Thursday, 14 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love ep 21

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 14, 2016 with 15 comments
Recap:"Laksh convinced Maharaj to carry his deal with sanskar. Swasan gets ready to leave for Mysore"

They're just leaving home when laksh comes inside.

Laksh:"hey Bhai!! I'm here" he's wearing white shirt and jeans with blue upper and muffler.

Sanskar smiles to see his dressing:"you're dressing like that you're going by road instead of airplane"

Laksh smirks to listen to his word:"by the way! We're going by road because I carried my jeep here"

Swara feels happy to listen to it because she never had road trip before.

But Sanskar jerks to listen to it:"jeep... No way Lucky! What's wrong with you?"

Lucky:"what's wrong with you Bhai? Do you remember which trip we enjoyed together?"

Sanskar thinks for a moment and nods in "no".

Lucky goes to Swara:"Bhabhi! Do you have any object to road trip?"

Swara nods in "no". Laksh feels happy and extends his hand to Swara:"give me a hi-fi" Swara looks Sanskar and hesitantly gives him a hi-fi.

Laksh turns to Sanskar:"ok! Now I've two votes"

Sanskar:"road trip will take more time"

Laksh bows down and says:" If lucky is here, you shouldn't worry about anything. I already told our plan to Maharaj uncle"

Sanskar smiles and raises his hand:" Ok! Ok! Then hurry up! We've to leave"

Laksh smiles and again gives hi-fi to swara but this time, Swara gives him back hi-fi with confident.

Laksh goes to driving seat:" Except phone, and handbags of ladies, no stuff is allowed in jeep"

Sanskar:"ok! I'll tell driver to carry our luggage in another car"

Laksh raises his hands in hurrah style:"finally! I get my brother back"

Laksh sits on driving seat, Sanskar takes his beside seat but laksh sends him to back seat with Swara.They receive Ragini from her home.

Ragini greets them and sits backside with swara.

Laksh fumes to see this:" No one is giving company to me"

Sanskar laughs to see his condition:" You already sent me backside, what do you want more?"

Laksh turns to Ragini:" Ragini! Why don't you leave Bhai and Bhabhi to enjoy their trip, you come on front seat"

Ragini nods and about to leave but swara holds her hand:" Its ok Laksh! She's fine here" she signs ragini to stay here.

Sanskar understands her offence about Laksh but he doesn't know the reason.

He goes to front seat with Laksh:"let these sisters enjoy their trip and us brother should enjoy together"

Laksh understands that there's something serious in this matter so he nods and starts the jeep.

He starts amplifier of his jeep and play the song of Jenifer Lopez.

Swara holds the rode of the jeep which connect the front and back front seat. She's sitting backside of laksh while Ragini is sitting backside of Sanskar. Both sisters are opposite to each others.

Swara :" Laksh! Stop this music, this is so loud"

Laksh slow down the volume and says:"OK my Bhabhi! Tell me what do you want to listen?"

Ragini:" I can understand Swara! How do you listen this song, although you're with jiju?"

Swara eyes to her:"Ragini.."

Ragini:"hey don't eye to me... I know you wanna sit with jiju"

Swara feels embarrass, when Ragini opens her pole to eyeing her.
Ragini:"Ok! Let's play antakshari"

Laksh looks Sanskar, who is working on his iPad... Laksh jerks to see him:"what Bhai? We're on the trip and you're working"

Sanskar looks him with his signature smile:" You are on the trip, go ahead and enjoy, but I'm going to do work, so don't interrupt me, otherwise I'll go in my car"

Laksh irritates to listen to it:" Bhai! You're blackmailing me! But it's ok! Bhabhi! And Ragini! Let's start the antakshri, but I only know English and French songs"

He says to turn a little while driving.
Swara:" Lucky! There's is no use of playing antakshri, it will disturb Sankar's work"

Sanskar turns to her after listening to her words but his gaze can't detect,  what's in her heart. He looks her for a moment, she feels his gaze and looks him back. He's still starring her and tries to detect the purpose of her words, either these words were told for her concern for him or it was just an excuse to stop noise in the jeep.

She downs her eyelashes to make him understand that she can't  bear his eyes on her so long, it's burning her emotions inside nowadays which she's unable to understand. He takes off his eyes from her and concentrate on his work. She starts to look her hands purposelessly. While Laksh raises her hands to obey his Bhabhi's order.

While Ragini is enjoying the sightseeing of surrounding
A long journey is going on..
Boring, interestingly yet silent but calm..

The journey of emotions...

The journey of emptiness...

Journey to explore the new world..

Journey to solve the mystery of someone heart...

Or maybe journey of love...

But these fours are unaware of this journey of destiny.


Sun is setting to its destination but is the sun really set? In my point of view, no! Its never set, it changes its position tobrighten the another world to justify the deed of god. Everybody has to bear the darkness of his part. Sun is set because the darkness is also a part of life.

They reached the low-class hotel, Sanskar doesn't agree to go there, but sweetest Laksh agrees to him because he's only one who can convince him.

They're sitting on the local cot, Ragini is sitting with the Swara while Laksh is sitting on their opposite side. Our arrogant hero is talking on the phone with someone. This is Punjabi style dhaba.

Laksh rubs his hand due to cold and says:"so.. Ladies! What do you want to eat?"

Ragini:"hmm.. I wanna eat daal makhni... Swara is also like it"

Swara nods in yes but she's in tension from the inner side and continuously watching that side where Sanskar is talking on the phone.

Both notices her absent of mind and gaze on her husband.

Ragini coughs, Swara winces because of noise.

Ragini teases her:"I know, you're loving him so much! And he's so handsome but please concentrate on poor people like us too"

Both make puppy face and Swara laughs to look to them.

Sanskar returns after completing his phone and stops for a while to hear her melodious giggling.He first time, see her laughing with this manner and a very small guilt arises in his heart but he surpasses this guilt because he's a ruler of his mind and heart.

He sits with Laksh and asks:"did you give my order?"

Laksh:"yes! I know you like chicken tikka of this dhaba"

Sanskar eyes to him while Laksh winks to him.

Ragini wonders to listen theirs order and asks:"you both are Marwari, but you're eating non-veg"

Sanskar looks Laksh like  that he's saying from eyes:"answer her question"

Laksh sighs and says:"actually we started non veg from our high school days... Bhai eats non veg easily in front of family but they do not know about me...(he turns to swara) Bhabhi! Dont tell to anyone about me. Otherwise, you dont know what my dad will do with me" he signs her "finish" to hold his neck from his hand.Both girls laugh to see him while Sanskar only smiles to see him.

Waiter brings their dinner and they all drinks tea in desi style after their dinner.

Swara is the wonder to see him that he's completely down to earth whenever he was with Laksh.

Laksh knows his psyche, so he easily convince him for anything. Sanskar pampers Laksh very much. This is not enough, she notices that he also cares and pamper ragini too.

She's happy his attitude as well as confused about it. Because which Sanskar, she knows, who is different from this sanskar. But at the end, she concluded that there's so many shades of this mystery man, it's not so easy to understand him in this few days.



  1. Awsm ☺
    I ws waiting since lng...
    Thnx fr d update ☺

  2. Another fab epi dear plz make swara confess her love to sanky

  3. Overol epi jst awsm ☺
    Bt less swasan moments 😩
    Hope ll gt mr in upcoming part ☺

  4. Awesome yaar superb I like it

  5. Awesome yaar superb I like it

  6. Nyc dii..awesome awesome awesome!!!!

  7. I love it dear,,,plz next update make longer dear...

  8. Sanlak....dey r perfect to d dot in ur ff...hey swara,u can never understand dis mystery man.....ragz is so innocent
