Their silence was broken by series of continuous knocks on the door. Sanskar angrily marched from his place to the door assuming it to be one of his family members. He had not fail to notice Swara's flinching form at the knocking sound. It only fuelled his rage.
Sanskar opened the door, ready to lash out on the person for clearly going against his instructions. His voice stuck in his throat and he stopped after he saw the people outside his door. A middle aged lady with briefcase in her hand with Uttara behind her stood there.
Sanskar looked questioningly at them.
wo Dr. Mukherji... Bhabhi ke liye aayi hai. Uttara said.
Sanskar moved away from the door, giving way to doctor to come inside. He followed her inside but not before closing the door but Uttara managed to come inside, pleading him to let her see her bhabhi also telling him that she doesn't think wrong about her bhabhi.
Swara's lips stretched into a nervous smile at unexpected visitor. Dr. Mukherji sat near her, observing her broken form and asked her warmly,
"Kya hua beta?"
Before Swara could answer, Sanskar started telling everything about her condition from her fainting to the recent nightmare she had.
Sanskar was confused when instead of checking Swara, that lady questioned Swara,
Swara quietly listened to everything, all the while looking down.
"Phir se ye sab? You had recovered long ago. That's why we stopped treatment right?"
"Treatment? Aur phir se ye sab? Iska kya matlab hai doctor" Sanskar asked on not knowing what they were talking about.
"Aap?" she asked to him.
"Her husband," Sanskar answered.
Swara's head instantly snapped at that, she looked into Sanskar's eyes, searching for any kind of hatred as his family held right now. She got surprised by finding only love and concern in them.
"Swara behosh hone se pehle kuch hua tha?" Doctor asked this directly to Sanskar this time.
"I wasn't at home," Sanskar replied guiltily. Only if he was.
"Mai batati hu," said Uttara.
Despite of Swara's protest, Uttara told everything that had happened. How Ragini framed Swara as characterless, how Laksh claimed their love, everyone's accusations and Sujata's out of control behaviour in the form of verbal and physical reaction.
Sanskar's fists clenched at what Swara went through, what his so called family did. Until the Swara who was weeping silently started shivering when all the events were recalled. Same fear of Sanskar hating her started crawling back.
Dr. Mukherji was listening to Uttara but turned to Swara when she felt Swara's hand trembling and turning cold in her hold.
"Swara kuch nahi hua hai... Look at me... No one is going to leave you..Swara," Dr mukherji comforted, rubbing swara's hand.
She felt Swara not responding to her. She hurriedly opened her bag and took out injection. Asking Sanskar to lay Swara down and hold her, she injected Swara.
Swara's eyes slowly closed and she went into sleep by effect of medicine.
Sanskar's anger and confusion turned into panic for her. This was not good. Within one hour all the happenings had arose many questions in his mind.
He could not understand the Swara. The girl he knew was not this weak. She knew how to fight back when she was not at fault. Then how all of sudden she was not standing up for herself? Why was she running away? Why was she allowing others to hurt her, harm her? Why her condition was like this? What Dr. Mukherji was talking about.
There were lots of questions on his mind. And, the person who could answer them was right now not in condition to answer. From her condition he was sensing something terrible to come. He was only praying to God to give him his old Swara. He stared at her face with vulnerable eyes. He promised himself to do everything to erase all her pain.
Now his only hope was Dr. Mukherji.
"Doctor? Swara ko kya hua hai?" He asked mustering all the courage he had.
Dr.Mukherji was in dilemma. Should she share this with him without Swara's consent or not.
But one look at Sanskar's worried face and she decided to tell him everything about Swara which no one except Swara and she knew. She was sure Sanskar is the person who could erase Swara's every pain, who could fill her life with love and who wouldn't leave her in middle of anything like others did.
Dr. Mukherji could see undying love in his eyes. She was psychologist after all.
"She had panic attack." Dr. Mukherji replied deciding to tell Sanskar everything.
precap: Reason behind Swara's behaviour, his care.
Thank you so much to those who read, liked, commented and waited for the next part. Here you go with next part. Do let me know your thoughts.
Next Update: Next Day
(It can be early if your comments encouraged me 😀)