Thursday, 17 March 2016

Swasan ff: An incomplete scrapbook (First Encounter) Episode 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 17, 2016 with 5 comments
Sanskar's POV:
I rushed towards the parking lot.. As it was already late, maximum vehicles had left that area and also her lavish car could be noticed from far point. I carefully went near her Lexus RX and opened the car. Then with my instruments, which I often carried with me, cut the tyres of her car. After finishing my job, I locked the car again. I knew that parking lot would be silent and I could cut the tyres easily. But I was aware that as it was a lavish car, with out the key if I would hit it, it might cause loud noise and I didn't want to take the risk. So, this made my job difficult. Now again I had to place the keys on the table.. Before she could know that her keys were lost, I carefully placed those keys on the table and went out of pub. But before I came out of pub, I noticed her searching the keys. How ever she must come to the parking lot to take out her Lexus RX. So, I hasted towards the parking lot. After some times I saw her coming towards the parking lot and then I hid inside my car to see her reactions. As she had consumed alcohol, she was not fully in her senses and while coming, she was about to bump into a pillar, when I at once came out of my car to hold her.

Swara's POV:
Oh god! Spare me today! Why I swayed away by my heart.. I could not even walk properly. Due to my blur vision, I didn't know where I was proceeding.. Might be I was going to collide.. Didn't know exactly what happen!! Suddenly I found strong hands encircled around my waist. A sense of fear came into my mind.. Who tried to touch my waist? Was the person wanted to take advantage of my situation? Due to these thoughts, I tried to come back to my senses & opened my eyes to see that black covered man again.."Hey mister! I don't like anyone's touch without my consent." I yelled at him.. Insane person, he dropped me at once. How rude!! Jerk! How could he drop a girl? Due to the fall, I hit the ground and my back was paining. I tried to get up but invain.. I could not afford to get up. I saw that black covered person standing near me but not helping me. I raised my voice, "Hey mister! How rude were you? First you made me fall and now also not helping?" He came near me to help and just replied," Hey miss! I had done, what you said. You said me to leave. Where was my fault?" Now he extended his hand for help and I got up. As soon as I got up, I asked him, didn't you know how to talk with girls? By the way, you were the same person in the pub who raised his voice to me.. Were you following me? Oh Mister!! Look I was rich, pretty, famous princess swara suryavansi. Many guys followed me to talk with me.. But you were lucky as I was talking to you. *giggles*... But before I could continue further, I saw him walking away without even uttering a word.

I was going to call him, just then my phone rang and I saw the caller ID as mom calling. I picked up the call and without listening to mom, just replied yes mom! I knew.. I was coming. He was going away but I didn't have time to call him now. So I proceeded towards my car. I tried to start it but Alas! My bad luck! Tyre was punctured. What would I do now? It was already too late. I couldn't get lift. It was a big day for me as well. While thinking these things, my eyes fell upon him again and I rushed towards him by calling him as Mister! Black covered man!! Please stop...

Sanskar's POV:
I held her in the nick of time to protect her not to collide with the pillar but bloody stubborn girl!! She was showing me attitude.. Like I was trying to touch her skinny waist!! How pathetic... I never understood human's feelings. I didn't want to understand either. I thought I was crushed to get this target from my captain. So, I needed to do this silly stuffs. I wanted her to go near her Lexus RX car, where my mission of keeping an eye on her would begin. But alas!! Again she started her annoying stuffs and I left her as I was unable to control my rage & misbehaving with her would be the worst thing for this mission. While moving away from her, I heard her talking to someone on phone. I walked in snail's pace as I knew she would call me after viewing her car's condition. I was so correct. She called me. But I didn't turn back as I knew that she didn't know my name and what was she calling me "A black covered man".. Oh!! I could not turn as she might be suspicious that I was expecting her to call me.. So, I walked away slowly so that she could reach to me by running.. Finally she grabbed my hand to stop me. I smiled lightly for my victory and then turned back. "Hey you!! What's your problem?" I asked her. She then snapped back, "Mister, I know you don't know how to talk with girls?" So I came here for a deal. "Do you own a car?" I was surprised. Why the hell in earth she was asking this question and did I suppose to answer her??

Swara's POV:
As soon as I stopped him, he again showed me her damn attitude. Swara Suryavansi could never ask help from these bloody creatures.. So I offered him a deal. I knew maximum guys who came to this pub were capable of affording a car and this moment I needed that the most. Therefore, I asked him to sell his car with twice amount of market price.. But that jerk person again showed his attitude like why I needed his car? Couldn't I afford a car? Bloody moron!! He didn't know I was riding Lexus RX. But it was not the timing to be hyper. So I lowered my voice and said the tyres of my car got punctured and I needed to go home urgently.. I would pay you double money at instance if you were willing to sell your car.

Sanskar's POV:
I was hell shocked by her reaction... It again reminded me that yes!! She was a courageous girl. "Asking a stranger to sell his car, huh!!" But I needed to change the situation towards my favour.. I controlled my rage and asked her politely, " should i drop you home?" I could sense the change in her body language as she had not expected this from me. But I knew that she would say yes!, as she had no other option.. When she said yes to me it didn't surprise me a bit. Anyways now we both were proceeding towards our destination...(my mission & her mansion)

Credit to: Kashis

Swasan ff: An incomplete Scrapbook (This is so not me) Episode 1

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 17, 2016 with 2 comments
Swara's POV:
"Alcohol may be people's worst enemy but the bible says love your enemy."
One of my friends said this and I completely nodded my head to give my acceptance to it. All my friends were pulling my legs as I was going to be a billionaire tomorrow. Some of them also mocked that my life was wonderful as I came to pub regularly, gulped as much as vodka as I could and no sorrow to pay money as I had plenty. By listening to their gigglish voice, I was irritated. "Did they know, I had absolutely no pleasure in indulging in stimulants. Was pursuing alcohol called as pleasure? Bloody Dumbs!! Had they any idea about my torturing memories and an unsupportive loneliness?" I thought this while completing the whole glass of drink.

I wanted to drink more, wanted to doze off completely. But I could not as tomorrow was a very important day of my life and the wills of my grandfather would be transferred to my name. I would be called as the inheritor of Suryavansi empire. So in short, I was not in a position to drink more. But there was a constant struggle between my mind and heart. My heart was tempting me to take one two glasses more as I had a bit tolerance power but my mind resisted. However sometimes you just had to listen to your heart and to forget what's your mind told you.!! I also swayed away by my heart and wanted one glass more. But Alas!! There was no more drinks on the table. All my friends were already dozed off and some of them even left the pub. So I decided to bring the drink myself. Though I was not dozed off, still my mind was not fully conscious.

In a to and fro motion, I reached to the bar tender to ask him to make one more drink. As soon as the bar tender passed the drink to me, it mistakenly fell. And without noticing where it fell I ordered another one. Suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder and turned to see. I found a man fully covered with black dress and was placing his hand on my shoulder. I yelled at him," hey Mister! How dare you touch me? Better you should back off." Before I could say anything more, he raised his voice in a low pitch and said "Be careful while ordering a drink." I was in full anger. How could he raise his voice in front of Swara Suryavansi. I turned to the table to pick up my drink and gulped another drink at once to snap back him. But to my surprise he was not present there. I was happy as I knew he left by listening my name. " Me Swara Suryavansi .... The future of Suryavansi empire...." A victorious smile came to my face.

Just then my phone beeped. And my chain of thoughts about the black covered man were broken. I checked the phone and the timing was 12 AM. It was time to return home swara. Your future was calling you. But where were my keys? Oh gosh!! How careless I was! I alone searched the entire pub as many of my friends were left as I already knew it and the remaining of them were unable to open their eyes. I was also under the control of alcohol. So it took time to search the keys in the entire pub. However it's told ," All's well that ends well." In short after so much struggle I found my keys placed on the table near the vodka bottle. "Silly me!! How could I miss this? I searched the table before but the keys were not there." I thought this. But as it's already late I left those thoughts and even as I consumed vodka, so might be I was hallucinating and might be the keys were on the table but I had not noticed... Genuine reason Swara... I satisfied myself by giving this reason and left the pub and went towards parking lot.

Sanskar's POV:

I was constantly noticing her from the bar corner.. For the first time in my life, I had seen a girl who was not a bimbo.. But again none of my business...!! As my creator, My captain had ordered me to keep an eye on this girl. I could not concentrate on this target. I, Sanskar Maheswari, was a slayer, who mercilessly killed people. This target was not apt for me as keeping eye on some one was not my job. But again I was bound to do this!!, as my captain had told me to do so.. I couldn't deny captain. So, now I was here in the pub to check her.

I was standing at a Stone's throw distance from her where she could not notice me.. I could clearly hear her friends' voices and as far as I understood they were teasing her. But why my target's facial expression was changed by their teasing.. I didn't know. I felt like she was in deep thoughts. But again none of my concern. Now my target stood up from her seat and came near me.. Oh shit!! Had she seen me?? I thought as I was constantly noticing her and also as I already knew she was not a dumb girl... Getting exposed in front of her agitated me. But thanks to my good fortune! She had not seen me. She came here to order drink only and I was standing near the bar corner so this confusion happened in my mind.

Still after taking so many gulps of drinks, she had not dozed off. What a tolerance power man!! Courageous girl!! I knew.. At once these thoughts were broken when the drinks fell on me.. I protested her but unable to do much as I could not expose myself nor I wanted a drama there. But what an ego she possessed?? "Beauty with brains" was a disastrous combination. How could I know more about her.. As my captain had told me to gather more information regarding her. Oh!! This was so not me.. But I could not disappoint my captain. When she was taking another drink to snap back me, I found her keys kept near the bottle and took it and silently moved away.. As per my information she was riding Lexus RX and it was not surprising enough as she was rich. I knew what I was going to do. As with out it I was unable to know about her... It's time to work Sanskar..!!

Guys! Do tell me your opinions. As my exams are nearer, my episodes will be short one. Please bear that..

Credit to: Kashis