Soo lets start...
Episode 7
Swasan were sleeping in each other arms hugging thigtly...soon sanskar sleep got disturb by swara continuously moving she was hiding herself more in sanskar because of sunray which was disturbing her beautiful sleep....
He opened his eyes only to see swara nuzzling more in his neck.. he smiled seeing her behavior he was soo happy to get her... her few hair strand were disturbing his beutiful view and tucked behind her ear...he was soo happy and lucky to get her, how can she forgive the person so easily who try to destroye her life who is the reason behind her n laksh sepration not only that He is the reason that she had not her father whom she got after 20 years, but only because of him he throwed her out and also bad mouthed her... only because of his stupid revenge she is suffering he was guilty beacuse he is the one who had changed ragini for his own benifits... he is so lucky that she forgave him and is happy to have her in his life as his wife... he never thought he will be so lucky to get her and to fall in love again...
Thinking all this and also about his deed a lone tear escaped from his eyes which felt on swara cheek he thight his grip more on her to make sure she is near him and mostly with him in his embrace.... Feeling his Grip n tear on her cheek she opened her eyes and found sanskar lost in his World so that He didnt even relized she is wake now but she was shocked to see his tear... she immediately cupped his face almost laying on him with her touch he came back from his world...
Sw: (concerned) sanskar what happend (he looked at her with teary eye) and why are u crying han (he was looking at her with love making her confused n concerned about his sudden behaviour) kya hua plzz tell me na sanskar why are u scaring me (even she had Tears in her eyes seeing him like this)
Seeing her teary eyes he immediately hugged her thigtly making her shocked n confused on his behaviour but still she hugged him...
Sw: sanskar what happend
sw: (shocked but happy to listen his confession) I will never leave u sanskar but what happend why are u asking sorry? (About to braek the Hug but he thight his grip)
San: (still hugging her) for hurting you so badly I am the reason only behind ur sadness swara you craved for father love from 20 years and when u finally got him I seprated u from him with ragini I am only the reason for ragini changed behaviour towards you if I was not there u maybe lived happily with ur family and love, because of my stupid revenge I destroyed every relation ur ma baba's yours with ur Baba and with ragini beacuse of me she is hating u soo much that she tried to kill you even I am the reason that everyone is pointing Finger on your Charakter why swara why did u forgave why didnt u gave me any punishmant for destroying ur beutiful life why swara why...
She Broke the hug and both sat on bed facing each other...
Sw: I know sanskar u did wrong infact very wrong with me but you also relized ur mistake on time but still I dont know how could I easily forgave u (he looked at her in confuse way) yeah sanskar even I dont know how could I forgave so easily I mean I forgave the person who gave me drugs who tried to destroye my Charakter infront everyone (now he was guilty for hurting her) but the day u saved me from mohani who came to kill me on that day u proved yourself that u are not that much bad and when u shared your pain with me that day I came to know the reason behind ur pain that why I forgave u sanskar (he looked at her with full of love) and know coming to ragini sanskar she is not a 5 year old kid to whom we have to Show right and wrong path sanskar u may have used for ur own benifits sanskar but she was enough mature to know what is wrong and right she was soo madly in love with laksh or I can Obsessed with his love that she didnt relised that she is ready to kill her own sister u just gave her a way to get her love and even u tried to stop her but she didnt stoped...
San: but I seprated u from ur Baba na
Sw: hmmm but u know what sanskar I am happy that u came in my life to take ur revenge because of u only I came to know how stupid I was till know like u said I craved for father love from 20 years, u know seeing my Shop children father I wanted to know how also those feeling the bond between father n doughter I was searching for his love that I didnt relized ma n dida gave me all love which I wanted ma n dida protected me like a father from everyone they loved me as doughter they gave me love like best friend they gave me love of sister I got every relation through ma n dida today I relized how stupid I was... and why I am happy its because sanskar he is not in life now I know its was Difficult for him to trust me but he could had atleast gave me a chance to Prove myself instend giving me a chance be blamed me insulted me infront felt ashamed to have.. I know for father their respect is important but still they can atleast trust their doughter I am not saying all father are like this but most father are like this hearing something Bad about their doughter they felt a shamed to have a doughter so that why I have no feelings for him or u can say now I myself dont wane have a father I am happy what I have my dear I hope this is enough of lecture (cupped his face) dont need to be guilty
He smiled at her n hugged her... both were hugging each other soon they broke the hug and sanskar kissed on her forehead surprising her...
Soon they got ready n left for breakfast they were happy know in their life...
Its been week since to their marrige and they were happy swara was also start having feeling for sanskar...
At breakfast table...
Everyone were having their breakfast When raglak start speaking their nonsenses about swasan marrige that their marrige his fake making swasan angry on them...
Rag: Papa J I am still saying that they are faking their marrige
Lak: even I am ragini side papa by filling someone maang it doesnt Prove that they are not faking
Dp: but laksh they Proved na
Lak: Papa what if it was their New Drama
San: (angry) oh just Shut up laksh I didnt that u were this much childish
Lak: sanskar
San: what sanskar han I am fed up of this daily Drama why cant u let us live happily what is ur problem laksh why the hell can u just move on without thinking about my wife
Ap: sanskar this is not a way to talk
San: why not badi ma laksh n ragini can speak whatever they want about my wife n about our relation And i cant even say him anything n u (before He could speak more a Post man came)
Pm: can I meet mr sanskar maheshwari
San: yes its me
Pm: Sir u paper
San: thanks
Soon the Post man left giving the Envelope he opened and seeing the paper he smiled at swara n smirked looking at laksh.. he went towards the table and handover laksh the paper shocking him...
San: (gave the Envelope to him) I hope u will get ur answer seeing the paper of ur question my dear lucky and now I hope u n ur wife will stop this daily Drama if not then wait (he stood up n Took from other table a photo frame n made it empty took paper from laksh n Put the paper in picture frame n again handover to laksh making everyone confuse) now take this this is ur n and ur wife daily Dose whenever u both get panick attack just see this paper n dont worry I will say to ramu kaka to Hang this frame in ur room so that u wont forgett
Suj: what Kind paper are this sanskar
San: my n swara marrige Certificate mom I hope now will point on our marrige n my dear if u still not satifyed then I am really sorry to say but just go to doctor n take ur wife with u
Dp: sanskar
San: sorry bade papa swara Come lets go (both went to their room shocking everyone)
Swasan room..
Sw: sanskar what was that
San: nothing swara
Sw: nothing like seriously sanskar u know how much angry they are on u now
San: it doesnt matter me
Sw: but its matter me sanskar I dont wane see hatred in their eyes for u
San: ok I am sorry its just I wanted to settle our score for hurting u I am sorry
Sw: why sorry han I am happy to see ur suport for me
Saying this she hugged him happily even he hugged her back...
Precap: swara jealousy
Episode 7
Swasan were sleeping in each other arms hugging thigtly...soon sanskar sleep got disturb by swara continuously moving she was hiding herself more in sanskar because of sunray which was disturbing her beautiful sleep....
He opened his eyes only to see swara nuzzling more in his neck.. he smiled seeing her behavior he was soo happy to get her... her few hair strand were disturbing his beutiful view and tucked behind her ear...he was soo happy and lucky to get her, how can she forgive the person so easily who try to destroye her life who is the reason behind her n laksh sepration not only that He is the reason that she had not her father whom she got after 20 years, but only because of him he throwed her out and also bad mouthed her... only because of his stupid revenge she is suffering he was guilty beacuse he is the one who had changed ragini for his own benifits... he is so lucky that she forgave him and is happy to have her in his life as his wife... he never thought he will be so lucky to get her and to fall in love again...
Thinking all this and also about his deed a lone tear escaped from his eyes which felt on swara cheek he thight his grip more on her to make sure she is near him and mostly with him in his embrace.... Feeling his Grip n tear on her cheek she opened her eyes and found sanskar lost in his World so that He didnt even relized she is wake now but she was shocked to see his tear... she immediately cupped his face almost laying on him with her touch he came back from his world...
Sw: (concerned) sanskar what happend (he looked at her with teary eye) and why are u crying han (he was looking at her with love making her confused n concerned about his sudden behaviour) kya hua plzz tell me na sanskar why are u scaring me (even she had Tears in her eyes seeing him like this)
Seeing her teary eyes he immediately hugged her thigtly making her shocked n confused on his behaviour but still she hugged him...
Sw: sanskar what happend
sw: (shocked but happy to listen his confession) I will never leave u sanskar but what happend why are u asking sorry? (About to braek the Hug but he thight his grip)
San: (still hugging her) for hurting you so badly I am the reason only behind ur sadness swara you craved for father love from 20 years and when u finally got him I seprated u from him with ragini I am only the reason for ragini changed behaviour towards you if I was not there u maybe lived happily with ur family and love, because of my stupid revenge I destroyed every relation ur ma baba's yours with ur Baba and with ragini beacuse of me she is hating u soo much that she tried to kill you even I am the reason that everyone is pointing Finger on your Charakter why swara why did u forgave why didnt u gave me any punishmant for destroying ur beutiful life why swara why...
She Broke the hug and both sat on bed facing each other...
Sw: I know sanskar u did wrong infact very wrong with me but you also relized ur mistake on time but still I dont know how could I easily forgave u (he looked at her in confuse way) yeah sanskar even I dont know how could I forgave so easily I mean I forgave the person who gave me drugs who tried to destroye my Charakter infront everyone (now he was guilty for hurting her) but the day u saved me from mohani who came to kill me on that day u proved yourself that u are not that much bad and when u shared your pain with me that day I came to know the reason behind ur pain that why I forgave u sanskar (he looked at her with full of love) and know coming to ragini sanskar she is not a 5 year old kid to whom we have to Show right and wrong path sanskar u may have used for ur own benifits sanskar but she was enough mature to know what is wrong and right she was soo madly in love with laksh or I can Obsessed with his love that she didnt relised that she is ready to kill her own sister u just gave her a way to get her love and even u tried to stop her but she didnt stoped...
San: but I seprated u from ur Baba na
Sw: hmmm but u know what sanskar I am happy that u came in my life to take ur revenge because of u only I came to know how stupid I was till know like u said I craved for father love from 20 years, u know seeing my Shop children father I wanted to know how also those feeling the bond between father n doughter I was searching for his love that I didnt relized ma n dida gave me all love which I wanted ma n dida protected me like a father from everyone they loved me as doughter they gave me love like best friend they gave me love of sister I got every relation through ma n dida today I relized how stupid I was... and why I am happy its because sanskar he is not in life now I know its was Difficult for him to trust me but he could had atleast gave me a chance to Prove myself instend giving me a chance be blamed me insulted me infront felt ashamed to have.. I know for father their respect is important but still they can atleast trust their doughter I am not saying all father are like this but most father are like this hearing something Bad about their doughter they felt a shamed to have a doughter so that why I have no feelings for him or u can say now I myself dont wane have a father I am happy what I have my dear I hope this is enough of lecture (cupped his face) dont need to be guilty
He smiled at her n hugged her... both were hugging each other soon they broke the hug and sanskar kissed on her forehead surprising her...
Soon they got ready n left for breakfast they were happy know in their life...
Its been week since to their marrige and they were happy swara was also start having feeling for sanskar...
At breakfast table...
Everyone were having their breakfast When raglak start speaking their nonsenses about swasan marrige that their marrige his fake making swasan angry on them...
Rag: Papa J I am still saying that they are faking their marrige
Lak: even I am ragini side papa by filling someone maang it doesnt Prove that they are not faking
Dp: but laksh they Proved na
Lak: Papa what if it was their New Drama
San: (angry) oh just Shut up laksh I didnt that u were this much childish
Lak: sanskar
San: what sanskar han I am fed up of this daily Drama why cant u let us live happily what is ur problem laksh why the hell can u just move on without thinking about my wife
Ap: sanskar this is not a way to talk
San: why not badi ma laksh n ragini can speak whatever they want about my wife n about our relation And i cant even say him anything n u (before He could speak more a Post man came)
Pm: can I meet mr sanskar maheshwari
San: yes its me
Pm: Sir u paper
San: thanks
Soon the Post man left giving the Envelope he opened and seeing the paper he smiled at swara n smirked looking at laksh.. he went towards the table and handover laksh the paper shocking him...
San: (gave the Envelope to him) I hope u will get ur answer seeing the paper of ur question my dear lucky and now I hope u n ur wife will stop this daily Drama if not then wait (he stood up n Took from other table a photo frame n made it empty took paper from laksh n Put the paper in picture frame n again handover to laksh making everyone confuse) now take this this is ur n and ur wife daily Dose whenever u both get panick attack just see this paper n dont worry I will say to ramu kaka to Hang this frame in ur room so that u wont forgett
Suj: what Kind paper are this sanskar
San: my n swara marrige Certificate mom I hope now will point on our marrige n my dear if u still not satifyed then I am really sorry to say but just go to doctor n take ur wife with u
Dp: sanskar
San: sorry bade papa swara Come lets go (both went to their room shocking everyone)
Swasan room..
Sw: sanskar what was that
San: nothing swara
Sw: nothing like seriously sanskar u know how much angry they are on u now
San: it doesnt matter me
Sw: but its matter me sanskar I dont wane see hatred in their eyes for u
San: ok I am sorry its just I wanted to settle our score for hurting u I am sorry
Sw: why sorry han I am happy to see ur suport for me
Saying this she hugged him happily even he hugged her back...
Precap: swara jealousy