Tuesday, 20 June 2017

My Secret Lover by Shreeyu

Posted by Unknown on June 20, 2017 with No comments

Chapter -6

All parts- http://www.tellyupdates.com/?s=My+Secret+Lover+ss

Hello everyone!! We are going to enter the second last phase of this SS which would be of two-three chapters

So let's start




Recap- Swara being drunk in the party... Unknowingly she confessed her feelings to Sanskar; Sanskar felt betrayed learning the truth; He dropped her to her house with akshat's help; When Swara woke up the next morning , she broke down remembering wat she did the last night

Swara was sitting in her room alone after akshat went she again started crying... She was not knowing wat to do further, she was worried for Sanskar that wat he would be thinking of her now, how would she face him now... According to her she lost him forever and even lost his friendship

After sometime , she tried calling Sanskar but to her dismay his phone was switched off... This made her more worried and tears started escaping her eyes again

She wanted to message him at least but her hands betrayed her she was not able to write even a single word


Sanskar was sitting in his room , he was writing all the happenings in his diary


I tried to sleep the whole night but I was not able to do anything other than tossing from one side to another , My brain has just stopped working after Swara's confession... I never thought of her in that way... I thought that Swara is just my friend, I trusted her a lot but wat she did, she hid such a big thing from me... How could see
(His eyes were getting moist slowly)
No Sanskar !!! She didn't betrayed you , what is her fault in all this, just this that she loved u, just this that she wanted to keep it a secret... Or...

Sanskar's thoughts were disturbed when his mother called him

Sanskar: Yes mom coming


Sanskar's mom: Beta it's really necessary for u to go, u know I would have never asked u to go if I was well but my back pain again arose since last night, and I can't travel (interrupted by Sanskar)

Sanskar: Mom u never told me abt Ur health , don't worry I'll attend the function but u have to promise me that you would not stress yourself and you will take care of yourself

Mom:(patted his cheeks) Han my bacha don't worry now go otherwise there your father would be worrying for us

Sanskar: When is the flight mom

Mom: After two hours but u have to report at airport in next one hour

Sanskar: wat mom(glares her)

She gave him a sheepish smile


At that time when Swara called him he was in airport and he had put his phone on flight mode


After three days Swara was standing in the parking lot waiting for Akshat to come

She was lost somewhere
Akshat came and kept his hand on her shoulder
Ak: Swara thinking abt him

Swara nodded in no and gave him a smile snatching the keys from his hand

Swara(trying to show herself oky):Oye you will not drive my car... I will drive...now come and sit fast m getting late

(Saying so she sat in the car)
(Akshat also came and sat in )
Akshat:Now you will hide everything from me Swara (asked in wet tone)

Swara:Akii, pls don't talk abt that , m fine don't worry... Just waiting to talk to him

Akii:Swara don't worry everything would be fine... Pls don't fake smile and give me ur genuine smile I m missing it so much Now.... Your love for Sanskar is true and he will also understand it soon

(Yes Akshat knows everything abt Swasan now! In these three days Swara was very gloomy and sad, and finding something wrong in her behavior was not a difficult task for him therefore hi soon confronted her and she broke down in his arms , he wants to sort everything between Swasan but Swara took a promise from him that he would not do anything like that )

Swara was entering the college gate with Akshat when she saw Sanskar moving towards his class

Her lost smile came back to her lips... She was seeing him after long four days , she was just abt to go and talk to him but just then bell rang for the class and she had to leave


Swara was moving here and there in whole college to find Sanskar, she had decided something to tell him in these days... She desperately wanted to tell him what she had stored in her heart from two years ....

At last she thought to check the corridor near library

She saw Sanskar passing through that corridor she walked towards him and took his name from her mouth. , her throat almost dried when time came to talk to him...

Swara: San...Sans-kar

Sanskar stopped and turned recognizing the voice and there she was standing... She looked so gloomy now the face that once was so charming now was looking so dull

He took few steps towards her... He didn't knew what to say... Once they could talk so much but now the situation was so awkward between them

Sanskar wanted to say something but couldn't

Swara: Sanskar I need to say something

Sanskar looked at her, his eyes wanted answer of several questions that were haunting him

Swara: I know I had hurt you a lot but I never had any such intention
I admit I have hidden a very big fact from you but if I would have told u , that I love u from 2 years , you would have broken r friendship too… I never became your friend because of this Sanskar, never… I tried my best to maintain distance from u,
And c I myself spoiled everything, I know after this revelation u would not trust me, and m worthy of it… I know now we can never be friends like before, Don’t think that m going to force u to accept my love (wiping her tears) nor m going to become a female devdas (tries to laugh)
My happiness lies in your happiness Sanskar and I know u have goal priorities…I’m always there for you if u need me ever, my best wishes r always with you, may u achieve all your dreams and always be happy Sanskar, don’t become a bookworm (tries her level best to give a wide smile)….

Turns to leave but again stops and says “Take care Sanskar” and almost runs from there as it was not easy for her to hold her tears anymore

Swara ran from there and bumped into someone
She raised her head to look towards the person
She immediately hugged him

He caressed her her feeling his shirt wet

Person: Swara pls don't cry everything will be Oky...

Swara: nothing would be Oky now Akii...

She continued sobbing

Akshat gently took her to the exit and they both left for home

Wish you a very very very Happy birthday🎂 Divyu
You are an amazing person, a true friend , awesome sister and a mind blowing writer

Each and every shade of yours is just unique

This past is specially for u Divyu 😘


Swasan Second Chance By Raabia: Episode - 9

Posted by Talha Safi on June 20, 2017 with No comments
Hi guys thanks giving huge response on last epi… u made me all so happy thank uuu.. this week was full of swasan scond chance but next will be of my devin and in this during I will also post trust me… only two epi to post then trust me will be end…now let’s start this ff few days back was Valentine’s day everyone wrote about swasan then how can I not write about this day han so let’s how will our swasan celebrate their Valentine’s day ;)

So let’s start

At breakfast table swaragini was serving breakfast while serving swara was still giving ragini death glare thinking about gym incident…

Sw: (monologue) how dare she keep an eye on my husband huh ahh I wanted to kill her the way she was looking at sanskar huh my poor hubby (dreamingly) he was looking sooo hot n handsome hayee how can be someone so hot n handsome n mostly soo cuteeee (looked at sujata ) what did mom ate during her pregnancy that she got so cute handsome son (looked at ragini angrily but found her looking somewhere she found sanskar coming down waering black suit looking again hot n handsome) hayee look at him he soooo sweet n cuteee (she smiled at him he sat n looked at swara n smiled at her she went near him served him his breakfast he made her sit near himself n served her also breakfast… seeing this site some felt n some get jealous)

San: (looked uttra) uttra

Utt: han bhei

San: today I will drop u both at college

Utt: (confuse) both bhei?

San: (smiled n looked at swara) u and swara

Hearing swara everyone was shocked except dp n rp who already knew… the woman of the house got angry on hearing swara will start going college… swara looked at sanskar in shock she didn’t knew that he knows about this and he didn’t even talked to her about this also… she got this news from her ma whom the principle called n she gave him sanskar nr… but swara didn’t talked with sanskar about this thinking that he won’t allow but she was wrong he proved her again that he is right man for her a lone tear escaped her she felt so blessed to have him but she had fear of the family reaction she looked at everyone who were looking at her in anger…

Ap: sanskar how can swara join college again

San: n why not

Rag: sanskar ji she is the dil of this house and being dil is her responsibility to take care of this

San: (looked at ragini n rolled his eyes) ragini ji (everyone looked him in shock hearing ragini ji) why always ur brain stop on one point han can u not thing anything else being dil of this house (looked ragini clapped his hand together) ragini ji I am very happy that my family found a dil of this house but u know what I need a wife not dil of this house like a servant

Ap: (angrily)sanskar

San: plzz badi mom I have enough of this ragini I mean why the hell she have interfere in everything she is dil of this even pari bhabi is but she never say anything but this ragini doesn’t stop sometime I feel she is not dil of this house but swara mother in law more than mom she interfere between us… (Hearing sanskar sujata n swara start loughing even parish n rp dp joined them shocking other sanskar looked at them) what I am saying right the way she behaved with swara is like she is mother in law swara, swara u are dil of this house, swara u have this responsibility, swara u have a husbands like she doesn’t know oh god I am fed up with her (looked at laksh) man how can u handle such sanskarii girl (making him more angry unknowingly) poor boy

Ap: (more angry bec. Of his taunt to laksh and insulting ragini) sanskar is this way to talk han atleast she knows the value and she is not like ur wife who runned away from her marriage (now everyone became silent hearing ap word swara had tear)


Ap: what sujata how can he insult ragini when her own wife had affair with his brother and also run away from marriage

San: (ANGRY) bas badi ma I won’t hear anything against swara even u and me knows very well that I was the one who drug her and I was the one who wanted take revenge so don’t point any finger on swara n her character

Ap: why

Dp: ap stop

Ap: Ji

Dp: I said stop means stop

He held swara hand left towards their room followed by sujata n rp…

Swasan room

Sanskar made swara sit on bed knelt in front her tears were fowling down her cheek making sanskar feel guiltier because of him is her condition….

San: (guilty) I am sorry swara this all happened because of me I am sorry (even tears welled up in his eyes she looked at him n hugged him tightly n start crying)

Sw: (crying n hugging him) why me sanskar why me I never did wrong with someone why always everyone hurt me sanskar I am really this much bad that no one love even my father think me as characterless n is a shamed to have me as his daughter why sanskar why did I dream to much that I got only in return pain sanskar for whom loved I craved is hating me sanskar now I am feeling again fatherless child

Who said u are fatherless child: hearing this they broke the hug n found ramta standing near door sujata had 1st tears seeing swara pain she never thought she went through so much swara was looking down and rp went towards her n placed his hand on her head she looked at him….

Rp: I am here na u can call me dad na (she looked at him with teary eyes he cupped her face n kissed her forehead lovingly) I will be more happy to have two daughter u and uttra so will u be mine daughter (he asked her cutly)

Hearing him swara smiled n hugged him tightly n was crying this time was tears out of happiness today she was getting in true meaning a father love seeing them hugging sanskar went near sujata hugged her…

Rp: shhh my bacha how much will u cry han (cupped her face n whipped her tear) now say by to ur tears because I don’t want see this tears anymore in yours did u get it (she nodded happily n hugged him again)

Sw: (happy) thank u DAD

Rp: u welcome my bacha

Suj: by the way sanskar why do u want swara to join collage

Rp n swara broke the n looked sanskar n sujata

San: mom swara have only half year to complete n I don’t wane destroy her study and mostly I want her to be independent so that she can stand on herself

Suj: u know what sanskar I am proud of u (kissed his forehead) I love u

San: love u to mom (hugged her)

To be continue...

It All Started With A Lust - By Sarah Ep- 6

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on June 20, 2017 with No comments
Olaaa amigosss frndz sorry fr late acctually i was vry busy so i dint get time to write nw im bak sorry its a short update hope u all vll like ths episode i knw tht last episode was little confusing wht swara said it was true u vll get to knw soon but tll thn let it be a mystery hmm nd plzz at last of ths episode there was a note fr u all plzz read tht nd i beg plzz do comment or otherwise ill end ths ff also like i ended 4 besties nw lovers nd hope u all liked the promo of NEVER SAY I LOVE U-NA DIS JAMAIS JE I AIME plzz support us nd do comment enough of my bak bak tll den go ahead nd enjoy if u want swasan romance thn u have to comment nd silent readers specially u"


Recap-Sarah tanzii entry swara said tht she love sanskaar but hw #MYSTERY
(episode stats like ths)
tanzii-uff m getting bored. 
rag:mee too
aadi:yes its
sar:uff we all r getting bored donno where ths swara diii nd sanskaar bhaiyu left. 
san:came smiling) sarhu im here nly. 
tan-😡😠😡😠ufff we came today nly nd u always talk about work nd work😏
san:😱😱yea bhagvan ur angry sarhu say smthing to your frnd. 
sar:ohk ohk nw leave ths drama nd say where is swaru di??
(swara standing in stairs)
swa:so mujhe yaad kiya ja raha hai
aad:han are dii jaldhi aao na kya sara din kam or kam. 
rag:or nhi toh kya😏😏
tan:yaar we r getting bore😒
aadi:i have an idea😄😄😄
lak:whtz it??
aadi:swara dii vll sing.  
swa:no no i cant sing i dont knw hw to sing. 
rag:oh plzz we knw u can sing or nt. 
sar:sanskaar bhaiyu u sing na i knw in collage u......,,(she was about to say more but shez stopped by ragini).
(Hearing collage name sanskaar's smile faded he starts to think his collage life)
(A boy was singing shown)
boy:ranjar de yaar bullaya sun le pukar bullaya tu hi toh yaar bullaya murshid mera murshid mera. 
girl:jis din se asna se do ajnabi hue hai tanhiyo ke lame sab multavi hua hai q aaj mai mohabbat phir ek baar karna cahu. 
(A boy nd a girl was hugging shown)
mujhe mei agan hai baaki azma le le kar rahi hoon khud ko mai tere hawale ve ranjhna ve ranjhna. 
bhaiyuu bhaiyuuu..............
(sanskaar came out of his thoughts hearing sarah nd tanzii voice)

san:(sweating) han han say(he smiled) 
sar:if u dont want ill nt force u(fake smiled)
san:no ill sing but i have a condition. 
aadi:nd wats it??
san:your swara dii vll also sing wid me. 
swa:no no ill nt i donno hw to sing
sar:plzzz dii
tan:ha na plzzz
swa:ok ok ill sing ill sing ok
san:(starts to play guitar its ishq wala love fr student of the year tune)
san:Surkh Wala, Sauz Wala, Faiz Wala Love
Hota Hai Jo Love Se Jyada Waise Wala Love
Ishq Wala Love

Hua Jo Dard Bhi Toh Humko Aaj Kuch Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Ye Kya Hua Hai Kya Khabar Yehi Pata Hai Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Agar Ye Usko Bhi Hua Hai Phir Bhi Mujhko Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love

Meri Neend Jaise Pehli Baar Tooti Hai
Aankhein Band Kar Ke Dekhi Hai Maine Subah
Hui Dhoop Zyada Leke Teri Roshni Din Chadha
Ishq Wala Love

Swa:Jhanke Badalon Ki Jaali Ke Peechhe Se
Kare Chandani Ye Mujhko Ittala
Leke Noor Sara Chand Mera Yahin Pe Hai Chhupa Chhupa Hua
Ishq Wala Love

Hua Jo Dard Bhi Toh Humko Aaj Kuch Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Ye Kya Hua Hai Kya Khabar Yehi Pata Hai Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Agar Ye Usko Bhi Hua Hai Phir Bhi Mujhko Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love

Jo Aise Hota
Jo Milte Tum Ho Jaate Gum Sath Mere
Hote Hote Hoga Samjhaye Hum Tham Jaaye Tum
O Dil Mere
swa:Toota Zyada Zyada Tara Jab Gira 
Zara Zyada Zyada Maangu Dil Tera
Kabhi Zyada Zyada Maane Na Dil Ye Sarphira
Ishq Wala Love

Bada Ye Dil Nadaan Tha, Par Aaj Kuch Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Jo Khine Ka Tha Dar Tujhe Pata Nahi Kyu Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love

San:Hua Jo Dard Bhi Toh Humko Aaj Kuch Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Ye Kya Hua Hai Kya Khabar Yehi Pata Hai Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love
Agar Ye Usko Bhi Hua Hai Phir Bhi Mujhko Zyada Hua
Ishq Wala Love

Surkh Wala, Sauz Wala, Faiz Wala Love
Hote Hai Jo Love Se Jyada Waise Wala Love
Ishq Wala Love (X2) - See more at: http://www.glamsham.com/music/lyrics/student-of-the-year/ishq-wala-love/1600/4380.htm#sthash.nLZbeT0E.dpuf
(song ends)
song ends
(All clapped)
tan:who told swara di u cant sing ur the bst
San:(fake anger) haww all give compliment to swara im toh nothing😏
Aadi:im here ur the bst sanky bhaiya. 
san:thankz aadi.  
(Suddenly sanky phn rings)
San:ill attend the cll nd come(he smiled nd leaves)
san:hmm ya ohh
san:ok ok 
san:yaa ill be there. 
(he cuts the call)
                   (screez freezes)
Sorrry but read the note den throw wht ever u all want but who was tht boy who was singing??who was tht girl?? nd who clld sanky???
guyz get ready to see sanky in a rockstar nd a rj avatar so ru all excited yup u all guessed ri8 im going to shw sanky past but before tht a major twist is waiting fr u all to knw more chipke rahiyea mere ff IT ALL STARTED WITH LUST KE SAATH nd plzx also do read NEVER SAY I LOVE U_ NA DIS JAMAIS J TE AIME. 
It All Started With A Lust - By Sarah Ep- 6
Credit: SARAH 
1........2.......3 bhagoooooooooo🏃🏃

It All Started With A Lust - By Sarah Ep- 5

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on June 20, 2017 with No comments
Heya guyz its me sarah here ill nt talk much today but plzzz do comment plzzzzz nd there is a note at the end of ths epi do read it.
Today's episode is dedicated to my Ishi dii thanku fr always supporting me ishi dii i u moon nd back ishi dii😘😘
My true readers  Anusikha roy jui amena 
My boyfriend #Chindhi aka Shubhi😜😜😂
My Mishti doi Tanzila my bengali pataka. 
Tanzuuu sun tere liye subprize he.  
Nd #goldie dii thanks goldie dii it means alottt tht u read my ff its really vry much pleasure fr me tht the bst writer read my ff.  
Nd #jia Miss.Bewafa umer tune toh mujhe dhoka diya socha tujhi se shaadi karungi but tera rishta kai or tay ho gaya isi liye shubhu se ghar basa liya sunn agar mera ff padti he toh kabhi comment bhi thok diya kar yaar tu wafa he mere saath bewafai na kr nd mai abh bhi tere se bhut pyar karti hon😘😘😘le.  
Ok ok enough nd go ahead. 


(the episode starts like with tht airport girl)
Grl:bhaiyuuuu diooo jijzzzz kidhar ho ap sab.
(nw the girls face was shown frndz my role wll b played by jannat zubair rahmani)

Rag to swara-wo agaye. 
Rag:sarah chal. 
(screen sifts to aadi he was shown in vry hurry he was running nd dashed with sarah)
Sar:wht the.(she was about to fall but aadi holds her tht time swaragini came.)
Rag:(shout) Sarah. 
Aadi:(dint notice sarah as he was holding by her back)sorry i was in hurry so sorry. 
Sar:(dint notice too) its ok. 
(Tht time aadi notice tht his phone has fallen down nd was broken)
Aadi:ohhh shoot.  
Sar:(turns back but saw his back) 
Rag:sarah aadu your both ok na. 
Aadi:swara diii my phone. 
Swa:its 4th time u have broken your phn ths time ill nt buy u.  
Aadi:(still showing his back) diiiii.  
Rag:dont worry aadi i vll buy u. 
Sar:(hugges ragz) diooooo i missed u sooo muchhh. 
Rag:i missed u tooo. 
(Sarah goes to swara)
Sar:if m nt wrong ur swara dii ri8 ragoo dioo's bst frnd u knw rago dii whn ever calls me she used to say about u u looks like the same she told ur soo pretty. 
Swa:thank sarah nd ur also vry cute nd pretty. 
Sar:swaru dii can i cll u swaru dii??😃😃
Swa:yes ur r like my siss sarah😘😘  
Sar:Sarah nt sarhu. 
Swa:(smiled😊😊😊) ohk sarhu
Sar:(hugs her) 
(sanlak came running)
Sar:(happy nd runs to sanky nd hugs him)
(yaaro😍😍😍agar sacchi mela sanku mei ko huggy deta to mela jeevan sartak ho jaati yaaro load na lo wese sach ni he to kya ff mei hi liya huggy agar bolo toh puppy bhi lelo baad mei mario na puch ri hoon😕😕 suno forehead pe leni he but baad mei kya hogi tum logan ka jab mai sanku ka past dikhani he?? Chalo aj ki bakwas idhar hi samapt hoti he)
San:(smiling + tears) u knw hw much i missed u. 
Sar:(cute anger nd tears) u dint missed me. 
 (aadi was trying to see sarah's face but as she's hugging sanky he was nt able)
San:really i missed u alott. 
Sar:no y u send me there u knw in ths 5 years i missed every one soo much every rakhi nd bhai dooj i used to cry bcz mai ap ko rakhi nhi baandh paungi. 
San:sorry sweeto
(frndz my anup bhai cll me by ths name he is the writer of stupid neighbour nd kalki2 at swasan ff os page)
San:nw u r here na.(he wipes his tears nd thn sarah's)
Lak:(fake anger)hawww sahi he tu mujhe bhul gai na.
Sar:brokes the hug nd goes to lucky)
Lak:(was standing folding his hand around his cheast with a pout)
Sar:jijzz (holds her ear) plzz solly jijzz lucky bhai.  
Lak:(no responce)
Aadi-(in mind) uff sarah ths name yaar iska cehra q nhi dikh raha. 
Sar:lucky bhaiiii plzzz ok if u do wanna talk wid me dn m going back my hostel i think ill get the flight ticket also. 
Lak(turns back wid tears nd hugs sarah)no nhi u vll nt go (sniffs) anywere u knw hw much your lucky jijzz missed u. 
Sar: i too missed u ok ok nw dont b senti nw ok your nose is flowing. 
Lak:(embarrassed)😳sorry(nd brokes the hug)
(in these all sarah totally forgot about aadi she turn's back nd
Sar:sorry i should have been careful fr me your phone has fallen nd broken im........(suddenly sarah stops seeing aadi's face nd aadi was also too shocked)
Aadi:(shocked) sa...sarhu. 
Sar:(too shocked) aadu. 
    (thy both run's nd hugged each other)
Aadi:kaha thi tu dumbo. 
Sar:tu kaha tha good fr nothing. 
Aadi-1 year ho gaya. 
Sar:han yaar i missed u good fr nothing.
Aadi:i missed u too dumbo. 
Swarag:(together) u to knw each other???
           (Saradi brokes d hug)
Aadi:3 years se (he smiled)
Swa:(in mind) mumma papa ke jaana ke baad first time aadi ne itna khul kae baath kiya he hasa he wo thank's wahe guru ji aadi bas hamisha esa hi haasta rahe. 
Rag:but kese. 
Aadi:rago dii remember mai 3 years bahar padai kiya he abroad mei bcz mumma papa businesses ke kam ke liye bahar rehte the nd dii collage hostel mei. 
Sar:yess mai r aadu ek saat woha padte the nd we became frndz. 
Saradi:(together) infact bst frndz. 
Sar:frnd se i remember yea tanziii kidhar reh gai. 
Rag:(happy) tanzii wow meri nanad bhi aayi he(frndz tanzii is laksh siss nd sarah bst frnd Tanzila Sarna)
Sar:han mere saath but vo reh kidhar gai. 
Lak:tu use airport pe chhor ke chali toh nhi aaye na(chuckled)
Sar:shut up ur d same jijz.  
Aadi:wow tanzii is also here kitna accha hota agar hamara pura gang phir ek saath ho ta. 
Voice:here im. 
 (suddenly a girl's voice came the grl was wearing a short balloon jump suit her hair was long straight nd open)
Sar:ufff have u gone to exile with pandavas tanzu. 
Lak:pandava's kon. 
San:(shook his head) have u read epic Mahabharata tht wala pandav. 
Lak:ohh but hw tanzii knws thm i also wanna meet(smile's like child) 
San:ur impossible donno hw sujju maa nd ragini tollarate your bad joke's.  
Lak:(gave a confused look)
(frndzz tanzii's role wll b played by Reem shaik)
Tanz:yaar listen u have given 2000 rupess note to tht cab driver nd dint take the change also nly fr 300rs toh change lene mei time to lagega na or naki wo net pr jo viral video he a begger taking a card swipe machine begging k liye wese kya cab driver bhi rakhega.  
San:shant tanzii shant apne sanky bhai ko bhul gaye??
Lak:ha ha sab sirf tujhe hi yaad rakhenge na she's my siss ok. 
Tanz:bas bas abh lado maath mujhe dono yaad ho.  (she goes to sanlak nd hugs thm)
Rag:ha ha mai toh koi nhi hoon. 
Tanz:are baba bola na saab yaad ho.(she hugs ragz)
Tanz:(to swara) Swara dii kesi hoo kya mai yaad hoon ap ko jab mai bohot chhoti thi tab mai last ap se milli thi ap bhi bari ho gai ho. 
Swa:i thought u dint remember me but u remember nd i cant forgot u tanzii ur my siss baby u knw sujji maa really miss u nd ram papa also whn i saw u last time ur soo small. 
Tanz:yaa wese maa kaha he vo aaye nhi bhaiya chalo na ghar i wanna meet mummy papa. 
Sar:ha ha olympic bhag ne ki bari jaldhi he na tere ko chali jaana itni jaldhi kya he wese mei ko bhi sujji mom se milna he nd aadi se mili tu. 
Tanz:woww aadiiii kaha tha tu wese tu yeaha kya kar raha hee. 
Aadi:swaru di is my sister wese hw r u.  
Tanz:m vry fi9. 
San:ab u all want to talk here or vll sit also. 
                    (After sometime)
(sanky aadi tanzii ragini sarah swara lucky are sitting on the living room chitting chatting)
San:really aadi sarah plays prank omg i dint knw before. 
Sar:yes yes nt nly me aadi was the first to play prank on me. 
Swa:really aadi.  
Lak:champ(aadi) nd wht did tanzii do.  
Adi:to say tanzii is a vry good grl she dint like pranks at all but whn me sarhu nd tanzii became bff tht time due to me nd sarah has requested she played a prank. 
Tanz:its nt done aadi rasogolla(sarah)u have promised me tht yea sirf hum 3o k beech rehga. 
Sar:Mishtidoi i dint said anything gd for nothing said. 
Tanz:aadu(fake anger) i hate u. 
Aadi:shut up dumbo are baap re abh tu gussa na ho tanzy siss. 
Rag:ohh toh tanzii teri siss he??
Sar:han bcz every year at bhai dooj nd raakhi tanzii used to tie raakhi nd teeka aadu. 
Lak:(teasingly) aadi sarhu ne kabhi raakhi baandhi??
Aadi:😳😳😳noo she isnt my siss.  
Lak:accha toh pher. 
Aadi😳😳😳lucky bhai we r bst frndzz. 
Lak:frndzz nly. 
Aadi:we r just frndz 😳👿😠😡
Lak:ok ok
Sar:Sujji maa abhi tak aayi q nhi. 
Lak:aati hogi traffic mei fasi he u knw mom was so exicited u knw. 
Tanz:mei se milne ke liye ya pher sarah😜
Lak:😙none of u nly aadu.  
Lak:han bcz mom loves aadu alott. 
Lak:ok ok nw dont be angry i was just joking. 
San:soo nw m getting bore.  
San:do smthing or m going to cheak my files. 
Swa:sanskaar the files r already cheaked nd i have sended thm to office. 
San:good(thinks smthing) swara plzz come to my room i have sm important talk with u. 
Aadi:sanky bhaiya plzz jaldhi ana. 
San:ohk aadu swara come. 
Swa:(in mind) ab wht he wants nw god plzz save me.  
                        (sanskaar room)
(sanskaar was kissing swara on her neck thy both r on the bed sanky was at top of her)
San:(biting her neck) hmmm......wht magic u have i dont knw i cant control myself frm having u. 
(vurgal thinking👅👅)
Swa:(with great difficulty nd choked voice) som..somebody vll...vll come plzz...plzzz leave me.
San:(unknowningly)u dont knw how much i like u. 
Swa:(in mind) god he's my ra***st i dont knw y i m loosing myself but the truth is i love him yess i love sanky but its nly lust fr him yes bcz IT ALL STARTED WITH LUST but my love is true i love him but he dont i also cant loose him and his lust is enough fr me.  
(tadaa😜frndzz whts ths dont be confused swara is bold too u all vll soon get to knw just wait fr d nxt epi)
Swa:ouch(swara came out of her thinking as sanky bite her hard on her neck)
San:opens his t-shirt nd opens her top soon both r naked sanky was kissing her on her lips but he's shocked as she was replying too sanky thn(thinks smthing nd leaves swara)
San:(wearing his clothes) wear your clothes swara m going down. 
Swa:(after sanky goes) he's strange but still i love him(she wear her clothes nd goes down)  
To be continued
Sorry guyz ths prt was really big but whn m sending ths to shubhi tht time yea send ho ki jage delete ho gaya nd i have to wrote it again or bhi he ill post soon plzz do comment agar age cahiyea toh i want 80 comments if i dint get 80 comments den wait tll jan thn this is Sarah sining off have a good day night or evening. 
80 comment nd its a pakki dhamki nd silent readers specially u. Nd tanzuu hope u liked your entry nd ths epi love u.  
It All Started With A Lust - By Sarah Ep- 5

Credit: Sarah

It All Started With A Lust - By Sarah Ep- 4

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on June 20, 2017 with No comments
Heya guyz its me sarah here frndz it the last prt ths month nd wll post at december again so plz u can bash me if u want bcz already im dying by lessening history nd tht bajirao who told him to mastani se aayashi karne ke liye nd kasi bai ufff tere kitne bete hai vo yaad krte krte hi mere do bajh jaate hai nd tht Akbhar pagal tere kitne biwi hai mai kya jani ufff those subprize tests aise fatak se dete hai kya likhu samaj nhi aata i hate history but i love science😍😍😍my favourite subject ohk ohk bhut bak liye maine so go ahead nd enjoy wi8 wi8 after the votings im really vry confused tht which track to give so after dicussing with my frndz jerry,monica nd chindhi aka shubhi my bestoo nd thanku Moni(monica) mei ko confusion se nikal ne k liye so i wll give all the track which r in the suggestion box ohk so today is my entry cover dekhne k baadh toh pata chal hi gaya hoga dont worry ill give swasan hot romance vry soon soo lets start.
                (swara's P_O_V)
It has been many dayz after tht ni8 no no worst night of my life but im not able to believe tht sanskaar sir has done tht cuz he is a vry gd human hw he behaves with the office staff's nd no swara wht r u thinking he is your ra***st but why why jab bhi vo mere aas pass rehte hai q mujhe itna safe itna secure laghta hai swara swara swara tu yea sav maath soch par im in no no ths cant happen no.
             (swara's P_O_V ends)
Sanskaar was takling in phn at living room raglak nd aadi were preasent there nd talking about smthing.
San:wht she is comming but she dint inform me also nd u hw can u leave her alone u knw na if smthing happens to her ill nt gonna spare u no excuses ur fire.
(tht time swara enters nd saw angry sanskaar face)
Swa:(in mind) ab ise kya ho gaya😏😏(she goes to raglakdi)
San:wht she want to subprize us but she is a kid nd uuu cut the cll nd u r fired as i told.(he cuts d cll)
San:laksh lakshhhh
Lak:(tensed) wht happen nw
Rag:(chuckled) go i think sani is waiting fr u.(again sanskaar called)
San:r u alive or dead lakshhhhhh.
Lak:(murmurs) im alive tll nw but soon ill be dead hey god plzz save me(nd starts to jap hanuman chalisa)(sanskaar again called)
Swa:jalidi jao.(laughed)
Lak:aaya. (he goes)
Swarag:(laughed nd gives eo hifi)
              (screen sifts to sanlak)
San:ohhh there ur i thought tum behre ho gaye hoo.
Lak:sorry i m with ragini nd vo hmmm
San:ok ok sun do u knw tht she is comming???
Lak:yaaa hmmm noo i dont knw.
San:(smrink) i knw tu janta tha??
(ragini came nd say)
Rag:bhai lucky donno acctually i knw she told me (goes to sanskaar) bhai plzz u knw na she is small plzz bhai.
San:(in a chocking voice) aj tak maine jis se bhi pyar kiya hai vo sab mujh se durr ho gaye mumma papa nd(he closed his eyes nd fist tightly a tears escape frm his eyes tht time) agar vo bhi mujh se door ho gaye toh.
Rag:bhai nothing vll happen plzzz bhai sarah ko aane do she is our sister apne mumma papa ko chu kr waada kiya tha na tht kuch bhi ho jaye ap uska hamisha baath manenge ap ko papa ne meri r sarah ki zimmedari diya tha 5 years 5 years koi chhota samay nhi hota plzz bhai u dont take stress nothing vll happen.
San:(hugged ragini)your r my life nd sarah is my heart kuch bhi ho jaye i cant mai tum dono ko nhi kho sakta nd yaa go sarah ka kamra taiyar karwa do(smiled)
Lak:mai use airport lene jau kya.
         (screen sifts to airport)
A girl was shown in her young 13 with long straight hairs her back was nly shown she was wearing a  white net top nd a pink hot pant the girl stepped stepped out of the AP nd flow her hands in air.
Grl:ufff lo agaye mai mera ghar i love u mumbai chalo av sab ko subprize kiya jaye but mujhe koi lene q nhi aaya chalo Accha hi hua tht koi nhi aaya mai akeli hi chali jaungi.
               (screen sifts to sanlak)
San:haan ill also go.
        (sanskaar gets a cll tht time)
San:office se hai
Lak:han u go.
(sanskaar was talking on phn tht time he dashed with swara,swara was about to fall whn sanky holds her by her waist(krishnadasi bg music😍😍 plays in the bg)
Da ra ra da re ra ra ra ra da da dere da.
San:(makes her stand) r u ok.
Swa:waise sir who is comming.
San:swara plzz in home nly cll me sanky.
San:no but"s sanskaar nly sanskaar at office u can cll me sir.
Swa:ohk(in mind) i dont knw y im talking with tht man without any irritation see hw shameless he ra**ed me nd leave it just do acting fr aadi nly fr aadi.
San:u said smthing.
Swa:han no no nothing sir
Swa:ohk sanskaar
San:waise my nd raginis small sister sarah she is comming after 5 years nd m really vry happy.
Swa:ohh but ragini never told me tht she have a small sister also.
San:ohk m going nw she wll be coming
Swa:(haan shameless man wht ever stamps her foot)
Rag:(comes) oye wht happen.
Swa:u never told me tht u have a sister also??
Rag:yaar mai bhul gaye tujhe batana waise she is really adoreable a chatterbox(khud ki taarif😜😂😂) jab aaye gi tab mill lena.
Swa:kitne saal ki hai
Swa:(smiled) wow aadi ki age ki waise bahar rehti thi.
Rag:(teary eyes) han abroad mei.     (suddenly a voice came same voice of tht airport grl)  
Grl:bhaiyu dioo jijzz kaha hoo mai agaye kaha hoo(the girls face was nt shwn tll nw)
                (screen freezes)
Precap:sarah sab samaj gaye ab swasan ko milane ka time nd sanky ka thoda sa past reaveled(bullaya song download kr lena agle epi mei kaam ayega)
Soo frndz i knw ths epi was really vry boring i wrote it in 1 hour thts y do like it nd share your juta chappal tamatar anda below at the comment box bcz mai bhag rhi hoon av goo shoot.
It All Started With A Lust

My role wll b played by jannat zubair rahmani.
Credit: Sarah

Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya by Zuzu Part 10

Posted by Unknown on June 20, 2017 with No comments
Hii guyz!!
How are you all.. SwaSanians..
Guys as per my scnd part I did a mistake I've said swara talking to b her mum on phn.. bt in third I said she is no more.. dnt b confused swara's Mom Is no more.. i did a mistake in scnd part .
Forgive me for that...
Dz part have swasan scnes..as d track of serial is not a satisfactory .. wrote dz on readers rqsts of swasan xclusive :p
Recap of part #9 -"SwaSan first meet.. Fun at Cafe.. Sanskaar falls over swara on her bed.. Due to slippery floor.. "
Continuation of Dat scne :p
SwaSan had a eye lock.. Sanskaar brked d eye contact n tries to get up bt swara's pendent.. struck in his Jacket chain.. Giving a signal dat dey are tied in a relation through invisible knot.... Swara tried to free that pendent frm his jacket.. at d same tym Sanskaar to did the same.. Sanskaar's hands were on Swara's hand dey again had a eye contact..
With a bg (Guys dz is just fun bg as am in a funny mood) "Abhi naa jao chor kr .. k dil abhi bhara nahi hai "
Sanskaar leaned towrds her face.. Caresses her cheeks.. Swara closes her eyes.. he leaned further n Kissed her forehead... 
Swara wave her hand near his face.. Sanskaar comes to his senses.. n he noticed he is still on swara.. He thought den Kissing her forehead was his dream
Finally dey get free n sanskaar stand up.. then helped swara to get up....
Both of them look at each other.. Sanskaar tries to divert d topic n says -"Laddu ye guitar tumhara h ?? "
Swara - " Haa "
Sanskaar - " Hmm so tumhe cmpltly gana aata h "
Swara - " Pata nahi bt I want to learn frm u will u ?"
Sanskaar - " Yeah sure.. ye b puchne ki baat h ??"
Swara - " Aaww thank you " (And hugs him tightly.. jumping in xitement )
Sanskaar was stunned By her dz act ... he smile n hugs her back ..
Dey apart...
Swara starts telling her craze about music.. fave singers.. movies.. sngs.. colour .. hero n wht not like a child.. she was really enjoying his presence.

He smilingly kept looking her innocence n cuteness.. with childishness..
She kept on saying.. den saw him n asked -"Are u getting bored.. me bht pakau hu na  Kab se bad bad kie jaa rahi hu n tumhe pareshan kr rahi hu  " (she keeps a pouted face..
He immediately places his finger on her rosy lips n said -"Ssssshhhhh.. Tum bilkul pakau nahi ho... n yaad rakna aage se kabi mat kehna ki tum muje pareshan krti ho.. Haq h tumhara "
She smiles.. he too smiles.. den removes his finger frm her soft lips..
n faces other side n says in a teasing way -" Haa ye alag baat h ki tum bht baate krti ho.. Ua mouth don't pain bt talking so much  "
Swara (fake anger) -"Haawww.. Really "
N she starts beating him n he runs.. she too runs behind n he says -"me mazak kr raha tha..am srry "
Swara - " Acha ruko abi batati hu "
Sanskaar stopes running turns towrds her n catches her both hands.. dey were so close.. .. ki dey can feel each others breath.. swara's both hands were in Sanskaar's hand... Dey had a Cute eyelock..
BG plays for swara (As nw it's her tym to realise :p )
"Naa jaane mere dil ko kya ho gaya..
Abhi toh yahin tha abhi kho gayaaa"
Swara breathing was high.. dnt think other way ;) as she was running behind him..
Dey broked d eye lock n.. Sanskaar left her hands.. as he was standing n swara was totally on him.. no balance of her on her feets.. on floor.... as der was no balance she was about to fall.. bt sanskaar catches her by waist (Guys ill not add more falls n eyes locks.. If I do u all will say all d tym same scnes so .. )
Swara for support catches his collar by one of her hand n other hand of her was wrapped around his neck.... Swara closed her eyes due to fear of fall.. bt She was saved by her man.. (Guys be frank am I doin to much by said always her laddu n his man or his Sansku ?? )
He was mesmerised by seeing her eyes closed n her lips was shivering due to sudden fall.. her grip of hands on his collar n neck was Tight..
BG plays (Guys as I said am mad lover of sngs do der will b lots of songs which are my fave . As bgs n others.. Songs my first love with my secnd love swasan.. hope ull all not mind )
" Bheegi Bheegi sadkon pe me Tera intezaar karu..
Dheere Dheere dil ki zameen ko Tere hi naam karu...
Khud ko me Yu kho du k fir na kabhi paun..
Hole hole zindagi ko abb tere hawale karu ..
SANAM RE SANAM RE TU MERA SANAM HUA RE " (Bg bada ho gaya na .. bt I love dz sng sry bar bar am disturbing u all in middle of sty :p )
Sanskaar looks at her lovingly
Swara was not ready to open d eyes.. BG continues..
(I love it's music a lott )
" Tere kareeb jo hone laga hu toh tute saare bharam re
Swara slowly opens her eyes n sees sanskaar.. Sanskaar was looking at her with much care..
He made her stand n said -"Are you alright ?"
Swara - " Ummmm am ok "
Swara - " Thanks sanskaar hamesa muje Bachane k lie "
Sanskaar - " Laddu muje baat nahi krni tumse.. U forget no sorry no thank You... "(n makes a pout face)
Swara gets lots of love on his handsome cute n childish face..
Sanskaar turns his head to other side .. swara goes to her.. -"Acha baba abb se ill not say dat ... "
Sanskaar (Childishly ) - " Really ??"
Swara (To behave like child ) "yeshhh "
Both laugh together... Swara puts her hand on his shoulder while laughing.. n bend her heads towrds his shoulders..
Sanskaar was so happy.. her happiness remains no bonds..
By d time dey are disturbed by a call on Swara's phone.. It was none other than Sam.. (Huh aagaya kabab me haddi ;) )
Sanskaar sees it..
Swara pics up d call n says -"Haa Sam bolo"
Sanskaar was curiously looking at swara as he was listing carefully
Sam-"Swara bhul gayi...aaj Ridz k ghr jana h farm house pr am coming to pick u .. In 15 mints ok "
Swara - " Oh haa ok ill b ready "
Call ends.. n tells sanskaar
Swara - " Sanskaar Sorry I've to leave nw fr farmhouse "
Sanskaar - (Don't want to stay away from her bt have to ) " Ok .. "
Swara sets her self.. by d tym Sam comes.. Sanskaar leaves.. as he dnt wanna cme ryt nw infrnt of her frnds..
Sanskaar -"Bye swara :) "
Swara - " Bye tc :) c u soon "
Sanskaar leaves by d tym Sam comes n swara locks d house n go.. Sam hug him a frndly hug it was bt sanskaar he was feeling dam jls seeing dz .. Swara sat on back seat of his (Sam bike ) Sanskaar was watching dz all from a distance .. He thinks in mind (Swara ko back seat pr sirf mere piche baitne ka hq h or kisi k nahi ) He noticed dat Sam had did a sudden brk.. so dat swara hold him.. He don't let swara alone with Sam.. n he thought wht if Sam try to do something with her .. well sanskaar have become vry much possessive fr Swara ..
He too leaves frm der ..
Precap - " SwaSam dance.. Sanskaar jls "
******To Be Continued******
Hwz dz guys plz tell me ... I've given a shrt update as am not well.. Jlsy part is added on readers rqst..
waiting for ua precious feed back
Credit: Zuzu