Monday, 25 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love ep33

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 25, 2016 with 14 comments

Sanskar looked himself in mirror  and a tear of helplessness had broken from his eyelashes which he threw far from his eyes because it was last tear which came into his eyes. God made him for conquering world, not for shedding tears.
He hardly arranged money for calling Laksh, nowadays, he was in abroad for study.
Sanskar:" Lucky! I need some amount of money, do you know someone, who can borrow me money"
Laksh:" Bhai! How much?"
Sanskar:" 5 lacs approximately"
Laksh:" Let me confirm from my friends, I'll call you later"
He didn't know, how, but laksh arranged money for him. His friend came and gave him money because he demanded cash.
He got the money and he rented a home and bought some stuff with bike.
Now he had known what was his first step should be. He set out the PC and researched about one particular company. "Desuza and co"
He went to salon and set his condition. He looked himself, now he looked like old Sanskar. He stopped... No.. He could never look like old Sanskar ..  Never.
He went to his university, exams of his second last semester was going on. He calmly gave his exams and started his mission.
He called Harshad:" Hey harshad! Where are you? some day, you offered me something"
Harshad:" Oh! That offer, I don't know about it, either it's still available or not, do you wanna do?"'
Sanskar thought for a moment:" Ok! You don't need to confirm it, I'm coming to your office, you should do one thing"
Harshad:" What's that?"
Sanskar told him, what he should do.
He went to Desuza and co for his job interview but actually there's no job interview was going on.
Mrs. Desuza:" Look Mr Maheshwari, we didn't advertise for vacancy, and you're so young and under graduate, how can we give you job?"
Sanskar smirked:" You can keep me on one month trial, (he downed his head to her and looked into her eyes).." That time someone came knock the door.
It was Harshad. According to their plan, he boggled to see him there:" Oh Sanskar you there?"
He turned to Mrs Desuza:" This is a boy, I talked about last month"
Eyes expression of Mrs Desuza changed at once..
She looked him with deep eyes and said:" So... You were the boy? So do you want job instead of accepting my offer?"
Sanskar smirked:" Ok let's change the deal, keep me as your personal assistant and I'll accept your offer.... But just a minute... Sanskar's price isn't so low that he'll accept your offer just because of job of your PA" he put his leg on other and folded his hands.
Mrs Desuza's interest raised in him and said:" Tell me the demand"
Sanskar smiled victoriously:" Ok I'll think about my demand, but nowadays I'm bit busy in looking new home for me"
Mrs Desuza thought for a moment:" I've apartment, you can stay there"
Sanskar looked into her eyes:" Are you consider me as beggar? Yeah if you want to give me that apartment, don't give me a key of that apartment, I want also its papers on my name"
Mrs Desuza shocked to listen him:" You know its price? Your demand is too high..." .
Sanskar:" I'm also too high Mrs Desuza! If you want me, give me the right price"
Mrs. Desuza thought for a while and extended her hands towards him:" Ok! I'm agree, but your duty will start from today, as my PA plus also as my toy boy"
Sanskar twisted his head and held her hand:" Deal is final but first give me my price"
Mrs Desuza smiled again but this time his smile was replete with intoxication:" I'll give you papers in the evening"
Sanskar nodded:" You should be, because don't consider me like other boys"
He was telling truth because he didn't like other's boys. Before accepting the deal of become toy boy, he did complete research on this topic "how to conquer old age woman on bed". He went to prostitute many time to being himself strong because, he didn't want to show his slovenliness to her.
Firstly, he had an aversion from this things, but slowly slowly, he became used to it. He wanted to do it perfectly. Firstly, after completion of his duty, he looked himself in mirror and split on his reflection for doing this dirty job. But whenever he thought about his insult, he forgot all things and just concentrated on his goal.
He sold the apartment and purchased the small house far from the city and returned his liability. Then he didn't want to live in the crowd of the world that's why he considered that house. It was very difficult to seek that type of house. But if you seek something, you might be get it. But... If seeker is like him... He must be seek everything what he wanted.
After sometime, he became used to this, now he stopped the activity of splitting on his reflection and he didn't feel aversion.
After a month, he changed the house and didn't give the address of Mrs Desuza.
Mrs Desuza became crazy for him because he wasn't like any other toy boy, she had before.
Our hero has great combination of wits and beauty... The blessing as well curse of nature. But one more thing made him different from other boys, she had before.... You know what was that?
His class, because he belonged to wealthy and valuable family of the city. If you have time, must note this thing, every child of rich man has a strange attraction and charm. No matter, if anybody earn so much money and become rich but he can't get this charm which the rich children is  possessed by naturally.
He was also has this type of charm and attraction, he didn't react like lower class boys after seeing any expensive things. His style, his way of sophistication, a unique type of indifference encircled him which made him different from others and made her crazy for him.  Because how many boys of upper class become toy boy of any old woman? Answer is no one...
He started to cash himself and didn't go to visit Mrs Desuza. She became restless and he wriggled his plan.
Mrs. Desuza:" Why aren't you coming nowadays?"
Sanskar was checking the files of new client, lifted his head and again concentrated on file.:" Because of leasing of your house is over now"
Mrs. Desuza:" What do you mean over now? Do you know the price of that house?"
Sanskar closed the file and looked into her eyes:" Do you know the price of mine? You can only get this, in this price, you gave....."
Mrs Desuza shouted:" Sanskar, you don't know me"
Sanskar smirked and looked into her eyes:" You don't know me Mrs Desuza! I learned the skill of blackmailing from you, I can apply this thing on you also"
She became cold to listen it:" What's your next demand?"
Sanskar smiled victoriously:" That's like an intelligent woman ..... You started new company which is run by your loser husband"
Mrs desuza sat on her chair:" Yeah! Then?"
Sanskar:" I want 20% shares of this company with job of that company in marketing department"
Mrs Desuza:" Why do you want share of this company? It's not giving me any favourable profit, specially there's no goodwill in market of this company"
Sanskar:" I told you sweetheart! With job there, but I'll not job under your loser husband, you gave me share and I'll give you my wit"
Mrs Desuza jerked:" Wit? If I want brain... There's so many talented people scattered in our country,  I want body dear... Not mind"
Sanskar:" Ok! Accept my brain then you'll get your demand too... But only with shares"
Mrs Desuza:" You're unbelievable... You know I cant stay more, so you're taking advantage of my weakness"
Sanskar:" This is a world darling! You also take advantages of other's weakness, so is it bad , if I took the same from you?"
Mrs desuza laughed:" Everything for you...."
He gave her calm expression, her company, taught him two things, one how to control over emotions because he felt hatred for himself many time, he hated that woman also, he didn't know anything about lust, but he showed himself whom he was not. He controlled his emotions many time just for the achieving his goal. Second he learned how to take advantages from the weakness of others. This woman did same thing, she sought out weakness of people and blackmail them for taking out her work. He also did the same because he was master mind of his planes.
Sometimes, he wondered to see himself that what he was in past and what he became now. But at the end, he concluded that how could he waste himself on the destiny of footpath? God made him for ruling the world, not for live his life like a worm of gutter.
He had two options, he chose one because his instinct did not allow him to live in this stoop level of society. If he couldn't get everything from a straight way, so let's take it from other way...
Firstly,  he felt guilt every day because of his deeds, but as the passage of time, his guilt of heart was decreasing and joy of victory and fire of hatred and revenge took place in his heart. As he had been getting known about society and people, he concluded that every person is living in this society, wearing a mask. And he saw the ugliest faces of them behind the mask, that time he decided that how much he'll do bad, but he never wear a mask.
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  1. I dont knw wat 2 say...I didnt hv wrds 2 describe...D way u describe 1's feeling is jst awsm...
    D old sanky n nw new 1...Der is far diff. btwn both of dem...
    Earlier i want sweet cute swasan scenes bt aftr reading d past of sanky i realised dat it ll tk tym fr sanky 2 recover...
    I knw swara ll try her bst 2 change d sanky bt it ll tk tym...bcz d guilt d hatred shld cm out den n den only he cn b normal...
    Tym cn heal d wounds...Bt d wound which sanky is hvng its far big den any 1 thought of...
    N i knw 1's need a gud,pure hearted n understanding lyf partner 2 cm out of dis situation...n in dis case swara is d 1 who ll help sanky...n i guess dats y shanaya choose swara fr sanky...
    I never wrote dis much of big reviews bt 2day ur writing md me forced 2 cmmnt...
    U hv grt skill of writing n expressing d things...n i guess u hv seen smthng related 2 dis character dats y u cn write wid dis much intensity dat readers also understand d intensity of d story...I dont knw i m ri8 or wrng bt i feel so...dats y i write ☺

  2. Swara would b shattered to know abt dis...

  3. Awesome dear...keep rocking...
    Swara's reaction after knowing this???
    Pls upload d next part soon..

  4. a tear slipped out of my eyes while reading... you made me live in this episode... i could feel his grief... you expressed it well!!! i hate you, saba... actually, i am an emotional fool and you made me cry with this update...

  5. I have no words....great saba

  6. Saba dr u told that this story is made frm ur imagination. ..but I can't believe. ..because u show the full intensity of each character. ..and this ff becomes my weaknesses. .I can't sleep properly. ...u r making me crazy...

  7. Nice episode saba..u are amazing writer.. Keep it upaup dear

  8. wow saba amazing episode... the way u shaped d past of sanskar is d result of betrayal... u hav blessed wid d words... ur r doing magic wid our hearts by ur words.. v r enjoying ur magic and v want more ur magic...

  9. saba if there would be any award for best fan fiction then surely only you have ability to win it the way you describe their feeling is just amazing dear

  10. When will u update ur next part saba?

  11. d last lines of d fiction i liked d most... "he never wear a mask" its better to be bad than be good which dey r not... nd tats d best thing am impressed by dis sanskar....

  12. please update next words really awesome
