Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 47

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 24, 2016 with 41 comments
Sanskar says:" But you've other option too.."

Swara looks him questioningly.

Sanskar says in one breath:" Give me a one chance.."

Swara looks him with amazed because she never expected this sentence from him.

He closes to her and cups her face in his palm:" Give me a chance Swara to make everything in right way and

correct my every mistake..." She ups her eyes and he looks into her eyes. His eyes are still heating but not with

lust, but this time with pain. She can't control her tear to flow out from her eyes and hugs him.

He hugs her back and says slowly:" Give me a chance Swara to bring smile on her face on which I ever give


Swara tightens her grip and says in wet voice:" I don't give you, you're so bad..."

Sanskar departs her and says:" Choice is yours Swara, I know I'm bad but I try to make you happy"

Swara shouts:" You're layer..."

Sanskar:" I'm not, you know very well..."

Swara:" Why do you want to stay with me"

Sanskar:" Because you're my wife..."

Swara:" Someone did with his wife like this?"

Sanskar:" I'm sorry..."

This time Swara smiles and says:" Say it again..."

Sanskar:" I don't say one thing again..." He smiles proudly.

Swara looks him with anger:" Then I won't give you second chnce"

Sanskar:" Choice is yours..."

Swara hits him back to back:" You're so bad.."

Sanskar holds her hands and hugs her:" Yes I'm..."

Swara feels relaxation in his arms and says in pleading voice:" Don't do it again Sanskar... I can give you what you

want but at least don't hurt my self respect... You don't know how much it's painful to molest by someone..."

Sanskar ups her chin and asks:" Someone...?"

Swara shyly says:" Someone whom we love..."

Sanskar sighs:" Don't use this word Swara, this give me pain.."

Swara:" You said you expected this thing from your life"

Sanskar:" I was talking about general concept..."

Swara:" No I asked about you..."

Sanskar smiles to see her and she asks:" Why are you smiling?"

He hugs her again:" Finally I got my real wife.."

Swara:" Thank you..."

Sanskar:" For what?"

Swara:" To being real with me... Because you never be like that with me.. Always hide your inner self from me.."

Sanskar:" Because it's painful and it can harm you..."

Swara:" But you did... You gave me pain.."

Sanskar:" I just want to let you go whenever you're with me but it was your bad luck you didn't go from there"

Swara:" But .." Suddenly she thinks something and gets stop.

Sanskar:" You can say it Swara... I really wanted a wife like who just says "yes sir" on my every order but when you

stayed like that I realized that I like... I like your smile, your talk, your arguments even your restrictions... At least

I'm human being and I can't live with dead body...." He looks her face and says again:" You made me realize this

thing Swara..."

Swara takes her name:" Sanskar..."

She hugs him again:" You don't know how much I suffered from all this"

Sanskar:" Don't be like that again..."

Swara:" Don't hurt me again like that..."

Sanskar:" I'm helpless Swara... I mean to say whenever I got fit, I couldn't understand anything and in the time of

intimacy, I can't control myself... Swara! This is long time I'm used to it, I know it's painful but I can't change in this


Swara nods and she says finally which she was thinking from many days:" I know Sanskar..."

Sanskar leans down and she puts her head on his chest and continues:" I know... But you can change if you try..."

Sanskar starts caresses her hairs and says:" Don't you think I ever try?"

Swara:" Might you were tried but..."

Sanskar looks her, she ups her face and their eyes tackle to each other.

Sanskar:" But..."

Swara gasps and says:" Why don't you start treatment of this?"

Sanskar scowls to listen her:" Do you think I'm psycho?" His ego hurts to listen it.

Swara:" No... Actually but it's addiction Sanskar... There is many treatment of addiction of alcohol and smoking but

why don't people think about this addiction? This is worse than those addiction because it also effect on our

partner too"

Sanskar feels anger to listen her but he said that he would try to change so he doesn't say anything.

Sanskar:" Get sleep Swara... It's already late"

Swara:" Are you trying to escape from this topic?"

Sanskar:" Nope Swara... This isn't so much easy you're saying, firstly I'm addicted of it almost 8 to 9 years,

secondly, in starting I tried to control or get treatment also... But it didn't work and thirdly if I would start

treatment media get know and it can effected my business also and I only love my work and don't want to take risk

of it"

Swara jerks:" And what about your family Sanskar?"

Sanskar thinks she's talking about Maheshwaries and asks:" Which family? They've no concern of me"

Swara:" I'm talking about us Sanskar... Myself and... And our would be children"

Sanskar looks her with shock:" Are you pregnant?"

Swara:" No... But in future, you married off course we would take baby also..."

Sanskar suddenly realizes something and says in lost voice:" I didn't marry for this purpose..."

Swara:" I know your purpose... But at least, you've to make family.."

Sanskar gets tens to listen her but this time he doesn't want to make her disappointed:" Swara! I'm not giving you

any hope but we would talk about this topic later.."

Swara lifts her eyebrows:" On which topic, baby or treatment?"

Sanskar:" Firstly treatment... Then we would think about making family..."

Swara is trying to say something but he cuts her words:" At least I'm saying I would try or think on this topic,

Swara! Don't be so hasty... Everything would take time to take its right place... You can't change everything at


Swara understands him and nods:" But don't take so much time Sanskar..."

Sanskar:" I'm not sure about time Swara and don't want to give you fake hope... You just wait, I initially broke my

promise but I wouldn't do this again... Don't worry..."

Swara nods and closes her eyes peacefully then she suddenly raises her head and says:" You neither take sleeping

pills nor..." She blushes to say about their intimacy. Sanskar looks her with affection while blushing:" Don't worry...

I'm satisfied from many nights, I won't sleep completely but I can control myself..."

Swara gets up, lays beside her and hugs his arm:" Then I won't sleep also..."

Sanskar:" You should sleep Swara, you don't have any this type of problem"

Swara looks him and says in serious tone:" Give me a chance too Sanskar...I know you get treated and tried but

that time you were alone or with Shanaya but She wasn't your wife and she was used to it but I'm your wife

Sanskar... Let me do this in my way, I maybe wrong but my intention isn't wrong"

Sanskar nods and suddenly he gets remind something and says:" That night, you stopped me from taking sleeping

pills, next morning you weren't sore, why?"

Swara also realizes this thing:" I don't know why maybe I've accepted you or I was in lunacy..."

Sanskar thinks something and says:" That time you were initially in lead..."

Swara also realizes this:" I didn't noticed this..."

Sanskar tightens his grip:" Then I should give you a chance to lead"

Swara:" Doesn't your ego hurt to lead by woman?"

Sanskar:" You're my wife..."

Swara mocks:" Oh! I forgot that I'm your wife..."

Sanskar smiles and whispers:" Take a position Swara..."

Swara blushes to listen it and leaves her hug:" I can't..."

She leans on her pillow and he comes on her:" I like your blushing face"

She downs her eyelashes and looks him again who is looking her with again heated eyes and this time this heat is

soft and warm.

She puts her arms around his neck:" I love you Sanskar..."

Sanskar squeezes his eyes with pain:" Don't say like that Swara..."

Swara:" Is it bad to love my husband?"

Sanskar:" It's virtue Swara but as I observe life in depth, everything seems like feign except materialistic things... I

also observed people and my own feelings very carefully, there is one thing in our life is true and that's our desire...

Desire doesn't mean bad things, it can be virtuous also but we do everything just for the sake of it, we broke down,

we cried, we do everything for our desires and wants Swara... That's why my belief arose from every type of


Swara listens him carefully:" Might be you would be right Sanskar, I've no wits like you, I'm just emotional being so

I said what I feel and in my point of view it's true because I feel it instead of observing"

He leans on her and kisses on her neck:" Yes I know you're true and be true to me please..."

Swara caresses his hairs and says:" Why don't you start trusting on me?"

Sanskar gasps:" I trust on you Swara! I'm afraid... I afraid that time when devil overcome the human being..."

Swara kisses on his earlobe and whispers slowly:" Don't worry Sanskar... My love is much strong than any devil"

Sanskar smiles and completely holds her in his arms but this time his grip is gentle.

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  1. Finally..Waiting for a changed sanskar..changed fr better

  2. today's episode was calm and sweet...but still i have a doubt why sanskar doesn't want a baby?????????

    1. I think in past, kavi ws pregnant nd she hid truth fron sanskar. later he came to know dat, kavi aborted d child.. he ws so depressed in dat situation , so this impact has made him not hav baby i guess.. bt let c wt saba has planned for us..

  3. You did it Saba.... You are superb.... No one can match your writing skills.

  4. Jst awsm cant hv words to describe ☺

  5. Just lived it saba thanks for d update and ya y does sans nit want a baby.....let them have family.......and make sanskar normal fast pls

  6. Just lived it saba thanks for d update and ya y does sans nit want a baby.....let them have family.......and make sanskar normal fast pls

  7. Yes u r best writer words to say about this episode...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. U r awesom loved it finally Sanskar is changing eager for the next one I m addicted to ur fiction god what will happen when u will end it

  10. Hi Saba I'm ila ur fiction is super excited.I wanna know I posted a fiction whether you got it or should I resend it it's almost 2 hours I posted so plz do inform me

    1. dear! i got your email and replied you.. check and reply me

  11. Wow nice smooth epi saba... finally he has got soft corner swara and he trust her... swara itself said evrythng cnt change in one day.. nice.. its good to see sanskar changing a bit nd said sorry too...
    credit - claps dor u saba... for all d 47 epi... nd gonna reach half centuary ie golden jublee..

  12. wow yar... ur superb.... i felt butterflies in my stomach..... i just love this story......

  13. you all wanted to know why he dont want baby the ans is that bc of meera incident he doesnt want it

    1. Saba I'm getting a problem with my I'd so can u say me right here plz hope you understand me I'm not able to open it since 3 days plz say me in reply

    2. hey dear i want to ask from you that either you posted that ff on other site too or not? if you have fb id then msg me there
      this is my fb link

    3. No dear do u have instagram I only have instagram I'd I'm not too much on social media and I didn't post that on any sites this is first site and I will not post aslo on other are u getting any problem for posting it???

    4. its ok dear! i would post it and im not on instagram

  14. thank u Sooooooooo muchhhhhhh saba apa.ur the best writer.if u don't mind,pls update next part soon.the episode is sweet,lovely, hearttouching n awesome.finally sanskar realize he doesn't like her as a puppet

  15. Super cool epi.....going great
    But please change the background soon otherwise I'll have to wear specs very soon

    1. dear its not possible to change it soon bc ive to do all setting again. i would chnge definitely but wait dear plz

    2. It's OK dear I'll definitely wait.....but pls put some plain background whenever u change it.

  16. Super cool epi.....going great
    But please change the background soon otherwise I'll have to wear specs very soon

  17. Awesome episode. Yup Swara's love is more powerful.

  18. Saba i m so in love with this part... that i have practically read it for more than a dozen time....

  19. If swara accpeted sanskar with whole heart, pls make her wear the nose pin which given by sanskar. Pls

  20. pls saba apa update next part soon

  21. Saba please update next part soon

  22. waiting for the next update dear!!!

  23. Saba waiting fr next part dear ..pls upload soon

  24. But how come he change his lifestyle within days........

  25. plz update nxt part soon.... im dieing to knw wt hapn nxt.........

  26. Plz update saba

  27. This is one of my favourite episode ...
