Hi guys thanks giving huge response on last epi… u made me all so happy thank uuu.. this week was full of swasan scond chance but next will be of my devin and in this during I will also post trust me… only two epi to post then trust me will be end…now let’s start this ff few days back was Valentine’s day everyone wrote about swasan then how can I not write about this day han so let’s how will our swasan celebrate their Valentine’s day

So let’s start
At breakfast table swaragini was serving breakfast while serving swara was still giving ragini death glare thinking about gym incident…
Sw: (monologue) how dare she keep an eye on my husband huh ahh I wanted to kill her the way she was looking at sanskar huh my poor hubby (dreamingly) he was looking sooo hot n handsome hayee how can be someone so hot n handsome n mostly soo cuteeee (looked at sujata ) what did mom ate during her pregnancy that she got so cute handsome son (looked at ragini angrily but found her looking somewhere she found sanskar coming down waering black suit looking again hot n handsome) hayee look at him he soooo sweet n cuteee (she smiled at him he sat n looked at swara n smiled at her she went near him served him his breakfast he made her sit near himself n served her also breakfast… seeing this site some felt n some get jealous)
San: (looked uttra) uttra
Utt: han bhei
San: today I will drop u both at college
Utt: (confuse) both bhei?
San: (smiled n looked at swara) u and swara
Hearing swara everyone was shocked except dp n rp who already knew… the woman of the house got angry on hearing swara will start going college… swara looked at sanskar in shock she didn’t knew that he knows about this and he didn’t even talked to her about this also… she got this news from her ma whom the principle called n she gave him sanskar nr… but swara didn’t talked with sanskar about this thinking that he won’t allow but she was wrong he proved her again that he is right man for her a lone tear escaped her she felt so blessed to have him but she had fear of the family reaction she looked at everyone who were looking at her in anger…
Ap: sanskar how can swara join college again
San: n why not
Rag: sanskar ji she is the dil of this house and being dil is her responsibility to take care of this
San: (looked at ragini n rolled his eyes) ragini ji (everyone looked him in shock hearing ragini ji) why always ur brain stop on one point han can u not thing anything else being dil of this house (looked ragini clapped his hand together) ragini ji I am very happy that my family found a dil of this house but u know what I need a wife not dil of this house like a servant
Ap: (angrily)sanskar
San: plzz badi mom I have enough of this ragini I mean why the hell she have interfere in everything she is dil of this even pari bhabi is but she never say anything but this ragini doesn’t stop sometime I feel she is not dil of this house but swara mother in law more than mom she interfere between us… (Hearing sanskar sujata n swara start loughing even parish n rp dp joined them shocking other sanskar looked at them) what I am saying right the way she behaved with swara is like she is mother in law swara, swara u are dil of this house, swara u have this responsibility, swara u have a husbands like she doesn’t know oh god I am fed up with her (looked at laksh) man how can u handle such sanskarii girl (making him more angry unknowingly) poor boy
Ap: (more angry bec. Of his taunt to laksh and insulting ragini) sanskar is this way to talk han atleast she knows the value and she is not like ur wife who runned away from her marriage (now everyone became silent hearing ap word swara had tear)
Ap: what sujata how can he insult ragini when her own wife had affair with his brother and also run away from marriage
San: (ANGRY) bas badi ma I won’t hear anything against swara even u and me knows very well that I was the one who drug her and I was the one who wanted take revenge so don’t point any finger on swara n her character
Ap: why
Dp: ap stop
Ap: Ji
Dp: I said stop means stop
He held swara hand left towards their room followed by sujata n rp…
Swasan room
Sanskar made swara sit on bed knelt in front her tears were fowling down her cheek making sanskar feel guiltier because of him is her condition….
San: (guilty) I am sorry swara this all happened because of me I am sorry (even tears welled up in his eyes she looked at him n hugged him tightly n start crying)
Sw: (crying n hugging him) why me sanskar why me I never did wrong with someone why always everyone hurt me sanskar I am really this much bad that no one love even my father think me as characterless n is a shamed to have me as his daughter why sanskar why did I dream to much that I got only in return pain sanskar for whom loved I craved is hating me sanskar now I am feeling again fatherless child
Who said u are fatherless child: hearing this they broke the hug n found ramta standing near door sujata had 1st tears seeing swara pain she never thought she went through so much swara was looking down and rp went towards her n placed his hand on her head she looked at him….
Rp: I am here na u can call me dad na (she looked at him with teary eyes he cupped her face n kissed her forehead lovingly) I will be more happy to have two daughter u and uttra so will u be mine daughter (he asked her cutly)
Hearing him swara smiled n hugged him tightly n was crying this time was tears out of happiness today she was getting in true meaning a father love seeing them hugging sanskar went near sujata hugged her…
Rp: shhh my bacha how much will u cry han (cupped her face n whipped her tear) now say by to ur tears because I don’t want see this tears anymore in yours did u get it (she nodded happily n hugged him again)
Sw: (happy) thank u DAD
Rp: u welcome my bacha
Suj: by the way sanskar why do u want swara to join collage
Rp n swara broke the n looked sanskar n sujata
San: mom swara have only half year to complete n I don’t wane destroy her study and mostly I want her to be independent so that she can stand on herself
Suj: u know what sanskar I am proud of u (kissed his forehead) I love u
San: love u to mom (hugged her)

To be continue...
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