Sunday, 6 March 2016

Behind the Mist Ep 2

Posted by Unknown on March 06, 2016 with No comments

 She turns at once and takes a sigh of harmony...
"Oh Jiya....! You frightened me..! Stupid", says Sara and continues her way.

"You are stupid, not me.! One shouldn't be so blind in vanity that there's no need to think of we poors.!.",says Jiya in a jolly and juvenile manner.

Jiya has been Sara's closest friend since her childhood. Both are totally different in their moods and hobbies but it creates the real essence of their fast friendship. Regardless of Sara's sobriety, Jiya gives the colors to the painting of their friendship.

"Shut your mouth please otherwise I'll punch you.", says Sara.

"O come on do it now, I think I should get what I can from a bad pay master.", says Jiya and smiles like a devil and waits for her answer.

Listening it Sara stops and looks frowningly at Jiya.

"You didn't even ask me to come with you, what do you think of yourself, extra-austere girl.!", adds Jiya angrily.

" It was quite obvious that you would come, and you did", says Sara carelessly.

"You're impossible Sara.", says Jiya.

 "Ok thank you so much. Happy now?", asks Sara and both of them forge ahead towards the classroom having  casual chitchats.


The whole class is in hustle and bustle. All the new faces are in conversation with one another, eager to know more and more about their new fellows. Jiya is also one of them when a boy of cheerful disposition asks her about a girl sitting quietly," Who's she?(pointing towards Sara) that one in white dupatta(scarf)? I've seen her with you in the garden. I thought she's your friend but I think I was wrong."

Jiya smiles while looking at her and adds," Undoubtedly she's my friend but is quite different from me or you can assume different from everyone..."

"Hmm.. seems obvious", says the boy.

"But she's a genius", adds Jiya.

And then their conversation is interrupted by teacher's arrival in the classroom and all are now busy in introduction and study related issues.

"May I sit here please?" A boy, who was noticed by Sara to be the simplest and the soberest one in the class, asks her when she's in library.

"Of course, library isn't mine, I think it's for all and no one is bound to ask any one except administration", replies she keeping her eyes in the book only.

The boy smiles as he knew which answer is going to be uttered by her and says, "By the way I'm Fahad, you must be knowing me."

 "Sara.", says she coldly.

Fahad starts talking her about their study topics and after a few moments their brief introduction transforms into study discussion.

Fahad belongs to a middle class family, not extraordinary in his appearance but in his mental approach. To an extent he compliments Sara in overall disposition that leads gradually to their friendship. He has many other friends but time makes him closer to Sara and so is with Sara too. Fahad is the one enclosing many of the things in his heart but never letting people around him know them, not even his closest friends...

"He was asking me about you on our first day here.", says Jiya pointing to Aalam eating chips from a packet in her hand while sitting with Sara in class during a free period.

"What did he ask?", inquires Sara while casting her eyes upon Aalam.

"Nothing special but just wanted to know whether I knew you or not.", answers Jiya. " You know what? he's the most happening boy of this university, every girl wanna be a part of his life.", adds she.

"But I don't think there's any thing special in him to be adored in him.",says Sara carelessly.

"Yep, I know for you there's nothing." ,Jiya smiles while saying.

Sara says," Then don't let me know such useless things."

"Ok OK I'm just passing time dear, nothing else. Who can know you more than I?", Jiya says.

"Hmmm, I know what type of person he's. He's often with Fahad but is quite contrary to him. I wonder how do they both maintain their friendship..!" , says Sara while concentrating on a book in her hand.

" Contradictions and differences don't let a relationship decay, if there are only parallels and consensuses then the relationship seems fabricated... Don't you think so?"

Sara starts looking at her astonishingly.

" And the same is with our case, we both are totally different, still we're the best friends.", adds Jiya.
Sara is stunned to hear these words from Jiya's mouth and says, " O my God....!!!! Who are you?? What have you done with my friend ???."

Jiya gives a loud laughter and says controlling herself," Sara, sometimes minor and non-serious people teach us the major and serious lessons of life... "

Sara says irritatingly, " Ok Ok..!, your this horrifyingly philosophical side is frightening me.."

Jiya laughs and says," OK.. I quit, but you know everything more than I do, sometimes our precautions lead us to the things which  we are eager to be far away from.."

Now, Sara just wants to rid all Jiya's sayings, though she knows Jiya is not wrong. She doesn't know whether Jiya's unexpected words are making her uneasy or there's something else that she doesn't know. She has never been as much restless while listening someone as she is being right now. She doesn't know the reason but at the moment she just wants Jiya to shut her mouth.

Jiya wisely does the same as Sara expected her to do. And they start discussion on their study topics.

But who knows that sometimes the words uttered are immediately heard in heaven, who knows that we are going to meet our fate from which we are trying to flee, who knows that the life has so many veiled realities to make us acquainted with.......

"Excuse me..."
 Sara hears someone saying her name. She turns to see and her face automatically wears sullen expressions.....