Sunday, 13 March 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 52

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 13, 2016 with 74 comments
Last Episode

"I know Swara you're hurt! But I can't encourage you to love me because I'm empty, I'm empty for this emotion and I don't want to snatch this smile of your face which I already snatched half away through my sins but not now at least. You don't know yourself Swara! Loving me as the same you put yourself in hell with your own and I don't let you do it" he thinks and takes his sleeping pills without water. 

Darkness again comes inside their room because enlightened bodies are separate now. 

He looks the back of her and leans down beside her. 

He can listen the rhythm of her slow breath in the room, she gets asleep but nowadays sleeping pills don't effect on him.

He thought about the words of doctor. 

"Mr. Maheshwari! This is long time you have been addicted, and the side effect of sleeping pills have effected your 

potential energy and health, it also decreased your will power which is so much necessary for getting rid of your addiction... You're loosing your patience day by day and it's almost impossible to get you back in normal condition, it's better to compromise with your nature.." 

She changes her side and now her face is in front of him. 

He touches her face softly but moves his hand back at the next moment. 

"I love you Swara, I try hard to get away from this feelings but you made me fall for you, whenever you smiled after my every bad act, I love that smile but whenever you stayed silent, that silent pierce my heart... I started this relationship just for the quench my thirst but now it's impossible to use you again and again... Damn on my inner devil, damn to the hell" he jerked his neck moreover turned his back towards her. 

"my time is over now Swara! The devil has come to take my body too and I've lost my soul already... It's time to payback Swara! It's time to payback.."  

He feels exhausted and rubs his neck to take a deep breath. 

But it's almost impossible him to take a breath, he also feels drowsiness because of a minor effect of the pill on his body. 

He comes out on the balcony, the clouds are covered the moon and stars, maybe it would rain after few minutes. 

The rain... He always hates the rain, don't know why but rain never impressed him. 

Rain.. A symbol of sorrow.

The darkness is scattered around him and his essence seems like the part of this darkness. 

His beloved is sleeping peacefully in his room because she never committed any crime but he did many sins but he never realized all those things until... Until Swara told him to left her. 

That time he realized that how much she means to him. 

That time, he realized that he always used to saying that there's no love, but love of her, finally conquered him. 

He gasps and holds his neck to breath out but it goes in vain. 

He comes out and check out the draw of him to search inhaler but it wasn't there. 

First he thought that he should awake Swara to help him to search the inhaler. But he stops and tries to search the inhaler, he doesn't get success to find it but he finds something else. 

It was a pistol, he takes out the pistol from the draw. 

Like many other rich people, he keeps pistol for his security and he used it also many time. 

For a moment, he gets blank, he looks back of Swara and remind every sin he committed in his past. 

He planned everything with perfection, Swara was also included in his plan but the affection and love which he's feeling for her was not in his plan. 

In the first time of his life, he proves nothing but a looser. He reminded the person whose business was ruined by him because he insulted him, further he doesn't spare anyone who insults him. 

"everyone has to payback of his every action," that man said to him when Sanskar smiled proudly to ruin him.

He looked the pistol "it's time to payback Sanskar Maheshwari!" He said to himself. 

He is sitting on the floor, near the draw and his side of bed. 

"maybe I lived to ruin many others life, Swara! But this is only for you, every person is selfish in this world, I'm also selfish, I can neither give you happiness nor leave you... So it's better to meet the final intimacy of mine... It's better to live in this darkness, I should fly away in that world which is much darker than it. Offcourse people get what they want and I always want darkness and God filled darkness in my heart" 

He said slowly and put the gun on vein of brain which he always rubs. 

He already put the silencer in the gun and slowly pushes the trigger. 

He doesn't close his eyes before doing this because he wants to die with bravery. Making an eye contact with death and he does so. 

Darkness comes into the room and starts moaning beside him. 

Sorrow comes to him, puts his head on her lap and starts caressing his hairs. 

"take a peaceful sleep" 

Yes! After one decade, he's sleeping peacefully. 

The rhythm of unstable breathing of Swara, moaning of darkness, crying of night, all are making the room horrible. 

Musalsal bekali dil Ko rahi hai

Magar jine ki surat to rahi hai

Main kyun phirata hun tanha mara mara

Ye basti chain se kyon so rahi hai

Chal dil se ummidon ke musafir

Ye nagari aj khali ho rahi hai

Na samajho tum ise shor e baharan

Khizan patton may chup ke ro rahi hai

Hamare ghar ki diwaron pe `Nasir`

Udasi bal khole so rahi hai


Swara is sleeping peacefully when suddenly she feels something pierce her heart inside the depth of her heart again and again. 

She rubs her chest in the night and tries to comfort herself but all are gone in vain. 

She changes her side and gropes the other side of the bed where Sanskar lays. 

For few minutes, she tries to touch Sanskar in the sleep but when she couldn't find him then she opens her eyes. 

"where's he?" She thinks to find the empty side of him. 

She switches on the lamp and stands up from her place. 

She checks out the bathroom but he is not here. 

Something is pinching her heart very badly, she just wants to look him safe then she will feel relief. 

"maybe he's in balcony, he shouldn't do sm,oking" she says in consoling style as she wants to say just like "my restlessness is just because he's smoking in balcony" 

She steps toward the balcony but before it, her foot tackles with some solid thing. 

She finds Sanskar there, there's only lamp's dim light so, at first, glance, she doesn't see the blood and gun. 

"why is he laying on the floor?" 

She downs to him and shakes his shoulder. "wake up Sanskar, come on the bed.." Suddenly she feels something watery on her hand, she raises her hand. Now she can see blood clearly on her hand. 

She neither scream, nor moan. She only falls on the floor and puts her head on his chest which is now heartless. 

The moaning of darkness is increasing in every moment. 


Two months later....

She didn't know when Lavanya came in the room next night, inform everyone about the death or suicide of Sanskar. 

When the police come to investigate, how his family handled everything. How his bade papa cried for him and how his family repented for leaving him. 

When Shanaya was visiting her daily, she was also broken inside but at least, she came almost daily and tried to talk with her. 

"He loved you so much" it was her first and the only sentence, she spoke when she visit her. 

Ragini started to live with her because she doesn't want to leave this house. 

Laksh comes here and takes the signature of her in the important papers. 

"Bhabhi," he said. 

She looked him with empty eyes. She is wearing a white suit and standing in front of the same window of their room. 

"there's no one to take charge of hotels, we're thinking that you should sell them," he said with hesitation. Sanskar's voice comes in his mind "never sell them, these are my dream" 

She looked him with pain moreover screeched "how dare you to say like this Laksh? You know very well how much those hotels are importance for him?" 

Laksh looks the floor and he is also shedding tears "I know Bhabhi! We don't have the experience to manage hotels, in last two months, value of its shares is decreasing also... We're just worry about your future" he says in moist voice. 

"I'll manage it.." Suddenly she has decided. 


"let her do it Laksh.." The voice comes from the entrance of the room where Shanaya is standing. 

She leaves the caring about her appearance, she's just wearing the simple suit which is messy and her hairs are also so much messy like she didn't wash it for many days. 

Swara looks her and the pain of her heart is increasing. 

"let her do it Laksh .. She's the only one among us who lives her life in a fair way, she has the right to live and for it, she needs the hope... Let her live with that hope.." Shanaya says. 

"hope..." Swara just tries to touch the light of hope, "is there any hope still remained in me?" She asks to herself. 

Her eyes have started the flood of pain but she doesn't realise this because of her deep thought. 

Suddenly she feels dizzy and falls on floor. 

When she gets conscious, she finds the doctor checking her up. 

Laksh, Ragini and Shanaya are standing around her with a worried face. 

"is everything fine doctor?" Shanaya comes to the doctor and asks. 

"everything is ok Shanaya" doctor smiles, "Mrs. Maheshwari is three months pregnant" 

A small smile comes on the face of everyone but she can't smile. 

She just puts her hand on her tummy and says "pregnant.." 

Voice of Shanaya echoes in her mind and she slowly murmurs "hope.."

Darkness is abundant her essence because there's only light around here. Yes! She's not alone because of daylight, night is over now. 

(hey, guys! This is the end of my whole story, I know you all will cry because I also feel the same pain but sometimes we've to cut the old tree to plant a new seed... My hand literary shivered when I wrote "death of Sanskar but on the other side, there's also light and hope... In the last you've right to criticise me freely, I'll wait for your comments)

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  1. no you can't do this to us all was going good then why you killed sanskaar why yaar you shouldn't have done this but ending was good because of HOPE in swara😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

    1. dear! there is hope also in the end, i'm glad you noticed it

  2. This was just unexpected!!!! The end part of ur fiction....I just can't imagine this yaar and that too sanskars death!!!

    1. i already planned this story when i based this story on my novel because that novel has this ending with hope for me it's not unexpected because fpr me it was not ff, it was a novel

  3. will you start another ff of swasan??????

    1. i've no plan to write other ff on swasan but after getting this types of comment maybe i will write or not, i'm not sure

  4. Saba y did u kill him Saba I was not expecting this at the end. Saba I was crying so badly that I could barely type the comment. I thought he would change at the end due to swaras love but I didn't expect that he would leave her alone Saba

  5. Hey, this is lucky! u made me cry dear.. i become ur fan while reading "i'm yours" and when i start to read this one i become addicted to this one.. As usual u proved ur a great writer!! i feel sad for swara bcz she didn't know abt his love confession.. very sad ending..

    1. thanks dear for supporting and sorry to made u cry

  6. I hate you..I hate you so much saba. I just visited this site to get out if my exams tension but you made me cry. I am very sensitive and hence u dint prefer reading tragic stories.but the end was good because it was true but I feel bad for swara as she must get her shrw of happiness. Love you dear but I beg you to never write such type of stories.and one more question, why did you end SANSKAR'S charecter? I mean you can show something like he confessed her or he changed atleast in case of her..anyhow you are the author and it depends in you. Take care.but yeah I didn't read the whole episode because seeing last episode itself said that you are going to kill him so u read the last few sentences. Byee

    1. its not ending his character dear! its ending of story where some tragdy plus hope is also there, if you go down deeply in this story, you would understand how much he was in pain, the untold pain is always exist in him, so its natural to attempt suicide this type of person

  7. I hate you..I hate you so much saba. I just visited this site to get out if my exams tension but you made me cry. I am very sensitive and hence u dint prefer reading tragic stories.but the end was good because it was true but I feel bad for swara as she must get her shrw of happiness. Love you dear but I beg you to never write such type of stories.and one more question, why did you end SANSKAR'S charecter? I mean you can show something like he confessed her or he changed atleast in case of her..anyhow you are the author and it depends in you. Take care.but yeah I didn't read the whole episode because seeing last episode itself said that you are going to kill him so u read the last few sentences. Byee

  8. Saba y u ended ds ff.Its very sad ending saba. I was addicted to this ff very much. But u ended it. I will miss ur ds ff.Pls start one more new ff of swasan plz.

    1. i'm not promising but after reading all this i think i should stop writing, so maybe you will not read my any other story

  9. Sorry yaar. .i did nt Like da ending 😢😢😢. .its too bad..there was no need to end Sanskaar's Life..he was chnging..sorry to say bt the ending was very bad..expected a good ending .bt wat u did yaar 😢😢😭😭..Whole story was going at end u spoiled it..srsly😭😭

  10. Hey saba...m a silent reader of ur ff..i hav never ever commented on any ff...but today i cant stop myself..i just wanna say dont do it plz...sanskar is dead..i mean how can u even think and u just wrote it...plz saba delete this part and rewrite it..if u dont hav tym to continue this ff then its okk end it..but not lyk this,end it with a happy note...plz saba i beg u i realy beg u lyk on my knees...plz change it..i realy lyk u..dont make me hate u...plz plz plz i beg u only u can do this..only u can change the destiny of m feeling difficult to breath..plz dont kill us..plz dont kill ur fans wid it...plz plz plz change it..plz

  11. Bad ending did nt expect this..dis is da Worst ending to say sorry..expectedly a good ending ����..Sanskaar was Chnging yaar..he cud have treatment n all bt Ending his life was worst part..sorry to say u ended it in worst way..��������

  12. Its a request from my side to other readers and fans of dis ff plz ask saba to change dis part...plz friends plz request her to change it into a happy one plz...if we all try to convince her then m sure she will not disappoint us all....plz plz plz ask change dis part plzzzz

  13. omg.... i realy cried a lot😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢.... i nevr expected sanskar may die at the end..
    . i ws so adicted to this story... nw m realy feeling very sad n also m crying....😢

  14. No no no it can't be happen. you can't ruin a beautiful love story like that in a horrible way..! he had promised ragini that he'll keep her happy with him only. .now he can't break his promise. .he can't leave her alone. .In your fiction you have just declined a hope of a wife and a hope of a victim that they can't have a normal life. ..n I'm not sorry to say that I just wasted my whole time to read that kinda novel. .!I'm crying. ..crying badly. .I'm regretting to read your fiction! I'm just shivering to write it. .you have breaked our trust that a bad person who wanna good can't be able to do that. .!

  15. I didn't like this ending at all very sad one I expected a happy pls 1 more part with happy ending show that it was Swara's dream or it was not Sanskar's body no death of Sanskar pls a happy ending I personally didn't feel any need for him to suicide pls think about it otherwise u will be in guilt always for this sad ending it will be in ur mind always

  16. Hi dear...
    U made me cry....I guessed tat u will kill sanskar at d end....but not in this way and tat too soon...
    I felt like it is incomplete...if he prefers death..y he asked 4 chance...something as a reader I couldn't digest this is injustice 4 both swara and sanskar..
    I really vvvvvvv disappointed with this end....story was on correct track...but unexpectable twist....tat too as a swasan fan it is not easy to digest this end....bcz this ff became everyone's is one of d best ff of swasan ...forever...excluding d end....i am crying..u shouldn't do could u????
    I felt it is incomplete...and forced to hve end....

  17. Why we all always wish for a good end. An end is a end. Life is not always what we wish it to be. It was a justified ending in my opinion because in the character of sanskar was total emptiness was there emotionally, physically and socially. Though he fall for her but he was too weak reciprocate in the same way. We camt imagine anyone to be chnged from tip to toe.. And thats why i think his desperation and tendency to look towards dark forced him to suicide.

    Saba in my view you did complete justice with his emotions and character. Well done dear. Good luck.

  18. Why we all always wish for a good end. An end is a end. Life is not always what we wish it to be. It was a justified ending in my opinion because in the character of sanskar was total emptiness was there emotionally, physically and socially. Though he fall for her but he was too weak reciprocate in the same way. We camt imagine anyone to be chnged from tip to toe.. And thats why i think his desperation and tendency to look towards dark forced him to suicide.

    Saba in my view you did complete justice with his emotions and character. Well done dear. Good luck.

  19. I just loved it..though I cried very badly but this was the perfect ending that can happen...thinking as such is just applaud able... sanskar was changing himself for swara but he new himself more his instincts were right...he made swara pregnant though he never gave this chance to any other lady....and as swara loved him dearly so she new sanskar also loves her but will never confess...thank you for sch a wonderful ending-giving a hope to swara to live...thank u very much..i just loved it to the core

  20. Saba, this is tara. I hope u remember me in tellyupdates pg. Tis is the one nd only FF i read now. I wait it for d whole day, week. I always supported u even wen u showed sanskaar is vry dark shade wenany askd u nt 2 shw him like tat.I luvd all ur twists nd turns. U gave us new fresh ff. In thought of giving twist.. u seriously spoiled d end of an awesomeeeeeeeeee story. I expected end ll b happy like u did in I'm yours. Bt u seriously disppointed us. Disappointed us completely. U can't do tis saba.. u didn't tink abt ur fans ryt? Am I right? U didn't even think abt ur fans wo r following ur ffs regularly. Evn movies wch had good story nd bad ending is flop saba. I didn't expect. Ur story end is like Tamil Movie - 3. In tat story hero ll commit suicide like this only thinking he ll kill her due to his mental illness. Tat movie was awesome bt a gr8 flop coz of its end. Sorry to say saba. U didn't think abt our feelings nd expectations. I was crying badly while reading sanskaar is dead. Tears was flowing like anything. I know as s story writter u ll expect nd want tis from viewers.. bt u didn't make us happy. U broke our heart nd disppointed like hell. I'm very very upset widm i luvd ur ff more tan serial nd ws so much addicted. Tat u know vry well. Bt tis sudden abrupt end.. I can't take it any way. I ll say it's a worst end of any swasan ff. V reas ff only for entertainment saba. To relax frm hectic wrk, tensionful life nd bored serial track.. y did u made like tis..?? Evn if d movie content is excellent frm begng it shud have best ending saba. First time I'm commenting in tis site, i thought ma first shud b prasing u.. bt i can't help myself. U disppointed like anything. I suggested so many of my frds to read tus I'm feeling like a loser. Sorry saba.. I didn't like end at all. I read ffs to relax bt tis last part gave me headache. FF are diff from reality. Tats y we luv imaginary stories wch ll give happiness unlike real life. If stories to make us cry mourn sad.. thn wer s d entertainment factor. I'm very disppointed saba

  21. Tum tho pagal tho nahi hai Na sabha how can end it like there is noflow in this u forcedly end it .why he suicide at this time he had lot suffered in past and he wants to change himself and he wants to change like a family man how can suicide come in between this after all he fight with all these ten years alone to take revenge how can he take this decision it is not fit in ur ff

  22. I was silent reader dear. But today I couldn't Stop myself from commenting. When I was reading sanskar 's death part my sight became blur due to tears. I couldn't read further for some time. But last part of your ff brought a smile with tears on my face.
    I read till 16th episode in Telly Updates. After that I couldn't find your ff. But just a day before my exams I found your ff in this blog. To be honest I didn't really study for exams. I read 34 episodes in one day. I m addicted to your ff. Thank you for such a wonderful heart touching story.

  23. Hi Saba I m Sonia I was a silent reader till now I used 2 read ur ffs in tu but 2day I m very disappointed how could u kill my sanky I luv u n ur writing skills I m big fan of urs bcoz of u I decided to write a story 1st time I luv urs ff - I M URS but 2day I literally cried tmrwm z my xam n I m crying now u r really bad I hate u swasan r my fav n u killed sanky really really angry at u swara luved him n he too luved her bt how he could commit suicide it's wrong I don't agree wid u I m sorry for harsh words but eat to do I can't control my emotions plz change ur ending I m sure u can easily give it a happy beautiful ending wid ur gr8 writing skills PPPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE.....

  24. yes saba dear plz change ep 52 with a happy ending plz dear plz plz let him die

  25. Pls dear pls dnt do this..pls end this ff with a happy ending..I liked ur ff vry much & evryday I wait for it impatiently..Pls dnt do one is happy

  26. can t u plz plz plz plz write epi 53 and change the end???????sanskar's death is like....oh God now words yar i m crying....this was unexpected...swara suffered so much and sanskar too....whatever happened with sanskar was not his mistake...u should have punished meera for her betrayal...swara and meera face to face...any tashan...swara supporting sanskar in front of her...sumi doubted swasan then now she even didnt ask the reason for his act....sanskar and swara's life would have cahned with the baby and his family would have realised their mistake and there was supposed to be happy ending...plz saba di plz beg u...plz write epi 53 and change the end plzzzzzzz plz plz api plz....for God sake...plz plz plz ... i beg u on ur feet plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

  27. I m very sorry to comment like this. If u don't have tym so don't write. But it is the worst end of ur story. U wrote all the 51 episode very well but at last tumne upni story ko khud hi spoil kr diya. Better ye hota ki tum swasan ko ek saath fight krte hue dikhati & they both won. But in last part u showed ki sanskaar was a coward person. & ur story title not justify with the end. Sorry I m very much disaapointing with end. In episode 37 sanskaar said to ragini ki I will never leave ur sister. So pls think once again to rewrite this episode again. Really u disaapointing all the readers of ur this story

  28. PLEASE READ..Saba..i am very hurt by ur ending..u spoilt ur awesome story by ur own hands yaar..if possible please change it nd rewrite episode 52.. i guess u were tired of writing this story thats y ended lik this which is incomplete.. i understand writing nd spending time is been tiring for u..even if u post one episode for a week its fine but plz plz change dis ending dear..its request!

  29. Saba.. you have to answer for all of us.. :( please change the ending..

  30. If your not changing dis ending..then for sure i will never read any of ur stories ..plz change..

  31. All ur efdorts goes in vein. Today I thought ki why should I wait ur story & reread all the parts. Its better agr tum meera ko kuch lesson deti. But tumahri story ne to yahi proof kiya ki shaitan jeet gaya & insaan haar gaya. Sorry poorer 51 episodes tk tumne Jo story pr grip bana rakhi thi usse tumne khud hi barbad kr diya. I know ki tumhe koi fark nhi padega kisi k comment se pr really its worst ending

  32. I belive that in ur ff sanskar is not weak at all to committe suicide. He is so strong to fight with each every situation in his life. Swara's love made him weak no cant be happen love make people strong.

  33. Saba I got ur story link from FB. When u commented on one FF beauty & beast. All said ki BB is the copy of ur story & u also disappointed to read her story & commented ki tumne mere part 3 ki story ki band Baja dee. & now tumne khud hi upni story ki band Baja dee. Sanskaar ko tumne kaayar sabit kr diya. Acha hua tumne Hume alert kr diya ki aage se hum tumhari koi story read na kre.

  34. I didn't expect this ending..... Oh it's was sooo sad.... Y did u kill sanskar...

  35. What the he'll happen with you have you gone crazy for this ending if ur not getting time then simply say it we don't come here to read a tragedy story we all come here for a peace of mind by our work n studies nobody here comes for this u ur self spoiled it and 2 minutes silence for the people supporting her for this type of end u all refresh ur page 100 time u SPOILED MY MOOD SABA I read ff for my peace of mind but got more irritating by this thing I think u got fed up by carrying this story causes ur concerning on ur New ff that's why to want the drastic change with out anyone else permission or discussion.WELL DONE SABA FOR UR SO CALLED STORY.criticize u is such a small word for me now.u should continue this ff whatever u do but don't make him coward it's a humble request. And I will not apologize to you for what u did.need time say it discuss with ur followers we are not fools here to read what ever u write

  36. This what happens when people gain popularity they think what ever rubbish u write all are mad here to apprecate n I'm damm sure this words would not effect on u cause u fell lower na if u reply to any one here n now Also doing the same thing just ignoring all this thing Fyn then I will never read ur ff and suggest my friend the same ur such a arrogant person what not

  37. U disappointed me....hell with this ff...

  38. I am still unable get over this dear..well the story line was good and his death is also justified but unexpected's okay but from yesterday night, I haven't slept even for a second. My eyes are paining and whenever I read this,I feel like someone stabbed in my heart. And now it is becoming difficult for me breath. Suggest something for me to get over this and wanna ask you one thing..was this preplanned? Because when you have asked about symptoms of coma, I thought that you will make sanskar her affected but it's okay...but please suggest something for me get out there f this as u need to study for my exams.

  39. I am still unable get over this dear..well the story line was good and his death is also justified but unexpected's okay but from yesterday night, I haven't slept even for a second. My eyes are paining and whenever I read this,I feel like someone stabbed in my heart. And now it is becoming difficult for me breath. Suggest something for me to get over this and wanna ask you one thing..was this preplanned? Because when you have asked about symptoms of coma, I thought that you will make sanskar her affected but it's okay...but please suggest something for me get out there f this as u need to study for my exams.

  40. well episode was outstanding....while going through this episode tears started rolling from my eyes....... i am unable to get out of this saba....Anyways enjoyed ur whole episodes.. u r just amazing writer....hatsoff to you darling....just loved it..

  41. She made him a coward and a looser by loving him..n all her afforts go in vain..Y did u ignite a hope in her if you knew that it won't work. .! I'm feeling shattered since night can't able to get out of this feeling..can't concentrate on my work. .! Plz don't ruin it..Please let them win at last. .plz rewrite your end..!

  42. She made him a coward and a looser by loving him..n all her afforts go in vain..Y did u ignite a hope in her if you knew that it won't work. .! I'm feeling shattered since night can't able to get out of this feeling..can't concentrate on my work. .! Plz don't ruin it..Please let them win at last. .plz rewrite your end..!

  43. Sry to say...I didn't like this part...when I was reading the last moment of sansksr. .I wished tht swara to wake up nd help him..nd then he will move on.nd it will be the end. ..but his death is what I can't think. ..pls is too u can give a msg tht every one can be changed by love nd all...but I didn't expect this...sry...

  44. hey guys! i recently read comments of all of you, as a reader you've write to criticise me and if yu noticed i tag the label of 'tragedy" from starting episode of this ff, i also litrary shiverd when i was writing this ff but in my pov it's justified because i wanted to make it real.. just think about a person who has this type of illness or addiction from ten years, he can't control himself to give harsh treatment to Swara, so as a lover he wanted to free her from his curse

  45. hey guys! i read all of your comments and thanks for your beautiful words, i will change this ff, according to your wish..
    bye and sorry

    1. Thanks Saba for change this ff to our wish and one more thing in this ff u only write one sentence nothing is impossible to sanskar Maheswari so he is not give up type and real life also so many addictions are there so many are out of it it's not the matter 10 years or 20 years love can change everything and once again thanks every day I have check this blog for u r update but from yesterday I have waiting for this reply

  46. i agree with u saba bt plz continue ur ff plz yr we really dnt want sanskar to die plz let him live a happy life with his love give some happiness to him,he too deserve happiness in life plz replace ep-52 plz for god sake

  47. Ayyo..why are you changing dear this was really good but the sudden declaration made your readers to comment like this.personally I loved sanskar in your story infact I loved his charecter. I have read your reply for my comment even dear and suicide is justified. Yeah it still stings me even seeing sanskar name on any other site but I loved the way you pitrayed his charecter and I agree with you that he has been in pain since a decade. I guess I was too involved in him and so I am feeling his state to be correct.don't feel bad about comments dear.

  48. When i got this story link frm fb..i read epi 1 and was just impressed nd i read all the episode in one day til epi now im regretting dat i was waiting for such a story which hurts at the end..plz CHANGE IT dear..

  49. API plz change the end plz

  50. Thnx saba for ur decision of changing the end. Thnx a lot.

  51. yeah guys! i will give you your story and then i would not write any story for you

  52. Hey saba thnk u sooooo sooo sooo much tht u think to change it ....i realy hav a hope that u wont disappoint us...plz change it ..thnk u so much...waiting....

  53. This is my first comment here..first of all, i want to say that don't get upset with the comments..think about the positive side..they are critising you because we are so much addicted to ur story that it's hard for us to accept the death of sanskar..even big novelist, writers also face criticism but they never give up and about ur story, you're just a superb made everything so realistic that i check ur updates daily..but yes, death of sanskar was difficult to accept..i know, u wanted to show the harsh truth but this is story..people read to get pleasure..they want a change which is impossible in reality..i'm happy that you've decided to change the ending part..just one request, don't kill ur passion..write more and more stories..take all those harsh comments as blessings..waiting for your new ending part..

  54. This is my first comment here..first of all, i want to say that don't get upset with the comments..think about the positive side..they are critising you because we are so much addicted to ur story that it's hard for us to accept the death of sanskar..even big novelist, writers also face criticism but they never give up and about ur story, you're just a superb made everything so realistic that i check ur updates daily..but yes, death of sanskar was difficult to accept..i know, u wanted to show the harsh truth but this is story..people read to get pleasure..they want a change which is impossible in reality..i'm happy that you've decided to change the ending part..just one request, don't kill ur passion..write more and more stories..take all those harsh comments as blessings..waiting for your new ending part..

  55. Saba sis, dis is first time, I am commenting on ur story. Ur story is just awesome n ending too. I didn't understand ur comment. Wat do u mean by saying u won't write story? Do u wanna stop writing story???? U know u r a great writing. This story touched the heart of every reader. Everyone imagined swara n sanskar in that pain. So may b They asked u to change ending. U wrote story from perception of real life. But as most of the lives filled with sorrow n tears everyone expect in movies or stories, they need happy ending..So pls don't say that u will stop writing. Bcoz ppl will miss an amazing author like u. Ur story taught many things to ppl indirectly. Love u, tc saba dear..

  56. Hi Saba n readers. She has justified the character.

    I know we all were involved in the characters of Swara n Sanskar in this ff.

    But Saba has fully justified the end of the story. Only we are not able to accept it.

    Just imagine it's Saba who has created this devil. So how difficult it would have been for her to kill this character. And also in the end she has give light in swara's life.

    So this is the end.

    Saba dear don't get upset with the comments. They truly loved ur story n that's d reason of their reaction.

    Plz don't stop writing.

    You are blessed with amazing writing skill. So plz don't stop it. It's my humble request.

    And ya for readers you can give one more episode also as they might want to read how it turned out "path hate to love" and miserable to happy life for Sanskar.

    Thanks for this amazing story.

  57. Thanks saba for changing the ending of this ff..upload soon and also remove part 52

  58. Hii saba i m a silent reader but today i was not able to stop myself to comment...u did so bad with him...this story does not diserves this kind of ending... i was crying so badly that u cant even imagin plz saba change the ending plz saba..u cant kill sanskar like this u cant leave swara all alone fighting with people...plz for ur readers plz change the ending plz....
    Plz for the sake of readers plz change the ending...u know i m crying while writing this comment plz saba u cant do this..plz..
    It deserves a better ending plz..

  59. Hey... Thank u alot Saba....even I'm angry with u... But after I thought it's right in point of view of a writer u justify D character
    But wt we do... We r in love with ur ff that much dat we can't see separation b\w them
    In swasan relationship only swara sacrificed so much.. In return she get nothing... And in end he make her vido at D age of 21...

    Don't delete dis part it's really nice... As a reader we are not just reading s as story.. But some where we r living with dats y we all requesting u to rewrite it... Pls don't get angry...
    Don't take our words in harrash.. See D side which extent we loved u and ur ff...u have to feel proud dat ur story become dis much popular dat they all requesting ,begging u to rewrite D ending as happy one too...
    Love u thousands...-Varsha

  60. Hi Saba, you can see the love of ur fans how are showering on you.

    Plz don't stop writing.

    We all cried with Swara and Sanskar's characters through out this journey. And finally cried whole night yesterday also.

    For ur fan's tears, it's my humble request that u come up with happy ending episode also but only if u r comfortable. Coz as a reader we want to see other side of ending also
    That's it.

    Don't get hurt by their comments. They all loved ur stories.

    Plz accept their apolozy n also give them hope that u will not stop writing.

  61. I can't understand that when he shot himself with gun the tegar sound is able to hear about miles how come swara slept n they is no silence guns ???????

    1. She has mentioned that silencer was already there in the gun
      Plz read that part one more time

  62. Saba plZzz don't stop writing dear. ..We all love you nd ur writtings

  63. hey guys! thanks a lot for supporting me and sorry to made you cry but on the other hand, i became selfish sorry guys! i would try to write more
