Friday, 19 August 2016

An Incomplete Scrapbook (In The Changing Times) Episode 26 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on August 19, 2016 with 12 comments
Swara's POV
When the clouds clad sky, darkness prevailed everywhere irrespective with the presence of twilight; likewise when I saw the caller ID of Laksh in Sanskar's phone, my entire senses came to a grinding halt. In a confusing state, I picked up the call. Before I could utter a single word, I heard Laksh's voice.

Though I was pretty sure that it would be Laksh after seeing the caller ID, still somewhere in the deep corner of my heart, a little hope was enduring to deny this fact. But alas! Till now I must be knowing that how fragile my hope & happiness were! & how eager the universe was to take it away from me!

Breaking my series of thoughts, Laksh said hurriedly,"Are you listening to me, Sanskar? Don't worry buddy. Mr.Johnson has updated me regarding Swara's status & she will be fine soon. I am going to my village as my mother's health is in critical stage. Connectivity will be an issue there. Now I am in a hurry & will catch you later." And the phone was disconnected even before our conversation would begin.

Truly, there were winds of destiny that blew when we least expected them. Sometimes they gusted with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fanned one's cheek. But the winds couldn't be denied as the unseen future would be relied upon them which would be impossible to ignore.

Though I didn't want to suspect Sanskar, but the series of unfolding events were persuading me to do so. However, my sane heart had surmounted the draconian thoughts of my mind. Earlier also I disbelieved Sanskar upon various issues, only to discover his care behind the mist of lies. So, this time I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake of doubting my life. Yes! Indeed he was my life.

There must be a potent cause with him to conceal the truth of Laksh in front of me, I thought. What had happened now was unfortunate & what was going to happen would be uncertain, only this much I could summarize from the past events. I removed the received call of Laksh from the call list as I wanted Sanskar to tell me the truth desirably, not compulsively.

I peeped outside the house through windows. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper & deeper shades of night. Though it was beautiful & delightful sight to behold the body of the moon but at this crucial time, I was worried for Sanskar as he hadn't returned yet.

But as I was aware that god had his own plans to execute on time, the door bell rang & I rushed to open the door to find Sanskar was standing there in an unhurt condition.

As soon as I was going to ask him about the cause of delay, he hugged me tightly. This wasn't a normal hug, I felt. The kind of compassion & edginess pervaded in this hug, compelled me to think something undesirable had happened. So, breaking the hug, I asked him in a surprised tone,"Sanskar, is everything OK? Has something happened?" He just lowered his gaze & avoided making any eye contact with me & whispered,"Nothing... I just want to stay curled & cozied forever in your arms."

Though I blushed after listening to his sayings, still I was feeling insecure, like the storm surge was gushing towards us & deluged us with its herculean speed. Breaking my thoughts, he asked funnily,"Can I come inside?" Lovingly I hit him on his chest & we came inside.

He conveyed me all the minute details of medication & rehabilitation centers & it's entire procedures before going to refreshment. I didn't exhibit a single sign of anxiety on my face regarding Laksh's phone call else his strong instinct could recognize it easily.

In the meantime, I prepared dinner & while taking food, he uttered in a sluggish tone,"I want to tell you something." I looked at him intently after diverting my attention from food & said,"Sanskar, please open up. Is there anything serious?" Somewhat, I assumed that was he going to confess about Laksh? I became a bit serious but still kept mum & waited for his reaction.

He clasped my hands & said,"Ermm.. I am going to apply for writer's job in the City Light Publishers." I squealed in happiness,"What?" In an astonished tone, he asked,"Aren't you angry upon my decision?" I gave him an amazed look & said,"Why will I be angry on this, Sanskar? It is a good thing that you are embracing a humanly lifestyle & moving on in your life by forgetting your past."

Cutting my words, he said,"But Swara! I am not a civilised human being.. I am a slayer.." I put my finger on his lips to stop him from saying further bogus things & uttered,"Correct yourself Sanskar! You were a slayer. Now you are pretty much civilised & possess all the characteristics of a civilised person. Trust me, you should give this job a try. But you have never said about your writing skills..."

After getting my assurance, he smiled feebly & said,"I am used to do writing during my teenage before this darkness has engulfed me. But now I can give a fresh start to my life by staying by your side." I gave him the much needed courage by my gestures & said,"Great Mr. Writer! One day our children will read your novels & will be proud of you.." He asked me huskily,"Do you think so?" I nodded positively.

In excitement, he said,"The love of a child is life's greatest blessing. Hopefully, I will try to fulfill all my fatherly responsibilities & will safeguard my child till my last breath unlike my father..." & his voice choked.

With each passing days, I was viewing different shades of him. I felt guilty. He had every right to desire for a family life but was it possible for me to conceive? Could I give him this happiness? Well! I was unable to get the answer as it would depend upon the outcomes of my medication procedures. What if I wouldn't able to conceive at all? These very thoughts agitated me & a few drops of tears came down from my eyes.

It didn't take a minute for him to understand my pain. He tugged the curls behind my ear & wiped out the tears. He touched my cheeks lovingly & said,"Till today, we haven't experienced the real care of our parents. However life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. Now, we have each other & we have everything. Forget the past & don't be apprehensive about future. I want to hold this moment & stay with you like this forever. Ya swara! 'Forever'... I know, forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending by your side.. Remember! Only you are my priority."

This happened when a person knew you inside out.. Without uttering regarding my pregnancy issue, he emphasized me as his everything. In a blissful voice, I said,"When forever becomes a place, when forever ceases to be just a word, when it ceases to be just a measurement of time... but instead becomes a place where soulmates can dance to the song in their hearts that is reflection of true love.... And I am glad Sanskar, I have found you."

This time he cut my words & said,"Rectify Swara! WE HAVE FOUND US!" I chuckled & he kissed on my forehead gently & again said,"Now you take rest. You have to get up early to go to the medication center. I need to pendown certain stories to send to the publication house for getting this job." I nodded & washed the dishes before going to sleep.

Sanskar's POV:
In a barren land, we were running. Swara had already developed swells on her legs. She couldn't run & was staggering now. I shouted,"Swara! Run... We need to get out of this place as soon as possible." In a fainting tone, she said,"I can't run anymore..." I didn't have any other way than to hold her in my arms. So, I grasped her tightly in my arms & started running furiously.. Just then I heard a sound,"Bang!" & she fell down from my arms with pool of bloods. I screamed,"SWARA" & then realised she was no more....

I suddenly opened up my eyes to find myself in my room with laptop in my lap. The half written story was flashing on the screen. 'Oh gosh! It is a nightmare.', I thought while wiping out the sweats from my forehead.

I checked Swara's room. She was sleeping peacefully. I got a sense of relaxation. But I was sure that the storm was coming nearer to me & this nightmare had indicated my state of mind. After I felt someone's presence while returning to home, a sense of fear and uncertainty was brewing up inside me! Somewhere I felt my captain was behind all this progress.

As soon as my captain's thoughts echoed in my brain, suddenly one name came to my mind was 'Laksh'. He could only guide me & exhibit certain paths. I was still unaware about captain's feelings for me. Was he thinking me as dead or still was he adamant to track me? Honestly! I was ignorant about all these aspects & only Laksh could put forth some light on this matter.

I rushed to my room & searched for my phone. In all these chaos, I had literally forgotten to check my phone after returning to home. I got my phone which was placed on the table. I opened the call list to dial Laksh but I saw a missed call from his number probably during the time I was outside. There was no received call from his number. 'Oh god! Thankfully neither Swara has heard the ringtone of my phone nor she has received it else I will be in a big hurdle.", I thought & dialed to Laksh. But his number was constantly giving the message of out of coverage area. Might be he was in some mission or might be due to weather problem, the network issue was persisted, I thought & kept the phone on table & went to sleep though sleep was far away from my eyes...

Time provided all of us with the opportunity to change, to alter our belief system & to create new perspective that challenged a person's character & taught him how to become a happier & wiser person! True indeed! From the past fifteen days, my lifestyle had changed drastically. I got the writer's job in the city lights publication house & swara's medication was also progressing well.

Everything in life had changed except one thing. From the past 15 days, I was unable to contact Laksh. Every time I called, his number was out of reach. I was no idea about his whereabouts! My series of thoughts were broken down when I received a mail to develop a new story under the title of 'The reason I breathe is you'....
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  1. Thanks dear for update..I was waiting for ur ff..really like ur fact love your writing..pls update's request..

    1. Thanks a lot dear!!! Ya I will update soon...


  2. wow, after such a long time....
    Well even I've been busy with college, but now got few weeks of holidays, so enjoying your stories again. You always manage to amaze me with an emotionally enchanted story, particularly when philosophizing life circumstances...
    marvelous indeed :-)
    keep writing and take care :-)


    1. Thanks a ton dear!! Ya I have just completed the exam.. So, started the story again..


  3. Kashish are you not update daily as before?
    # sneha

  4. When will you update???

  5. Hey Dear, You updated after such a long time and it was a beautiful come back..welcome back dear..hope to see ur updated regularly...


  6. When will you update?Kashish did you post
    In fiction lover yesterday?

  7. Kashish when will you update??

  8. Have u published next episodes.. Episode 27 onwards

  9. Have u published next episodes.. Episode 27 onwards

  10. when will u update the next chapter?
