Saturday, 22 October 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Season 2 Ep 2

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on October 22, 2016 with 2 comments

Swasan A path hate to love Season 2 Ep 2

Love...? This word is uttered by people like honey but the one who knows the dark side of this word. The one who becomes the victims of this hunter. The one who knows how the bitterness of this enchantment; the one spits this word like a poison on their tongue.
Sanskar Maheshwari was also one of the person. He was mature and experienced man, who witnessed many black and white of this world. The one who knows the dark part of this world more well than light part.  From his childhood, he only receives lobe and appreciation and a person who is habitual of this type of behavior, what will happened if everything was snatched by him at once? He was one of them. But after many years in darkness, he found his light. But it was complete irony of life that he was so much sank in darkness that his light didn't effect on him or helped him to come out from darkness.
Om the contrary, he was started to polluted that light and he decided to die with his darkness. But the destiny had another plan for him.
After two months, when he thought that he was died long ago because he wasn't feeling anything. But ironically, he wasn't in hell either. It was strange situation for him that he couldn't understand where was he? And who was he?
For long time, he didn't recognise himself. After two months of his death (in his point of view), he heard some voices and felt the touch of someone.
Someone held his hand, it was soft hands which held his right hand. He wondered how he differentiate between the right and left hand, but his instinct told him, it was right and Sanskar Maheshwari always believed on his instinct or intuition.
That hands were soft but familiar but he didn't pinpoint where he was touched by those hands, but that touch was so much familiar with his hand that he thought that it was his own.
Someone whispered in his ear, the voice was husky, dry but at the same time, wet with tears.
"Look Sanskar...!" He wondered who is that Sanskar guy? But there was so much emotion in that voice that he envied for that guy.
"You want to go from me and look, I've gift"
A gift? Which type of gift? Did he was his guardian angel? He believed in guardian angel, his mother told him about guardian angel and he always thought that she was always around him. He often tried to talk to him but she always hid from him.
Suddenly, a light of blaze came in his mind. Yes! His name was Sanskar. But who was that girl or woman? Was she his mother? No! Sanskar knew the touch of his mother very well and it was not that.
He stopped the train of his thought, she told something else too. " gift which God gives me just for the sake because I love you and you've to love me Sanskar"
Love? What's this thing? His mother never told him about the love-thing? What was his guardian angel talking about?
"yes! You've to love me because now I'm also mother of your would be child, you've to come back Sanskar..."
Mother of his child? What was this girl blabbering about? He read in his science book that human needs to reach age of puberty to produce child? And he was only five. Wait? Where he knows about the puberty thing? No, any school teach this type of thing to five years old child?
"You've to come back"
Come back from where? Might be his guardian angel was talking about that dark world, he was in but he didn't know where was he? How could he come back when he didn't know where was he lost?
She puts her head on his chest and tries to listen his heartbeat.
He was confused and felt his forehead wet with sweat. What was happening to him? He was no love-stuck teenager? But was he feeling like that?
"I'm listening your heartbeat Sanskar, that's a reason I'm also Alive. Just come soon I'm not able to weigh this responsibility more"
What type of responsibility, was she talking about? And who was she by the way?
He tried to remember but didn't recall her. He recalled every women in his life. His mother, his aunts, his sister, his friends in school but he didn't understand who was she? She was not one of them.
Who was she? Her hand pressed his and that time he was nothing but response at that touch. He tried his best to touch her back but he couldn't. He just simply couldn't. After some effort, he gave up and try to recall again who was she until she left the room in which he was or he thought he was.
When she left the room, he didn't know when his mind went blank and when he went the world of dream. A world which familiar with him long ago but after very long time, he visited that world. And ironically, he was oblivious with this fact. But soon, very soon he would know everything.  And very soon, he would be granted with the second chance. A second chance which was given to very few person and he was always life's favourite. So, he really deserve second chance. Don't you think, he do?

Monday, 17 October 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Season 2 Ep 1

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on October 17, 2016 with 8 comments

Swasan a path hate to love (Season 2) ep 1

Love? This beautiful word is uttered by people like a honey on a tongue. But this sweet word has also side effects on the heart of its followers. Love is never just a name of delicate touches, sweet words or soft whispers, it's also a name of painful memories, sleepless nights and continuous ache in heart of its victim.
And Swara Maheshwari had always known the second and more painful face of the love. For her, love was never the name of sweet words and tender touches. For her, it was just the name of harshness, lunacy and sleepless nights. But never in her worst nightmare, she thought that her love would be changed into this heinous countenance. She was optimistic girl by birth. So, she always thought that everything would be alright one day. Yes!  it'll take time but it'll must be alright.
The night when she woke up from her nightmare and found Sanskar in crimson liquid. That time, she thought it was just another nightmare. Those days, she was continuously witnessing those nightmares. She wished from all of her heart that it would be nightmare but it was not. Alas! It was not.
That time, she didn't feel any pain. It was strange, she thought she would be died with Sanskar but she didn't because he didn't. He was alive but mere breathing. Only his faint heart beat and fake breathing were evident of his life. His dominant aura, his bossy personality, his charming smile as well as his demons, everything lost after that incident. And with that, his wife was also lost. Only difference was that her heart beat and breathing were not artificial like her husband. She was very much alive in the eyes of world but she lost the meaning of life.
That time, when Laksh came to her and offered her to sell the hotels. That time she awoke from her worst nightmare. She knew, very well knew that those hotels were not only business for her husband. But those were her husband's first and last love, his only true love. However, if she could read my mind her husband, she would know that he had also another true love of his life, but she didn't know telepathy, so she was just oblivious.
But it was not only a matter of just hotels, it was the the matter of the despair in her brother-in-law's eyes. She knew very well, Laksh was Sanskar's closet person, if Laksh lost the hope of Sanskar's life, no one could hope. But she was not included no one, she was exceptional. That time, her inner optimistic girl moved but that girl awoke completely when she got to know that she was carrying her lover's child.
It was completely unexpected but it was just like the bloomless flower in the coldness of autumn. She understood the secrets of the life and that time she was started to understand those secrets. She understood, her child existence was a sign, a signal from God. That might be, parents gave up on their child, brother gave up on his sibling but wife never should gave up on his husband. Because it was first relationship in this world.
And her inner optimistic girl had awoken completely after the news of her pregnancy. She fidgeted from her lost self and saw the world with open eyes. She got to know that  she was not alone within her miserable self. Another new life was living inside of her only. Not only this, her husband's dreams and his responsibilities were also on her shoulder. That time, she changed from silent and diffidence girl to confident and responsible woman.
But she never knew one thing that God liked her change and soon she would be granted with the great reward of her life.