Thursday, 14 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 22

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 14, 2016 with 29 comments

Recap:"Laksh convinces Sanskar for a road trip, all four on their way"

Sanskar changes the car and now they four are on his car.

Now Sanskar is driving the car, Laksh is sitting with him on the front seat and listening music by putting earphones on his ears.

Both girls are sitting on the backside, Ragini is reading the book on the kindle of Sanskar while Swara is watching from the window.

Laksh is half laying on his seat and closing his eyes. Sanskar's full concentration is on the way.

Laksh opens his one eye to see what's happening in the car and stretch his body and takes a yawn:" You three make my trip completely boring..."

All three takes off theirs sight from their work for a second, and again start to concentrate on their activity.

Laksh sighs to see them and raises his hand to accept his defeat:"I'm a jerk who expecting something from boring persons like you all" Ragini puts kindle and changes her position to see him:" Ok! We all are boring, at least, we're doing something during trip, you're just complaining from starting the journey"

Sanskar:" Yes! I agree with Ragini, you're just doing complains, nothing else"

Laksh makes  a puppy face:" You all are so bad. And I'm still on my statement you all are so boring... I'll never ever, make a plan to go out with all of you..." He changes his posture in a comfortable way:" Now I'm sleeping. You all carry on your activities"

He closes his eyes while all three again start their boring activities. After some time, Ragini also feels exhausted, she puts down the kindle and half lays on the seat. She's in a back seat, so she can easily lean on the seat, well! Our heroine is still waking. There's darkness in the car as well as outside.

Moon is on its early dates, so its light is unable to kill the darkness of night. Though Sanskar is still driving the car, headlights are on but he thinks that Swara also falls asleep.

After few hours, he feels exhausted after long driving or maybe he wants some fresh air.

He stops the car and steps out from it.

Swara silently follows him. He's standing two feet away from the car and smoking cigarette.

She goes to him and silently holds his hand. He boggles with her touch and looks her:" You're still waking?"

Swara:" You're also still waking"Sanskar looks her, weak rays of moonlight try to reflect her face expression but it fails to do it because darkness is much stronger than it. She puts her head on his shoulder... A deep silence is breathing between them... A very deep silence... Deep as the ocean and this ocean is also watering their emotions.

Sanskar feels uncomfortable from her touch, although this is not full moon night but still it's a dark, cold breeze is burning his emotions. And the ruler of the day can't control himself to turn into a werewolf at night. He can't take the dose of sleeping pills now, so it'll so hard for himself to not take a some pleasure from his blood cell.

Swara boggles from his act:" What happened Sanskar?"

Sanskar turns his back from her:" Go inside the car"Swara doesn't want to leave him:" No! I'll not leave you. Don't know why but after watching that dream, this fear isn't spare me.... I'm afraid Sanskar, don't leave me"

Sanskar turns to her and gently touch her face:" I'm also coming.. Go inside the car otherwise..."

Swara looks into his eyes:" Otherwise..?"

Sanskar completes his sentence:" Otherwise, I'll loose my control.." He knows very well, she's afraid of his touch. But she knows very well, he'll not do to anything now because he has to drive also.

Swara:" Ok! But I'm here until you're here"

Sanskar jerks to listen her stubborn tone and holds her tightly:" Do you want to experience this pain again? Ok! I'll give..." Before completing his sentence, Laksh screams from the car:" Come inside Romeo Juliet... I want to finish this boring journey as soon as possible"

Sanskar smirks to listen to his words:" Well! You are saved tonight... Never ever awake my werewolf Swara otherwiseI'll not liable for anything what will happen to you" he says in the cold voice which freeze the emotions of swara for a while but there's so much heat, so after a moment, her emotions are still flowing in her heart to making its way.

Next morning, Sanskar stops the car in front of the inn and awakes them. Ragini and Laksh wake up with a sweet smile while Swara's eyes are a witness of her restlessness.

Sanskar is still busy on the phone.. Maybe he's giving instructions to someone, because he jerks many time during the call but she's unable to listen to his words because he's far from them.

Sanskar booked the room, so they all get freshen up and now taking coffee.

But Swara is still waiting for Sanskar.

Ragini shakes her shoulder: "Swara! Your coffee is getting cold.. Take it"

Swara nods but still starring the entrance gate but he's not come. She feels uncomfortable why isn't he come yet?

She stands up from her place:" Sanskar isn't come.. I have to see him"

Laksh wants to stop her but Ragini presses his hand to let her go.

She has done this unintentionally... Laksh boggles with her act. She immediately leaves his hand and feels embarrassed. Her embarrassment is giving red color to her cheeks which makes it more beautiful:" I'm sorry.. I was just..." She doesn't understand what to say.Laksh:" It's ok dear! Doesn't matter. It may happen from anyone.." He wants to console her but can't find suitable words for it.

Ragini looks him, Laksh is also follows her eyes and the sweet tackles of their eyes increase the rhythm of their heartbeat.

For few seconds, they are looking into each others eyes but after a while, they understand their position and break eye lock and starts taking their coffee without making eye contact.


Swara comes outside where Sanskar is still busy on the phone, she comes to him and he looks her and gives her questionable look which means he wanna know the reason of her arrival. She nods in no. So he nodded and signs her that wait for a minute.

He completes his call and now concentrate on her:" Tell me what happened?"

Swara:" Nothing. Actually, I'm here to call you for breakfast"

Sanskar:"I took my breakfast, you go and take, we've to leave also"

Swara sighs and thinks for a while to make an excuse to stay with him for a few minutes more.

Sanskar gives her confuse look, Swara slowly says:" Actually.... (she doesn't understand what to say) actually I don like their menu of breakfast"

Sanskar:" So.. What do you want to eat?"

Swara thinks for a moment:" I wanna eat Chinese... Or maybe. Maybe noodles"

Sanskar says:" Ok! You come inside, I'll arrange your favorite breakfast.." He feels many of the men are starring her. She's wearing red kurta and jeans, because of the cold she covers herself with Shawl but still men are starring her.

This is low-class inn but it's near to motorway, that's why he arranges their breakfast there.

He holds his fists strongly and hardly control his anger. He holds Swara and again says her to go inside but she wants to be with him which he's unable to understand that why is she behaving like that?

He calls Laksh:"hey lucky! I and your Bhabhi is going another restaurant, you can carry my car and starts your journey, we'll come in jeep...(Laksh replies something) yeah! Driver... The driver is with you to drive a car... You can take a rest.... Oh! Don't worry about me, I can't get tired so easily.... You go.. I'll join you.... Ok bye.. Take care of Ragini.."She boggles with the word Ragini, she doesn't want to leave Ragini alone with Laksh but this was her demand, so now she has no choice and inside  the heart, she trusts her husband completely that he can't spare someone to harm Ragini.


Sanskar and Swara are gone in the search of a Chinese restaurant. He stops at many restaurants but just because of annoying him, she rejects every restaurant. But amazingly, she doesn't find any annoy expression on his face. After rejecting any particular restaurant, he just nods and starts again their journey. But he doesn't jerk or complain that she's wasting his time.

After a while, he stops jeep at the grocery store and purchases many eating stuff for her. She takes a view of the bag which is full of chocolates, chips, and biscuits:"what's this?"

Sanskar:" Next restaurant is on the distance of half hour, you obviously feel hungry, so you can eat it while we'll reach there"

Swara nods and takes out the packet of chips and starts eating, she also asks from Sanskar but he nods in no and views the road.

After some time, he stops the jeep at the entrance of the hotel. She takes a look of the hotel and boggles with its Name. "Morning Star" indicates its owner.

Sanskar steps out from jeep and opens door for her:" I hope you'll like this hotel"

She first time, sees shine in his eyes while smiling. She suddenly wants to kiss on this shine and winces with her emotions.Sanskar extends his hands to her and she comes out from a jeep.

Staff is alert to see them, he takes a key of room and goes to bathroom to take a bath. After five minutes, he comes out from bathroom while she's sitting on the bed.

Sanskar rubs his hairs from towel:" Do you order breakfast for you?"

Swara:"yes! I've ordered..... Sanskar!" Sanskar turns to her, she continues her words:"I wanna visit this hotel"

Sanskar nods in yes and calls someone to make her visit the hotel.

But she denies:" I wanna visit with you"

Sanskar:"actually, I was thinking to do some work here. (he looks despair on  her face) but its ok! Wait a minute, I'll make you visit"

She feels happy to listen to it.

The waiter brings s breakfast, she takes a breakfast and after it. He makes a visit of the whole hotel and introduces her from staff.Swara holds his hand during the visit. After spending worth time together, they start  their journey.

During their travel, Swara reminds something and calls him:" Sanskar! May I ask you something "

Sanskar turns to her and nods his head in yes.

Swara looks her nail aimlessly and continues her words:" Why are you being so sweet?"

Sanskar smiles bitterly:" Who say I'm sweet? I'm not sweet Swara, look I know I become harsh and scold you, but I only scold you whenever you disobey me. Otherwise, you're my responsibility, then I don't need to scold you or complain you anything because I'm your husband, If I wouldn't fulfill your wish then who else?"

Swara looks him with amazed. Really he's not sweet to her, he was just taking his responsibility regarding her. She sighs and leans her head on the back of a seat.

He looks her for a moment and again engrosses in driving:" By the way if husband can't fulfill the wish of wife, she seeks opportunity outside"

Swara boggles to listen to it:" Who say that if the husband can't fulfill the wish of wife, she seeks opportunity outside?"

Demons of bad memory hold his head for few minutes.

His own voice echo in his mind and reflection of the girl appears in front of his eyes who is wearing a red short dress.

That girl:"how am I looking sanky?"

Sanskar:"as usual beautiful! But... How do you get this dress? It seems expensive"

Girl says proudly:" Mr. Malhotra gifted me this"

Sanskar fumes to listen to it:" I don't like that man and you're accepting gift from him"

The girl says in a sarcastic voice:" Sanky dear! If husband is unable to fulfill wish of wife, then wife seeks the opportunity from outside" he numbs to listen her words.

Swasan A path hate to love ep 21

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 14, 2016 with 15 comments
Recap:"Laksh convinced Maharaj to carry his deal with sanskar. Swasan gets ready to leave for Mysore"

They're just leaving home when laksh comes inside.

Laksh:"hey Bhai!! I'm here" he's wearing white shirt and jeans with blue upper and muffler.

Sanskar smiles to see his dressing:"you're dressing like that you're going by road instead of airplane"

Laksh smirks to listen to his word:"by the way! We're going by road because I carried my jeep here"

Swara feels happy to listen to it because she never had road trip before.

But Sanskar jerks to listen to it:"jeep... No way Lucky! What's wrong with you?"

Lucky:"what's wrong with you Bhai? Do you remember which trip we enjoyed together?"

Sanskar thinks for a moment and nods in "no".

Lucky goes to Swara:"Bhabhi! Do you have any object to road trip?"

Swara nods in "no". Laksh feels happy and extends his hand to Swara:"give me a hi-fi" Swara looks Sanskar and hesitantly gives him a hi-fi.

Laksh turns to Sanskar:"ok! Now I've two votes"

Sanskar:"road trip will take more time"

Laksh bows down and says:" If lucky is here, you shouldn't worry about anything. I already told our plan to Maharaj uncle"

Sanskar smiles and raises his hand:" Ok! Ok! Then hurry up! We've to leave"

Laksh smiles and again gives hi-fi to swara but this time, Swara gives him back hi-fi with confident.

Laksh goes to driving seat:" Except phone, and handbags of ladies, no stuff is allowed in jeep"

Sanskar:"ok! I'll tell driver to carry our luggage in another car"

Laksh raises his hands in hurrah style:"finally! I get my brother back"

Laksh sits on driving seat, Sanskar takes his beside seat but laksh sends him to back seat with Swara.They receive Ragini from her home.

Ragini greets them and sits backside with swara.

Laksh fumes to see this:" No one is giving company to me"

Sanskar laughs to see his condition:" You already sent me backside, what do you want more?"

Laksh turns to Ragini:" Ragini! Why don't you leave Bhai and Bhabhi to enjoy their trip, you come on front seat"

Ragini nods and about to leave but swara holds her hand:" Its ok Laksh! She's fine here" she signs ragini to stay here.

Sanskar understands her offence about Laksh but he doesn't know the reason.

He goes to front seat with Laksh:"let these sisters enjoy their trip and us brother should enjoy together"

Laksh understands that there's something serious in this matter so he nods and starts the jeep.

He starts amplifier of his jeep and play the song of Jenifer Lopez.

Swara holds the rode of the jeep which connect the front and back front seat. She's sitting backside of laksh while Ragini is sitting backside of Sanskar. Both sisters are opposite to each others.

Swara :" Laksh! Stop this music, this is so loud"

Laksh slow down the volume and says:"OK my Bhabhi! Tell me what do you want to listen?"

Ragini:" I can understand Swara! How do you listen this song, although you're with jiju?"

Swara eyes to her:"Ragini.."

Ragini:"hey don't eye to me... I know you wanna sit with jiju"

Swara feels embarrass, when Ragini opens her pole to eyeing her.
Ragini:"Ok! Let's play antakshari"

Laksh looks Sanskar, who is working on his iPad... Laksh jerks to see him:"what Bhai? We're on the trip and you're working"

Sanskar looks him with his signature smile:" You are on the trip, go ahead and enjoy, but I'm going to do work, so don't interrupt me, otherwise I'll go in my car"

Laksh irritates to listen to it:" Bhai! You're blackmailing me! But it's ok! Bhabhi! And Ragini! Let's start the antakshri, but I only know English and French songs"

He says to turn a little while driving.
Swara:" Lucky! There's is no use of playing antakshri, it will disturb Sankar's work"

Sanskar turns to her after listening to her words but his gaze can't detect,  what's in her heart. He looks her for a moment, she feels his gaze and looks him back. He's still starring her and tries to detect the purpose of her words, either these words were told for her concern for him or it was just an excuse to stop noise in the jeep.

She downs her eyelashes to make him understand that she can't  bear his eyes on her so long, it's burning her emotions inside nowadays which she's unable to understand. He takes off his eyes from her and concentrate on his work. She starts to look her hands purposelessly. While Laksh raises her hands to obey his Bhabhi's order.

While Ragini is enjoying the sightseeing of surrounding
A long journey is going on..
Boring, interestingly yet silent but calm..

The journey of emotions...

The journey of emptiness...

Journey to explore the new world..

Journey to solve the mystery of someone heart...

Or maybe journey of love...

But these fours are unaware of this journey of destiny.


Sun is setting to its destination but is the sun really set? In my point of view, no! Its never set, it changes its position tobrighten the another world to justify the deed of god. Everybody has to bear the darkness of his part. Sun is set because the darkness is also a part of life.

They reached the low-class hotel, Sanskar doesn't agree to go there, but sweetest Laksh agrees to him because he's only one who can convince him.

They're sitting on the local cot, Ragini is sitting with the Swara while Laksh is sitting on their opposite side. Our arrogant hero is talking on the phone with someone. This is Punjabi style dhaba.

Laksh rubs his hand due to cold and says:"so.. Ladies! What do you want to eat?"

Ragini:"hmm.. I wanna eat daal makhni... Swara is also like it"

Swara nods in yes but she's in tension from the inner side and continuously watching that side where Sanskar is talking on the phone.

Both notices her absent of mind and gaze on her husband.

Ragini coughs, Swara winces because of noise.

Ragini teases her:"I know, you're loving him so much! And he's so handsome but please concentrate on poor people like us too"

Both make puppy face and Swara laughs to look to them.

Sanskar returns after completing his phone and stops for a while to hear her melodious giggling.He first time, see her laughing with this manner and a very small guilt arises in his heart but he surpasses this guilt because he's a ruler of his mind and heart.

He sits with Laksh and asks:"did you give my order?"

Laksh:"yes! I know you like chicken tikka of this dhaba"

Sanskar eyes to him while Laksh winks to him.

Ragini wonders to listen theirs order and asks:"you both are Marwari, but you're eating non-veg"

Sanskar looks Laksh like  that he's saying from eyes:"answer her question"

Laksh sighs and says:"actually we started non veg from our high school days... Bhai eats non veg easily in front of family but they do not know about me...(he turns to swara) Bhabhi! Dont tell to anyone about me. Otherwise, you dont know what my dad will do with me" he signs her "finish" to hold his neck from his hand.Both girls laugh to see him while Sanskar only smiles to see him.

Waiter brings their dinner and they all drinks tea in desi style after their dinner.

Swara is the wonder to see him that he's completely down to earth whenever he was with Laksh.

Laksh knows his psyche, so he easily convince him for anything. Sanskar pampers Laksh very much. This is not enough, she notices that he also cares and pamper ragini too.

She's happy his attitude as well as confused about it. Because which Sanskar, she knows, who is different from this sanskar. But at the end, she concluded that there's so many shades of this mystery man, it's not so easy to understand him in this few days.
