She came out from canteen and searching the corner where no one can see her but because of welcome week, she was unable to do so. It was crowded as crowd of mall road on 14th August. Specially on Regal chock and Chaman.
She sat on green area, downed her face and started crying.
It was first day of her university and she came here with special preparation. She put liner and mascara. She only used two things mostly at the name of makeup. Because of her continuously crying, it was split on her face. She didn't have tissue and she didn't want to wipe her face with her white dupatta. She wiped her face with fingers as much as she could but her face was going black because of it. When she was full of crying, she stood up and went towards crowd of student. She knew, she was looking funny with this black face but she didn't care for it.
A student passed through to her, she asked to him:" I need a job"
Boy:" Job... I don't have job"
Amraha:" Idiot... I need job, how do I get it?"
"oh! Job... I also have to search it" he leaved by saying it.
She also met with three to four student and talked same with them also. She stood up at the corner and started observing to the students.
They were talking, giggling and laughing . They were excited and enthusiastic. Their face was shined. But she was the only girl among those forty thousand students, who was stood free and starting to cry again. She was wasting her golden time. She reminded that she should be walk also. Then she reminded that she has to get her student card, maybe she get this card only today otherwise university's faculty throw out her from the university.
She mixed herself in the rally of excited students and walked like fool. Wandered here and there, from one campus to other like she was gone university for survey on historical building, not for study.
"I think you're searching something?" A boy, wore dark purple shirt and held the board of "ask me", asked from her. She passed from him many time but she didn't noticed him.
He:" Ask from me, I'll help you"
She got it now that this was a reason he held the board of ask me. She thought that he was doing this because of promotion of any website.
"I wanna make my student card" she said and looked his long nose.
"well! This is very easy, go there" he pointed out to one point in map.
"have a nice day" he smiled and by doing this his long nose was spread. She looked again his nose.
"do you wanna know something else?" He confused because she was continuously starring his nose.
Now she was looking the map which she held. And this map was first map of any building which she held except of those maps in her books. She could use this map for losing his way in university but she couldn't reach the exact point by that map. She was wandering with map here and there without any use and reason. She didn't want to listen any lecture from anyone. And she also had doubt that might Nawal and Dayem were following her nd observing that either she'll do this task or not.
Ask me person noticed her activity and said:" Why dont you go yet?"
Amraha:" I'm not getting the way"
He:" I marked that place, read out the boards and you'll reach there"
Amraha:" Drop me there"
He widened his eyes:" What. .?" He made her understand the way.
Amraha:" Actually I can't get... Drop me... And also I'm fearing"
He was shocked like that he saw his dead relative in front of him:" Fear...? Which fear? Today isn't Halloween"
"I'm fearing from them" she pointed out to students who related to different nations.
Firstly, he starred her with amazed then he laughed vigorously on her. Then he took out walki talki and said:" Listen George! An Indian girl..."
"Pakistani.." She scowled.
"George! A Pakistani girl.. Blue and white."
Amraha:" Dark blue shirt and white dupatta"
He:" Dark blue shirt and white"
Amraha:" Dupatta"
He:" Do..paa..taa, she'll come and refer her ahead untill she'll reach on student card counter"
"why refer? Who has so much time for it?" She could hear the voice of George.
He:" She's fearing"
George:" Fear..? What the joke?"
He:" She's completely serious..otherwise make announcement in university that all students go out from university until she will get university card..are you listening George?"
George was surely listening because she could hear his laughter. She jerked that no one was understanding her.
He:" Go to this side and approach second ask me" he pointed out right side, she went and stood with second ask me.
Ask me looked her and said:" How can I help you" (this ask me is the hero of our heroine, name as Aliyan) it means, he wasn't George.
She:" I wanna make student card"
He:" Ok! Take this map and go to that side" he made circle on that place.
Amraha:" I don't need map"
Aliyan:" Then? Faculty don't arrange airbus here yet"
Amraha jerked... They're so clever.
Amraha:" Drop me to there"
He:" Why me? You'll get your way easily, by the way, I tell you, I'm"aske me" not "drop you"
Amraha:" I am not getting the way"
Aliyan:" Everyone is seeking the way.. You'll also get"
Amraha:" All are clever, cunning.. And subtle... I'm not like that... I'm timid" she said in Urdu and got silent. She shook her shoulder like that can't find way.
Aliyan:" Everyone is intelligent, responsible, educated and specially they're believe on themselves." He answered in Urdu. She lifted her head and looked the person who had deep brown eyes and his complexion was reddish white. His ears were long, extra long.
His walki talki sounded:" Blue shirt, white Pakistani, if you see her, refer her ahead"
Amraha:" I'm tired by walking, I also feel hunger and how much will you refer me ahead?"
Aliyan:" Is this your first day?"
Amraha:" Yes!"
Aliyan:" This is your first day, and this is our third day while holding this board of "ask me" and still I don't tire"
Amraha:" You're boy"
Amraha:" The girls are also not tired" he pointed out the girl who was standing far from them and holding the board of "ask me". She guided the students in a fast way.
He:" You're not giving favour on us by asking questions, this is we're, who are giving favour on you, not you're, we're tired actually! We're voluntarily working, you can't order us, if you're tire then go to cinema and watch tom and jerry. You'll get relax.."
Amraha:" You should learn manners"
Aliyan:" Then you should learn to relax"
She asserted:" I'm a brave girl"
"best of luck!" He said and turned his face to other side like now go.
She went other side and asked from other girl. Finally she had reached to student counter. And after submitted her documents? She sat in front of digital camera for picture.
Counter sir extended his head to her and said:" Do you lost something?"
She:" Nope"
Sir:" Then smile.. You're in Manchester"
She:" Then we've to smile Manchester too"
Sir:" Sure! Because Manchester forces us to smile, there's no chance of sadness, this is place of world's swans".
She smiled.
"black swan" she listened the murmur and her picture was captured.
"not this one... One more please" she said from her place without moving.
This time, she smiled and became white swan. Because this time she was smiled from her heart. And that smile which she learned from there.
Because she was used to crying because everyone put this habit into her. Crying on every minor things. They have hobby of making her cry. And she leaved her heart, because no one learned her to widen her heart. Because this type of environment she is given by everyone. She was habitual of this environment. No one learned her that if we could creep on this earth, same as we can also walk with pride on this earth. She was crept, cried every time. Even she spent her life like this if she didn't come here. Because no one said her:" You're flying bird dear... Fly.. Just fly.."
But she was said by everyone that she was unfortunate, unlucky and black tongue, evil eyed. As she entered in the entrance of Manchester university, she learned something else:" Smile... That no day is made for crying.."
"fly... Because only those don't have right who has feathers"
"and be spread like fragrance that you're the only best flower in garden"
" you can do anything... You've everything, everything is in your hand... Stop breathing in the atmosphere of despair and failure"
She was so happy after getting card. She thanked counter sir. Just! It was just minor thing.
She understood that why this university included in the great universities of world. This university taught her from creeping to walking. Responsibility, confident, ability to depend on herself.
She saw her black eyes and laughed. She was excited. That doesn't matter if she looked ugly. Because everyone salute to people of brain. Not of beautiful faces. And put the brain on work, wasn't a hard task. Everything was easy and in range. It was in the fists of her. She went out from department. It was bright day, soft breeze was blowing her hairs softly. She longed her bag's strip and put on it in cross style(right to left) like other's students and walked confidently.
"Amraha Wajid" was joined the race of gold medalist. She didn't sit on the seats of audience. She even didn't have seat there.
She was walking straight on oxford road. She ate small portion of breakfast in morning. She was also feel hungry but she wasn't going for eating something. She was going in the search of the job. There are crowd of students outside also like inside. After walking sometimes, she saw a church, she wanted to visit church but she was walked on her way that she was now spend two years there, then she'll visit these all places but if she don't get the job, she has to return back after a month. Till the end of road, she didn't find any place of work. She saw the shop of "Abdul Hadi halal food" she went there, her legs were shivering because of continuously walking. But she didn't care about it, she talked to counter boy. He replied to her that there's no vacancy.
"is there any Chance of vacant place... After two weeks?"
He:" No.. Maybe after a year, when I'll leave this job"
She went to next store "pick and click". It was computer store and she didn't know the work of computer repairing. So it was clear that they didn't give her job while other girls were doing work of computer repairing.
She was also gone to the every small and big stores and restaurants of pizza and burger. Firstly, she could observe her fast heartbeat and shivering legs but at the end of day, it was getting normal, and her tongue became sharp to talk about job. She was tired but she didn't stop. She felt hungry but because of saving money, she didn't buy anything from outside. And she also did that she asked lift from a girl who is riding cycle. She showed the address to her.
She said:" I can drop you till main road but tube to go ahead by your foot"
Now she didn't feel funny while riding on cycle. She felt pain in stomach because of hunger. But she didn't want to cry or she didn't feel sad or sorrowful. Even she didn't pity on herself.
In morning, during crossing those bright and historical buildings, she was Amraha Wajid. And now again passing through from same surrounding, she was still Amraha Wajid but it was inner changing came into her. Some changing came and some will come soon.
She came home and ate her dinner which was held on counter. There wasn't anyone at home that time. Everyone went to their work. She ate lunch at the time of dinner. She was get fresh and slept. After two hours, she got up and started study. Everybody came one by one and got sleep. But she was studying while waking.
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