Monday, 18 January 2016

Swasan a path hate to love Ep25

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 18, 2016 with 22 comments
She's reading book in her room when someone knock the door, she allows. Ragini opens the door and comes inside:" Why are you sitting alone in this beautiful environment?"
Swara drops book aside:" Nothing Ragini! Are you enjoying naa? Go ahead?"
Ragini holds her hands:" What happened Swara? I'm noticing that you're sad nowadays actually I should say, I always find you lost in thoughts what happened? Is anything wrong between you and jiju?"
Swara looks her innocent face and smiles:" Nothing my sweet sister! Actually your jiju is so busy and I wanna enjoy this beautiful environment with him, if I'll go with you then your jiju will get satisfy that I'm busy with you and he'll not give time to me"
Ragini smiles to listen her explanation and teases her:" Oh! That's a reason you're not going with us, but tonight, Laksh is planing for bonfire and you've to come with us, you know naa it will not suitable if we'll go alone, please please please... Come on naa please... I never enjoy bonfire before"
Swara raises her hands:" Ok! Ok! I'll go but first I've ask from Sanskar"
Ragini nods:" Jiju will must allow you"
Swara:" But I've to ask from Sanskar first"
"what do you want to ask from me?" Sanskar comes inside, so he heard last line of Swara.
Ragini:" Jiju! Actually Laksh has planned for bonfire for tonight, so I asked from swara that she go with us otherwise how can we go bonfire ?"
Sanskar thinks for a while:" If swara wants to go, then she can but...."
Swaragini gives him confuse look:" Actually I was bit busy, so I want to take rest tonight, so if you don't have any object, then you postpone your plan for tonight, we'll join you tomorrow?"
Ragini gets happy to hear it, Swara's face  is also brighten to listen it.
Ragini:" Oh! That's s great plan...." She think for a while but "but will do today?"
Sanskar:" Maharaj uncle invited us for dinner, so I think we should  join them tonight, if you both are agree?"
Swaragini nods and Sanskar shakes his head:" Ok! I'll inform them, that we will come there"
Maharaj and his family was so nice, she was happy to meet them but special thing is that she really enjoyed the wifely right on Sanskar. He slowly get know about the influence of her husband on the people, so she really like this that he chose her as his wife. Ragini was also happy, she becomes friend of Shanaya, it wasn't liked by Swara but she can't say anything to her sister about her hatred for Shanaya. Laksh was gone for hunting with Maharaj's son, so he was absent in the dinner. He was only in them, who enjoyed completely every moment. Swara is sick of love, who wants to be with her husband in every second, her husband, mean our hero Sanskar is busy in renovation of palace, Ragini is shy, she often join him but not in his adventures. So he always seek opportunity to enjoy his every moment of life. He's only carefree, cherish and lovely character in our story, completely opposite to our hero.
After dinner, they all went to their room, but from this night, our hero and heroine's life takes new turn.
Sanskar changes his dress and working on laptop when Swara comes to room. She's wearing red and green suit and obviously she looks beautiful in her attire which also catches to the eyes of Sanskar. But our werewolf is trying to be human being nowadays because her last words remind him that he is defeated by young immature girl, so he should punish himself for wrong decision. Yes! Wrong decision because he never considered his any deed as sin because for him, everything is fair in war and he doesn't believe in love, so every task is like war for him.
She slowly goes to dressing table and began to remove her jewellery. During her activity, she glances to her husband also who doesn't give attention to his lovely wife.
She turns and about to say something but his phone ring interrupts into her words.
"hey Shanaya!... Yes! I'm alright...but there's a problem.... No no nothing serious, I dont have my sleeping pill.... Yeah! I tried all sources to get it, but fortune is not in favour of me tonight.... No! You dont need to come here... I'll be ok!... Ok you consult with Dr and tell me the conclusion..ok bye"
Swara listens his words and concluded that he maybe forget to take his sleeping pills and now didn't find it. He was busy from three nights, so he didn't noticed this thing but now what will he do?
She was sure that he will come to her but in the heart,she's afraid. Her love is like a newborn tender plant which can't bear the rushed winds and no doubt he's more more than rushed winds, a hurricane maybe. Who destroyed everything and get calm at the climax without the care of his victim.
At the end, she concluded that her love isn't high to touch the height of lunacy. Her love is just on first stage which has the condition to play hide and seek with her beloved and feel the joyable pain of pinch. So she definitely not ready to get treated by her love at intense height of spirits.
She changes her dress and silently lays down on a bed beside him.
He completed his work and he tries a number of his doctor after every five minutes and jerks that it's power off. .he called his many employee but amazingly! tonight fortune isn't favour of him.
She can clearly observe his restlessness, off course! Laksh isn't here, he didn't allow her soulmate to come to him, his wife feel pain of his touch and he can't show his restlessness to the world. So this ruler is  really helpless at this time.
He's half laying on bed, while Swara is starring him.
She slowly gets up and sits with him:" What happened?" Although she knew the situation more than little bit but she wanna know exactly what happened.
Sanskar says nothing and looks into her eyes, he slowly holds and touches her face:" Just answer my one question"
Swara slowly nods her head. He slowly rubs back of her hands:" Will you like, if I'll make love of you?"
She didn't expect that he'll ask this thing from her. He looks into his eyes:" I want only truth"
And truth is that her love is on one side but on the other side she doesn't want to allow him to make her love. She slowly nods her head in "no".
He suddenly frees her body and says in cold voice:" You get sleep and don't come to me, whatever I'll do, don't come to me otherwise I'll not liable to your like and dislike"
He slowly leaves his place and goes to terrace with his slow poisoning which is become complete poison for him from last incident.
He goes to terrace and lays on the couch which was placed in terrace. A full sky is open in front of him, yes! Everybody has also some rights on sky as well as we have rights on part of our earth. But he's man who born to rule, he's not the person who took some part of sky, he always find sky in his both arms.
He sighs and this sigh is increasing coldness of the air. He has always been seen complete earth and and open sky for him from the time one he first came to his senses.
He was most obedient, intelligent and lovely child of the family. Between him and Adarsh, there was gape of seven years, so he enjoyed his childhood completely because, he had attention of every family member.
Lucky was three years younger than him, but his importance was not decreased because the arrival of him. They're more than a brothers. Their sister is younger than Laksh but he always has a love of Laksh more than his own sister.
He pulled the smoke in air, the walls and pillars of this palace are reminding him, his childhood intensely. He came here many times in his childhood, he was topper student of school, not only school, he often get  the position in the ranking which lied among the City.
His bade papa loved him, more than his sons because he was trophy of him which he could show everyone and raised his head with proud among his society. His own father was under the thrown of his bade papa, so he always got rewards from him.
He always find best, that doesn't mean, it spoiled him, no way! He was most polite and and sweet nature child. This is a reason he can't kill his human being yet.
He looks the tiny lights of stars, these stars were great attraction for him when he was visiting there. His eyes were wondered to observe the beauty of stars but he always said:" I'll reach above than these stars" yes! He could be, everybody believe that he can do anything. Even his nature didn't change in his youth also. In that age, when everybody enjoying their youth, by late night partying etc. He started to join the office, he is sharp minded and quick leaner who studied his syllabus from the beginning of semester and afterward, he's found to seeking the books relevant to his course.
That doesn't mean, he was bore fellows, no way! He knew very well how to enjoy his life, he was adventurous and enjoyed his life in full swing but he knew very well that how to give time to every aspect of his life. This is also that he was much mature and responsible than the other fellows of his age. His highly intellectual power was also reason of his perfection because he didn't need to give so much time to study for understanding any query. He was a perfect youngster whose examples were given by elders to their youngers. But everything was ruined when she came in his life.
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  1. Its amazing dear but pls update next part sooon

  2. Its amazing dear but pls update next part sooon

  3. amazing diiii update next part today only plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It is nice but i want more swasan moments..i feel bad for sanskar..what he will do now..pls dear update nxt part soon..

  6. Wow super dear..... Plz update next part soon dear.. I can't wait dear...

  7. Hey Saba..
    like always u rock.. i m eagerly waiting to know how he turn werewolf instead sweet n respectable boy..?
    Omg Saba u always end ur story at that point that we can't wait so long..

    anyways we have no option other then wait for ur next update..

    keep it up..

  8. Wow saba another amazing episode u rocked keep on rocking waiting for your next episode update plz update soon cant wait for the next episode

  9. Saba it's a 25 episode u rocked from the 1st update its a silver jubilee congrats saba

  10. Superb saba....waiting for next update. .....

  11. cant w8 ny mor ......just wanna read the whole truth

  12. jhakasssssssssss saba luvd evry bit of it

  13. As usual u rock it......
    Waiting for the next update. ...
    And congrats for successful 25 episodes. .....

  14. As usual u rock it......
    Waiting for the next update. ...
    And congrats for successful 25 episodes. .....

  15. Hy saba i are amazing from first to ur 25th epidodr i totaly love it dr plz do update soon lov ya loads ... realy cant wait yar

  16. Hy saba i are amazing from first to ur 25th epidodr i totaly love it dr plz do update soon lov ya loads ... realy cant wait yar

  17. vry nice epi ....waiting for next..swara and sanskar Spr pair...congrats for 25 epi

  18. vry nice epi....waiting for swara and sanskar together...awesome ur ff...congrats for 25 epi
