Sunday, 31 January 2016

Swasan a path hate to love Ep35

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 31, 2016 with 11 comments

Present time In school
Shanaya:" Before going his hotel, I heard that new owner of Malaikas was the toy boy of its old lady owner, but I didn't know that it was Sanskar! I was fully shocked but didn't want to show my identity to him, so I didn't ask any question about it"
Swara:" Who was sanskar?"
Shanaya carelessly tucks her lock behind her ear and says:" He was owner of Malaika... Actually Malaikas was the old name of..."
Swara cuts her words:" No! What's toy boy?"
Shanaya numbs to listen her question, she doesn't understand that how she explains the term "toy boy" to her.
She gasps and says:" Actually there is many rich women in elite society, who fed up from theirs husband and want some entertainment in their life, so they kept the young boys as toy boy... Now do you get it"
Swara nods in no:" Actually I'm still confuse... Sanskar isn't material of entertainment type... So how could he do this?"
Shanaya sighs, she doesn't understand, how to tell the girl that her husband was toy boy, even who doesn't know that what's toy boy.
Shanaya looked into her eyes and says in bold voice:" You used one term personal prostitute for me, right?"
Swara" I m so..sorry for.."
Shanaya raises her hands:" Let me complete first... You used this term for me, I'm not angry with you for it because you were right, well! Used this same term for Sanskar also... Toy boy also has the same meaning of personal prostitution"
Swara opened her mouth, she doesn't understand what should she say after it.
Shanaya leans on her chair:" Now you got it... Right?"
Swara numbs to listen it and ups her eyes towards the beautiful face of her rival.
Although Shanaya is normal to talk about it, yeah! It's normal for her, but not for our heroine.
Shanaya:" Are you shocked?"
Swara:" No... Yes... Actually I don't know, how to react on it... My husband was that thing... You said toy boy... It was his past, I don't know it'll effect it or not... But I'm totally feel myself senseless about to thinking on it"
Shanaya:" Forget about it... It was his past, important it that he's nothing like that now... Now there's one woman in her relationship, actually legal relationship... And that is you..."
Swara feels exhausted:" Shanaya! Will you please leave me alone for sometime? And please give me one paper and pen also"
Shanaya nods and gives her, her demanded things..she leaves the room and closes the door slowly.
Swara downs her face in the cup of her palms. She really doesn't understand how should she react after knowing all this? And still there's many things remaining there in his past.
She takes the pen and starts writing:" I don't know..why destiny is testing me at every step of my life... My husband has dark past, I guessed this thing but it was darkest, I didn't know this... Now I don't understand how to react on this? Actually... My mind isn't accepting this thing properly... But at the end, I don't feel like hatred for him after knowing this... It couldn't increase my feelings towards Sanskar... I feel like it was story of someone else... But I wonder.. I still has the feeling about Sanskar... I don't know, why? But I'm still want him near to me... After knowing this, I want to see him that this person really was a toy boy... Actually I want to test myself that after knowing this... I still feel love for him.. My heart is still taking his name, my eyes are still wanted to look him... My ears are still wanting his voice into them... My fingers want his touch... My touch wants..." She stops and looks the words which she wrote.
"I want his touch...." She murmurs, "I still want him... Shouldn't I start hating to him?"
"love doesn't mean, a person who has only goodness... You loved him when you knew that he is harsh, sometimes, cruel, rude and many time caring also but how can you stop loving him after knowing that there's reason behind his every attitude" someone says inside her.
She sighs and starts writing again:" Yeah! I concluded that I've no concern that what was his past... Reality is that I love him... And I'm his present... Maybe I should cry after knowing this but this is reality that I don't feel like that... I'm his present and that's conclusion... I don't care about anything but him.." She completes her writing and smiles.
She goes outside seeks Shanaya:" I want to go now... Either I'll call Sanskar or would you drop me? Actually... We should go there"
Shanaya feels amazed to see her reaction but after a while, she smiles:" Ok! We'll go together, wait a minute.. I'll change my dress"
Swara:" Shanaya.."
Shanaya turns to her:" Hmm.."
Swara sits on a chair and looks her who is taking out her sarees..
Swara:" Don't change, you look good in this attire"
Shanaya turns in bit shock with mixture of happiness.
Shanaya:" Ok! I'll not change... Now stand up... Your husband is waiting for you"
Swara gets up from her seat and both go towards Shanaya's car.
Swara:" Why do you wear saree every time? Do you like it? As I know Sanskar doesn't like it, but you always wear"
Shanaya looked her and opened the door of her car:" Yeah I like it, because in my point of view, woman looks complete in this outfit but Sanskar's point of view is different... He thought that this outfit prominent lady's figure... That's why he won't allow you to wear it... Actually he personally dislike most of heavy traditional outfits... So he made excuse.. Don't mind it"
Swara nods and says:"  Doesn't he stop you to wear it?"
Shanaya:" Never... Because I'm not his wife" her small sentence clears everything to Swara.
 Swara looks her face. Her face was innocent... Yeah innocent.. Although she did many wrong things in her life... But she's still innocent.. Why? Because there's only softness of love encircled around her face. Swara feels shame to hate the girl lie her.
Shanaya notices her gaze on her face and turns face towards her while driving. She asks through her eyes that what happened? Swara slowly nods her head in no and starts looking outside.
Few minutes of silent are passed between them. Swara turns to her and says:" Shanaya!"
Shanaya:" Hmm.."
Swara:" I'm sorry... For my misbehaving..."
Shanaya:" You don't need to say sorry, you were right and I'm not angry with you"
Swara smiles:" You're such a nice girl"
Shanaya turns to her and smiles:" I'm not dear...! Actually I understand the situation of next person and concluded that no one is bad, just their situation make them like that... That's why I love sans..." She's about to say something but stops to see her face.
Swara smiles sadly:" It's ok! You can say that you love him"
Shanaya:" Are you not shocked?"
Swara:" Speak honestly! Actually... Not... I knew this thing"
Shanaya is shocked to listen it:" How? I mean when?"
Swara smiles lovingly and says:" Once my mom said to me that every girl has instinct to recognize every gaze of man on herself and every gaze of woman on her husband... That time, I couldn't understand this things, but as I observed your gaze on Sanskar! I got it, and this is a reason, I misbehaved with you"
Shanaya smiles to listen it and starts looking on her path while saying nothing.
They reach their destination, she steps out from car before Shanaya and goes  towards inside.
She firstly, goes to Laksh's room but no one is there,  its little bit hard task to search him in a huge palace because there room isn't in good condition to stay.
She asks from servant about Sanskar, she gets know that they all are on dining table from him. She goes towards dining table where she feels seriousness. Ragini sees her and runs towards her.
Ragini:" Thank god! You came here, actually, I was arguing with lucky and jiju... They made promise that we'll go for bonfire tonight... And he was saying that your mood isn't well, so we're not going... But I'm saying that you've to come and I'm listening anything... You all are so boring"
" I'm not..." Laksh screamed while eating.
Swara raises her hands:" Just a minute... Let me sit first"
She goes towards the dining table, Sanskar looks her and weighs her mood through his eyes.
She feels butterflies in her stomach through his gaze and wonders that it was never happened before it. She doesn't understand that why is she reacting like that.
She sits on a seat beside Sanskar, while Laksh and Ragini are sitting opposite to her, Shanaya also comes inside:" Where were you Swara?"
Swara:" Shanaya! Come and join us for lunch"
Laksh and Sanskar look each others and a small smile comes on Sanskar's face while laksh grins to see it.
Ragini:" Yeah Shanaya! I made food today"
Laksh:" It's do delicious... But not more than you sweetheart!!"
Shanaya giggles slowly to listen him and takes a seat beside Ragini.
Swara looks her love and downs her head slowly on the plate and thinks:" I know your past Sanskar! But I promise that I'll never think about it again, because I love you... And I can't imagine you in that face, I know I'm escaping from reality but it's also true that I accepted you the way you're and the past you've, so this chapter is close today and I'll not realize you anything... I'll win yourself with my love only"
Laksh,Ragini and Shanaya are planning to go for bonfire tonight, Sanskar gives his idea in between, while she is taking her lunch silently and listening them.
Laksh raises his hands:" Now, this is final... We're going to bonfire tonight and Bhai, Bhabhi... You've to join us... So be ready, (he turns to Ragini) until  I can watch movie, will you join Ragini?"
Ragini nods while Sanskar says:" Shanaya also join you"
Laksh takes a look of him and irritated by his sentence:" Bhai...!"
Sanskar signs something from his eyes to him and says:" If Shanaya will not join, then I'll"
Laksh:" No way! Shanaya's company is much better than yours"
Sanskar smiles softly and she notices that whenever he talks to Laksh, his eyes expression become soft and expressing kindness and love for him. This is specially for Laksh, he never saw this expression in his eyes except he talks to Laksh, nowadays, he has same expression whenever he talks to Ragini.
She looks Ragini, who is exciting for tonight and talking to Laksh about it.
She can clearly feel Laksh's affection towards her. She sighs and smiles because she satisfies from the side of her sister.
Shanaya, Laksh and Ragini are in the lounge for watching movie. While Sanskar and Swara are in their room. Laksh arranged their room when she was with Shanaya and he was in bar.
She is reading book on bed while he is working on his  laptop by sitting on couch. She looks him with affection and sighs that there's nothing between them to utter.  She keeps the book on side table and looks him.
He observes her gaze on him and says without taking his eyes from screen:" Is there anything Swara, you wanna say?"
Swara boggles with his voice because she is continuously starring him without any purpose.
Swara:" No... Actually yes..." She thinks to make excuse but she sighs and decides to be fair with him which means to him.
Swara composed herself and says:" Actually! I was thinking that, we're strange husband wife, who has no any topic to talk"
Sanskar offs his eyes from screen and looks her with suspicious:" How do you get this thought after a month of our marriage? From first day to today, we're living with each others in a same way"
Swara:" I'm human Sanskar... Sometime, I also fed up with same routine..."
Sanskar starts his work again:" So make a different routine"
Swara screams:" I want to talk to you... Please stop working for some time"
A layer of surprise come on his face for a second, but he immediately controls his emotions and keeps his laptop on a table and comes to her on bed:" Talk..."
Swara gets confuse because she did this thing only for gaining his attention, now she doesn't understand what to say.
Sanskar looks into her eyes, slowly comes to her and puts his hand around her waist and says:" Now talk.. I'm completely concentrating to you"
Swara's heartbeat raises slowly because of his closeness, now it's much harder to talk with him. She curses her heartbeat which is making her confuse.
Swara to herself:" Swara! He's only your husband... This isn't first time, he holds you.. Why are you reacting like that? Just calm down.."
Swara looks into his eyes, she always find heat unto his eyes whenever he looks her. But today, she's confirm that it's not heat of hatred.
Sanskar:" Have you done?"
Swara:" Huh?"
Sanskar:" Have you done your talking?"
Swara:" I didn't utter any word yet" she makes angry face.
Sanskar:" You know what is your problem? You actually don't want to talk me or anything're just like that kid whose parents gifted him a toy which he doesn't like but whenever anyone want to play with it, he became angry and start showing his rights on it... You're same like that boy sweetheart and I'm your that toy... You don't like me but you can't tolerate me with someone else... Even you're so much possessive that you can't tolerate that my attention divert to anything else except you"
Swara gets shock to listen it, she looks down and feels embarrassing because he was saying truth.
Sanskar holds her chin slowly and looks into her eyes:" Listen Swara! Don't feel shame on it, you're like that... So admit it.. Possessiveness is not a bad thing, I'm also possessive about you, but don't abuse to anyone just like you did with Shanaya.. She's my benefactor and I can't tolerate any words against her"
Swara says in weak voice:" I'm sorry for it.."
Sanskar:" This thing you should say to her and as I've seen, she already forgave you.. Right?"
Swara nods slowly, she's still leaning on his chest and she can hear his slow heartbeat.
Swara:" Shanaya told me that you never spare anyone..but you don't say anything to me"
Sanskar smiles sadly:" Yeah she's right... But my family isn't included in anyone's category... And you're my family Swara"
Swara looks into his eyes and slowly puts her head on his chest.
Sanskar:" One more thing..."
Swara ups her eyes.
Sanskar:" Don't expect softness and love type things from me, I can't do that and I won't be like that... But except of it, make sure about one thing..." He pauses, swara is still looking his face, he completes his words by saying that:" I'm only yours now"
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  1. Replies
    1. saba vry gud dear...............this is 4 those hu luv ff or readin ..sign up,sign up 4 being a membe r,seach 'Snow Flakes-MY swaragini writing index'read d winter series its just amazxin

  2. Saba if possible upload next episode also today only plz we r waiting for it

  3. wow...awesoome ...kind request for u...plz update the next today itself...or try to update daily..

  4. its interesting. pls upload other ff also soon

  5. Really a blast aftr three days.. Such a long and amazing episode..

  6. Nice episode...
    Swara's reaction is unexpected..but it is d fact to accept lovable one with their flaws..which was their past...
    Pls give ,some scenes in sanskar's POV regarding swara...
    Raglak is cute..
    Sanaya and swara bonding is neat..
    Overall neat...

  7. Thanks alot guys! Yeah! If I'll find time, I'll must update that too and thanks guys again...!

  8. Awesome saba. Updtsoon.
    Cn anyone tell me hw cn i get to knw tht new updt has been published?
