Thursday, 21 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep28

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 21, 2016 with 34 comments
Recap:" Sanskar got conscious, swara asked him about his relationship with Shanaya. He met with Meera who reminded him that how he called her from her pet name"
Sanskar thinks her words and his veins of brain vibrate to think about her words which she used for Shanaya.. "personal prostitute.. Huh!" These words remind him , the darkest period of his life. But at the end, he can't tolerate any word against Shanaya. He doesn't love her, he's sure but he's grateful to her because this personal prostitute collected his pieces when he was broken into the pieces.
He goes towards Laksh's room where Swara is now. He goes inside and says to Laksh:" Lucky! I wanna talk to my Mrs? May I?"
Laksh nods and leaves the room, he goes to her. She's looking down but he can easily understand her wet eyes and shivering body. He slowly holds her wrist and says:" Come with me"
She lifts her eyes to face him and drags her body to match the footsteps of her husband.
Both go downstairs towards the garage.  He opens the door of car for her and she sits on front seat.
She doesn't know where is he taking her? Even she didn't ask any question from him. Their journey passed silently. Sanskar stopped the car at the small house.
Sanskar opens her door and again holds her hand without her permission. He closed the door and softly drags towards the home. But as she enters in the house, she realized that this isn't a house, this is s school or any institution but different from typical school. After passing two rooms and lounge, they enter the last room where she found Shanaya. Totally different from her daily look.
She's wearing simple shalwar qameez, she tied her hairs in genuine knot and her face is clean from every makeup. But her eyes are evident of her long weeping. A small guilt comes into her  heart.
Sanskar turns to her:" This is school for this prostitute and I'll pick you after an hour, until you can see that how my personal prostitute is doing that work which rejected by every pure and simple girl" he goes to Shanaya, Shanaya worries to see them there.
He holds her from shoulder and takes her towards Shanaya. She meets with her in normal style, she can't find any offence on her face regarding her words.
Sanskar :" I've some work, until you talk with her and visit your school to her, (he turns to swara) i hope you both will become friends after this meeting" his tone is soft and mild this time because he knows, emotions are not matter of force and pressure.
He leaves, she doesn't understand what to say, Shanaya calls someone and asked for attend class. She takes her towards another room. It's simple but clean room, there's single bed on one side and small study table in which two chairs are settle.
She sign her to sit, she silently sit and Shanaya makes coffee for them in coffee machine.
Shanaya gives her cup of coffee and sits on other chair. She silently takes a sip of coffee.
Shanaya:" This is our school, actually branch of our school, every year, we choose 20 to 30 children of every age from every state of India. Just on two basis, one they have poverty and second they've intellectual... We provided them a one year course to them of basic study, ethics, manners, self esteem etc... Then we transfer them to main branch of Delhi. Your husband's 80 percent of revenue comes in my hands for this purpose"
Swara forgets to take coffee and her mouth opens for moment. In this age, who gave 80% of their revenue to any stranger?
Shanaya pauses for a moment and continues:" Don't consider us as Robin hood type or any angel, we're demons who want to stop to produce demons like us. Now it's all clear but initially, we got success from blackmailing, or purchasing people... You know this is best thing, we know to do.. We mean , me and Sanskar... "
Swara is silently listening her words, she was also victim of his blackmailing, so she can easily believe on her words.
She continues her words:" We find the weakness of people and attack on the weak part for taking our purpose from the particular person, you know what Swara, we both saw the ugliest faces of people, even on those who's most respectful personalities of our society, and this is reason we hate lies, we hate our society, we hate peoples of our society, you can't understand because you didn't experience of this and I pray to god that you'll never experience of it, we gave to society which it gave us... Tit for tat"
Swara:" I don't agree with you, if we start to take revenge from everyone, then no one is left in this world who didn't harm us, directly or indirectly. Everybody become victim of society, even nature..."
Shanaya sighs and puts her cup on table:" Hmm you're right! But it's also depends on our instinct, evils are hidden in the instincts of us, we've this evils in our instinct, I and Sanskar have this already but society helped us to take out this evilness from our inside to out ...."
Swara:" You both are evil..?"
Shanaya:" Yes! We're same, this is a reason, we're so much close to him, and we're used to it even that we now don't consider this evilness to evilness because it's normal to us"
Swara's coffee is getting cold but she forget about to take it because her words are opening the new door of awareness for her. She spent clear life so it's completely new to her, she doesn't understand how this angel stuck in the peer of devils.
Shanaya beats slowly at the bottom of table from her finger tips.
Swara:" Evilness is the option, we've option to chose or left it, you both chose it"
Shanaya nods in no:" Maybe you're right, but evilness sometime, left as last option for us, either we've to choose it or live our life in a low level  like animals... We can choose evilness but can't live our life in a low know what why?" She says in soft voice departing every word to other word. Her words are coming from her mouth like that pearl is falling on the surface of crystal, one by one.
Swara thought that she's really enchantress, who can easily spell by her words. Same as "why" comes out from swara's mouth automatically.
Shanaya looks into her eyes:" First, answer my questions honestly, I know you dont like me, but answer truly"
Swara wants to listen her more, so she nods her head in yes.
Shanaya:" Am I beautiful?".
Swara's mouth opens to listen this question.
Shanaya:" Tell me am I beautiful?"
Swara looks her, in this simple attire, she looks beautiful and her beauty can easily mesmerized anyone.
" Yes.. You're!" She answers honestly..
Shanaya smiles:" Now tell's Sanskar? Is he handsome?"
Swara doesn't understand why is she asking this type of questions but she answers:" Not only handsome... If I say, god blessed him with male beauty, then I'll not wrong to saying it"
Shanaya smiles victoriously like that she got the answer what she wants.
She gets up and comes to her:" You know Swara! We both have many things common, this is also, but if we talk about the inequality of blessing of god, no one has everything.. Except some of his subjects, we both are included in this category..  The lowest and highest level of beauty and intellect brings virtue or disasters. We both have beauty as well as great intellectual and when these two things are combine in one person, he can become blessing as well as destruction, for the world and for himself too. But you know dear! This blessing is destruction in disguise... Because we can't spend our life in low level, death is better than live in lowest level for us.. Because it's our instinct.... And we can't quarrel against our instinct dear"
Swara is in spell of her words, these words are the words of another world which is completely strange for her.
Shanaya takes her cup in which coffee is left but she knows, she'll not drink it. There's small sink in room, she washes the cups and keeps them on shelf.
Swara:" Why didn't you both choose virtue?"
Shanaya smiles and turns to her. She sits on second chair beside her and lifts her cellphone from table.
She calls someone:" Hey Sanskar! Your wife wanna stay here more, don't come after an hour, you do your work, I'll drop her...... Yeah! She's absolutely fine here... No she's not crying... Don't worry... Do your work, we'll meet"
She disconnects the call and comes to her:" I wanna tell you one story, which will describe that why we didn't choose virtue instead of destruction... Do you wanna listen?"
Swara nods in yes, Shanaya starts her story which seems like fairytale but most horrible than nightmare.
Sanskar is looking the God's beauty around him and he looks marvellous in this breathtaking environment. Even an artist can't stop himself to do his art after watching this view in which he sits.
He reminds the words of Swara and thinks about the cause of his life, his every action and its reaction.
Meera... A beautiful girl who comes in his life and made his life like hell. But it wasn't matter of beauty, because there's no lack of beauty a boy like him, it's more than that. He doesn't know why and how but he attracted by her simultaneously.
He started loving her, her making face, her naughtiness, her innocence. He was admirer of her completely. Rules and regulations of his home was very strike, he got limited pocket money but he always wanted to see his girlfriend happy.
He started part time job for purchasing gifts for her because she was orphan and she didn't have money to walk with the status of university. When he realized his love towards her, that time he decided that he must marry her because for him, she's respectable as well. He waited for the time when he gave his name to her beloved and make her respectable in front of world. He was gold medalist, most intelligent, perfect boy of family as well university.  But he was most foolish man who didn't understand that she was only taking opportunity of his company.
He remembers, it was time of marriage of Adarsh Bhai, he invited her in the wedding.
Meera:" Oh Sanky! What will I wear on your brother's wedding"
Sanskar:" You look beautiful in every attire katty"
Meera jerked:" I said, I've no any dress of  wedding dress code"
Sanskar thought:" Oh! Wedding clothes are often expensive and I already give you my all pocket money and salary... Now what will do?"
Meera:" This isn't my matter, do something otherwise, I'll not come in wedding"
Sanskar:" Dont do this katty, I wanna introduce you with my family, actually my mom suspected on me, but I told her that I'll tell her everything... I can't hide anything from my mom, but for you, I made her wait..."
Meera:" Why didn't you make excuse?"
Sanskar:" You know very well, I don't tell a lie, well I'll do something, you don't worry..."
He borrowed some money from Laksh and some from his friends. Vicky was his best friend, when he asked money from him, he stopped and looked him with seriousness. :" This is third time, you're asking money and I know this because of your so called gf"
Sanskar:" If you don't wanna give me money, then don't give but don't say any bad word against her"
Vicky sighed:" Ok Sanskar! But you've to stop her from doing all this, I'm your friend and I want to see you happy... And this girl... I don't know but I don't feel that she's sincere with you"
Sanskar:" I know you're worried for me, but dont worry dude! I can handle everything... And she's sincere with me, if she wasn't...then I absolutely detect her.."
Vicky gave him money:" I hope you're right, well I again say, don't take her on cloud nine... Otherwise this girl will become problem for you"
Sanskar took the money and pat his shoulder:" Don't worry dude! Sanskar can handle everything"
He said and leaved. Destiny smiled on his words and want to show him, his limit that look and think again before saying the words of greatness.
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  1. thank u for ur update.... as usual nice episode....

  2. thank u for ur update.... as usual nice episode....

  3. It is very intersting .. now I can't wait..I m eagerly waiting for read conversation btwn swara and shanaya .

  4. Poor sanskar ..... i cant wait to read his past that change him from human to animal(devil) : hats off to u saba , ur just amzng writer

  5. Omg u r awesome dear.....

  6. Today's episode made me remind my past actually..not exactly mine but someone close to my heart. Each and every word of shanaya is correct. In your story, they choose wrong but in real( my friends life) he choose right and now is on top receiving everyone's respect. Thank-you for this update.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's me again dear. There are many anonymous but I am different from them. I cannot resist after reading this episode dear as I have mentioned above. My heart is breaking and is haunted by my memories which I never wanted to think.the people of world will always taunt the person who has actually see the real.. Oops the cruel world. I was shocked a bit when my dad shared his experience, though it doesn't resemble with your fiction but he has seen that grey shades at the tender age, six I guess. He stood beside me and has guided me at every turn of my life. I hate you saba because you wrote so sell that every sentence just gets printed in my heart. I have exam tomorrow but now I am unable to learn anything. I was desperately waiting for your update since morning but...leave it dear. Love you saba. Keep going and don't panic as I am girl..looking all the best

  7. Awesome...awesome....eagerly waiting 4 next episode...

  8. Nice....
    So mystery is coming out......
    I also have exam tomorrow but I am waiting 4 ur update

  9. Nice....
    So mystery is coming out......
    I also have exam tomorrow but I am waiting 4 ur update

  10. plz make swara feel sorry for her words and thinking towards sanskaar and shanaya plźzzzzz

  11. Superb Saba.... Hope they come together sooon.... Hope Swara will heal Sanskaar...........

  12. Saba can't wait reveal the mystery soon

  13. slowly mystery is revealing. waiting for next update :)

  14. Saba, I do not understand why Swara is stuck between all this? Why they choose Swara for him (of course not as she was virgin)? And also I would like to know on which novel this story is based on? ~ Dhara

  15. Hey dear anonymous! I read your comment many time and it's most precious for me then anyone give brief criticism on my story, if you dont mind then must give me detail of your story, on fb or on my email, if you like
    And thanks alot for your precious words for me

  16. Thanks alot guys! And now you'll know the whole mystery soon

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  21. Hey Dhara! Or anonymous! This is most frequently asked question in my ff.. Hahaha! Don't mind... As the mystery of sanskar will reveal, its question will also clear otherwise must read that ep in which sanskar got asthma attack and shanaya rescued her. Actually they used swara for their purpose. Shanaya want to free from his responsibility so he push sanskar ti marry a girl but after his first experience of marriage,he didn't believe anyone. It was shanaya who ensure that swara is perfect girl for him.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hey Dhara! Or anonymous! This is most frequently asked question in my ff.. Hahaha! Don't mind... As the mystery of sanskar will reveal, its question will also clear otherwise must read that ep in which sanskar got asthma attack and shanaya rescued her. Actually they used swara for their purpose. Shanaya want to free from his responsibility so he push sanskar ti marry a girl but after his first experience of marriage,he didn't believe anyone. It was shanaya who ensure that swara is perfect girl for him.

    1. So it means he just needed a dutiful wife.. poor Swara.

  24. Please update the next part!

  25. The one who commented about the similarities with your story( though not exactly) is me dear.and my name is sree harini but so sorry as I really don't know how to add my name. Please do reply if you read.
