Saturday, 13 February 2016

Yaaram ep12

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 13, 2016 with 2 comments

Next day everyone came her home and put flowers on her door because she didn't accept their apology last night, so they didn't have so much courage to face her.
She set in front of window to see their show, Derik brought big bouquet for her because he was the one who selected Amraha for this drama. Then she got a chart from their side in which a big sorry had written which was crying with tears. And they did signature on that chart. She also received the last night party video with chart. She watched the video and can't control her laughter because it was really a practical joke and their expression was marvellous.  She showed this video to lady Mahar and Sadhna. They laughed vigorously to watch it.
She got know that they had planned to do practical joke to every person of new badge. They were studying in that university from four years and it was their tradition to do this type of things everywhere.  But last night practical joke became serious.
But after that incident, she became popular in all university and got many friends. Anyone saw her, he or she must talked to her and invited her for coffee and tea. Everyone was ready to help her and those students who were resident of Manchester, they invited her for weekend dinner. Due to her crying, they started treating her just like small baby. Baby eat chocolate, baby eat ice cream.. Well! Take it two but please don't cry. This type..
A wide circle started to know her and she could take help from anyone for study. In those days, two new girls were arrived in shuttle cock. One was Russian Veera and other was Japanese En Eun. Japanese was taciturn, a one who spoke only one time in a year. She was telling story to lady Mahar but because of her silent attitude, lady Mahar stopped her. She was stayed home silently. But Veera told every story of Olympics which held in her city Sochi to lady Mahar. After hearing those stories, Amraha wanted to become athlete. In spare time, we can found Veera on the roads of Manchester. Her height was about 6.2 and hairs was long which touched her hips. Whenever she did cycling or skating, it seemed like a fairy was flying on earth without wings. Her hairs was flied with the wind during skating.
Once Veera made her wear her skating shoes and Amraha fell on her mouth, she was spare to get surgery after that minor accident. Amraha's rent of bus was also saving because now she went to university on the cycle with Veera. But it was very hard to sit on cycle with Veera because she ride cycle just like roller coaster. She collected courage daily just for the sake of saving her rent. She conjured on cycle daily. Veera was writing articles for the newspapers that's why she didn't need to do part time job. She did repairing job also in shuttle cock and Amraha never saw her head shook in no because she knew every work.
With the help of Derik Amraha got the job in the shoes shop where her work was making bill only. It was comfortable job and salary was also good. But once in a week, she must went cafe and took coffee with her ex boss with light chit chat.
Now dadi and amma cried during talking with her. She was amazed to see them crying for her. Hamad and Ali  started to respect her now and Daniya sent her the video of wedding ceremonies of relatives in which she didn't have any interest but Sadhna, lady Mahar and Veera watched them with full interest.
In Manchester, it was commonly wet weather there and sometimes that weather turned into drizzling. It was also drizzling with breeding cold wind on the oxford street. Veera went to the office of newspaper so she was going university by feet. She was walking slowly because she wanted to enjoy raining. She was inspired by the wet weather and beautiful surrounding. Locals were fed up from that weather but it was admired by foreigner specially those who belonged to hot region.  She wore Veera's stool of dark pink color around her neck. She opened it to cover her head but again circled it around her neck because she was feeling well to feel drizzling on her head.
Suddenly a blue umbrella on which Lilly's flowers were printed , sheltered on her head. She lifted her head to see the umbrella and then the hand which held that umbrella. It was Aliyan.
"don't you want to take your tweet back, this time I can give you burger and coffee too"
Amraha:" It was past.. I don't want now"
"why? Why don't you want now?" He sheltered umbrella on her head and was wetting in rain.
Amraha:" I don't want from you, you're ill mannered"
Aliyan:" When did I misbehave with you?"
Amraha:" When didn't you did misbehaved with me? By the way, why are you talking with me so softly?" .
Aliyan:" I also don't know, I think my mind has some problem"
Amraha:" You should take treatment for your mind. Don't you have money for treatment? You take tweet for treatment also"
Aliyan:" I also want to get treatment but there's no doctor available to treat this problem"
Amraha:" Why are you saying nonsense with any university like this?"
Aliyan:" And this university student also does everything nonsense"
Amraha:" What everything?"
Aliyan:" Everything mean everything" he smiled and after seeing his smile Amraha thought that is he taken appointment from God? .
Amraha took out chocolate from her bag and gave him:" Take this, I think your calories is burning quickly"
"may I drop you?" Aliyan took chocolate from her and started eating.
Amraha:" Do you have a car?"
Aliyan:" No.. Cycle.."
Amraha:" I don't ride on cycle of anyone except Veera"
Aliyan:" I don't throw you"
Amraha:" But i will must throw you.. No go from there, don't eat my mind"
Aliyan:" What's the way of your talking?"
Amraha:" Specially for you"
Aliyan:" Specially for me.. Wow... Fine.. Have you ever seen cinema of there?" The drop of rain was playing in his brown hairs.
Amraha:" Yes! I went with Veera"
Aliyan:" She must showed you hunger game, she thinks that she has similarities with Jennifer"
Amraha:" But she's more beautiful than Jennifer"
Aliyan:" I'm not talking about your class fellow Jennifer, by the way I can show you some good indian movies"
Amraha:" I don't watch Indian movies"
Aliyan:" Pakistani..?"
Amraha:" It was only four to five and I watched them in Pakistan already"
Aliyan:" Bengali?"
Amraha:" I don't know Bengali"
Aliyan:" Persian, Afghani, Iraqi, Egyptian and yeah! Animated. Have you ever seen  animated movie in cinema?"
Amraha:" No"
Aliyan:" Have you ever seen Ratatouille? Look! If you don't watch this great film, then I can tell you story of this movie, it was movie of story of awesome mouse and his benefactor. Mouse, who has talent of making delicious food than any other great chef of the world. He cooked food like..."
Amraha:" Mouse who can cook food"
Aliyan:" You're taking me wrong, he washed hands before cooking food and his hands are clean like us"
Amraha:" Mouse and food... Yakhhh..." Amraha jerked her head "yakhhh... Clean like my hand"
Aliyan closed the umbrella because his hand was tired. He stopped by walking and now rain's drops were playing hide and seek in both of their heads.
Aliyan:" Do it again"
Amraha:" What..?"
Aliyan:" Which you did now"
Amraha:" What I did?"
Aliyan:" Which you did at the name of mouse"
Amraha reminded the mouse again:" Yakhhh"
Aliyan:" Do it again please"
Amraha:" You're mad, what are you saying?"
Aliyan:" Whenever you did this, your eyebrows are dancing with your eyes in a childish way.. It is enticing that we should pinch on your nose"
" you're wasting my time" Amraha thought maybe he will pinch it really.
Aliyan:" Oh! Now your time is getting precious? Well! Done for film?"
Amrha:" If Veera come with us"
Aliyan:" Veera?"
Amraha:" Dada told me that never go anywhere except Veera"
Aliyan:" You should bring your dada ji here, it'll be better than it"
Amraha:" You're making joke on my dada"
Aliyan:" Fine! You can bring her"
And she also brought Veera there but Veera fell asleep immediately because she liked pure action movies, in which bomb blast happened in every two minutes and at least two people should die with that blast and only hero jumped on buildings every time and if he stands anywhere then he opened fire on his surrounding.
When mouse started to cook food then she murmured"yakhh... Yakh.." Many times but slowly slowly she started to watch movie with interest and at the end, she clapped also. She never watched that type of movie, far away from hero heroine conflict... Splendid movie.
When she was sitting on Veera's cycle then Aliyan demanded to her:" One again do it yakh.." And she set on her cycle with laughing.
He starred her while going with Veera. Some people's arrival gives us happiness and leaving of those people would also give us the pain. He was also suffering from that tiny pain.
The Aliyan Margret, whenever he whistled, he jumped his feet in the air to clapped with them and that time at least fifty people liked to watch  him. And if he starred someone with anger, even that time people are helpless to love him.

I'm hope ep10

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 13, 2016 with 3 comments

Recap:" Umeed worked with Faraz and in the engagement ceremony she met with mother of Faraz and in the end shocked to see Shayan as Romana's would be husband"
Mummy was calling her but she didn't understand what she was saying to her because her mind was completely numbed and mummy's voice wasn't able to proceed by her mind.
Exchange of rings were going on and their cousins were making noise and hooting on them but she wasn't listening them, because there's a noise on her heart.
"how can it possible?"
"Shayan loves you"
"there's big an age difference between Romana and Shayan"
"mom said Romana is completely agreed on this alliance"
Many of question arose in her mind, she went to the corner and leaved everything and wanted to leave everyone.
Seemi aunty (Shayan's mom) wanted to talk with you but she excused her and went to the corner where no one could see her.
She was not crying, her heart was completely numbed but her mind was calculating fast the events which happened in few last days.
She got know that Romana would become daughter in law of Seemi aunty but she thought that maybe her younger son would become her fiance because he was of Romana's age.
She thought calmly and concluded that this was normal in their society to marriage with that age difference. But she never doubted on it because she knew that Romana liked her would be. So she never thought about Shayan because with this age difference, he treated her like Arman.
She gasped and wanted to cry but no tear came from her eyes.
She looked towards the stage and thought again "why didn't you think Umeed that how could Seemi aunty fixes alliance of her younger son by leaving elder"
But it was same in the case of her, Romana was going to engage before her so she thought it would be same thing there also.
She thought about Shayan and his words that how deeply he loves Umeed then how could he do engagement with her younger sister.
In few days, she saw many dreams with Shayan that he would come and ask her alliance from her parents and they definitely would not deny and she would get her love without any problem...
She suddenly stopped thinking by thinking about the word "love..."
She thought every emotions of her after connecting with Shayan, she felt better and relieved whenever she talked to him and felt happiness to think that someone in this world, loved her completely and purely but she never thought that it was only her mirage.
A tear came from her left eye and it was running on her soft cheek.
Suddenly she smelt of smoking and because of the smoke, she started caughing.
The boy turned to her who was smoking and he was none other than Faraz.
He saw her and tried to apologize:" I'm sorry Umeed...I didn't see you here..." Suddenly he stopped and saw tear on her cheek and came to her at the next second.
"What happened Umeed? Is everything ok there? Why are you crying?"
Umeed wiped her tear and just started to look down.
"I'm asking something to you Umeed... Tell me why are you crying?" He again asked from her but this time with firm voice.
Umeed lifted her eyes towards the man whose gaze was still worried for her but it wasn't their childhood.
"yes Umeed! I'm listening"
Umeed looked him again and downed her eyes to see her feet.
"go from there, if someone would see us. They'll misunderstand us.. Please go" Umeed pleaded to see his concern because she wasn't answer his question and as well as she knew that if someone would see them it would be bad for her.
Faraz sighed and stood up from her but before leaving that place he said to her:" I don't forget my promise Umeed but I want you to share your problems with me... Because I still consider you my friend"
He leaves and she gasped to listen this.
Faraz went to their table, where his mother was talking to his father.
While his cousin was drinking cold drink and when he saw him, he stood up and came to him.
"where were you Faraz? I was waiting for you"
He surprised to see him whom he considered as his brother.
"when were you come in Pak?" Faraz asked and hugged him.
"just recently and Chachi called me to come in this party to see that girl whom she liked for me" he answered softly by departing him.
He turned to his mother who was still talking to his father.
"mama!" He called her while his parents attended to him. Both looked him questionably.
"you didn't tell me that you came here for fixing Lala's alliance" he asked from his mother.
His mother smiled mischievously and he didn't understand her smile:" What...?"
"actually I'm talking to your father with the same matter.." She paused and turned to his cousin "I'm sorry Arbaz! I can't ask for her alliance for you"
Arbaz looked her ineffectively.  But she continued:" Actually I met that girl and she was the same girl whose photo was kept by your brother"
He was shocked to listen her nd whispered:" Umeed..."
"yes beta jani! She was Umeed... We came here for asking Umeed alliance for Arbaz" instead of his mother, his father replied.
He jerked to listen them:" Why didn't you tell me Agha Jan?"
(in Pakhtun's culture, specially who belonged to cast of Agha, they used the word "agha Jan or only agha" for father and "Lala" for elder brother)
"because you don't have interest in the house's matter" his father replied.
"oh! Suddenly you've interest in house's matter instead of your politics?" he asked bitterly.
"he has interest that's why everyone knows about your likeness regarding that girl" Arbaz came to him and put his hands on his shoulder.
"but Lala.." He tried to say something but Arbaz stopped him:" Don't argue Faraz... Firstly listen to your father, he wanna say something to you"
Then he whispered in his ear:" I know you smoked, if you don't want that I'll tell this thing to your father then silently listen him"
Faraz saw him with complaint eyes but set with him by making face while Arbaz smiled to see his face.
"so..." His father started their conversation.  "I talked to Bahroz regarding alliance of Arbaz, he's almost agree with the alliance but he told me that many people asked for Umeed and I don't doubt on his words because she's so perfect, any good family become happy to make her daughter in law of them... But I actually wondered when your mama told me that she's the same girl who caught with you..."
Faraz objected:" Agha Jan please.."
He raised his hands:" Let me complete first Faraz!"
He stayed silent.
"so I've decided to ask alliance of yours instead of Arbaz.."
He smiled to listen him but suddenly his smile vanished to think about Umeed's tears and her attitude towards him.
Agha Haroon continued his words:" But for it, you've to prove yourself that you deserve her"
"oh! You're dealing with your own son... Oh great!" He understood him and smiled bitterly.
"your father isn't making deal with you Faraz, you always take us wrong just because we didn't give you time in your childhood but that doesn't mean we don't care about you, it would be very hard to convince father of Umeed for you as compared to Arbaz! Think for a while, what you've except of name of our family? You should also look yourself too instead of blaming us always" his mother, Mrs Fariha Agha Haroon  scold him with her own style and he became silent because she was saying right.
"now what do you guys want from me?" He asked angrily but in low tone.
Three of them looked each other and smiled.
"just reach to her level.. Be responsible and  be like that her parents would not deny your proposal for her" Fariha said.
He gasped:" But I don't know her approval, either he liked me or not"
Agha Haroon laughed to listen him:" Beta jani! She belonged to conservative family and as I know his father, they would fix her alliance by asking her, so this their matter to ask to their daughter, you just need to prove yourself that you deserve her" Agha Haroon said in confirm voice.
"if I refuse then?" He lifted his eyebrow to him.
Agha Haroon smiled and said:" I don't want to miss this girl, I decided she would become our daughter in law, if you'll refuse then we would ask for Arbaz"
He afraid to listen it:" Ok! What should I do to reach her level"
Agha Haroon smiled victoriously to listen him.
Ritual of exchanging ring had done and now Romana went  to her friends and Shayan was meeting with elders because he came Pakistan after long time. Umeed glared him but she scold her heart that he's now her sister and starting to meeting with guests.
His father called him and she went toward them and he introduced her to the new family, she met nicely with them and excused them after few minutes.
Waiters came and started serving the food to guests, she took small portion of rice in her plate because she was sitting with her family otherwise she would not take anything. Instead of eating, she was only passing fork into the rice.
Arman noticed that and scold her softly:" Umeed! Eat properly! "
She slowly nodded and took a first bite.
Romana looked her and smirked:" Actually Bhai! She has sorrow of my engagement"
She shocked to listen her and shook her head in no.
"why are you thinking like that Romana?" She said.
Romana laughed:" I was just teasing you api! Because first was your turn to be engaged, but don't worry we would attend your engagement ceremony soon"
She smiled sadly and stood up because her mother was calling her.
She went there.:" What happened mummy?"
"go to the guests table and asked everyone that whether they need something or not" mummy said her softly.
She nodded and started her round around the tables of guests.
When she went to Faraz's table, she stopped but it was her duty to ask them specially when they were vip guests. She was afraid that his parents had known about their incident and considered her bad girl.
But she went to their table with courage and asked them about either they were comfortable there or not.
Four of them smiled to listen it but she didn't understand why.
Mrs Haroon asked her to join them but she softly excuse for this.
"may I take one picture of you?" Mrs Haroon asked from her.
She hesitantly agreed and captured one picture with her and leaved.
Faraz irritated to see it:" Mama! You're becoming typical"
"yes I'm typical... I don't believe that girl become your bride, I always expected a spoil girl for you, who would come with you and you would say look mama this is your daughter in law" Mrs Haroon teased him.
"you're considering like me" he made face to listen her.
"beta jani! Because of your deeds and company, we think like that" agha Haroon said.
After dinner, he came out with Arbaz.
Both were waiting of Mr and Mrs Agha Haroon outside the hotel.
He turned to Arbaz and asked:" Lala!"
Arbaz:" Hmm.."
"why did you agree for Umeed?" He asked.
"I didn't know that this is the same Umeed of yours but after listening the long list of her qualities then I was curious to meet her but I'm happy that she would become member of our family" Arbaz said calmly.
"the main thing I liked her, because chachu told me that she made good biryani" Arbaz teased him.
"when agha Jan ate biryani of her hands?" He asked with surprise.
" I don't know but he said to me" Arbaz said and then turned to him:" Why do you love her?"
"I don't know, maybe she's my childhood friend, she was only one who could understand me or maybe because of some other reason, but at the end, I concluded that love has no reason" he answered confidently and smiled.
Arbaz smiled to listen him and teasd him:" Yes! Love has no reason but maybe she made very good biryani"
He laughed to listen his cousin:" You're right Lala! We're such a biryani people"
Both laughed on "biryani people" and the new moon smiled to ses them who were taking about its best friend.