Saturday, 20 February 2016

Swasan A patn hate to love Ep 43

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 20, 2016 with 18 comments
Recap:" Sanskar saw his family in his party and felt pain in his head" 

Sanskar reaches in his room, Swara follows him and comes close to him. His face is expressing his inner pain while

her face is expressing her tension for him.

Swara:" Are you ok Sanskar?"

Sanskar:" Why are they come?"

Swara:" Who?"

Sanskar looks to her face and says in cold voice:" Those Maheshwaries"

Swara doesn't understand:" But you said, I can invite them"

He shouts:" But I didn't know they would come"

Swara:" But Sanskar..."

He raises his hand and cut her words:" Call Shanaya"

Swara:" Sanskar.."

" I said call Shanaya..." This time he says more louder which frightens  her.

She slowly nods and goes to Shanaya who is busy with guests.

After seeing her, she excuses to them and they go to the side.

Swara:" Shanaya! Sanskar is calling you.."

Shanaya looks her worried face and asks:" Is everything ok?"

Swara tells her about the reaction of Sanskar after seeing his family. Shanaya also gets worried to listen it.

Shanaya holds her hands and says in firm but in very serious tone:" Listen to me Swara carefully... If you really love

him, then stay with him now. Because this time he should be need his wife instead of his partner, but..." She stops

to listen her innocent face.

Swara looks her with confusion:" But..."

Shanaya gasps and again tries to make her understand :" I told you about his behaviour with me, he didn't stay

with you like it, but if he's mentally disturb then he must show his real face or maybe your love would be vanish to

see his real face... I don't understand how to make you understand... But if I say he's animal then he's! Would you

handle him now? Otherwise I go to him?"

Swara still looks her with confusion because she doesn't get her many words bit she understands that if he needs

someone then it should be his wife who would be with him.

She presses Shanaya's hands and says in firm voice:" Don't worry I'll handle him.... You handle the party, because

it's Sanskar's dream.."

Shanaya tensely smiles:" Don't worry! I'll be handle it, you take care yourself and him but when he would become

drunk, stay away from him" she slowly pats her shoulder and goes to dj to loud the music because she doesn't

want to let people hear the noise of Skanska's room.

While Swara comes inside her room where Sanskar holds his head in his both hands to control his headache.

Sanskar looks her to come inside and asks in still cold tone:" Where is Shanaya?"

Swara comes to him and holds his hands:" She's busy with guests, I'm with you Sanskar! And you shouldn't need

anyone except your wife"

Sanskar looks her and Swara can see the clear pain in his red eyes:" Wife...huh? I had one wife, who already left

me for the sake of money and I bought second one..."

Swara looks him with wounded eyes that how can he say it so easily.

He stands up from his place, rubs his vein of brain and shows his back to her:" Go from there Swara! I'm ok now.."

Swara:" I won't.." Her tone is stubborn and firm.

Sanskar turns and looks her with anger, he goes towards her, holds her shoulders and looks into her eyes:" Try to

understand Swara! I don't want to hurt you, just go from there"

Swara nods in no and he pushes her in anger:" I told you, I don't like your sympathy which you show me time to

time... Just get out from there"

Swara looks him with unbelievable expression and again says:" And I told you, I wont go because it's not


Sanskar holds her arm and lifts her up. He opens the door and drags her towards outside:" Don't come here


Swara looks him helplessly:" This is love Sanskar..."

Sanskar stops to listen her, for few moments, he stays stills in the same condition and she slowly frees herself from


Sanskar comes to sense to hear the voice of shutting door. She closes the door and now holds his hands slowly:"

This is love Sanskar.."

Sanskar looks her and the heat of his eyes are increasing in every moment. He jerks her hands and goes to bed:"

Make a drink for me.."

Swara looks him with shock because she didn't expect this from him.

Sanskar:" Didn't you listen? Make a drink for me.."Swara looks her and that fear is placing in her heart which she possessed in the initial days of her marriage because

he's behaving same as he acted in first night.

Swara takes out the bottle and first time, she touches the bottle of this special thing.

She doesn't understand how to make drink, Sanskar instructs her.

She makes drink and gives her but he nods in no:" Drink..."

Swara looks her with unbelievable expression.

Sanskar repeats his words again:" Do you love me... Then drink it"

Swara doesn't want to drink it but she thinks that if this can prove her love then she should drink it.

She closes the glass to her lips but he takes out glass from her hands:" If you aren't my wife, then I surely allow you

to do it... So be my wife, don't try to be my beloved, otherwise you don't know what I do with my so called


Swara feels bit fear in her heart but she wants to prove her love in any condition, so she forgets everything what

Shanaya told her and she believes on herself. But sometimes we don't understand the very little difference

between confident and over confident.

Sanskar orders her to make more and she does the same until he drinks enough.

But he still wants more but this time she stops him:" Sanskar it's enough now.."

Sanskar looks her beautiful face:" Who the hell are you to stop me?"

Swara controls her heartbeat:" Your wife Sanskar.."

Sanskar:" I already divorced my wife... No actually she left me, who are you? My new girlfriend?"

Sanskar looks her again and her image is blaring in front of his eyes.

Sanskar says again:" Well! I don't care who are you, just come to me"

Swara numbs because of his every words and doesn't move.

Sanskar says again:" I said come to me..."

Swara comes to him and he immediately holds her, now he recognises her:" Oh! You're my wife Swara Sanskar

Maheshwari..." He pushes her to bed and stand up from his place.:" I'm leaving you because you're good girl and I

don't want to hurt you" he says in unstable tone and he again holds his head because his body wants flesh.

Swara stands up and holds his hands:" Sanskar.."

He jerks her hands because her touch increases his desire.

Swara:" Sanskar, don't do to yourself"

Sanskar senses the pity in her eyes:" Again sympathy Swara? Don't make me angry on you"

Swara says in firm voice:" I love you Sanskar.."

Sanskar pushes her on the bed:" Love...huh? Ok! Then let me love you and then let me see this love would be

vanish in the air"

He again comes to her, pins her beneath the bed and holds her arms with tight grip.

Swara doesn't understand how to deal him, now she's understanding what Shanaya wanted to say to her and why

last time Sanskar pushed her out from their room.

He bites her neck but this time she pushes him:" It's paining Sanskar.."

Sanskar looks her with same heated eyes:" You love then bear me... This is first punishment of your love my


Sanskar is completely drunk and she first time, gets know why God forbids alcohol. This is not their first time

intimacy and she is tasting the bitter taste of love which is moaning with his every move.

First time, she shows restrictions to him because inside her heart she has belief on her love but he gets irritated by

her mantra of love. He only believes on himself, he hates the word love, how can he tolerate from his wife?

The louder voice of music can easily suppresses the noise of their room. He not only uses her and his torcher is

more than physical. He again breaks everything of room and Swara tries to stop him every time. But when he starts

beating her, this time she stops because her every restriction, increasing his cruelty.

"isn't Shanaya told you that I don't like sympathy but I hate love.."

When he fulfills his every need and takes out his depression on her then a tear break from her eye and absorbs in

the pillow.

She looks her and knelt down because there are so many tears in her eyes to flow out them.

Now she understands why every time, Shanaya smiles bitterly when she said to her that Shanaya has highest level

in his life. She said to her that she tolerated many things to reach on this level and she can understand now which

thing she experienced. She advised her to stay away from him when he became drunk but she had confident on

her new and fresh love instead of her.

Tears are flowing from her eyes and her sobbing is increasing by thinking about the first night and that night which

is most horrible night of her life. She slowly touches her wounds which are given by her husband or her beloved.

She doesn't know why and when but she considers him as her lord and she is starting to devotion herself to him

but this night, her idol breaks down. She's sobbing not because the pain but seeing her breaking idol. And whenever

our idol break, it's most painful moment of our life but at the same time it's time of changing our thought because

that time we consider our beloved a human being instead of lord. She wipes her tears and looks his face with

empty expression. The one who's living his life just for fulfilling his demands of instinct, can we consider this type

of human being? Can we? Really...?
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  1. Yes you are right he is not human and he is animal. Swara should understand that he is not her god. Till now we never saw Sanskar's pov of Swara but I think after today's episode we may see his pov also.

  2. Hey saba
    You made me cry today.
    He gives so much hopes and lots of desire to her in last 3 chapters.
    But its all goes in vein.
    His each and every words words bring tears in my eyes.
    How can he say meera as his wife now also. How rude he is.
    I felt so bad for swara.
    He also forgot the promise made by him to ragini.
    But yes he is an amimal more than that, heart less.

  3. He has practically raped her... Physical and mental abuse

    1. That was what I was about to comment. He thinks himself as God and he can do whatever he wants to do,. Saba told in one the comment that she has made his character as bad not worst, but this is more than worst. But it times for Mr Maheshwari to repay for his deed.

  4. Congratulations Mr Maheshwari ur dream is fulfilled.

  5. Loved this update. Down to reality. He is not a human but still human and I don't understand one thing that why he always consider that swara is showing sympathy on him. Did he really had that bitter past. I guess no. I accept that initially he suffered a lot but layer he enjoyed everything including that pleasures a man would. I don't think why he consider himself like a person who has seen and experienced everything and became successful by piercing the difficulties that too in a correct way.
    Anyways good episode.and one more request from my side. I know that it won't be fulfilled but please update another episode tomorrow itself by replacing this with another. I am sorry if I crossed my limits.

    1. hey dear! thanks and dont say like that ive uploaded next part you can see

  6. But i want to know still swara loves him or not. If not then she accepts her defeat ah?

  7. Loved this update. Down to reality. He is not a human but still human and I don't understand one thing that why he always consider that swara is showing sympathy on him. Did he really had that bitter past. I guess no. I accept that initially he suffered a lot but layer he enjoyed everything including that pleasures a man would. I don't think why he consider himself like a person who has seen and experienced everything and became successful by piercing the difficulties that too in a correct way.
    Anyways good episode.and one more request from my side. I know that it won't be fulfilled but please update another episode tomorrow itself by replacing this with another. I am sorry if I crossed my limits.

  8. its too short yar make it long next time and update soon...u rock

  9. Today epi ws just superb saba... since u hav already informed us dat it wil b painful epi... so i made mind nd dhn read today epi saba.. waiting eagerly to knw wt their destiny has planned for thm by u saba.. bt im feeling sorry swara...

  10. Make it long and in details like other episodes

  11. Saba felt so bad for swara actually his words are more hurting than his actions

  12. In a practical life a common girl will surely kill him when she is in this situation her husband beloved all are second thing. But she think her as a mahan to sacrifice for her family and bear all the pain and also loves him

  13. Hey saba
    You know what I love sanskar so much in swaragini and am crazy on him.
    But you made me taunt him by my mouth.
    This is not fair ya plz make him little good plz..

  14. M still confused which is the true face of Sanskar? Of course it was today because I heard that when people drunk they saw their true color and they speak truth only... So what was that which was going in in last 3 episodes were they cleared rhier misunderstanding and he promised Ragini that he will keep her happy and what about his rules of honesty and no betrayal as he asked for Shanaya in this condition. There are so many questions in mind but I think Saba will clear only through upcoming episode.

    I always think that his is just he story why we feel so much for Swara.. But in another second my mind says there will be some in the world who might be facing the same torture from her family or husband.

    And also from here I know there is going to be a different story not the same as it was till now..

    Saba in last 3 episodes we saw he dram world of Swara which she wants as a common girl but in today's episode we see that reality is far far away from her dream world..

    Hope in next episodes she will come out as stronger women and will fight for rights. I am not worried about their relationship now but I want Swara to come out from this torture and trauma and want to see her has strong enough who can figt for her and her family's right..

  15. hey guys! thanks all of you guys! i know its painful but we have to bear pain to come in reality. my next ep would clear everything. thanks solanki for you long comment, yeah i also want to hsow swara like that but its not possible to be strong at once we all need some push to do that so its her pin which push her to show her couraguos face
