Friday, 24 June 2016

I'm Hope Ep 24

Posted by Saba Shiekh on June 24, 2016 with 4 comments

The next morning was brighter than any other day of her life.
He already went for workout when she awoke in morning.
Firstly she didn't get the place but after recalling the night incident, she slowly smiled cordially after long time.
But suddenly her smile interrupted by the threatening knock of her door.
She practically jumped from her place and the pang of last night started to devouring her happiness again.
But next moment she jerked every ominous thought from her mind and opened the door.
It was Faraz's mother, she greeted her after watching her. But she ill-mannerly ignored her greeted and spit out next sentence.
"be ready Umeed! You've to go to your home" her tone was flat but disturb as well.
"what happened... Mama?" She hesitantly called her with the right status.
" Romana  attempt suicide and she succeeded"
Suddenly her heart tugged in the cage of her chest faltered and her mind didn't decode what her mother in law just spitted out because her mind was completely numb.
Abruptly, color of her eyes changed, it turned honey color to dark brown like the wood in the night without moon.
"get ready beta! We've to go there, I already informed Faraz, he was about to come" Mrs Agha Haroon again said in her calm voice but her mind couldn't able to decipher her words.
Her mother in law's narrowed her eyes then observed her condition thoroughly.
She came to her, held her by her shoulder "I understand your condition but we've to move there. You should be brave because you've to console your family and specially your mother, so hurry up.... We don't have so much time" she patted her face then slowly leaved her shoulder then her room too.
But Umeed was still there, she repeated words of her mother-in-law in her mind again and again but her mind wasn't able to recognize what happened.
She didn't count minutes during her shock state, when Faraz entered  the room, he stopped to see her on the entrance of their room.
He was in his jogging suits, his hairs were wet and anyone could easily sense sweat all over his expose muscles and strain on his face. Seem like he rushed to the home after getting the news of Romana's deed.
He didn't take time to rush towards her, he patted her face "Umeed! Are you okay?" His voice easily displayed his inner tension.
"Faraz.... Honey..."  She hardly stuttered two words which easily understood by Faraz but he didn't understand how to console her in this condition. In his whole life, he didn't console anyone. In his childhood, it was always Umeed who consoled her but now it was time to pay back and he thought that he didn't have anything to pay back to her wife whom he had been loving more than decade.
A cold sigh came out from his mouth and he grasped Umeed's shoulders tenderly. He dragged her to the bed then made her sit.
He offered her water but she pushed back his hand.
The unknown-fear was felt by Faraz while watching in her eyes.
He was dumbfounded to console his wife.
Few minutes passed heavily between them, then his cellphone rang.
He saw "Agha Jan Calling" on the screen but didn't receive.
"Umeed... I can understand what are you feeling now, but we've to go to your home, your family needs you this time" he said in very low voice but she could easily listen his every word because of their closeness.
Umeed turned her face towards her then simply nodded.
"get change.. I'm using guest room's bathroom"
She was wearing pink anarkali frock with little bit makeup and lots of bangles on the name of jewellery.
She was simple as compare to newlywed girl but that condition wasn't suitable to attend funeral.
She nodded to Faraz, who took his dress from cupboard then disappeared from the room.
When she changed her dress and washed her face, she watched her reflection in the mirror.
She surely was not seem like the girl who married last night.
She could clearly observe split kajal from her honey orbs, her face was completely pale, though her shoulder cut bangs simply scattered on her shoulders.
She wiped her face with towel then again saw her reflection in the mirror.
Her eyes was same as her daddy's while Romana had black orbs  like mummy. She often complained about that though she was real daughter of daddy but Umeed had sheer reflection of daddy specially her creamy complexion and eyes. Romana was carbon copy of mummy though Arman and Umeed were seemed like siblings more, due to  physical similarities of both as compared to Romana and Arman.
Her chagrin was not because of physical similarities among daddy, Arman and Umeed but their personality traits were almost same. She was calm and silent girl with hardworking trait same as both males of her family while Romana was loud and whining member of family who had sharp mind with smart working skill. In other words, Romana had beauty with brain but she was using or wasting her both qualities in wrong way.
Once again, she saw her grievous complexion in the mirror. The words of her mother-in-law was again echoed in her mind but again her mind was unable decipher it.
"honey..." She muttered while watching her sad complexion in the mirror. 
"why?... Why did you do that?"
She asked from the complexion of her own, her complexion simply smirked to reminded her that both she and herself knew the reason very well.
20 minutes' journey, from her in law's villa to her home was eloped heavily.
At the gate, they could see the crowd of people but ironically she didn't know many of them people who were relatives to her family.
Faraz grasped her with her shoulder supportively but she neither flinched nor supported his hands on her shoulder.
Both silently came inside the home, where firstly they saw Shayan who was talking with some guests whom she didn't know.
She didn't boggle to see him there but after what happened in past, one of the corner of her mind astound of his arrival on the funeral of his so called fiancĂ©e. 
After watching them, he slowly excused his guests and much to her surprise, he came to them.
Faraz and Shayan both greeted to each others, while Umeed remained silent with her stoic expression.
"Where is everyone?" She heard the voice of Faraz who was talking with Shayan with serious expression.
"Arman is watching the settlement, while aunty and uncle..." He paused and Umeed surmised that next sentence of him will not be a good one.
"Uncle is in the hospital, he got minor angina attack and aunty is with him"
As Shayan completed his sentence, Umeed's face expression changed abruptly.
Stoic to shock then shock to pain.
"da..dd..dadyy..." She stuttered and Faraz could swear that in the whole day, he first time heard her voice.
"I wanna sew them, mummy...? Is she ok?" This time her voice was repleted with moisture.
The hands tightened around her shoulder but she didn't care.
Shayan peered the honey colored eyes girl with the boy who was trying to support her whose expression showed that he was equally in pain to see his wife in this condition.
"It's minor one but I suggest you don't visit your parents now, first meet with Arman or maybe..." He paused, his expression grimace.
"What do you mean not now? They're her parents" this time Faraz asked him with serious tone.
" I think you don't have update of everything. Honey darling played  her card very well, but unfortunately, she isn't able to see her triumph... Well! I'm sorry Umeed for harsh words but I'm not so kind person to remember her with nice words after what she did, well! I've sympathy for you but I can't do anything for you" after completing his words 'Politely' he left their stance to leave the both persons with great confusion.
"What did your sister do this time?" She heard Faraz's words with harshness and his grasp tightened on her shoulder but she knew these harsh words were not for her but for her stupid late sister.
"I don't know..." Umeed found herself saying that and Faraz simply nodded before dragging her towards inside the home.
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  1. finally you updated it...i thought you will never please try to update the next part soon..dont take much time

  2. Yeah finally you updated Saba..I thought you forgot about posting ur ff..
    Nice episode dear

  3. saba i just want you to finish this.what will happen to Umeed and Faraz's relation. pls its my request

  4. Saba di ....plz post next part soon eagerly waiting for it since months
