Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 3

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 08, 2016 with 4 comments
Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 3

The first meeting with his beloved guardian angel was magnificent for him. After that incident, he started to waiting for her, when she would come to him and when he would listen her melodious voice and soft touches.
She came to him regularly and said strange things which he didn't understand but didn't feel anything but like those words of her.
After few days, he started to feel love-stuck teenage and suddenly, he realized that he was not seven but thirteen years old boy. His thirteen years life memories came to him slowly that he didn't flinch on any new memory. Yes! His childhood was magnificent and he loved everything around this. He recalled the birth of his sister when he was 6th, he was very happy. But Laksh, his cousin who was same age as his sister became real happiness for him. His sister was moody and rebellious but he was happy and obedient child. Many people wondered on the siblings that it was unusual for a girl to be like this and boy to be like him.
But he was the one piece and he was proud on it.
Yes! Beside happiness, confusion (that he didn't know where he was) he felt proud. He recalled how he got gold medal in school's races, first position in every class and shield in every type of activity. How he was favourite students of teacher and favourite child of whole community. He was a real prodigy but beside this, prodigy had a faith of aloofness.
For his age fellows, he was nothing but a weirdo. He was as much perfect that every imperfect person started to scare from him. He was not only intelligent, he was genius. He understood the wary look of his class fellows, who never became his friends and envious but jealous look of his cousins except Laksh.
Laksh was not only his blood and flesh but more than that. He was his previous brother and they both loved each other.
But now, his guardian angel was also included in his loved ones. But he often wondered that who was she? Why her touch and voice were so familiar with him? But he didn't have answer of all these? Whenever he tried to think and remember her, his mind got blank.
She was also came to him that night when he suddenly realized that he was fifteen years old and had completed her schooling.
He didn't understand why he suddenly got those memories and why had he lost it? Might be, it was just that he lost his memories and he was much adult than he thought. He was intelligent boy and he predicted things easily.
If he was ordinary boy that he must thought that he was under any spell but he knew that there was nothing like a magic, so he was must in comatose. But why was he here, he really didn't remember.
"You know Sanskar!" The sweet melodious voice came in his ears like a honey.
He felt that someone made his back turn. Afterward, she held his hand again and lulled him with her sweet voice.
"You know I've started his movement"
He felt his fingers touch with something else except her hands but he didn't get it. It was something round.
"Do you feel it Sanskar? Our child.. I never thought about it, even not after marriage but after getting this news, it was something strange but ecstatic. I just wish, you're with me..."
What was his guardian angel talking about? He was already with her. And what was the child matter?
He was fifteen and understood the child thing.
Is she? Is she his wife? Yes! It might be possible but how did he get into this darkness? He didn't have any idea.
But if she was his wife, it would be very beautiful life with a woman like her. He felt happy to think the idea.
"It's wonder to have him"
"Yes! Doctor said that it is boy" her melodious voice was felt wet. Might be she was crying again.
He wondered how did she get what was in his mind. Might be it was wonder of their love.
Love? This thing brought the enticing feelings in his heart but he also felt lots of sadness while thinking about love. But why? He didn't know but he was certain that something had happened to him but what? He didn't know.
Next time, she came to him, he was seventeen years old and about to start his university. Yes! He really was a genius.
That was a time, he met with Meera.
The memories of his beautiful girlfriend was ecstatic for him. He always thought how was she acted like a child or how her voice was so alluring to the ear.
He started to thought that his guardian angel was Meera. But he rejected the thought.
Though, both's voice were soft and melodious but there was great differences between both voices.
Meera's voice was soft, melodious but it was seductive and utter like chirping.
On the contrary, his guardian angel's voice was soft and melodious but there was something else also in her voice which he couldn't pinpoint. Like melancholy and pain, courage and determination. And hope too.
He could not pinpoint which thing was more enticing in the voice of his guardian angel but he knew that this voice was somehow his salvation which helped him to keep his hope up in his dark world.
Days passed and he got more memories, he was then eighteen years old and got his personal car at his birthday.
He was so much happy, his family were happy with him and he introduced Meera to his family but still he didn't get the  memory of his guardian angel. He didn't get know who she was!
Might be, she would come in his life after his eighteenth birthday.
He was eagerly waiting for getting more memories but unconsciously he didn't know that he was waiting for his life's worst nightmare.
But he would know soon. Won't he?

Last Episode here : Swasan A Path Hate To Love Season 2 Ep 2