words and cups her face:" Look Swara! I'm so soo much bad... No.. If I say worst then it'll be suitable for me.... I have a choice to tell you to lie about everything. But this wasn't my style... If I say. I want loyalty from you. Believe me, this rule is also applied on me. So don't worry in this matter from me"
Sanskar leaves her face and gets up from the bed:" I think you're clear now.... I should leave"
Swara holds his hand:" Don't go anywhere"
Sanskar:" You didn't take anything after breakfast. Take a meal...and I'm with you forever"
Swara:" I'm tired Sanskar... I don't want to eat anything, please... Stay with me..."
Sanskar smiles sadly:" You're testing my patience Swara... Well, I've lots of work tonight... So you're safe" by saying this Sanskar goes to her and holds her.
She silently keeps her head on his chest:" Don't go until I'll fall asleep"
Sanskar nods and holds her tight. She was crying for long so it doesn't take a time to fall her asleep.
After a while he feels rhythm of slow voice of her breathing close to his chest. He knows very well, if he stays more there then he definitely lose control from himself because it's first time, he's controlling himself for long.
He gently keeps her head on pillow and takes out from the room.
