Laksh's POV:
I had already given her injections. But still I wasn't sure about her recovery. When sanskar demanded surety for the cure of her health, I remained numb. I only assured him with my uncertain words. In my mind, I was praying to god for her early recovery. If this injection wouldn't work then her survival would be at stake as we were unable to admit her in the hospital. With the passage of time, our anxiousness was increasing while communication between us was reducing. I didn't know how many minutes had passed. Just then sanskar's phone buzzed & he left the room. I was sitting with the same position in his room & my mind was completely empty. Like when the deep cyclonic storm was created, the calmness & silence induced in its eye zone hinted about the upcoming destruction & devastation, it would follow with it for the future course. I could sense the havoc which was gradually approaching towards us. Just then, before I could react anything, Sanskar came & showed me some photographs & asked me to examine it carefully.
I saw it & it wasn't a mere picture rather a report & indeed the report was of Swara Suryavansi as the name was indicated on the top of the report. Series of thoughts were bulged up in my mind after viewing the report. "How Sanskar was able to get this report?" I thought to ask this question to him but I suppressed my queries. As he was a slayer and collecting information about his targets was his profession. 'But if he had the report, then why didn't he show it to me earlier?', again my mind asked me this question.'Might be he had forgotten about it", came the reply from my brain. Though I didn't get any particular answer to my queries, still I prevented these thoughts from coming to my mind. Right now, it was not the time to analyze from where did the reports come from but to focus upon the result & how this report could be utilized to cure her.
Breaking my series of thoughts, Sanskar asked impatiently,"Laksh! Can we save her now?" I just smiled at him & he hugged me tightly. I could feel the happiness in his facial expression. God was bestowing his immense grace upon us.. So that, the storm, which had risen in our lives, passed peacefully even before conferring any destructive impact. Breaking the hug, he again started firing his questions restlessly,"Laksh! What is the disease? Is it fatal, chronic or evitable disease? Will she be fine? How much time will she take to regain her consciousness?" My face was delighted after viewing his concern for swara, though it wasn't new to me. I replied,"Sanskar! She is facing some chronic alcoholic disorder. Indeed it is fatal. The occurring of swells, cramps & numbness of muscles are the tendencies of this disease. There are medicines prescribed in this report to stop all these happenings. We can now easily save her by getting those medicines. As she is kidnapped, so she is unable to take her doses & this leads to her unconsciousness. As per the report, these doses are mandatory & must be taken regularly to keep her fit." I conveyed him all the information except the exact fatalness of this disease. Still I am unsure about the exact outcome of this disease in future though we had avoided this minor storm.
Breaking my thoughts, he asked me exactly the same question, whose answer I was unable to give. He asked,"What are you trying to say, Laksh? Is she only surviving due to these medicines? If these medicines are stopped then can't she continue her breathing? Answer me Laksh, is this disease evitable or not?" Now I knew that I was surrounded by his queries & there was no way of escaping. So, I answered honestly,"calm down! Exactly I don't know in which disease she is affected. It isn't the whole report but yes! this report shows, it is due to some chronic alcoholic disorder. I need to consult this report with my senior doctors & also will conduct some tests on the basis of this report to get the final outcome. But now, we can save her and don't worry nothing will happen to her." I could sense his restlessness but after listening to my answer, he was a bit relaxed. After all I could guess this after looking to his bodily gestures. I consoled him & rushed out of his room to collect those medicines from the medical stores.
Sanskar's POV:
After getting the report, a feeble smile was generated in my face. But it didn't last long as soon as I heard about the fatal disease. Though Laksh said that she could regain her consciousness, still he couldn't say how chronic was the disease.. However the way he consoled me, had given me a lot of positive vibes. As I was a slayer & roaming outside in daylight might expose my identity. Even I didn't want to leave her in this state. These medicines were specific in nature & couldn't be available in our dark cellular store room. So, finally Laksh went outside to bring them.
I was looking at her angelic face which was looking pale right now. Now I came to know that why she was indifferent to death.. As she was not living but only extending her death. After being a slayer, this was the first instance where I could remind about my mom with a proudful smile. This was exactly what my mom had imagined for me. A simple life dedicated for others, where I could be a saviour, not a slayer. I wanted to thank her. As due to her, I could give my mom a little bit of peace today & could reduce some amount of burden of sins from my bundle of crimes..
Just then Laksh entered & my series of thoughts were broken. He came towards me & handed over those medicines to me & said,"Sanskar! I am sorry but I can't stay here now. As captain has instructed me to complete George's bank account case. But you don't worry. These medicines will cure her for sure & also if I will stay here then after gaining consciousness, she will recognize me. You know na everybody thinks about me as a medical student & nobody knows regarding this secret profession. I hope you will understand. And yes! If any problem will occur, you can call me." I could understand his dilemma. Though I wanted him to stay here till she would regain her consciousness but he had valid points not to stay here. I couldn't repudiate those reasons & allowed him go. Before leaving, he conveyed all the applications of those medicines & also listed all the essentials for her. He waved me good bye & wished me luck & went away.
As soon as he went,I opened the lotions & applied it on her cramps & swells. I broke the tablets & diluted it in water & made her drink it.. After giving her all those medicines, I was resting on the chair.
My son will never be an extortionist like you, Ram. He is my son. I will inculcate all moral values in him.
Your son! Ha! Ha! Ha! Foolish woman! He is my son too. My blood is running inside his veins. He will continue my business. He will be the owner of this trafficking, smuggling and racketing world. He will be ruthless & will be the king of this realm.. You can't stop me.
No Ram! You are mistaken.. He will live a normal life away from your dark world.. You can't make me wrong...
Ram is smiling mischievously..
'I am not an extortionist.. Mom.. Don't listen to him.. Mom! Believe me. Don't go away. I am not a slayer by choice.. Mom.. Don't.. Go.. Stop...'
And I woke up. I was sweating heavily. I looked at her & she was still lying on the bed. It was a dream.. Oh!! I took deep breath. I always proved my mom wrong by accepting this line to destroy that man. But today, I had proved that man wrong by saving her life.. I had humanity.. Humanity of a slayer..
Just then I heard her voice after ages. 'Don't come close to me. Back off. Go away. Don't touch me.' She was repeating these lines in doziness. I rushed towards her & assured her,"You are safe. Don't worry. Nobody will harm you.."& I supported the pillow behind her neck but her action surprised me. She grabbed my hands like she had found solace & security after holding my hands & dozed off. I didn't jerk & allowed her to hold them. I didn't know why I had allowed her in doing that action but indeed it had given me bliss. Finally the deadliest night had passed.. She was sleeping due to the effect of medicines. A few minutes had passed. She was still holding my hands like a small innocent baby. I was looking at her unknowingly without any further thoughts. Like time had stopped there. Like the eternity also wanted to continue this moment for time immemorial.
Just then my phone ringed & I loosened her grips from my hands. It was again the call from captain. I didn't want to disturb her sleep. So, I went outside the room & locked the door & picked up the call. From the other side, captain was saying,"Sanskar! There is a good news. Laksh has done his work. He is successful in transferring the money from George's account. But I am disappointed with your progress. You are unable to trace any information from that girl. So, I have sent my men to search for her father. Till then you have time to pour out as many secrets from her mouth. And yes! If you are unable to do this, then tell me. I will transfer this target to someone else..." My thoughts were blocked after hearing the last line of my captain. 'Transferring this target to someone else'.. It meant.. Pushing her to danger & at stack... I couldn't think about these aspects. So, I asked captain to give me one last chance to prove myself & hung up the call.
I didn't tell her health issues to captain as it would create a backlash effect. Humanity from a slayer wasn't desired here. I was in dilemma. My heart wanted her safety but my mind knew about my destination. "She was a source of illumination, I was a reservoir of destruction. She was a symbol of innocence, I was a replica of violence. If she was dawn then I was dusk." There was nothing common between us & it was wrong to feel for her. My only existence was a ruthless, merciless & invincible slayer.., nothing else..
Credit to: Kashis
I had already given her injections. But still I wasn't sure about her recovery. When sanskar demanded surety for the cure of her health, I remained numb. I only assured him with my uncertain words. In my mind, I was praying to god for her early recovery. If this injection wouldn't work then her survival would be at stake as we were unable to admit her in the hospital. With the passage of time, our anxiousness was increasing while communication between us was reducing. I didn't know how many minutes had passed. Just then sanskar's phone buzzed & he left the room. I was sitting with the same position in his room & my mind was completely empty. Like when the deep cyclonic storm was created, the calmness & silence induced in its eye zone hinted about the upcoming destruction & devastation, it would follow with it for the future course. I could sense the havoc which was gradually approaching towards us. Just then, before I could react anything, Sanskar came & showed me some photographs & asked me to examine it carefully.
I saw it & it wasn't a mere picture rather a report & indeed the report was of Swara Suryavansi as the name was indicated on the top of the report. Series of thoughts were bulged up in my mind after viewing the report. "How Sanskar was able to get this report?" I thought to ask this question to him but I suppressed my queries. As he was a slayer and collecting information about his targets was his profession. 'But if he had the report, then why didn't he show it to me earlier?', again my mind asked me this question.'Might be he had forgotten about it", came the reply from my brain. Though I didn't get any particular answer to my queries, still I prevented these thoughts from coming to my mind. Right now, it was not the time to analyze from where did the reports come from but to focus upon the result & how this report could be utilized to cure her.
Breaking my series of thoughts, Sanskar asked impatiently,"Laksh! Can we save her now?" I just smiled at him & he hugged me tightly. I could feel the happiness in his facial expression. God was bestowing his immense grace upon us.. So that, the storm, which had risen in our lives, passed peacefully even before conferring any destructive impact. Breaking the hug, he again started firing his questions restlessly,"Laksh! What is the disease? Is it fatal, chronic or evitable disease? Will she be fine? How much time will she take to regain her consciousness?" My face was delighted after viewing his concern for swara, though it wasn't new to me. I replied,"Sanskar! She is facing some chronic alcoholic disorder. Indeed it is fatal. The occurring of swells, cramps & numbness of muscles are the tendencies of this disease. There are medicines prescribed in this report to stop all these happenings. We can now easily save her by getting those medicines. As she is kidnapped, so she is unable to take her doses & this leads to her unconsciousness. As per the report, these doses are mandatory & must be taken regularly to keep her fit." I conveyed him all the information except the exact fatalness of this disease. Still I am unsure about the exact outcome of this disease in future though we had avoided this minor storm.
Breaking my thoughts, he asked me exactly the same question, whose answer I was unable to give. He asked,"What are you trying to say, Laksh? Is she only surviving due to these medicines? If these medicines are stopped then can't she continue her breathing? Answer me Laksh, is this disease evitable or not?" Now I knew that I was surrounded by his queries & there was no way of escaping. So, I answered honestly,"calm down! Exactly I don't know in which disease she is affected. It isn't the whole report but yes! this report shows, it is due to some chronic alcoholic disorder. I need to consult this report with my senior doctors & also will conduct some tests on the basis of this report to get the final outcome. But now, we can save her and don't worry nothing will happen to her." I could sense his restlessness but after listening to my answer, he was a bit relaxed. After all I could guess this after looking to his bodily gestures. I consoled him & rushed out of his room to collect those medicines from the medical stores.
Sanskar's POV:
After getting the report, a feeble smile was generated in my face. But it didn't last long as soon as I heard about the fatal disease. Though Laksh said that she could regain her consciousness, still he couldn't say how chronic was the disease.. However the way he consoled me, had given me a lot of positive vibes. As I was a slayer & roaming outside in daylight might expose my identity. Even I didn't want to leave her in this state. These medicines were specific in nature & couldn't be available in our dark cellular store room. So, finally Laksh went outside to bring them.
I was looking at her angelic face which was looking pale right now. Now I came to know that why she was indifferent to death.. As she was not living but only extending her death. After being a slayer, this was the first instance where I could remind about my mom with a proudful smile. This was exactly what my mom had imagined for me. A simple life dedicated for others, where I could be a saviour, not a slayer. I wanted to thank her. As due to her, I could give my mom a little bit of peace today & could reduce some amount of burden of sins from my bundle of crimes..
Just then Laksh entered & my series of thoughts were broken. He came towards me & handed over those medicines to me & said,"Sanskar! I am sorry but I can't stay here now. As captain has instructed me to complete George's bank account case. But you don't worry. These medicines will cure her for sure & also if I will stay here then after gaining consciousness, she will recognize me. You know na everybody thinks about me as a medical student & nobody knows regarding this secret profession. I hope you will understand. And yes! If any problem will occur, you can call me." I could understand his dilemma. Though I wanted him to stay here till she would regain her consciousness but he had valid points not to stay here. I couldn't repudiate those reasons & allowed him go. Before leaving, he conveyed all the applications of those medicines & also listed all the essentials for her. He waved me good bye & wished me luck & went away.
As soon as he went,I opened the lotions & applied it on her cramps & swells. I broke the tablets & diluted it in water & made her drink it.. After giving her all those medicines, I was resting on the chair.
My son will never be an extortionist like you, Ram. He is my son. I will inculcate all moral values in him.
Your son! Ha! Ha! Ha! Foolish woman! He is my son too. My blood is running inside his veins. He will continue my business. He will be the owner of this trafficking, smuggling and racketing world. He will be ruthless & will be the king of this realm.. You can't stop me.
No Ram! You are mistaken.. He will live a normal life away from your dark world.. You can't make me wrong...
Ram is smiling mischievously..
'I am not an extortionist.. Mom.. Don't listen to him.. Mom! Believe me. Don't go away. I am not a slayer by choice.. Mom.. Don't.. Go.. Stop...'
And I woke up. I was sweating heavily. I looked at her & she was still lying on the bed. It was a dream.. Oh!! I took deep breath. I always proved my mom wrong by accepting this line to destroy that man. But today, I had proved that man wrong by saving her life.. I had humanity.. Humanity of a slayer..
Just then I heard her voice after ages. 'Don't come close to me. Back off. Go away. Don't touch me.' She was repeating these lines in doziness. I rushed towards her & assured her,"You are safe. Don't worry. Nobody will harm you.."& I supported the pillow behind her neck but her action surprised me. She grabbed my hands like she had found solace & security after holding my hands & dozed off. I didn't jerk & allowed her to hold them. I didn't know why I had allowed her in doing that action but indeed it had given me bliss. Finally the deadliest night had passed.. She was sleeping due to the effect of medicines. A few minutes had passed. She was still holding my hands like a small innocent baby. I was looking at her unknowingly without any further thoughts. Like time had stopped there. Like the eternity also wanted to continue this moment for time immemorial.
Just then my phone ringed & I loosened her grips from my hands. It was again the call from captain. I didn't want to disturb her sleep. So, I went outside the room & locked the door & picked up the call. From the other side, captain was saying,"Sanskar! There is a good news. Laksh has done his work. He is successful in transferring the money from George's account. But I am disappointed with your progress. You are unable to trace any information from that girl. So, I have sent my men to search for her father. Till then you have time to pour out as many secrets from her mouth. And yes! If you are unable to do this, then tell me. I will transfer this target to someone else..." My thoughts were blocked after hearing the last line of my captain. 'Transferring this target to someone else'.. It meant.. Pushing her to danger & at stack... I couldn't think about these aspects. So, I asked captain to give me one last chance to prove myself & hung up the call.
I didn't tell her health issues to captain as it would create a backlash effect. Humanity from a slayer wasn't desired here. I was in dilemma. My heart wanted her safety but my mind knew about my destination. "She was a source of illumination, I was a reservoir of destruction. She was a symbol of innocence, I was a replica of violence. If she was dawn then I was dusk." There was nothing common between us & it was wrong to feel for her. My only existence was a ruthless, merciless & invincible slayer.., nothing else..
Credit to: Kashis