Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 42

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 17, 2016 with 21 comments
Recap:" Swara started her mission to change her husband"

The triumph of victory is beating in her heart and she looks herself in mirror and smiles brightly.

This wasn't her first moment of intimacy with Sanskar but last two were painful but this time her soul is replete

with sweet pleasure.

She comes out from room and finds Sanskar to talk with anyone but she amuses to see him talking with dog.

She is sure that it's Denny and now Shanaya would make him agree with her but on the other side, she also feels

guilty because of her inner devil.

She jerks all negative thoughts in her heart and steps forward to Sanskar.

Sanskar caresses his dog and talking with it slowly:" How was my baby? Did you miss me?"

She smiles to see his concern to anyone except Shanaya and Laksh.

A servant comes there and asks them to come on dining table.

They understand that Laksh and Ragini are waiting for them.

They both go downstairs together, The new shine of her eyes and relax face of Sanskar are clearly shown this

couple calmness to everyone.

Shanaya snd Laksh look each other and sign each others something.

Swara goes to Shanaya and hugs her:" Thanks and sorry..."

Shanaya looks her questionably:" For what?"

Swara sighs:" Long story, I would tell you after breakfast"

Shanaya nods and after breakfast, Swara calls Shanaya to come in her room and then she clears  everything about

her jealousy.

Shanaya laughs to listen her:" You're such a mad... I know it's natural to be jealous and don't worry about Sanskar,

this is not first time I'm dealing with him, I can make him agree... So don't feel guilty because of us... This is normal

in friends.."

Swara:" I thought he never forgive anyone"

Shanaya:" Yes he never, but this rule isn't apply on those who are near to him"

Swara smiles:" You're lucky that he's so much care to you and without any close relationship, you're so close to


Shanaya smiles bitterly:" Dear! This is not god gifted, I suffered a lot to reach on this level... You found him in this

condition, he was animal before some years"

If Swara doesn't love him then she must thought that he's still animal but she doesn't think like that.

Swara:" Yeah! You didn't tell the incident how you both met and how you reach at this level?"

Shanaya:" Long story..."

Swara:" I've lots of time.."

Shanaya smiles:" Ok then listen.."

It was the time when Sanskar managed his hotel and he was gaining good reputation of his first hotel. That time he

invited his friend Vicky to come his hotel and manage conset of him in his hotel.

That time, she didn't know that Sanskar would be the owner of Morning Star. She possessed the name of Shanaya,

Sanskar boggled to see her with Vicky because he knew very well the "relationship" between Vicky and his


He called her with the name of "Anjali" but she refused to recognize him. That time he didn't utter any word to


Vicky performed very well in concert and they were celebrating party.

But after party, Vicky went to his new girlfriend, she was lonely in her room, so she went outside and saw Sanskar

was there.

Sanskar was smoking and because of smoking, he coughed again and again.

Sanskar saw her:" Don't you have night duty now?"

Shanaya scowled to listen him:" You should stay nice to me"

Sanskar bowed down:" I'm not nice, the how can I behave nicely?"

Shanaya nodded and about to turn but Sanskar stopped her:" Anjali.."

She unintentionally moved to him and he smiled victoriously:" Why don't you confess that you're Anjali"

She gasped and said nothing.

Sanskar:" Ok! I wouldn't ask you anything... Would you like to celebrate with me?"

Shanaya lifted her eyebrow:" Which type of celebration?"

Sanskar :" Offcourse I wouldn't ask you one cup of coffee.. I like to  drink old wine with you"

Shanaya nodded and gave her place to come in her room.

Both started hanging out and that night, they told each other about everything, every pain of their past.

After a heavy hang over, they fell asleep and awoke in next morning.

Both looked each others and burst out laughing.

They talked so much and then Sanskar made deal with her.


"Shanaya.." She cut his words.

Sanskar:" Yes Shanaya..." .

Shanaya:" Hmmm.."

Sanskar:" Work for me..."

Shanaya:" Which type of work?"

Sanskar:" Which you're doing with Vicky"

Shanaya:" As secretary..."

Sanskar nodded in no:" I can't do *** with my secretary... I need personal prostitute, to be honest, I can't play with

you game of emotion emotion that you're my friend, I need a girl so you should help me etc etc or become my

worker and I would f*** you... It's better to make a deal, because I can only trust you, so I'll give you what you

want and work for me"

Shanaya looked him with bit shock but then smiled bitterly:" Oh... This is a deal.. This is not first time someone

wants this type of things from me but I would work for you because I want to take revenge from those rascals, you

showed me the path now you've to lead me too and you stay honest to me... So it would be deal between us.."

Sanskar extended his hand and held her:" So deal has done now... But you've to do work from today..."

Sanskar taught her many things. Main thing blackmailing because he used her many times because of this purpose.

She saw his every shade, sometimes it was become very difficult to handle him specially when he was drunk. Even

she cleaned his vomiting because of hangover many times.

Swara looks her with shock:" You really did this...?"

Shanaya nodded:" Because of shortage of time, I can't give you details about everything but this story was not so

simple you're saying but it took so much from me to reach at this level"

Swara understands her situation and hugs her:" Aren't you angry with me?",

Shanaya:" Nay.. We're friends now... Aren't we?"

Swara nods:" Yes! We're..."


Swara is at her room and choosing dress for night's function when Sanskar comes inside the room.

She glances him and pretends to him that she's busy in work and hides her face into wardrobe.

He suddenly holds her arm and pulls her towards him.

Sanskar slowly pulls her lock:" Why are you hiding your face?"

Swara nods:" I didn't..."

Sanskar moves to her slowly and whispers in her ear:" Instead in wardrobe, you should hide your face somewhere


Swara:" Huh?" She looks him questionably..

He points out to his chest:" There..."

She smiles brightly to see his act and slowly puts her head in his chest.

Swara whispers his name slowly:" Sanskar..."

Sanskar lifts her face slowly, she looks into his eyes:" Always be like this Sanskar... My father didn't say any harsh

word to me, I'm not used to all this, but I tolerated all this because of our relationship... But I want we live our life

like normal couple..."

Sanskar touches her face:" Why are you behaving like this Swara? Shanaya told you everything... But you didn't say

anything... What's the reason?"

Swara downs her eyes:" I would tell you at right time"

Sanskar leaves her slowly:" I'll wait for your answer.... But remember that I don't like if anybody show sympathy to


Swara sighs:" It's not sympathy" she says in low voice.

Sanskar takes out his dress from wardrobe:" It shouldn't be.."

Swara again sees him and a deep silence is taking place in her heart, suddenly her heart disgusted by everything.

Swara wanted to divert her mind towards this nameless sadness which is placing in her heart.

Sanskar takes out white collar shirt and vest with black dress pent.

Swara sits on a chair and calls him again:" Sanskar..."

Sanskar turns to her and she says:" If I wouldn't attend this party?"

Sanskar's face expresses his offence towards her words:" Swara! We've to attend this",

Swara nods:" I can understand.. But don't know why, but I feel sad, or something bad... Don't know"

Sanskar looks her and sighs:" Come for sometime, if you wouldn't feel comfortable there, then you can leave that


Swara:" Would we leave together?"

Sanskar shakes his hand:" I would have to be present in all party"

Swara nods:" Ok... But don't be so late please"

Sanskar now goes to her, sits with her and slowly hugs her:" If you want, then you can Delhi with your parents,

Laksh and Ragini would also leave Mysore, I've also work here, I sound come next week"

Swara feels mire sadness to listen him and tightens her grip:" I wouldn't go... I would go when you would go there,

otherwise no..."

Sanskar touches her face:" You would feel better.."

Swara says in stubborn tune:" No means no.."

Sanskar smiles:" You're so Stubborn"

Swara:" It's the reward of your company",

Sanskar:" And in the company of Shanaya, you're answering me nowadays"

Swara:" Is this bad?"

Sanskar:" No..." He leaves her and stands up from his place, she holds his hands:" Stay with me for few minutes


Sanskar looks her and first time he thinks that this girl is also very mysterious but this mystery also doesn't know

about the myth of her.

He slowly hugs her again and says slowly :" You should be disciplined Swara! My life is passing with the clock and

you just want to stay still"

Swara:" Don't know, I don't like the changing so much... Maybe I'm like old school but sometimes I want to hold

the moment, just like now I want to do so..." She's saying near his chest.

This wasn't so much silent night, there is nothing like romantic but sometimes silence make everything deep but

heavy and silence of their hearts are doing same.

After few minutes, both depart from each others, Swara asks him to choose a dress for her.

He chooses black gown for her and both get change.

When both come inside together, many people look them with jealousy and likeness. She holds his hand but

instead of giving her his hand, he puts his arm around her waist with all his rights.

Both come down, Swara meets with her parents, Sanskar also takes blessing from them.

But both boggle to see Sanskar's family there, she invited them but Sanskar allowed her to invite them because he

didn't expect that they would come in real.

Swara comes to them and takes blessing of Sujata, Sujata introduces her to all family members.

Sanskar is looking them from distance and he doesn't want to go to them. He sees them after a long long time and

they come to him to their own. Sanskar tries to control his pain but this pain is increasing in every moment. Durga

Prasad's voice is beating his mind and he wanted to get his family again many times in in these years, but were not

with him, he wants to ask them why do they come now when he's settled in his life and has his own family but the

pain of his head isn't allowing him to do so.

Swara looks him in this state and shouts his name:" Sanskar.."